Support » Fixing WordPress » All of The Analytics Page Blank

  • Hello,

    I don’t remember when the last time I open the Analytics page but today as I open it, it just white blank from the Overview – Settings, all blank

    This is what it looks like
    Admin Page

    How can I solve this?


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  • WordPress doesn’t have any “Analytics” feature.

    What plugin are you using?

    You should post in the specific plugin’s support forum here, or contact the developer directly if it’s a commercial plugin that can’t be downloaded from

    Thread Starter slimmz


    I’m sorry but I thought these pages came with the WordPress,

    Or I think it’s woocommerce?

    where can I check what plugin it came with?


    I can see products, orders, coupons, etc in your screenshot. So this is likely something from Woocommerce. WordPress itself doesn’t have any products, orders, or coupons — so there’s no point having “analytics” for these things in WordPress itself.

    Woocommerce’s support forum is here:

    Thread Starter slimmz


    All right then, I will move the thread

    Thanks mate

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