All Public Signatures

This is the complete list of all the people who signed the open letter and agreed to have their names made public. 30937 people have expressed their support already – are you one of them?

The list is updated hourly.

Name Country Comment
John France It's so obvious, I don't understand why it's not already the case.
pelniexpress Indonesia
Destiny Polston I love this!
L T Costelloe-Ward United Kingdom The opportunities for innovation and re-use are immense
Ferda Koç Turkey
Michael Schuppe Germany Bisher gibt es nur Lippenbekenntnisse zu OSS. Gelebt wird es anders. Wir brauchen freie Software!
Dirk Schöneweiß Germany Längst überfällig
Ahmet Artu Yildirim United States
Justin Frye United States
Tesla roaderick United States Preference of perspective is excluded. Perception is
Raoul Kaltenhäuser Germany
Alejandro Criado-Perez Spain
B. Nolte Germany Das Video ist toll gemacht und die Analogie überzeugt mich komplett.
Johannes Osterburg Germany Öffentliche Verwaltungen sollten gemeinwohlorientiert arbeiten.
Magdalena Turska Poland
Scott guffey United States
Lars Windauer Germany
Erasto Tanzania
Thiện Vietnam Cần rõ ràng
Justin Lawson United States
Kamil Pietruszynski United Kingdom
nursen gallipoli Turkey freedom !
بهاء ابو فتيان Iraq ممكن إسترجاع ضبط النظام السابق الى هاتفي مع كل المحتوى الرقمي العربي السابق كل السنوات الى حسابي هاذا وشكران الي
Tobias Krause Germany
Hunter home United States Hello world!
Attila Gazso Hungary
António Santos Portugal Congratulations for the initiative
Roberto Orlando Italy Puglia
Hans Persson Sweden This is important for a transparent democracy!
Juan Delaney United States
Benedettor grace Kenya World press looks really good to Indy easily
Christian Hocke
Kai Sommer Germany Freie Software muss die Standardoption für öffentlich finanzierte Software sein!
Cristina María Spain
Till Germany
Nicolas Reru Switzerland GAFAM are killing life ! ___ the planet is dying ! _ let's stop the disaster ! --- libre software ++
Suthee Longkaew Thailand
patrick maurer Switzerland les GAFAM tuent la vie ! la planète est en train de crever ! _ arrêtons le massacre ! -> logiciel libre ++
Raul Narvaez Ortega Mexico
Sebastian Horch Germany
ly cao dai Vietnam
Eliot Blennerhassett New Zealand
Alexandre Jousset
Blake conner
Walter Ebert Germany
尤海龙 China
ChrisN United States #EvolFamily2FutureFamily
Hans Kunkell Sweden
副島悠月羽 Japan
Eli Bradley United States
Jaume Llinàs Spain
Aljoscha Marcel Everding Germany
Nooop United States Hg
Vincent Felde Germany
Damien Dervishi Switzerland
Ewald Geier Germany Für mich gehören Entwicklungen, die die Öffentlichkeit (die Steuerzahler) zahlt, auch der Öffentlichkeit gehören
Mehdi Khosravi United States WordPress very hard and not good hosted
Christian Heldt Germany
Maria Dalhage Sweden
Maarten van Gompel Netherlands
René van Buuren United Kingdom
Martin Schwemmer Germany Ich will eine offene Welt !
Kunalroy Kunalroykunal in world
Leah United States My boyfriend’s been sneaking around I’m going to find out what’s going on
Alfredo Rangel cortez United States
Suttirat Ampha Thailand
Andre Naumann Germany
Dave Lane New Zealand This is the right approach. We're starting to get there in New Zealand, but it needs to be mandatory.
Laurent Nadolski France
Tran Kim Trong Vietnam
Eddie Williams United States
Eddie Williams United States
Andrea Giidiceandrea Italy
Jean-Loup JOUVE France argent public - code public
Pia Großer Germany
Dzmitry Plashchynski Belarus
Ahmed Nigeria i wish my request will be accepted and recommended
Sam Malaysia Approving the codes always and getting a new methods in a new programming languages
heber jesus silva garcia Mexico [email protected]
M.elisabeth Rodell Skriv på
Ferdinand Soethe Germany
David Emerson Huey United States
Reinhold Pescoller Italy
Raffaele Diotallevi Italy Le pubbliche amministrazioni che trattano continuamente dati personali e sensibili non possono non sapere come operano i loro SW
Roberto Martina Italy Firmo perchè la conoscenza e il software sia proprietà di tutti
Valters Tomsons Latvia
Aiden Palet Ramos Spain
Onyeka Robinson Nigeria yes I think it suppose
Andreia Montenegro Portugal
michael harris United States Trying to bring the best
Joel Rangsmo Sweden
Ngô Ngọc Đức Huy Vietnam
Christian Schmidt Germany
Thomas Neuhold Austria Freie Software ist wichtig im Bildungsbereich!
Tobias Brink Germany Today's software is infrastructure. Free software/open source is the only way to ensure full public acces to this infrastructure.
Daniel Germer Germany
Niels C Nielsen Denmark
jonas larson Sweden It's so obvious it should be law.
Jarek Potiuk Poland
Imobach González Sosa Spain
Yuji Sugawa Japan
Vilawan P. Thailand
Benjamin Hainaut Belgium
Alberto Spain The only way to guarantee the users freedom in the near future
Ravi Soni India Hello myself Ravi Soni better known Rvs Tiger I am music artist and
Inès Mathy Belgium
間瀬太陽 Japan
Emir Kovacevic Bosnia and Herzegovina Zelio bi se pridruzit
Jörg Bogadtke
秦 友幸 Japan 公共機関のために開発された公的資金によるソフトウェアは、フリー・オープンソースソフトウェアライセンスで一般公開することを義務付ける法律を制定してほしい。
Morten Holm Christensen Denmark Lyder som en super idé der kunne gøre fremtidens software meget sikrere, hurtigere, billigere og generelt mere effektivt og transparent.
寺村俊紀 Japan
Jim Garrett United States
Clifford R Boyer United States
Sebastian Voß Germany
Ray South Africa Patrick Connolly CA I want my tax money to go towards companies and initiatives that are building shared wealth, not building private prod
Andreas Lindlbauer Austria
Alexandra Trawe Germany
Pedro J. Ponce de León Spain FOSS is the only means to guarantee digital rights and achieve technological sovereignty.
Matthias Thym Austria As a proponent and developer of Free and Open Source Software I regard the proposed changes to legislation as more than overdue!
Lara Hube Germany
Arni Kromić Croatia
Patrick Connolly Canada I want my tax money to go towards companies and initiatives that are building shared wealth, not building private products to lock us in.
Marco Klinkenberg Germany In my opinion Europe needs Open Source Software for all the government agencies
ANNA rabatti Belgium
Victor Alfonso Gutierrez López Mexico Necesito código de seguridad para acceder a mi cuenta Google de este correo [email protected]
Peter Martin Gerlatzek Germany
Volker Wieder Germany
Ján Bošácky Slovakia
Pavel Bosacky Slovakia
Simon Austria
Richard Steinbrück Germany
Fattah Iran خیلی خوبه هر چند شناختی به اون صورت ندارم نسبت به برنامه
Martin Pechstein Germany FOSS 4 the win!
Mario Kuschel Germany Wir brauchen die Finanzierung von open source Projekten !
Markus Joschko Germany
Stanislav Tsekhmistro Netherlands As I want my devices run free software OSes only I'll have no other choice than to switch back to paper mailing very soon.
Maksimas Lajauskas United Kingdom Transparency is critical to a functioning society and its future.
Tim Schmidt Germany
Claus-Christoph Großer Germany
Malena Kincaid
Nicole Wittfoot Germany
Gabriel Perez y Ros United Kingdom
Ralf von der Brelie Germany Open Source bedeutet mehr Sicherheit, mehr Freiheit, mehr Unabhängigkeit
Stefan Schallerl Austria
Steffi Kranz Germany Was von Steuergeldern bezahlt wird sollte allen zur Verfügung stehen.
Manuel Hahnkow Germany Was von Steuergeldern bezahlt wird sollte allen zur Verfügung stehen.
Bojan Adzic Serbia This is great news! This would prevent elections fraud using personal ID numbers from gvt web apps (Serbia 2020)... Thanks!
Daniel Zambia I need more money to invest in my business
Muhamad Hafizie Malaysia open letter and get icense
Βασίλης Βρέσκος Greece
Randy United States
Odo Wolbers Germany
Anita Locashio United States I'm looking for a live forum like ZOOM that's not from China, Hackable, ect. We deserve the truth, the safeties, & the ability to spend our
Kazuki Imamura Japan
Apidech Thailand
Gerrit Albrecht Germany
Florian Sager Germany Als IT-Untern. nutzen wir seit jeher freie Software, mit wirtsch. Erfolg; diesen Erfolgsansatz sollten wir mit Steuergeld ebenfalls nutzen.
Nikita Domnitskii Russia
Magnus Schieder Germany
Daniel Kastl Japan
Carmen Völkle Germany
Andy Sandford United Kingdom Let's legislate to improve now
Hal Seki Japan Let's create common knowledge capital with Open Source Software
Evan Tarp Greece
Moritz-Jonathan Leick Germany
Troler Libya
Gilson Brazil thank you
Teresa Staiger Germany
Annalena Rommel Germany
Diana Krebs Germany
Jeanne charlotte Vogt Germany Public Money should guarantee reasonable remuneration to those creating the code — and then this very code should be open source!
Leander Seige Germany
Lage Linnarsson Sweden
Κωνσταντίνος Τσατσαρούνος Greece
Reinis Ikass Latvia
Marian Mazdra Austria It´s not just about money, it´s about democracy and a free society.
Huỳnh Hoàng Quốc Bảo Miễn phí thật sao
Jordan Germany
Κώστας Greece Τα αυτονόητα ζητάμε.
Nikos Giakoumakis Greece
Harris Greece
Daniel Rodrigo Quiñones Pinilla Spain
Dale Dewar Canada If taxes paid for it, it should be free. Like the billions that were given to pharmaceutical companies to develop vaccines.
Μιχάλης Greece
Ralph Müller-Welt Germany Wir sind Zwerge auf den Schultern von Riesen!
Ioannis Fytros Greece Public administration should serve the people, not the multinational tech companies.
François Lapeyrère France
Bekir Işıker Turkey
Stefanos Papanatsios Greece
Niko Schmuck Germany Overcome knowledge barriers, allow us to proceed as a knowledge society, together to find solutions
TABAUD Agnès France Quittons au plus vite les logiciels propriétaires pour les Logiciels Libres. Un grand merci à la communauté du Libre.
Jonas Wolte Switzerland
Philipp Dünnebeil Germany
CHEN TZU HSUN Taiwan 謝謝您方給予本人fourty-year do action 邁出人生光茫的一幕
Love Persson Sweden
Marcel Garus Germany
LINCOLN SHARPONE United States (Healing Frequency) • Down By The River Chris Knight
Ady Indonesia Moga aja aku bisa merasakan sensasi yang berbeda di setiap hari
Nicolas Lepage Belgium
Rene Hickersberger Austria
Dennis Schlippert Germany
Ricardo de Oliveira Cardoso Brazil Libre
Hugo Suniga Silva Brazil I agree with this movement and i want that my city use more open code softwares.
Inês Pires Portugal
Nikolai Berkoff United Kingdom Opening up technology can have surprising uses and benefits for the public.
Patricia Silva Portugal
Guillermo Pajares Barallat Spain
Maximilian Funk Germany Open Access in Science muste mean Open Sourceing every research software
André João Maurício Leitão do Valle Wemans Portugal
Teresa Mota Portugal
Robert Englmeier Germany
Santiago Castillo Oli Spain Free software is the best choice.
Christopher Porter United States All about taking back the bullshit they just love to steal and exploit
Abdimajid Ethiopia I like it.
