• Democracy in Telegram groups

      Many of us spend time in specialized telegram groups. The power over communication here belongs to random people with their own shortcomings. Conflict and abuse occurs regularly. Is there another way to keep order so that scam spam doesn't flourish and no one has total control over group members?
      In my case, these thoughts led to the development and testing of a system that can be connected to your Telegram today.

      How it works?
    • Customer feedback: The ultimate guide

      • Tutorial


      It was 1989 when 2 editors of Inc. magazine, George Gendron and Bo Burlingham made the nervous drive to Palo Alto, California. Not long beforehand they’d decided on who to name as Inc.’s Entrepreneur of the Decade, and finally, they would get a chance to interview him.

      As they entered the offices of NeXT, their interviewee approached them. In his trademark jeans and turtleneck sweater, Steve Jobs led them up the stairs to his office and the interview commenced.

      Securing an interview with Steve Jobs was rare, even in 1989. And, wanting to make the most of their time, the editors got straight to the point with their very first question:

      “Where do great products come from?”

      After a slight pause, and a shuffle in his chair, Jobs replied:

      “I think really great products come from melding two points of view; the technology point of view and the customer point of view. You need both. You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new.”

      Silence overshadowed the room. Three decades later, and this powerful answer Jobs gave is something that still isn’t often internalized in companies. 

      Collecting user feedback is incredibly important. As you’ll see examples of later in this article, launching surveys, asking onboarding questions, and conducting customer interviews are all vital tools for improving your product. 

      But the true lesson that Steve Jobs gave all this time ago was that user feedback isn’t as simple as asking what users want, or what they think about your product, and making those changes. You have to dive much deeper.

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    • Benefits of Hybrid Data Lake: How to combine Data Warehouse with Data Lake

        Hey, hey! I am Ilya Kalchenko, a Data Engineer at NIX, a fan of big and small data processing, and Python. In this article, I want to discuss the benefits of hybrid data lakes for efficient and secure data organization.

         To begin with, I invite you to figure out the concepts of Data Warehouses and Data Lake. Let’s delve into the use cases and delimit areas of responsibility.

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      • $mol_func_sandbox: hack me if you might!.

        • Translation

        Hello, I'm Jin, and I… want to play a game with you. Its rules are very simple, but breaking them… will lead you to victory. Feel like a hacker getting out of the JavaScript sandbox in order to read cookies, mine bitcoins, make a deface, or something else interesting.


        And then I'll tell you how the sandbox works and give you some ideas for hacking.

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      • Q1 2021 DDoS attacks and BGP incidents

          The year 2021 started on such a high note for Qrator Labs: on January 19, our company celebrated its 10th anniversary. Shortly after, in February, our network mitigated quite an impressive 750 Gbps DDoS attack based on old and well known DNS amplification. Furthermore, there is a constant flow of BGP incidents; some are becoming global routing anomalies. We started reporting in our newly made Twitter account for Qrator.Radar.

          Nevertheless, with the first quarter of the year being over, we can take a closer look at DDoS attacks statistics and BGP incidents for January - March 2021.

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        • Atomic Swaps — Taking out the Middleman

            And so here we find ourselves in the year of our lord 2021. Global crypto market capitalization is approaching $2 trillion. PayPal is launching a crypto checkout service. Lindsay Lohan is shilling Tron. The Dogecoin Super Bowl commercial didn’t happen, but Elon’s taking it “literally” to the moon instead. Our ascendancy is complete. Crypto is mainstream. But, even today, getting your hands on certain crypto assets can be a bit of an epic journey. 

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          • Ads
            AdBlock has stolen the banner, but banners are not teeth — they will be back

          • Flitter Your Business With AI Integrated Flutter App Development

            As we all are aware of the fact that the digital market is heavily leaning towards a reliable UX-driven process, app development has become quite complex, especially for targeting the industry for mobile platforms.

            For every organization, creating a product that is beneficial for their customer needs always comes up with a plethora of challenges. 

            From the technical point of time, there are various challenges that every business faces, including selecting the right platform for the app, the right technology stack or framework, and creating an app that fulfills the needs and expectations of customers.  

            Similarly, there are more challenges that every business faces and needs to cope with while creating its dream product. 

            So, what to do??

            Well, what if I say that the answer to all your queries and questions is Flutter app development with Artificial Intelligence (AI)  integration……

            Surprised? Wondering how? 

            Well, AI in Flutter app development is one of the best advancements in the software market. The concept of AI was first introduced during the 20th century with loads of innovations and advancements that we are still integrating into our mobile app development. 

            But, what are Artificial Intelligence and Flutter app development? 

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          • Go Rant: Highly Opionated View About Reaches and Gotchas of Goland

              In this series, I would like to discuss some reaches of Go programming language. There is no shortage of Go-Language-Of-Cloud style articles in which you can explore the great benefits that Go indeed provides. However, there are lees to every wine, and Go does not go without blemish. In this highly opinionated series, we cover some controversies and, dare I say, pitfalls of the original Go design.

