Support » Everything else WordPress » How to upload zip file to wordpress media to download to customer

  • Resolved leksiko


    I want to upload a .zip file to the WordPress Media so that I can download it to a customer, how can I do this? I tried some plugins, but they didn’t seem to work

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  • It’s not hard to do manually.

    1. Upload your file
    2. Copy the file URL from the right-hand side bar in the media upload window
    3. Close the media window using the ‘X’ at the rop right-hand corner (don’t ‘Insert into post’)
    4. Add that link to the text of your link
    Thread Starter leksiko


    You don’t seem to understand my question. I cannot upload zip files, every time I try it gives me an error.

    Ahh, you should have said that in your first question. 🙂

    So what errors are you getting? What are you seeing when you try? More information is always better.

    I’d say that it’s WordPress blocking ZIP files. If that’s the case, you can use the ‘upload_mimes’ filter to allow ZIP files, or any other file types that you need to upload;

    Thread Starter leksiko


    I did, I said I wanted to upload a .zip file. I figured it out.

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