Alberto Bettencourt Portugal Força a quem labuta por Software Livre
Malik waleed Pakistan Nothing
Luís Miguel Morais Soares Portugal
Graça Bazaré Portugal Quero o meu país seguro e democrático para todos
Flávio Oliveira Portugal Concordo muito com esta iniciativa. Deviam fazer uma iniciativa semelhante para as revistas científicas com sede na União Europeia
Pedro Vaz
fabio Italy
Miguel Nabuco Portugal
Isabel Moreira Portugal this is a no-brainer!... right?
Isabel Faria Portugal
Roberta Rios United States We live in a WWW driven world. We need code to make money/websites or else we will be funding all help from your bank accounts not tax payer
Jonas Schmidt Germany
焰色拥抱 China 123
Mzahm Saudi Arabia I love my
Thomas Ramsauer Germany
Mattia Furlani Italy
Hendrik Switzerland Public money, public code!
R wilson United States Open source the world!
Damiano Salan Italy
ingusolja Germany
Allianz Zukunft Germany Eine bessere (Beteiligung an) Politik ermöglicht „eine intakte Welt, in der alle Menschen angstfrei und in Frieden miteinander leben.“
Joachim Winters Germany
Leo Benz Germany
Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli Spain Me interesaría saber cómo se están aplicando estos conceptos en el ámbito de la educación
KAISER GILLIBRAND New Zealand 33882407107-76
Gerhard Müller Germany Das sollte schon seit Jahren eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein...
Teresa Moreira Portugal
Uwe Mielke Germany Synergien schaffen ...
Rafael United Kingdom Open source and free software increases trust in governments and collaboration between countries and people.
Aivars Garolis Latvia I LIKE IT
Florian Pleil Germany
Robert Liebling Liechtenstein Steuergelder sollten im Land bleiben
J. v.d. Hooven Netherlands Great. As much as possible as soon as possible.
Bendix M. Bittscheidt Germany
Kai Matzdorf Germany
Andrej Prilipp Germany
Valentin Maillot France
nazeer Pakistan
Hervé LAGARDE France
Moran Gibori Israel This would be a great project and help develop everybody including the public code
Bernd Oestereich Germany
Nicolas Guichard France
Malte Finsterwalder Germany
Niels Christiansen Germany
Michael Whittaker Germany
Paco Pompeani France
Christophe Fontaine France
John Hopkins United States I appreciate nd approve
Gianluca Maestra Italy
Sergiuionutstanciu Spain Money
Weber Johannes Germany Open source als menschengemäßes kulturelles Bauwerk ist zeitgemäß, zukunftsfähig und nachhaltig
Xurxo Fernández López Spain En tiempos de pandemia se ha demostrado que lo público funciona.
Karin Regina Dittrich Portugal
Ole Langbehn Germany Gerade als Geschäftsführer eines Software-Dienstleistungsunternehmens sehe ich die Vorteile und Notwendigkeit.
Johannes Budkiewitz Germany
Julian Heinzel Germany Die Grundvoraussetzung dafür, dass Bürger und Regierung Kontrolle über unsere digitale Infrastruktur ausüben können.
Benjamin Stelljes Germany
Cyril Leven France Ce qui est financé par l'argent public doit bénéficier au public ; à chaque citoyen.
Jeremy ring United States when tyranny becomes law rebellion becomes duty
Lucas Mello Schnorr
Christian Rataj-Weinreben Germany
Christoph Morrison Germany
John Provience United States Go team!
Mauro Sodani Italy
Diego Colombia
刘晓峰 China 合作愉快
Harm Bathoorn Netherlands This should not need discussion .... no brainer.
Aline Fraikin Germany
Gáspár Ákos Hungary
Maja Kraljic Slovenia
Valdis Vitolins Latvia
Evan Ireland
Gareth Waite United Kingdom Be transparent in government is vitally important. More so with the software they use. Every bit of code has to be availiable for all to see
Jaime Spain
Emilio Moretti Spain
Uberto United Kingdom
Sergio Siccha Germany
Jonas Kolben
Juberahmed United States A
John Francis Sukamto Singapore Open Code will benefit all people
陳智豪 Taiwan 久違了我的天使 🤔
JitoshopifyLove Cambodia Support this call for actions by Siging our Open Letter make a such as bigger impact by siging it
Robert Hörr Germany
john Algeria d
1796755026 Cambodia 140c
Anders Sweden
Clément PRIMOT France
Sulaeman Indonesia Join subscribe
Manuel Krinzinger Austria
hamisi mrema tole Kenya +254715154772
Janne Weinzierl Germany
GODBERT France Pour toutes les applications usuelles, le logiciel libre est le plus adapté (gratuité, technicité, compatibilité)
Delacourt Yvon France Je suis pour la liberté du code
Giulio Fischetti Italy
Tobias Schmitt Germany
Florian Latzel Germany
Mike Sinn United States FOSS is particularly important and valuable for accelerating medical research.
Patrick Wicki Switzerland
Dominik Schärli Switzerland
Robert Vogel United States Good and important cause.
Max Harmathy Germany Freiheitliche Demokratie braucht freie Software
Laura Italy
Katjuscia Mattu Italy Programas apertos e liberos pro totus!
David Vallance Canada
Dlanda Griffin
Mariano Portal Argentina Queremos software libre porque es la mejor forma de agilizar el proceso de tener justicia socioambiental global y localmente.
Carlos T United States We pay them money, and we have to pay them again to use the product? Utterly stupid
Fco. Javier Teruelo de Luis Spain Es una iniciativa necesaria y que ha de ser incorporada desde la educación más básica.
Carolina Andrea Donnari Weingart Argentina No comments Hello world
Nguyễn Gia Phong Vietnam
Linghao Zhang Switzerland Free software promotes transparency in the governing body and liberty for the citizens. It could also promote freedom elsewhere.
Felix Ortmann Germany
Filipe Laíns Portugal
Paul Aretin Germany
Damian Poland
Jonathan de Jong Netherlands
Jörg Bode Germany Es wäre eine Frechheit zu meinen, dass durch Steuergelder finanzierte Entwicklung den Charakter eines Firmengeheimnisses hätte.
Dilum Fernando Sri Lanka
Ramon Philippines How to get Collaboration to earn money?
Michael Downey United States
Benjamin Herwig Germany
Johanna Månsson Grahn Sweden
Jimisola Laursen Sweden
Mikael Hamre Sweden
Onu Turkey Boşver yazılımı, ben vergisini ödediğim köprülerden para ödeyerek geçiyorum.
thomas Great initiative!
Bastien France
Arnaud Durif France
Alain BENEDETTI France
Albert DE PETIGNY France
Gabriel Ganne France
Karam Jdeed United States
Thomas Winterscheid Germany
Kevin Powers United States
Geoffroy Lorieux France
Rickard Hellenberg Sweden
Mattias Wickberg Sweden Jag är så trött på stockholms dåliga IT- hantering! Dags att tänka om.
Martin Biström Sweden
Sophie Frey Austria
Jonathan Svenheden Sweden
Magnus Berglund Sweden
Johnnie Hård Sweden
Andreas Pardeike Sweden
Anders Norrback Bornholm Sweden Öppen källkod måste bli lagkrav i offentliga upphandlingar
nono for Algeria
Thomas Thyberg Sweden
Niclas Åberg United Kingdom
ROUX France
António Manso Portugal Pago os meus impostos por isso quero software livre no sector público
Christoph Lipka Germany
Bernd Schumacher Germany
Davide Di Cioccio France
turgut Turkey Facebook grubundan para kazanmak için kod gerekiyor
Pelle Hjek Møller Kirkeby Denmark
Benjamin Zavlak Austria Use tax money efficiently for everyone's benefit!
Simone Sanvito Italy
Tobias Kheir-Buhmann Sweden
Stefania Italy
matteo maraone Italy
Roberto Turchi Italy
Claudio Carrara Italy Sottoscrivo la lettera aperta
Fabrizio Schirru Italy Mi meraviglio che il codice di applicazioni pubbliche non sia GIÀ open source
Manuel Portugal
Dlanda Griffin Money and grants
Markus Hahn
Alaa Egypt
Bharath M India
Michał Górny Poland
Rokas Subacius Libya
Maciej Barć Poland Code funded from public money should always be open, unlike this example:
Stefan Ohrhallinger
Sarah Hilker Germany
Görge Albrecht Austria
Teja Narala Belgium This is one of the ways to make the world a better place.
Tobias Umbach Germany "Public money, public code" is a vitally important idea for a free and open society that depends on digital technology.
Dr Maspuazi Matani Malaysia @EdgeofMalaysia_IdentityID-EnginerringClassified_aerospaceEnginerring/Doch=#Technologyvidion2021(MaxReLDeL)-is-CargoDragon_SinceTheymadeIT
Alphart Matthias Austria
Friedrich Kofler Austria Höchste Zeit für die Erfüllung einer alten wichtigen Forderung.
Stéphane Lorrain Canada This campaign is important
Andrew McMillan Ireland A great initiative. If my taxes paid for it, it should be available for reuse.
Vigoleis Hühn Germany
Katharina Spurny Austria
Michael Moritsch Austria If it's payed by the public it should be usable by the public. And it's a way to get rid of the US companies
Robert Pravda Netherlands
Robin Decker Germany
Kary Stephani García Cruz Dominican Republic Hola gracias por hacertarme
Luciano Nooijen Netherlands the first steps have been made in some countries with country's covid apps, now it's time for the rest to be FOSS!
Constantin Aldea Romania
Luis Muniz Spain Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and
Lucas Krüger Germany IOTA Stiftung Berlin
Sebastian Kawelke Germany
Antonio Nardella Italy
Jonathan Berrisch Germany
Harun Germany ist das erste verteilte Hauptbuch, das für das „Internet of Everything“ erstellt wurde - ein Netzwerk für den Austausch von Werten
Callum Rollo United Kingdom
Fabian Belgium
Dave Mommers Netherlands
Oliver Dück Germany
TJ Vonk Netherlands
pelle schilling Netherlands
Kees de Jong Netherlands Taking public money, but not keep that code in the public domain is wrong. We can do better and open-source has proven itself to be useful.
Wout Verswijveren Netherlands
Charlie Brodie United Kingdom It's imperative for trust and efficiency in goverment projects moving forward to use Foss licenses.
Jeroen Meeus Belgium Creëer wetgeving die vereist dat publiek gefinancierde software ontwikkeld voor de publieke sector openbaar beschikbaar moet zijn
Jean-Marie Starmans Netherlands
Janto Martin Germany We need to stop spending money on proprietary code!
Reinis Ivanovs Latvia
Daniel Jones United States
Henrik Lauritzen Denmark Free software to the people (= clients), or nonfree clients of the nonfree software
Øystein Ivar Malt Norway
Nicola Licheri Italy
Mario Italy È un primo passo verso l'obiettivo di avere software publico degno, funzionante e riutilizzabile
Duong hien anh Vietnam Lun minh bạch và hổ trợ giải trình đám mây tài liệu rõ ràng.mong không tranh chấp tài chính,rõ ràng
Matteo Mirk Italy
Francesco Bonaccorso Italy
Dainelli Italy
Harald Kock Germany
Nadia Poncelet Belgium
Arthur Elsenaar Netherlands
Akhlak India Csv with men public gov money public service social poor family members brnfet gov support scheme framer in educational society bihar govern
Adria Spain It's very important for our future to keep with public code.
Veniamin Goldin Netherlands
Joerg Rukosujew Germany Public Money? Public Code!
Michael Grube Germany
Semen Turchikhin Russia
Kristóf Marussy Hungary All publicly founded code, research, and art deserves to be public property.
Andreas Gerlach Germany
Arnold Schrijver Netherlands
Huy Vietnam
Antonio Panico Italy
Florian Lindemann Germany
Meier Harald Germany Wir brauchen rechtliche Grundlagen, die es erfordern, dass mit öffentlichen Geldern für öffentliche Verwaltungen entwickelte Software unter
Christian Landgren Sweden
Daniel Jentsch Germany
Christopher Tholen Sweden
Ivan Antipenko Russia
Martin-Cocher Thierry France Dans toutes les administrations et les écoles publiques, systèmes et logiciels libres pour plus de transparence et augmenter vie du matériel
Jörn Auerbach Germany It's a shame that such a request is necessary at all.
