The world's leading arbitration institution

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ICC Arbitration is a flexible and efficient procedure for resolving domestic and international disputes.

The awards are binding, final and enforceable anywhere in the world.

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As COVID-19 continues to threaten lives and livelihoods, action is needed from governments, private sector leaders and international institutions to ensure the continued viability of our MSMEs.

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ICC Digital Growth
ICC mobilises business worldwide to convey shared views on trusted government access to private-sector held personal data

ICC and Business at the OECD (BIAC) have issued a joint statement to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on high-level principles for trusted government access to personal data.

ICC world’s most preferred arbitral institute, global survey finds

ICC’s reputation as the world’s most preferred arbitral institute has been upheld in a major survey of arbitration professionals and users worldwide.

Business leaders and civil society urge UN to take meaningful action to combat corruption

ICC and Integrity Initiatives International press for stronger enforcement of anti-corruption laws.

ICC mobilises network to help end pandemic in the Caribbean

An inaugural meeting of the ICC Regional Action Network for the Caribbean took place on 28 April, uniting chambers of commerce and private sector leaders for discussions to help shape a path to end the pandemic in the region.

ICC welcomes G7 Ministerial Declaration on the digital and technology agenda to ‘build back better’

ICC has welcomed commitments made by the G7 and European Union as a “momentous step forward” to reaping the benefits of digitalisation in international trade transactions.

ICC joins global commitment calling for a people-centered approach to achieve meaningful connectivity

ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has signed a joint statement on how to achieve meaningful connectivity for all at the 2021 High-Level Digital Debate of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on Connectivity and Digital Cooperation.

ICC and WFP partner to mobilise the private sector in support of zero hunger around the globe

ICC and World Food Programme have launched a global partnership to engage the business community and foster strategic collaborations at regional and national levels in support of the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal 2: Zero Hunger.

ICC applauds the Biden Administration’s commitment to cut emissions in half by 2030

ICC has issued the following statement in support of the Biden Administration's commitment to cut American greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030.

Digital trade
ICC confirms diverse Centre for ADR Standing Committee to bolster expertise and dispute boards

ICC has announced new additions to the Standing Committee of its International Centre for ADR (Centre), including a new president and vice-presidents.