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since 2019

With our latest project we want to make digital democracy more accessible. Since October 2019 we have been developing the self-hosted participation platform adhocracy+. adhocracy+ is simple, free of charge and its code is under Open Source License (APGLv3). It is easy because you can register in just four steps. Free of charge, because we want to finance the project with donations. And Open Source, because it is simply important to us! With adhocracy+ you can easily set up a participation process for your NGO, your community, your citizens council or your political work.


The participation platform adhocracy+

adhocracy+ offers a wide range of participation modules. In total, all 9 current modules of Adhocracy are used. The modules include: Brainstorming, brainstorming with map, idea competition, idea competition with map, text discussion, survey, participatory budgeting, prioritisation and even interactive event. The interactive event module has been taken from our SpeakUp project and makes your panel discussion even more inclusive.

Are you curious about using adhocracy+ for your organization? Then register in just four steps.

Watch out: We offer free workshops for adhocracy+ from January 2020. Get together with other organisations and we will come to you! You can find more information here.

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