Julius Libya
Anna Papitto United States
Jonathan Frederickson United States Software funded by the public should benefit all, not just private companies!
Reza Mirzavand Iran Thanks
Aron Knifström Sweden
Philipp Wilimzig Germany Mit unserer Open Source App für Kommunen leben wir täglich den Ansatz "public money, public code"!
Céline Vanderborght Belgium
Thomas Schwerdtner Germany
Muhammad Aimanuddin bin Samsudin Malaysia takes 45days to return back my money from forex investment..why make thier customer like wanna be scam my money in malaysia.
Bertil Spolander Sweden Offentlig verksamhet behöver offentlig, öppen källkod!
Jesper Eskilson Sweden
Stefan Begerad United States
Keion United States I want Free Robux pls I want 10,000 Robux my user is mmmcy111@
Eric Leijonmarck Sweden
azmullh ali mosana almagshy Yemen +967737723593
Sheyda Iran نظری ندارم فعلا
Ashley Robjohns Australia Profiteering off public money encourages corruption and inequality. Our governments have a duty to ensure this does not occur.
توب ناتش Yemen توب ناتش للمقاولات والخدمات العامة
Valentin Gagarin Germany How has this not been the default in the first place?
Dijana Netherlands
William Rinehart United States
Nwiboko chikodi David Nigeria
Päivi Pylvänäinen Finland
Kamu Malinen Finland yes
Semi Malinen Finland
Ivan Garcia Spain
Axel Hirsmüller Germany
Sizwe South Africa No comments
Francisco Spain Lo del slogan DINERO PUBLICO CODIGO PUBLICO
Martin Wegmann Germany
Peter Germany
Rebecca Retzlaff Germany
Akulaku membuat link yang lebih mudah
Martin Weis Germany Bessere Koordinierung der Projekte und fachlich geschultes Personal auch in den Verwaltungen notwendig.
Marcus Mannfeld Germany
Jean-Marc HEISER France La Covid a montré ( entre autres ) l'importance de l'Etat. Heureusement "l'argent magique" existe. Donc donnons a tout le monde les bienfai
Satyajit Talukdar India I'm also believe that Free Softwares r best option for publicly financed software
edmilton de jesus Brazil Nada sei tudo quero saber
Carlos Duràn Domínguez Spain
Sebastian Gibb Germany
Anastasia Russia ,😘
Sergio Spain
Jonas Schambeck Germany
Carles Barrobés Spain Software paid with public money should be free and open for anyone to use, inspect, repurpose...
JOSE MARIA Spain ¡El código pagado por la gente debe estar disponible para la gente!.
Nasaruddin Indonesia mungkin dari ketentuan tersebut itulah yang terbaik
Lejoly Julien Belgium
Christian Wege Germany Not only money spent directly by the administration should result in free code, but also all public funding.
Christian Fernandez Navarro Spain and Hackerñol supports this call.
Tony Simoes France L'argent du contribuable pour développer des logiciels doit générer des codes "Libres" (utiliser, comprendre, modifier et partager) .
Robert Sørensen Norway
Giulio Segalini Italy Free software means making people able to know what happens in the place they live even more
Mathieu-Alex Haché Canada
Eric Spain
Panos Alevropoulos Greece
Abdulamjeed Saudi Arabia bvggggf
Bernd Fiedler Germany
Sharlene Berumen United States
Fabian Melzow Germany
Falk Altheide
Jonathan Brier United States
Andreas Kugel Germany
ega prasetio Indonesia The topic ‘Firewall Optimization with Siteground’ is closed to new replies.
Vittorio Roberto Alfieri Italy
Buri Erich Switzerland
Roel Reijneveld Netherlands
Jaqueline Sinsig Germany .
Leonie Keupp Germany Public Code muss allen zur Verfügung stehen und für alle einsehbar sein. (Wer nichts zu verheimlichen hat, hat nichts zu verheimlichen)
Da Puchalla Germany
Thorben Rahns Germany
Eric POSTLACK Germany
You dai China
Ilkka Manninen Finland
Matthew Knowles United States
Tarık Sinan KARA Turkey The step taken is a good step for all international humanity. I am happy to support you. Congratulations.
Ahieb Official Indonesia Belajar menambang ceriptucarend
Reiner Wolfgang Schneiderbauer Germany
Andreas Jessen Germany
Mark Hanalei Matias United States Please update content with spelling and grammar check
Shawn Diehl United States
Sergio Castañón Soto. Mexico Cambiará todo el dinero del mundo.
David Bilay Germany simply be a matter of course
Christoph Reit
Alex Obrero Spain
Holger Detering Germany
Patrick Banholzer Germany
Thomas 'Dune' Freina Austria Es ist letztlich auch eine Frage der Investitionssicherheit, Qualitätskontrolle und Nachhaltigkeit!
Prof. Dr. Peter Mantel Germany
Reni Irene Bifamo von Monaco Es ist wichtig, dass nur die Wahrheit unser Leben bestimmt, weder kriminelle Energie noch Lobbyisten usw. sollten unser Leben zerstören. Mei
Nicolás Spain
Frank Becker Germany
Mathias Lorenz Germany
Bouizane Morocco Merci
Bisma Abimayu Indonesia Saya ingin memahami tentang code publik
Marvin Heilemann
Sixten Thames Sweden Det är helt självklart att kod som utvecklas för skattemedel skall vara fri och öppen. Anlita inte någon som säger motsatsen.
Lukas Wolz do it
Paul Debus Germany
Christian Baumgartner Germany
Samael Piesche Germany Public money -> public code!
Tim Güldenpfennig Germany
Matthias Vorwerk Germany
Norbert Schulze Germany
Seiler Estonia die Nutzung von Wordpress verursacht trotzdem noch nicht erwartete Kosten
Marco Kaltwasser Germany
Gyüre Gábor Hungary heló, ez fontos nekem
Janafox United States It very lively and happy to use
Alan Italy
Francesco Orlando Italy
Alexandru Romania Correct! "f it is public money, it should be public code as well. "
Güldner Germany
Frank Dillmann Germany
Dhiraj Khadka Nepal
Gunnar Lauerwald Germany
Arthur Guz Germany
Paitoon Poopinyo Thailand
Amapola Mercado Guiyab Philippines
Brian Eschrich Germany Software projects funded by the public should be accessible by the public.
Le Bonniec France
renato Brazil o brasil precisa disso
Raimund Klewsaat Germany
Asim Turkey
omidhoseini Iran
Marlene Morse United States
Niels Niessen Netherlands
Christine Horchheimer Germany
Robin Burris
喵喵酱 China 加油^0^~
Marina Goritskaia Czech Republic
Lisa Lambert Ireland
Candace Australia Do it
Candace Brook Australia Do it
Markus Maiwald Germany Eine Soft / Hardware Abhängigkeit wird in Zunkunft eine katastrophale Auswirkung haben und hört nicht auf Lobbyisten.
Sven Grewe Germany Proprietäre Software ist eine Gefahr für unsere Gesellschaft!
Philipp Staiger Germany
Luka Pavetić Croatia
Hilgers Philipp Germany
Hugo Rodrigues Portugal
Lucie Danguin France
Marc-André Delsuc France
TmT Tran Vietnam Help Building website buy
Lars Arvestad Sweden
Jean Paldanius Sweden
Bulgaru Teodora-Aurora Romania
Schönberg Nicolas France
Mihnea Totescu Romania
Lars Sadau Germany
Thomas Hingant France
Robin Staicu Netherlands
Allen Radu Romania Our money Our software
nicolae obrejan Romania
Fabian García Castrejon Mexico Adhesion "RECA" 0350-434-027547/02-01017-0318
Alex Romania We need to be able to use and improve the code that we pay for.
Dinu Mihai Romania Signed!
Asociația Segoia Romania Open source allows everyone to audit and improve the code and that will drive both quality and security up, while driving the costs down, as
Ciprian Doroftei Romania
Costin Neacsu Romania
Tudor Gergely Romania I beleive that people should have access to software they paid for through taxes. All government software should be opensource
George Bejan Romania
Martin Günther Weis Germany Sollte eigentlich selbstverständlich sein.
Sudan Bhattarai Nepal power to the public financially
Ricardo Peralta Torres Dominican Republic Apoyo este llamado a ala acción al firmar nuestra carta abierta. Aprovecho la oportunidad para decirle que sueño trabajar con ustedes.
Gabriel Fornaeus Sweden
Kató András Hungary Cool
Doni Indonesia
Aldo Salvatore Coraggio Italy A world without money, we really need it ...
Stephen Judge Ireland
Ferran Martin García Spain
Thomas Scheller Germany
Hamid Iran پس در این جور مواقع بر خلاف آزادی و عمومی بودن گوگل اگر گوگل برای عموم آزاد هست چرا در بعضی مواقع فرق قائل میشه
Bjarne Jullum Norway
غزاله خوشنواز Iran 30151
Awad Canada سيظهر النص الذي تقوم بنسخه هنا تلقائيًا
Achref Nouri Tunisia keep up
Vincent Ripken Germany Hallo Menschen,
M. Carmen Spain
Maria Jesus Hernandez Alonso Spain
Amritangshu Goswami India I believe that software built with taxpayers' moneys should be free & open-source
Albert Maier Germany
Fred Hauschel Germany
Christoph Fuhrbach Germany
Michał Poland
le Maire Adrien Belgium
Kingsley Israel Jack Nigeria I want more enlightenment on public money code.
Kambing900 Indonesia PUBLIK MONEY
GIANCARLO SCOTONI Italy public money? public code!
Orla Murphy Ireland
Robin Stolz Germany
Muhammad Abbas Pakistan Public money code should be public!
Timon Oerder Germany
Wolfgang Kobel Germany Genau meine Meinung. Öffentlich geförderte Software, sollte frei sein
Noah Maceri United States Public Money, Public Code!
Courtney escalante United States
Björn Balazs Germany
Karsten Schwank Germany
Sean Brennan United States Thank you got bless
Christoph Brauckmann Germany Public Money, Public Code!
Antti-Juho Nieminen Finland
Marty United States
Ariyanto Indonesia Metode pembayaran melalui rekening bank mandiri 1050013593789
Michael Tatge Germany
Akhlak India Me panchayat social work india digital seva loan financial services industry bihar public bhulekh bihar land record nikalna in bihar samaj s
Samuel Tardieu France
Lucie Canada
Arno Wagener Germany Get it all !
Skdood India
Jacob Ludvigsen Norway Når folket betala for programvaren over skatteseddelen, bør kildekoden være tilgjengelig for folket.
Colleen Keegan United States
Victor Beffers Netherlands make incentives for cooperation
Abhilash India
Holger Klene Germany Als Entwickler proprietärer Software sehe ich den Murks täglich und darf es nicht besser machen!
Dr. Uwe Schneider Germany
Ada Artiaga Philippines
Atm Expedisi Indonesia Atm Expedisi Device Hmsi
Niels Gouman Netherlands
Kai Krueger Germany In a democracy, we need digital sovereignty! Only open source can guarantee we aren't at the whim of corporations or foreign gouvernments.
Dorian Zedler Germany
Bruno Scheele Netherlands The privacy improvements in our COVID app since making development public is an example for the future.
