Getting Started

Administration Screens

The Administration Screen provides access to the control features of your WordPress installation. Common Layout Each Administration Screen is presented in sections, the toolbar (and […]

Giving WordPress Its Own Directory

Many people want WordPress to power their website’s root (e.g. but they don’t want all of the WordPress files cluttering up their root directory. […]

Settings Reading Screen

The options in the Settings Reading Screen are few in number, but still important. You can decide if you want posts or a “static” Page […]

Dashboard Screen

Dashboard → Home From the Dashboard Screen, you can quickly access your site’s content and get glimpses into other areas of the WordPress community. The […]

Importing Content

Using the WordPress Import tool, you can import content into your site from another WordPress site, or from another publishing system. You can find many […]

Settings General Screen

This Settings General Screen is the default Screen in the Settings Administration Screen and controls some of the most basic configuration settings for your site: […]

Appearance Menus Screen

The Menu Screen enables user to create a custom menu (also known as navigation bar, navigation menu, or main menu). It is a section of […]

Backing Up Your WordPress Files

There are two parts to backing up your WordPress site: Database and Files. This page talks about Files only; if you need to back up […]

Pages Add New Screen

The Pages Add New Screen allows you to add new Pages. Screen Options The Screen Options allow you to choose which modules are displayed, or […]

New to WordPress – Where to start

If you are new to WordPress, here is a step-by-step plan for getting started. If you need help along the way, plenty of options for […]