              We start tough and begin with the essence of Go — it's inbuild data types. In this article, we put slice to the test. Let's move a step further from the Go Tour and use slice more extensively. For example, there is no separate data type as stack in Go, because slice type is intended to cover all its usage scenarios.

              Let's briefly recap the usage of the stack. We can create a stack in two seconds using a couple of paper stickers. You write "buy milk" on the first sticker and put at the desk, and then "make the dishes" on the second and pile it on the first sticker. Now, you have a stack: the dishes sticker came last but will be served first, as it is on the top of the stack. Thus, there is an alternative name for stack — LIFO, Last-In-First-Out. To compare, there is the "opposite" data structure queue or FILO — first in, first out. In programming, stacks are everywhere, either in the explicit form or in the implicit as stack trace of the execution of a recursive function.

              Ok, let's put slice into use and implement stack.

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            • How to Recover NAS/SAN Data, and Configure a Network-Attached Storage System

              • Tutorial
              Are you looking for a solution to recover data from a hard disk within a network storage system like SAN or NAS? If you need to recover lost data from partitions using such file systems as NTFS, FAT, exFAT, ReFS, HFS+, Ext2/3/4, ReiserFS – try Hetman Partition Recovery. It will quickly scan your disk and display the available data on the screen, so you will only have to select the elements you need and recover them.


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            • How to Recover a Crashed RAID 5EE After Controller Failure or Multiple Disk Failure

              • Tutorial
              How to recover data from a RAID array with a dead controller? How to create a RAID 5EE storage system with an Adaptec ASR-6805T controller? What to do if one or several disks within the array break down? How to replace an inoperable drive? How to recover the lost information after a controller error? Read this article for extended explanations, and learn the sequence of steps you need to take if you want to solve any of these issues.

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            • Context category

              • Translation

              The mathematical model of signed sequences with repetitions (texts) is a multiset. The multiset was defined by D. Knuth in 1969 and later studied in detail by A. B. Petrovsky [1]. The universal property of a multiset is the existence of identical elements. The limiting case of a multiset with unit multiplicities of elements is a set. A set with unit multiplicities corresponding to a multiset is called its generating set or domain. A set with zero multiplicity is an empty set.

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            • Roslyn API: Why PVS-Studio Was Analyzing the Project So Long

                How many of you have used third-party libraries when writing code? It's a catchy question. Without third-party libraries the development of some products would be delayed for a very, very long time. One would have to reinvent the wheel to solve each problem. When you use third-party libraries you still stumble upon some pitfalls in addition to obvious advantages. Recently PVS-Studio for C# has also faced one of the deficiencies. The analyzer could not finish analyzing a large project for a long time. It was due to the use of the SymbolFinder.FindReferencesAsync method from the Roslyn API in the V3083 diagnostic.

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              • Finally! PVS-Studio Supports .NET 5 Projects

                  On November 10th, 2020, Microsoft released a new version of .NET Core - .NET 5. The updated platform presents many new enhancements. For example, it allows C# developers to use features the new C# 9 offers: records, relational pattern matching, etc. Unfortunately, there was a disadvantage: PVS-Studio could not analyze these projects. However (and here's the good news)... That used to be the case :) Our next release, PVS-Studio 7.13, will support projects that target .NET 5.

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                • You are standing at a red light at an empty intersection. How to make traffic lights smarter?

                    Types of smart traffic lights: adaptive and neural networks

                    Adaptive works at relatively simple intersections, where the rules and possibilities for switching phases are quite obvious. Adaptive management is only applicable where there is no constant loading in all directions, otherwise it simply has nothing to adapt to – there are no free time windows. The first adaptive control intersections appeared in the United States in the early 70s of the last century. Unfortunately, they have reached Russia only now, their number according to some estimates does not exceed 3,000 in the country.

                    Neural networks – a higher level of traffic regulation. They take into account a lot of factors at once, which are not even always obvious. Their result is based on self-learning: the computer receives live data on the bandwidth and selects the maximum value by all possible algorithms, so that in total, as many vehicles as possible pass from all sides in a comfortable mode per unit of time. How this is done, usually programmers answer – we do not know, the neural network is a black box, but we will reveal the basic principles to you…

                    Adaptive traffic lights use, at least, leading companies in Russia, rather outdated technology for counting vehicles at intersections: physical sensors or video background detector. A capacitive sensor or an induction loop only sees the vehicle at the installation site-for a few meters, unless of course you spend millions on laying them along the entire length of the roadway. The video background detector shows only the filling of the roadway with vehicles relative to this roadway. The camera should clearly see this area, which is quite difficult at a long distance due to the perspective and is highly susceptible to atmospheric interference: even a light snowstorm will be diagnosed as the presence of traffic – the background video detector does not distinguish the type of detection.

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