Max Denneboom Netherlands
Sander Krul Netherlands
Benjamin Redling Germany
Nguyen duc ha Vietnam 0596699999
Joachim Wuttke Germany Forschungsergebnisse ohne Codeoffenlegung bleiben pure Behauptung
Ryan Hindman United States
Edvaldo Alves Brazil Dinheiro publico, código publico
Kerim Koca Switzerland Ticino
Mattes Wiegmann Germany
Raphaël Marée Belgium
Alexandr Barancea Ireland Hello, I need your help, need a copyright licence and cc code for Ireland, I have online web sales share products. Thankyou
michael ramirez Venezuela
Marco Antonio Chávez Mexico Don de puedo conseguir mi código de invitación
Anastasia Russia
ဗိုလ် မိုက်ကယ် Thailand
Matej Netherlands Nice
José Manuel Yedro Garcia Spain
Lạc Trôi Xôi Vietnam Mong sẽ phát triển tốt hơn
Code for Romania Romania
John adams United States Politically correct and absolutely common sense
ravikarn​ Thailand wanna lean and tekst
Amy D Vining United States Open source is necessary for growth
shakeel Pakistan Nice
Christian Terboven Germany
Martin Schoepf Austria
Dr. Matthias Schöpfer Germany
Øivind Berg Jullum Norway
Pieter van Beek Netherlands
Ferigo0d Indonesia
Beni Switzerland
Adrian Wannenmacher Austria
Barbara von Leliwa Germany
Boris Stanislavovich Russia [email protected]
Ivo Manso Bernardino Portugal
Bedirhan Güvendi Kişisel veriler özeldir
SANJEET KUMAR India Best feature worldwide
Gustavo Pires Portugal
Joachim Laugwitz Germany Lagging behind. What this initiative wants to accomplish, is already law in the US.
Harun Aydeniz Turkey
Enes Erten Turkey
Thomas Unterthiner Germany
hozan Şahin Turkey bende sonuna kadar acik ve özgür yazılımın arkadaşındayım
Ömer Faruk Sancak Turkey Sizden sonraki nesle, kaliteli bir yaşam bırakabilmek için; açık kaynak, özgür yazılım...
Gergő Balkus Hungary
Yahya YILDIRIM Turkey Kampanyanızı olumlu ve çok faydalı buluyorum.
Freddy Teslow United States It's Gucci
Numan AKKUŞ Turkey
Kemal Oktay Aktoğan Turkey Türkiye'de zaten açık kaynak kod dönüşüm hareketi var. Bu tüm kamu yazılımlarını da kapsasa güzel olur.
kurth4cker Turkey
Charles Mathebula South Africa
Jens Finkhäuser Germany As a recipient of EC's NGI0 funds, I can only concur - and of course all the code is public!
Mateusz Mazur Poland
michael United States
Vojtěch Sobota United Kingdom
алексей игоревич шахов
Christian Maeder Switzerland Linux, Wikpedia, Bitcoin und Wordpress - Alles Open Source Projekte
Ricky Ng-Adam Canada pour la souveraineté numérique du Québec
rolf Kuck Sweden i kindly ask for your attention to this matter
Holger Heidrich Germany
Adam Poland
Eduard Reñé Claramunt Spain
Joan Salvador Solé Morón Spain
Mehdi Sadeghi Germany Public money, public code.
Sara Formichetti Italy
Centre, Ateneu Democràtic i Progressista Spain ONG for culture heritage
Stefan Seelig Germany
Aditya Srivastava India I support Public Money, Public Code initiative
Vincent Martinez France
Mariusz Poland
Marian Rocher Spain
Lauri Raitamaa Finland
Edgar Gonzàlez i Pellicer Spain
Justin Taylor United States abc easy as 123
Francesc Pons Spain
Ricard Spain
josep vives jounou Spain
M Ångels González Spain
Artur Honzawa Spain
josep lluís gonzález Spain
Rosa Maria Aragonès Tossas Spain
Laia gonzalez Aragonès Spain
Johan Bernhardsson Sweden
Joaquim Llisterri Spain
Sadurní Martí Castellà Spain
Adrià Ribatallada Spain Llibertat!
Fernando Pereira dos Santos Brazil O software criado com dinheiro dos contribuintes deve ser Software Livre
Fernando Pena Dolabela Mendes Brazil
Raja Shekhar United States All public funded entities need to treat its citizens as project sponsors who owns the rights to products and services created.
RAJ Narain Pakistan
ttutul Bangladesh hi join now me
Luís Henrique Braga de Avelar Martins Brazil
Samuel Oliveira Cersosimo Brazil Tivemos essa experiência aqui no Brasil, mas não conseguimos federalizar:
Martin Senftleben Germany To "Public Money, Public Coe" there is nothing to add. It's obviously right!
Md Mahmud Bangladesh
Christina Crain United States
Bonita Hughes United States
Daniel Vidal Spain
Marcantoni Malagarriga-Picas Spain STOP GAFAM
Ignasi Genís Callol Spain
Mathieu VIGNAUD France
JOSE PAINOUS ESCOFET Spain Ja és hora de que l'administració sigui transparent del tot en tot.
Oriol Abril Pla Finland
Guillem Bagaria Morató Spain
Ivan Spain
Marc Spain
Tom Boissonnet France
Marc Dabad Castellà Spain
Frank rice Spain
Samuel Soriano Spain
Josep Ruano Spain
Werner Frei Italy
Annette Bögelein Germany Public Code ein MUSS
Eric tridius Indonesia
mohammed ishaq Kuwait
Monika Jampert Germany
Gaja Peters Germany Unterstützung von OpenSource im Vergleich zu ClosedSource ist wie Wohneigentum im Vergleich zu Miete: am Ende hat man etwas davon!
Muhammad Babar Pakistan Hi me mbabar here i am new user this website and this is my website site u come in and see my website thnks
André carrot Portugal ( 'WP_DEBUG', true )
Lorenz Kästle Germany For a better future
Laura Lauryte Libya
John Dickey United States We rebelled at Taxation without representation. We also rebell that code we financed is not free to all!
akinyemi adebayo Nigeria i like this sit i want to join pls help me to send my cod
Lukas Alberts Germany This should be an universal rule. Public money, public ressources, public results, open results, transparent results.
Henrik Homann Germany
José Muñoz Jimeno Spain I'm all for public money, public code.
Jonas Dietrich Germany
Ankan Biswas India Free software is like free speech, without it the Internet will never be able to be a free medium for the exchange of information and ideas.
Vimalan Malaysia Hi how are you. How to use this service. Demo how to use this service for to help
Cyril Waechter France Our money. Our code. Todays challenge requires full collaboration.
Hans van Eys Germany
ali dolie Iran
Hugo d chavez Mexico
Christof Verhoeven Belgium
Ken Guest Ireland
Martin Herndl Germany
Iñaki Quenerapú Spain Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available.
Greg Harvey France
Arseni Lapunov Germany
Marcus Bointon France
De Saegher Wim Belgium Let's build things, together!
Hans De Mulder Belgium A very good idea that deserves support!
Michel Maas Germany
Matthias Van Woensel Belgium
Jacob Hrbek Czech Republic Adapting our infrastracture for Libre Open-Source development will support our economy and save lifes
Cédric Couralet France
DARYL M MENDOZA Philippines Thanks
Neal Wright United States What is commissioned by the people should be owned by the people.
Yosliany rodriguez United States ONE m Good...
Dominic South Africa
Matthias Hilgers Germany
Turcsán Ádám Hungary
Diana Glavočić Croatia
Nelson Menezes Norway
Burugupally Akhil India If it is created with public money, real owner would be the public. So Public must have the authority to access the code. #makeitpublic
David Peter Canada
Cris Mhar Philippines Always be true and honest with our own contribution.. forever Will be blessed by our almighty God ❤️❤️❤️
Marcel Gaub Germany A very important point. Due to recent events in the USA, the politicians in the EU realize the importance of privacy and data security now.
Sami Muhonen Finland Transparency is the best tool for quality development.
Sai Madan India
Paul Germany
Eman Kuwait
Dmitriy Russia Not beads
Michal Srutek Czech Republic Absolutely agree.
Helagon India Do it, so we advance faster as a civilization.
Ruben p United States
Fionn Langhans Germany Using Open Source Software in the public space would free the goverment from problematic vendor-lockins
Adem Budak Turkey Kamu özelleştirilmesi tahakkümü doğurur doğan mahluk ise sömürüyü oluşturur
Yasar Germany
Dylan Logan United States Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like
Ralf Norbert Frese Germany
amirlink Malaysia all
Anil Turkey
Raul Portugal Concordo plenamente exigimos
Antía Roig Regueira Spain
Dr. Frank Jacob Germany
Dr. Frank Jacob Germany Europa muss die digitale Souveränität erreichen, um zukünftig nicht durch Drittstaaten erpressbar zu sein.
Robert Güntherberg Germany Public The use of public funds (our taxes) ought not be spent on proprietary software. Software has to free, as in freedom!
Dikr Krause Keine Steuermittel für öffentliche Aufträge an Firmen, die hier so gut wie keine Steuern zahlen.
Felix Pankratz Germany Das freie Wahlen mit nicht freier Software ausgewertet werden, kann nicht sein!
sarah flakowski Germany Gerechtigkeit einfordern !
Michael ross walker United States
Leonard Detjonõšev Estonia Open-source is a form of democracy. Normies will never never understand.
Jaime Aponte Sweden Multinational capitals are taking control of the people private information, information that belongs to every single citizen, not to privat
Johannes Arnold Germany
Sven Vandevenne Belgium
Laura Corcuera Spain
Adrian Ionescu Czech Republic
Bryan Paget Canada I love GNOME!
Christian Hartmann Germany and give money on developing to free software developers
Maciej Karczewski Poland I support this message
Bart van Lith Denmark Public software is just another form of public documents, all public documents should be openly available for scrutiny.
Michael Heidweiller Netherlands Open Source code is best for society as it will enable cooperation instead of sneakiness.
Max van Lith Netherlands
Alexander Martin Germany Public code would also help to keep the software vendors accountable; right now they can deliver bad solutions without being called out
Florian Schmitz Ghana
Jose Plana Spain
Christoph Meyer Germany
Gregor Petrin Kraškovic Slovenia
Víctor Suárez Fernández Spain
Volker Heuermann Germany
Daniel Del Rio Figueira Spain
Ramón Medrano Llamas Switzerland
Alexander R Johnson United States Open source development and software are the two greatest things to happen to the internet
Nikolay Kolev Bulgaria Isn't this the most fair thing?!
Cristian United States Open goverment!
Damian Skrzypiec Poland Very good idea
Lukas Rakauskas Libya
Joshua Munn United Kingdom
Jason Curl Germany All public funded work should be available to the public, direct or indirect.
LE LAN France To allow participation/review by anyone as for opensource projects
Joerg Schiermeier Germany
Linn Dahlgren Sweden
Charles NGUYEN France
Halvard Norway
Sem Mulder Netherlands
Rolf Offermanns Germany
Folkert Kevelam Netherlands
Timothy Mickell United States Zelle me love open source
Gabriele Bertolucci Italy La richiesta è importante, la sua applicazione è semplice e conveniente: per tutti.
Eduard Itrich Germany As CDO of a municipal government administration, I unconditionally support the initiative Public Money, Public Code!
MOHD RAZUAN BIN ABDUL RAHMAN Malaysia Saya ingin berjaya seperti orang lain tolong berikan tunjuk ajar pada saya .. terima kasih banyak
NGUYEN VAN HAO Vietnam viet nam
Niki Van Cleemput Belgium
Eliam Smith France
Carsten Meyer öffentliches Geld -> öffentlicher Code
Alexandru Gabriel Bujorianu Netherlands Besides the moral argument, this is a very practical idea.
Precious Phakela South Africa
Patrizio Mazzucchelli Italy Cioò che è finanziato con soldi pubblici deve rimannere pubblico,accessibile al pubblico, trasparente e libero.
Jose Díaz Spain que el programari que està financiat públicament pel sector públic estigui disponible sota una llicència de programari lliure o obert.
Carsten Böhm Germany
Robert Zweistra Netherlands Vrije burger, Vrije publieke software
Michael Oßwald Germany
Jeroen Hoek Netherlands
Felipe Guaycuru Brazil
Matthieu SCARSET France
Oliver Bildesheim Germany
Madhu Ahrens Germany Die Unabhängigkeit von US-Konzernen und der Einblick in verwendete Software sind für den Standort Deutschland überlebenswichtig!
Mahmudul Hasan Rubel Bangladesh
Ueli Keller Switzerland
Giuseppe Menegoz Italy
nayim Bangladesh why no open this my page
舘井 浩 Japan パブリック コードとは、何ですか❓️❓️
Lê hữu hiếu Vietnam Phát triển mã nguồn
Maximilian Unterrainer Austria Closed source only helps big companies tying down and bossing the popolation.
Holly Bailey United States Software if it is a definite must and can effect us then yes.
Daniel Golle Germany
Brandy Davis United States
Sebastian Busch Germany
Benjamin Germany Hello world is free
GhulamAli Pakistan Hello code
Daniel Ruf Germany
Jonathan Pillen Germany
Thilo Rachlitz Germany Apps should not only be available through commercial app stores.
Luca Cappelletti Italy
Dr.Babul Bangladesh
Marcelo Bondia Siqueira Brazil
Daniela toche United States
Matej Netherlands Together we are
Buivung09 Vietnam Tôi đồng ý .
Wallace Chow Canada This is a very reasonable idea.
overnai89 Vietnam tôi muốn được tham gia va bắt Đầu
Massimo Italy
Otto Richter Germany weil es mich betrifft, weil ich mit verbessern will, und weil geschlossene Software häufig nicht funktioniert und die Digitalisierung bremst
Sabino Maggi Italy Supporto al 100% questa ottima iniziativa.
Suos phanit Cambodia
Leonardo Italy
aaron United States I wish that more free code was widely used
Martina Mutschler Germany
Simon Barth Germany
Hartmann France
王宜萱 Taiwan
Daniel Baumgärtner Germany
Wolfgang Hochhäusler Germany you are doing a great job with this initiative
Sebastian Werner Austria
Dario T Italy
Alessandro Rossini Italy
Nicola Losito Italy
Kevin Volkert Germany
Johann Süß Germany
Artur Tarassow Germany
Mojtaba Amalian Iran Code paid by the people should be available to the people
Jordán Spain Enhorabona! des de SomTIC recolcem aquesta iniciativa.
Alexander Buck Germany
Thomas Vöster Germany
Cmulyana Platinum Indonesia yes
Eleazar Tello Colombia
Fabio Balli Canada
vanhove fr Belgium
vincenzo d'andrea Italy
Uri Shechter Gelles United States
Lorenz Kiefner Germany
Jaime Guzman Delgado El BIM Manager Chile Chile Excellent
Jonathan Koops Netherlands
Johannes Zimmermann Germany
Pim Tournaye Belgium
Alessandro Aiello Italy
Michael Bodnar Germany
Samo Zeleznik Slovenia
Benedikt Brecht Germany
Mika Vöster Germany
Willem South Africa Werk dit regtig
Sebastian Lasse Germany Komme soeben von einer "Download Cisco WebEx" Pressekonferenz der Europäischen Kommission zum Digital Markets Act. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Rory United Kingdom Brilliant idea. We need more transparency for things like this.
Ingegret Haase-Koop Germany Unterstütze ich gerne, da ein public code sinnvoll ist.
Marc Cayuela Rafols Spain
Vítor Pérez Torre Spain
Diederik van der Boor Netherlands
Anna Julià-Verdaguer Spain
Pol Spain
Adrià González Esteve Spain
Skr Saudi Arabia A few years back in time for
Sebastian Mangelsem Sweden
Renato Godoi da Cruz
Aarni Halinen Finland
Marcel Plomp Netherlands
Jere Kaiku Finland
AUGUSTO MARQUES CORREA Brazil Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and
Christian Griebl Switzerland Sollte selbstverständlich sein.
Andreas Loizides Cyprus Ό,τι πληρώνουμε ΕΜΕΙΣ είναι δικό ΜΑΣ.
Abdul Isik United States
Giquello Cyrille France L'argent publique génère du code libre !
Jose Antonio Garcia Granada Spain Es dinero público... Pues que el software lo sea también
MUHAMMAD ADNAN Nigeria With they
Mattia Biondi Italy If it is public money, it should be public code as well. It's so simple.
Comes France
Andreas Grassl Italy Strong public code helps to maintain a sovereign society and free public life
Jörg Henninger Germany Steuergelder müssen zum Wohl der Steuerzahler eingesetzt werden. Die Mittel dürfen nicht nur wenigen, sondern müssen allen zugutekommen.
Pablo Maria Martinez Merino Spain
Oliver Rümpelein Germany
Marc van der Sluys Netherlands Give the public the code they paid for!
Felix Krüger Germany wenn die Öffentlichkeit es bezahlt, muss es auch ihr gehören.
Pablo Chulvi Oriola Spain
Julian Metzler Germany
Santiago Salvador Polo Spain Me alegro de esta iniciativa. Colaboro hace unos años con FSF y esta iniciativa me parece superinteresante. La difundiré todo lo que pueda.
Tukullo South Africa
Markus Blechschmidt Germany
hasan parvaneh Iran
Carsten Igel Germany
Gemmarey cortez Philippines 7
Falk Rehse Germany
Yusuf Bera Ertan Turkey
Aram Limpens Netherlands
Onno Logchies Netherlands Helemaal eens!
nicoline van Elten Netherlands
Hielke Kramer Netherlands Ik develop voor de gemeente Amsterdam en alle code die ik schrijf wordt gepubliceerd. Ik wil dat dit gebeurd met álle code van de overheid.
Baytow Poland Hej
Victor Silberstein Spain
Stephanie Jinkerson United States
Chris Binder Germany
Egenolf Claire
Estevao Cerqueira Portugal código aberto promove a partilha de ideias e competências.
Robert gormley United States Love it
Hendrik Scheewel Belgium
Bertrand DELAUNAY France
Hauke Bartsch Norway
Roshdi Alshaikh Saudi Arabia
Shuaibu abdullahi Nigeria Hello
daniel harper United States free coding is the best way for everyone to get ther share
Mateo Sánchez United States
Roy Tanck Netherlands
Ruud Steltenpool Netherlands All software has annoying little things. I've fixed some in open source software for free. I'd love to do that on software used by society.
BLIN France
Leon Stoyanopoulos Germany
Mikolaj Kubera Poland
Kim Fowler United Kingdom yes i agree if it's made with public money it should be publicly available
Subscribe YouTube channel NRBD Bangladesh Approve
Nico H. Germany
Sören Stabenow Germany
Ashley Mariano Philippines <script data-ad-client="ca-pub-3328790494844338" async src=""></script>
Γεώργιος Κουραχάνης Greece
Leszek Karlik Poland Public financing should result in public knowledge. This will also protect against software becoming unsupportable in the future.
Stephanie Koehl United States Public Code, It's The Right Thing To Do. We Help Pay For It, But We Don't Have The Rights To Use It?
Laura Mrosla Germany Public money? Public code! There is no alternative!
Williams Ayomikun Nigeria I just want to know more.
Philipp Lackinger Austria
Muhamad sukri Indonesia I like this
Blue Jay one Mexico
roger leveriza Philippines Implement legislation of free and open source software.
Benedikt Ziemons Germany
Nowshed H. Imran Bangladesh Open Source gives back more than it gets. Support open source and help make the world a better place for everyone.
Benjamin Brummernhenrich Germany
Ridho Indonesia
Julián Pérez Romero Spain Sector público debe de dar pasos hacia la transparencia . El ejemplo de RadarCovid ha sido el primer ejemplo, que vengan más
Elisabeth Memmert Germany
Sarah Hilker Germany
Cooper justin United States Hey you guys .
Bastian Engel Germany
Daniel Malec I think it is a great idea because some like myself are capable of doing a lot of useful things but because of money I couldn't go to colleg
Szendi Attila Hungary
Sergio Delgado Spain If we pay for the app we deserve to have the code
Simon COTTIN-MARX France
Margarida Silva Martins Portugal Colaborative software is the future
razzseoprovider Bangladesh I am a GMB, Local SEO Citations, Link Building, Dofollow Backlink, Social Platform Manage expert as well. I have some strong work experienc
Christian Nagel Germany
Marc Fillion France Je suis Marc Fillion et j'approuve ce message !
Bridget Temple United States Absolutely agree. This could save so many worries on us people and strive for better
Debra Savonen United States I believe every single thing that our government does or says regarding its citizens should be open to the citizens 2 read hear & know
Sarah Kong Kue United States Social Security Administration
Parisse Andre Belgium
Giuliano Andrea Castiglia Germany
MENAN Thierry France
Adam kossman United States I would lobe to try this out
Yvette Germany
Daniele Forte Italy Libertà per il bene comune
Neville13 United States Support
Ridhubharan India
Janek Lauer Germany
Álvaro Hernández Vicente Spain
Tobias Schulze Germany
Dger24662 United Kingdom 197 organisations and 29544 individuals already support this call for action by signing our open letter. You can help us make a much bigger
Timothy Yniguez United States What about the money the government pays the federal reserve general fund that should be dispersed to all americans
MagicLense Malaysia Magic Lense
Heinrich Rode Germany
Christopher House United States Software developed from taypayers' money should be available for all!
Anita Amadi Nigeria
Cecilie Maria Sundrehagen Norway La oss fremsnakke og bygge hverandre opp, ikke bryte hverandre ned.
Sourice Marie France
shuaibu abdullahi Nigeria Hello
Mirko Schmidt Germany Effektives Testmanagement erfordert stets freie Wissenstrukturen, gewonnen aus Störungen im produktiven Umfeld.
Kévin Le Gouguec France Software engineers can attest to the waste of resources induced by independently reinventing square wheels. We all deserve better.
Leon Marz
Joe United Kingdom All democratic european countries should be advocating for this cause.
AmanuelDegefa Good
doriya A
Matthieu Rakotojaona France Libre Software has proven to be beneficial to all parties involved. It is time we use it to build our society !
Germano Brazil
GASCOINPascal France Cela aiderait tant dans l'éducation !
Narjis Bakkali Turkey Code
dewa Indonesia a
Boussicault France
Salvatore Emanuele Schimmenti Italy
Simon Sølberg Norway
Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras Germany I fully support the PMPC campaign
Javier Jardon United Kingdom
Thomas Rosendal Sweden
Jon Baldwin Spain
Robert France
Linus Rarely there is a campaign that makes as much sense as PMPC.
Garnet Gien Germany Auch für Klimaschutz besonders wichtig- freier Zugang zu freier Software
Juan-Carlos ANDEREZ Andorra Todo en código abierto.
Giulio Gabrieli Italy
Ruben Caro Spain
Ursula Kelber Germany
Simão Pedro Portugal
Stefan Blumentrath Norway
Matthias Germany Hey
David Košecký Czech Republic Libre software is the future of computer science
Justin m Daniels United States I'm in
Thomas Ruschival Germany I am a software developer and am conviced public code is a benefit!
David Brodmann Switzerland This would make a sustainable change in the next years and the near future. I really don't know why a majority of the politicians don't care
Bourmault France
Gunnar Myhre Norway Sharing and cooperation leads to a better world.
Anita Born Germany
Max Schallert Germany
Martin Behrmann Germany
Francisco Euzébio da Cruz Brazil A democratização dos Software Livre na administração publica uma realidade inovadora.
amin mohamadi Iran be in future by your hands not your dreams
Adrian Kasparek Germany In this day and age the state of digitisation in Europe is alarming. In my opinion an important part of this digitisation is public code.
Harlinza Jones United States
Christian Weinz Germany
Imran Remtulla Canada
Tommy Poll United Kingdom
Junoš Lukan Slovenia
Dan Gheorghe Haiduc Romania Free software for a free society! Make systems trustworthy.
Landon Jobe United States All for this - publicly funded code should be publicly auditable.
Marcus Bosten Germany
Merlijn van Lent Netherlands Yes! Opensource is the future!
Traian Bruma Romania
Pablo Jiménez Pascual Spain
David Tynnhammar Sweden
Wolfgang Spring Austria Versucht bitte dringend zu verstehen, was "Freie Software" bedeutet! Für eine freie Gesellschaft gibt es keine Alternative.
Bart van Maanen Netherlands I am in favour of open source code.
Pedro Lorga Ramos Portugal
Quentin Barloy France
Chandraveer singh India Public money
Luther flooring Nigeria
Reinhard Schmitt Germany Neubiberg
Tjalling Hoogendoorn Netherlands
2.Hallac Turkey Açık kaynak yazılım lisansı altında kamuya yararlı işler
Rolf van Kleef Netherlands
Matthias Austria
Matthias Austria
Abraham Demir Sweden
Leroi Pols Belgium
Rafael Ramawadh Netherlands
Benjie Fleming United Kingdom
Ната Russia
Helga Kromp-Kolb Austria In Corona-Times and with the boost for digitalisation this is more important than ever.
Shaun Holt United States I absolutely agree with this site and signing this.
Werner Wilkens Germany Die Konzernmacht brechen!
Enrico Belleri Italy If we want transparent institutions, the first and foremost part of the process is to make the infrastructure transparent.
Nico Marquardt Germany
Heiko Alexander Weber Germany
Patrick Matzinger Austria
Bernhard Schlögl Austria There are lots of synergies to be had!
Alexander Sagmeister Austria
Immanuel Hayden Austria
paul Spain
DANG DUC THANG Vietnam Phục vụ cộng đồng vì Covid-19
Julien Tremblay-McLellan Canada
Brian Uniacke Ireland
Le Dantec France
ชฎากาญ บุญขจรธำรง Thailand 111011 010110
Davis Ladouceur United States
Dhea Citra Purwaningsih Indonesia
Niaz Pakistan Freeblance
Elena Prella Italy
Cosimo Chiffi Italy Taranto
Adriano Peluso Italy
Marton Kaufmann Hungary
Andrea Nienhaus Germany
Michael Nausch Germany
Bence Juhasz Hungary
Cornelia Reichardt Germany
Md. Abdul Mannan Bangladesh Think Globally not Locally. Raise the power of WE. Positive thinking must be established. Waiting for you at my country.
Csukás Károly Hungary
Johnny Miller United States it's all mine
Jakob Wedemeyer Germany anything paid for with public money should be open and available to everyone.
Emil Jiří Tywoniak Czech Republic
Haelwenn Monnier
André Faro de Lima Pedroso Germany
Milan Hoelzer Germany
Pau Spain
Matthieu ROQUEJOFFRE France
Ashwani India I m ok
Frank Reimer Germany Opensource trägt sehr viel zum wirtschaftlichen Wachstum und Wohlstand einer Gesellschaft bei. Das Geld ist so zukunftsorientiert angelegt.
Krajczár Jenő Hungary
La hung Vietnam
Samuek Brazil <script data-ad-client="ca-pub-4010665391559752" async src=""></script>
Navdeeppal Singh Germany
Urs Lautebach Germany Danke für diese Kampagne!
Géci Attila Hungary
Mathias Köppchen Germany Europa muss seine Souveränität in der EDV. Zurück erlangen um sich weltweit der Entwicklung beteiligen zu können.
Márton András Hábele Hungary If it's paid by public money, it should be open for the public.
Tokodi Mátyás Hungary
Csizmadia Csaba Hungary
Margit Mehring Germany
Tokodi Péter Hungary
Barbara Zsebenyi Romania
Shelby L Glazebrook United States
Haász Sándor Hungary
Akos Nagy Romania
Andrew Turner United Kingdom
Kornel Jahn, PhD Hungary
Gábor Baksa Hungary
Manner Róbert Hungary
Daniel B Leahy Australia binance1Wallet=bnb1g5xj69c0s0x646hug7j3vr6eamlkf7jw3cr3yw
Tabajdi Péter Hungary I agree with the exception of some really sensitive system's and some others. Our future is open-source!
Ana Maria gonzalez Spain Public Money public code
Patrick Kappert Spain
Gábor Németh Hungary
Michael Schnitker Germany
Ana Martinez Italy
Steffen Kistmacher Germany
Patrick Cupelin Switzerland
Jade Lutzi United States
Andreas Schröder Germany
Matthias Veith Germany
Douglas R Ackerman United States Fuck you cop bastards
Arthit Kosachunhanun ขอบคุณครับ
Syahrul syarif Indonesia
Domingo Valenzuela Mexico
Catherine Taffaro United States
Yéyé Théophile Benin
Dave Abbott United Kingdom
Lucas De Angelis France
zenon sobolewski
Mat Hansen Germany
thivjan Switzerland
lê quang huy Vietnam like
dufti Germany so wie gewünscht so soll es ein
Carlo Eutropio Italy
Dr. Florian Wochnik Germany Mit dem Geld aller finanzierte Güter müssen generell auch allen zugänglich gemacht werden.
Moritz Germany
Seyit mutlu Turkey Governments that do not openly and transparently share their resources will eventually lose and become a supporter of anarchism
Bernd Flickenschild Germany
Christopher H. Polcar United States
Felix Witte Germany Absolut sinnvoll, insbesondere in Schulen, wo die Kundenfängerei schon beginnt!
David Gessleman Canada
Karsten Schutte Netherlands
Baddý Sonja Breidert
Jakob Dierks Germany
Kenneth Peiruza Spain We love this initiative. As an IT provider, we've been acting accordingly for years and we'd love it to become an EU-Wide law.
Patrick Maaß Germany Eine mündige Verwaltung mündiger Bürger kann es nur geben wenn Open-Source-Software eingesetzt wird. Weg von teurer, unsicherer Software!
M. Susky
Ardan Indonesia Bahasa indonesia
Marcin Poland
Dillmann Eric France Cette petition est tellement évidente, comment nos dirigeants peuvent dire non à cela ?
le quang huy Vietnam tôi muốn nhận tiền mã công khai do tôi sale
Στάθης Λειβαδίτης Greece
Barış Demirhan Turkey
Manuel Esteban Rodíguez Gómez Spain Make it real please
Renee May United States Open Source
وليد خالد Iraq تجاري
Simon Schmitt Germany
Phitphibun Thailand เราจะไดัรับดือ
Steven Maddox United Kingdom Expecting tax payers money to go towards transparent software is no different than expecting transparent governance!
Ben Barrett United States
Nathan Amaël Mehring Germany
Saifulasrul Bin Termizi Malaysia
Marc Leopold France
Raine Romain France
Orlando Selenu Italy Please, make it real.
David Pilarčík Slovakia It not need to be Open source but ...
Pierre Fenoll France
Ray Kaplan United States “Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and
Michael Witrant France
steven r rice United States
Pras Sylvain France
Piotr Synowiec Poland
Nicolas Froidure France Free and open softwares are leading computing innovations since a few decades, public funds should enter that move and sustain it widely.
Turki Saudi Arabia
Leblanc France
Grégory Planchat France
Stéphane HULARD France
Martin France
Martin Carpentier France
Moniez Jean-Christophe France
Josip Antoliš Croatia
Alexandre Joual France
NOGIER Loïc France
Jonathan Germany
Paweł Brzozowski Poland
Kévin Dunglas France
Julien Maille France
Joseybarton$ United States Ray ID: 5dfced2c5917ceec • 2020-10-10 02:33:31 UTC
Tomas Lööw Sweden
Nicolas Laurent Belgium This is necessary for transparent democracy.
Darío Suárez Gracia Spain
Andreas Kloeckner Germany
Robert Hönig United Kingdom
Louis G. France CS student @ Sorbonne Université/UPMC
Gabriel de Maeztu Spain
George Georgiou Greece Public code belongs to the people
Harrys Kavan Austria
Ayoub Boudhar France
Philipp Lensch Germany
Jeffrey McAteer United States This just makes sense for a better civilization
Tiago Guimaraes Portugal
Guillaume David France
Kevin Cox Ireland
Manuel Martinez Arizmendi Spain
Anastasios Dionysiou Greece
Jacopo Scazzosi Italy
Simon Kastl Germany
Thomas Källman Sweden
Leonardo Ruland Germany Software founded by the people has to be fully accessible by the people.
Claudio La Barbera Italy Public money, public code. It's too simple to need an explanation
Miha Mallinger Germany
pauline jean ducut Philippines
abdullah salur Turkey
Amr Abdulslam Atef Yemen
Edo Meyer Austria
Christian Miess Germany
Daniel Wannemacher Germany
Jamie Parsons United States
0967947627hai Vietnam 0967947627
Michael Healy Australia Thanks
Jerg Germany
Trolliet Gregory Switzerland Il faut recréer des communs!
Abel Parada Millán Finland I have used public code my whole life and the result has always been better that private software.
Phạm Văn thiệt Vietnam <script data-ad-client="ca-pub-6895496170755868" async src=""></script>
Simolif Morocco Bonsoir
Manfred Theis Germany
Lars Mühlbauer Germany
NORHISHAM ZAINOL Malaysia Cash back viral
Owen Branley United Kingdom Access to opensource software is in the public interest, 'pro bono publico', especially when public money is used to develop it.
Ferber Germany Open Source und Open Hardware!
Linus Unmüßig Germany
Mélissa Thibeault Canada PromoCode
Carl J Bell United States
Moneyte Treinamentos online Angola Esperamos que assim seja, o seu anuncio na maior plataforma de sites do mundo
eric courteau France
Simon Becker Germany Open Source für alle! alle profitieren!
sibylle disch Germany Transparenz für öffentliche Gelder besonders im datensensiblen Bereich!
trisna junior Indonesia i need foundation
Luca Buoncristiani Italy Share the software !
Frédéric Eichelbrenner France
Wachida Hungsabut Thailand We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and Op
Javier Rubio Rubio Spain Stop private millonaire contracts that worsen the already problematic public software.
swift courier Canada Thanks for contacting our customer service
Doan thi My linh Vietnam Phần mềm nguồn mở và quản lý các khoản chi phí dịch vụ trực tuyến trên thế giới hiện nay
lukasz Poland pozdro 600!!!
Schmidt Germany :)
Romaric Pighetti France
Ulmer Cedric France It sounds obvious that code paid by the citizens should belong to the citizens.
H.-W. Zenker Germany
Pradeep India I wish we had a similar campaign to make public code free software in India too.
Saboureau,Marc France
Ricci France
black Indonesia
Max Heimbrock Germany
Oral Wunsch Somalia 012517772
Patrick Loewert Germany
Dr. Axel Braun Germany Free Software is the basis for digital sovereignty!
Tommy w. Harris United States
Andreas Lumpp Germany
Jürgen Ries Germany
Nilson Perboni Neto Brazil
Dulanus Tanzania Thanks how to open your website
Joel Obanokho Nigeria Well it's a great opportunity for me to get into this. nice
Juho Alfthan Finland
Katharina Hanser Germany Öffentliche Mittel nachhaltig und für die Menschen einsetzen!
Mattias Mattsson Sweden
Georges France
Jean Helou France Publishing the code paid by public money is good for transparency , pressures contractors to write good code and lets us help too
Eleftheria Aperi Greece
اابوزياد القدري Saudi Arabia
Sebastian Schieke Germany
Phạm duy phước Vietnam Pour air fboeing power
Kristoffer Andersson Sweden
Max Mayr Switzerland Public Money = Public Code!
Samuele Italy
Christopher Dickie Crowe United States
Jannat bd Bangladesh 140
Ertl, Marco Germany
Jonas Natzer Germany
Jack Australia open code like poetry
Geová Ramalho dos Santos Brazil Eu apoio.
Guillermo Navarrete Spain Public money, public code. It should be mandatory for all public administration IT to work with free operating systems and free software
Thomas de Kimpe Netherlands
Dennis Germany withstorm1980
J. Ryan Stinnett United Kingdom
[email protected] Germany withstorm1980
Hezel Andreas Germany Public Money Public Code hat riesige Einsparpotentiale!
Shelly M Whitaker United States
Burgandy Figueroa United States
Genesis Bustamante Chile This is a logical, and most importantly, an ethical request .
Edgard Egas Ayuso Spain
المؤسسة الاستشارية للتنمية والبحث العلمي Yemen اتمنى ان تكون البرامج الالكترونية مفتوحة المصدر ومجانية لانها ستشارك في التنمية والتطوير
Daniel Krause Germany Wir haben gesehen, dass sowas geht, wenn man nur will: Warum nicht immer so?
Patrick Germany
Marco Kelly Netherlands
Victoria Germany
Tristan Vercruysse Belgium
Timotej Šiškovič Slovakia
Ishara sudesh Sri Lanka
Erika M Barragan United States This must be put into our school system starting from grade school it is a language barrier that must be overcome mandatory code
Danny Jörger Germany
Alberto Sánchez Bardanca Spain No es comprensible otra opción. Si pudo por algo, que menos que poder auditarlo
Christian Lange Germany
Lamar Johnson United States Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for public sector must be made publicly available under a Free and
Max Schönlank Belgium
Martin Bulgaria
Arild Matsson Sweden
Marten Meinhardt Germany
Andrius Pukšta Libya
Łukasz Pojezierski Poland I urge Polish gov agencies to distribute their software in Open Source model.
David France It just makes sense, progress for all the people.
Arman ayub Bangladesh +8801403797136
Jeff Abrahamson France
Antonio Matic United States Please implement FOSS (Free Open Source Software) in the public sector.
Alexander Anderson Italy
Sebastian Gierth Germany
Stephan Rupp Germany
Mark Davies United Kingdom
Arlindo Pereira Portugal
Peter Wehrhahn Germany
Wiese Germany
Sam Toxopeus Netherlands
Caroline jones United Kingdom
Duane Thornton United States The cost of taxpayers turns to zero if passed on and people are allowed to develop more technology and businesses
Marius Rometsch Germany
Jared Lindauer United States
林揚茗 Taiwan 自由民主公開透明
Aligujjar Pakistan No
Wouter Kettlitz Netherlands
Aduna Olaizola Galardi Spain
Guillaume Jambet France
Aaron Erhardt Germany
Raigo Aljand Estonia
Kelby R Clements United States Knolo Libre is a concept that means "Free Knowledge" and in the case the public is paying, this particular knowledge should be free.
Asger Geel Weirsøe Denmark Proprietære software vil gøre det makant nemmere at finde software huller, samt sikre ingen bagdøre eksistere i offentlige systemer.
Bruno Feliciano Portugal
Volker Kopetzky Germany Die Corona App war der ungewollte Beweis, dass Open Source Projekte besser und preiswerter für die Gemeinschaft sind.
Falke Carlsen Denmark Proprietær software er at støtte monopolistiske virksomheder. Fri software er billigere, mere sikkert, og demokratisk.
Adrian Lausch United Kingdom As a software developer myself, I support this initiative.
Flavia Laurencich Spain
Dewi United Kingdom Brilliant idea
Sascha Rechenberger Germany
Umar farooq
Marc Sunet Spain
Samuel Ainsworth United States
Samuel Plumppu Sweden
Rik Huijzer Netherlands
Guido Schüller Germany
Emmanuel Michaux Germany Beginning with the schools: no Micro$oft brainwash ! Instead instill the possibilities and advantages of FOSS to all citizens thru school.
Nick Triller Germany
Nikola Majksner Belgium
NATHAN G SKENE United Kingdom
Christoph Hochstrasser Austria
Aaron Blumenthal Germany Open source software is essential in education and in development of our society
James McMurray Spain FOSS adoption will help to guarantee the privacy and security of citizens' data, whilst also promoting local software development.
simge Turkey
Howard Havens United States
François Chotard France
Bastian Große Germany
Ulises Santana Suárez Spain
รพีภัทร เทพหัสดิน ณ อยุธยา Thailand
Manuel Padron Martinez Spain
Jennifer Mariearanovich United States
Tina Germany
Jens Schäfer Germany
Jonas Volck Germany
José Luis Martins Morais Spain Hagamos lo posible
Constantin Graf Austria
Marius Buse Freier Code für freie Bürger!
‏‪majedmoaas United Arab Emirates تمشيًا مع التزامنا بالمصداقية، لا نسمح للأشخاص بتزييف هوياتهم على فيسبوك، أو استخدام حسابات زائفة، أو تعزيز شعبية المحتوى بطريقة مصطنعة، أو
David Redlich Germany
Heiner Gerdes Germany
Olaf Mertens Germany
Norbert linden Germany
Linden Gabriela Germany
Benedikt Linden Germany
Noah Kamara Germany
Luz Frias Spain
Eun Young Cho Eoh Spain
Miguel Spain My money, my code. If you force me to pay, I want the source code free.
Christoph Gerlach Germany
Sebastian Poland
Mohee ElDin Jarada Hungary
Nicolas Hart France
Mateusz Olejniczak Poland jestem za oprogramowaniem open source
Aitor Alonso Núñez Spain
Claudiu Zissulescu Romania
Milkly Thailand
Yodra López Spain
Anthony Pothin France
Fabely France
Juan M Gomez Spain Necesitamos auditar el software que sale de nuestros impuestos.
Jorge aguiar Spain
Valentin Cosson France
Olivier Raulin France
Dominique Huhn Germany
Álvaro Marcos Rodríguez Pestano Spain
Gaëtan Luitot France
Paul Calderon France
Vasily Mikhaylov Czech Republic
Christophe Viot France
Kevin García Peña Spain
Antonio Jesús Sánchez González Spain
Christoph Schmees Germany
Nils Renaud France Ça semble être une évidence, et pourtant...
Martin Donadieu Marza France
Bart Van Es Netherlands
Christos Katsogiannos Greece free code means accountability too
Syed ali Pakistan Very neend of money
Kathrin Kapfhammer Germany
Stéphane Raimbault France
Joseph Kline United States If we are paying for it we should be able to use it.
Дмитрий Russia
อาทิตย์นาถมทอง Thailand
Faisal Saudi Arabia
tim bishop Canada our job is to probide a good healthy/ safe enviroment
Emmanuel Villielm France
VIDAUD France Argent Public, Code source Public !
Robbert Wethmar Netherlands software is already almost as basic as air and water
Rita kopke United States
Eric Keister United States
Ladislav Bikár Czech Republic Chtěl bych vydělávat s partnerkou za porno videa
Heinze Germany publicware shall called freeware, freeD.O.M now! sciencewar
Muhammadhanafee Pohma Thailand AdminGuruSlotvip
Erik john Mercado Philippines
Mikołaj Zaremba Poland
Daniel Sautot France It's a shame what they do with our money!
Joona Leppänen Finland
Loth France
Luitot Adrien France Je suis absolument pour cette idée ! Je ne vois pas pourquoi le code serait privé quand le financement est publique.
Peter van der Zanden Netherlands This, to me, is the best way to spend public money on software.
Paul Germany Were paying for the Development why dont we get accest to the code?
Christoph Flick Germany
Jamie Mayer United Kingdom
Krisztian Szabo Hungary As a software engineer, this is a low-risk, high-return decision that should be adopted.
Johan Girod France
Joshua jarvis United States
Kristof Wevers Belgium
Ricko Ramadhani Indonesia
George Lewis United Kingdom
Christophe Nouguier
Franck Quintana France
David Leuliette France
Julien Paillasson France
andy tan France
Guillaume France
JOUGLET Pierre France
Matthieu BRIENT France
Johan Bonneau France Open your eyes and heal the world!
Sorel-Giffo France open source also means that the code developed remains available, should the startup fails its mission
Allan JEGU France
Tommy Guyennot France
Nicolas Bonamy France
Janes mullett United States
Genicot Jean-Baptiste France
Carlos Ble Spain As a software developer and citicen I firmly believe we must requirest open source for any software paid with taxes
Gwenhael Le Moine France
Samuel Paccoud France
Julien Dubuisson Duplessos France
Minassian Alban France
Bertrand Leblanc-Barbedienne France
Samuel Bouchet France
Guirec Lefort France
Olivier Mourlevat France
Antoine France
Thibaut Chieux France
Dácil Casanova Spain
DENYSE Sylvain France
SARRIOT Julien France
DIXNEUF Baptiste France
Raphael Kolm France An efficient way to fight against misspend of public money too
Ribreau France
Antonio Iacono Italy
NOEL Luc Belgium
Richard Baer United States It seems this should be a non-issue, yet it is & it’s absurd. Please make available to the public what’s been paid for with tax dollars.
Daniel Fadil United Kingdom Yes very important
Lorenzo Miglietta Italy Soldi pubblici, pubblica amministrazione e... software privato? No grazie
chalandon France
Xavier Spain
victoria estaysi carrera Panama
Brandon rains United States
Giroud-Suisse Gabrielle France
Magnus Walbeck Denmark
Klein Adrien France
Mayeul Cantan France Transparence de fonctionnement. Reproductibilité pour la science. Fin du lock-in payé triple (achat, impôts, liberté) par les contribuables.
Poittevin France C’est juste logique
Arnaud Poittevin France Problème très bien présenté, je ne peux qu'être d'accord
fadel France
Adam France
Mattias Persson Sweden För att göra det möjligt att betala tjänster och att dela programvara gratis globalt.
Maximilian Hampel Germany
Selcuk Senturk Turkey [EN] I already know about open source and I support the all benefits that came with it.[TR] Kamuda açık kaynak kullanımını destekliyorum.
Nasos Zavras Greece
Antoine VIALLON France Opensource is already massively used in the private sector. Let's fix the anomaly by using it in the public sector too!
MARC-ANDRE GASSER Switzerland Its an absolut must that public money will result in public opensource software.
Luigi Sciolla Italy I strongly believe that all publicly funded code should be open source.
Adam Menges United States Do better for everyone
Krzysztof Lis Poland
Sjors Dekkers Netherlands
Chris United States
Mujib Bahrain Leave
Cihan Karadag Turkey
Seppe Van Laer Belgium
mhmt Turkey
Bartosz Tomas Poland Świetny postulat! Dokładnie w ten sam sposób powinny być traktowane również wszystkie projekty publiczne.
Romell wright
Edson Nunes Macedo Brazil 2jwjgc
Gilles Mertz Luxembourg
Rocky97 India Earning and Help Each Others
josé junior oliveira Brazil Em fonte digital e online assumo a responsabilidade de ser o único humano conhecedor da verdade em plena consciência e poder de libertar vos
Santiago De Tord Spain
Tom Cronin United Kingdom
Jonas Sander Germany
LIMHYOJEONG South Korea 104, Nakseomdong-ro (Yonghyeon-dong Yonghyeon Seongwon Sangteville)
kyawg Burma 1000
Björn Tiedemann Germany
Paul English United States
Mia United Kingdom
Matthieu Felix France
Noé Rubinstein France
Dr. Johannes Ruscheinski Germany
Douglas Goddard United States
Luke Ramsden United Kingdom
Julian Pfeifle Spain
Mohsen Dehbag Iran
Kim Sweden We deserve the right to audit publicly funded research!
Giacomo Gaino Canada
Eoin Tierney Ireland
Mathias Jensen Denmark
Pierre Kraft Sweden
Kevin Martin Jose Germany I do research in computer science and it's baffling how some papers do not publish their code.
Antoine Chassang United Kingdom
Andrew Kjostad United States My name Andrew and I am not getting now cash in this time we r going throw me and my love of my live e heaving a baby soon give the cash 2 t
Groß David
Agbo Paul Nigeria I want code on my URL I have tried to create account with your platform but I couldn't I lost my existing account details help please
Micah Nigeria Lovely app to use
vismay panchal India I am start wordpress.
Konrad Schön Germany
Maja Košir Habjan Slovenia
Mehedi Hasan Bangladesh
Thomas France
Oscar Ramirez Spain Es una medida que llevo queríendo desde hace años, 500K€ cuestan cuestan los programas para votar, debería de ser uno y libre, pagado 1 vez
Ruben Solvang Norway
Jérôme Jutteau France More transparent, less gossip, better public auditability
James Melkonian United States
Amir Iran Very very very good
Christian Søttrup Denmark Den offentlige sektors værktøjer bør selvfølgeligt være åben for demokratisk indsigt. Især når bigdata bruges til at understøtte afgørelser
Sebastian Gibb Germany
João Pinheiro Portugal Public services should use Open Source software.
Nils Ratnaweera Switzerland
Darryl Alexander United Kingdom
Nika Russkikh Ukraine
Lincoln Sward United States
Nina Strondl Germany Ich bin per Zufall hierauf gestoßen und finde diese Idee großartig. Vielen Dank.
Rebecca Hellwig Germany
Ali Morocco Asky pdf
Δημητρης Πατητης Greece
Sandro Bellone Italy Approvo pienamente la vostra campagna
Sylwester United Kingdom I like opens software.
Eldar Osmic Bosnia and Herzegovina Support!
ashvin India hiii
Nard Waschko Germany
Jannik Winkel Germany I would go further and make all publicly fundet data free (e.g. geo data, media etc.)
Ignacio Barrancos Martínez Spain
Wolfgang Autenrieth Germany Public Code ist zentral für die Ausstattung von Schulen und Hochschulen.
André Germany
Catalin Tutunaru Romania
Деныс Ukraine Я не доволен
Barbara hampton United States
สุทิวัส สิวินทา
Sérgio Gonçalves Portugal
Manuel Avila United States
Gabino Ovalle Spain
Roland Lötscher Switzerland Wer an der Schule nur GAFAM kennenlernt, wird auch später die Vorzüge freier Software kaum erkennen. Daher: Schulen vor!
Abas Kasrajy Iran
Shawn Matthew crew United States
Petar Donchev Bulgaria
Vera Johanna Jandt Germany
Phillip Albert Germany
Maurice Woitzyk Germany
Indra saputra jaya Indonesia Dengan adanya uang digital kita 50% dipermudah
Jacob Bahn Denmark Software udviklet med offentlige midler bør natutligvis frigives med frie licenser, så andre offentlige institutioner kan få gavn af det.
Volker Schmid Germany Dear representatives, dear deciders, free yourself from lobbyism of the mighty, rich corporations, and listen to the civil society!
Jessica Marsh United States
Lenore Archibeque United States
Lukas Sprengel Germany
Michael Felstau Germany
Hohmann Áron Ágost Hungary
fatih genç Turkey
Benjamin Peyrille France
Carsten Brueggenolte Germany Bitte unterstützen sie die Aktion "Public Money - Public Code". Vielen Dank!
Fin Christensen Germany Software which is built by public money must be owned by the public, giving anyone access to the essence of the software: its source code
Mehdi Merah Belgium It’ll bring better software, enforce good public action and make people accountable.
Piotr Libera United Kingdom
Krzysztof Ireland
Martin Rey Germany If software is financed by the public, for the public, then it should also be publicly available under a FLOSS licence.
Heather Purcell United States Everything publicly funded should be public code. No publicly funded proprietary code!
Piotr Kozicki United Kingdom OSS good :D This makes perfect sense!
Ingolf Steinbach Germany
Ralf Schmitz Germany
Berta De Andrés Garrido Spain
Benjamin Akhras Austria
Yann Weyer Germany
Yvonne Buchholz
Vesa-Pekka Karinen Finland Yhteisistä rahoista rahoitetut asiat ovat yhteisiä.
Costa Frederic France
pukkamustard Switzerland
Ina Krogmann Germany Wir wären schon so viel weiter, wenn dies bereits die Regel wäre. Gerade Kommunen würden auch finanziell stark profitieren.
Jachym Cepicky Czech Republic
Filippo Dibenedetto Italy
larry Canada
Josip Belančić Croatia
Sven Simon Germany
clinton moodley South Africa Free Software should be the default option for publicly financed software
Javier Vaquero Martínez Spain
Victor Mier Spain
Thorsten Billib Germany
Inan Hira United Kingdom Software used for the public must be transparent and open.
Mdimtiaz Bangladesh Thanks all
Nick Förster Germany
Fabian Monheim Germany
Александр Belarus
Marc van Andel Netherlands No brainer!
Adam Honoré Denmark
Rasmus Larsen Denmark
Daniel nice
Yip Shing United Kingdom
Theo Welters Germany
Juan Spain El código fuente de las aplicaciones desarrolladas por organismos públicos debería ser libre. #FreeSoftware @fsfe
Juan Menéndez Blanco Spain
Rubén D. Mancera Morán Spain Public money public code
Luis Ascorbe Spain
Martin United States
Ben Allard Luxembourg
Jochen Kothe Germany
Christopher Moore United Kingdom
ศักดิ์ดา สุดตา Thailand
Ivan Chepurnyi Netherlands
Stefon United States
Belinda Cabral France
Robert reed United States
jose carlos sergio Brazil
Simon A. Nielsen Knights Sweden As a professional and libre software hobbyist at heart I feel it's important to have access to BankID &c applications for device diversity.
Chris Beeley United Kingdom
Taju Wills United States
Relland France Je soutiens la démarche :)
Vítor de Matos Portugal Portuguese government: stop wasting public money: FOSS prevents locking you out of editing & stops data from getting in untrusty hands.
Wolfgang Bauer Germany
อาภิชาติ กันทะวงค์ Thailand
Abhishek Kumar Gupta India Absolutely, We aren't only to pay. If we are paying we must have this power to see what is happening and how it could be improved.
Yoi Gomez Ureña Dominican Republic
Robin Stumm Germany Die Regierung geht fahrlässig mit der ihr gegebenen Mitteln um. Längst überfällig.
Anna Khalifeh Germany Super Aktion!Weiter so, wir brauchen mehr Transparenz und Gerechtigkeit!
Naoise United Kingdom
Daniel Carlsson Sweden
Rabbâa Marwan France Better transparency is what inspired people
Emmanuel PRET France
Piero Toffanin Italy If taxpayers paid for something, they need to own it. Transparency and open access will reduce corruption and lower costs for everyone.
galantusgratus Bulgaria I would like to publish the articles
Alex Koehler Germany
Rokhmat Bayan Indonesia
Marcos United States
Ms. Melissa J Roberts United States Code please
Lehuuhieu Vietnam Tôi cần minh bạch với mọi thứ
John Cadiente United States
Maximilian Rüdiger Germany
Julie beardsley United States Poetry
L I I M Bangladesh Very well
José Manuel Peláez Vara Spain
Juan Canham United Kingdom
Paul Australia
พุธทา ผิวทอง Thailand ยินดีที่ได้รับการสนับสนุน
Yousef alawad Saudi Arabia أنتهاك خصوصية
Niclas Bartsch
Jan Kubát Czech Republic
Cristian Aguazaco Colombia
Pierre Borgmann Germany
Franziska Germany
Fred Hoppe Germany Die Zeit - etwas zu verändern
Lye Shi Yih Malaysia This is a good idea that ought to be spread across the world.
Schmid Tobias Germany Wird langsam Zeit zum Umdenken.. 21.tes Jahrunhundert.. Welcome!
Björn Leví Gunnarsson Iceland
Alexander Eller Germany instead of multiple implementations better invest time and money in improvment of existing solutions - so, that all of us benefit from it
Gregory Golding Sweden Fantastic intiative!
Wayne Elliott Canada
fairtragen GmbH Germany [email protected]
Leon Germany
E. van der Rijnst Netherlands Software financed by public funds should serve all citizens.
hard is my name Georgia all my mail goes in my p.o box should be by the29
Martin Taleski Macedonia Great idea
Vincent Heinz Germany
Samuel Laqua Germany
Nikola Macedonia We all have been eyewitnesses and trying to use a bad, in a lot of cases useless, government software
Andreas Friedl Germany
Nils Germany
Axel Steciuk France
Andrei Cosma Austria
Bruce Röttgers Germany
هومن علیون Iran
Mehmet Ali Ayhan Turkey Süper
Krzysztof Poland Popieram
Håvard Moen Norway
Remo Tobler Switzerland
Rev ELOM CLEMENT Nigeria I am in support
Pascal Wilbrink Netherlands
Chris Nigeria We should not drag further on why this should not have been implemented long ago
Corne Hoskam Netherlands #PublicMoneyPublicCode
Syed Muhammad Aftab Pakistan I am 100% agreed
ahmadfaisallubis Indonesia I have in the achtivity for money,because covid 19 no money and no achtivity
Sonny Black United Kingdom
Christian Hitzfeld Germany
Lucy Anne de Omena Evangelista Brazil O código deve poder ser modificado e ajustado pelos cidadãos. A população pelo melhor funcionamento da gestão pública!
Javith India It's good
Jigyarth Joshi India I strongly believe that publicly financed software for the public sector should be kept open, since its a legitimate payback of our taxes.
Ron United Kingdom
Vincent PETITJEAN France
kmastore id Indonesia
Richard Mathot Belgium
Brian Allen Bauska United States
Nonclercq A.-A. Belgium 100 % d'accord avec la FSF depuis longtemps ...
Andrew Armstrong United States
Schmillen Belgium
Andrea Merlo Italy
Jürgen Grete Germany
tiberius ciuflea United States
Rob Westwood United Kingdom
Wolfram Schmidt Germany
Jovo Boskovic Sweden
Stefano Canepa Ireland
Litthidet Buntum Thailand เเจกจริง
Pan Langkau Germany
Christian Darr Germany Weil alles andere schlicht dumm wäre.
Stelios Kotzastratis Greece Modern society can no longer exist without software. So it is a great need to democritize software, if we want a democratic society.
a609671180 China
Markus Hoffmann Germany Mehr Transparenz und Dezentralität ist dringend nötig in unserer Gesellschaft!
JHONHERI Indonesia Lanjut inggin tahu
Thore Hendrikson Germany
David Brielbeck Germany
Hermann Finke Germany
Cyrille SURIANI France L'avenir numérique est au logiciel libre
Stefan Rein Germany Bitte auch den Anfängen in der Schule wehren!
Chantapat Sheanakul Thailand This would be mutually beneficial, fostering collaboration, gaining access to more development resources, and distributing software to incre
Johannes Werner Germany
Sagor Hossain Bangladesh
Aurelio Gonzalez United States
Keagan Craddock South Africa Ready to learn
Adrian Kierzkowski Poland
Florian Diesch Germany
APOLINAR Philippines
Mihrajnews India India
Mihrajnews India India
Fabian Scheid Germany
Ralph Suikat Germany
Jörg Näder Germany
Máximo Kinast Peru Código Abierto - Datos Abiertos - Gobierno Abierto
Dennis Meckel Germany
Fabian Camphausen Germany
Patrick Vonwirth Germany
Tobias Groll Germany
Steffen Hemer Germany Das predige ich seit Jahren ...
David Gold Germany
Philip Cardiff Ireland I agree that all publicly funded code in academia should be made publicly available
Graham Watt United Kingdom
darren corbin United States
Christophe Trophime France
Damla Dönderdi Turkey
Caucheteux France
Valentin Trophime France Free code !
Maxence FLECHIER France Code should be public and accessible #FreeInformation
Paul Mabileau France Open Source is the only viable solution on the long term, but it shouldn't be the case for the private sector only. Keep it up!
Maximilian Hansinger Germany
Yunusa Nigeria Well
Alex Liberzon Israel We release all our code as an open source, see and
Alexander Knoll Germany Free software is the only future for a democratic society which bases their political debate and social discurs on digital technologies.
Hannah Köhler Germany
Thiago Fernando Ferreira Costa Brazil
Werner Michael Müller Germany Open Source, die mit öffentlichen Geldern finanziert wird, soll gefälligst Open Source bleiben
Scott schrader United States
Gerrit Kirpal Germany
Hugh Jass United Kingdom It should be like the supermarkets: You see the item, you buy it, and it's yours to do as you want
Terri Buckner United States To explore and expand my self knowledge to never reached limitations
ดล Thailand เห้นด้วย
Jens Goerke Germany
Ibrahim Abdul Shukoor India PUBLIC MONEY. PUBLIC CODE! We demand: “Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the
Paul Hill United Kingdom
Jakub S. Poland
Budaya Televisi Indonesia Indonesia kami setuju untuk ikut menuntut :Menerapkan undang-undang yang mewajibkan perangkat lunak yang dibiayai publik yang dikembangkan untuk sekt
BADEL Sébastien France I agree!
amir Iran براز عموم
Hermano Filipe de Jesus da Silva Rodrigues Portugal
Markus Mersch Germany For an independent IT environment ... public and/or private
joakim verona Sweden
Jonas Claesson Sweden
Frank Werner Germany Kommunen könnten voneinander profitieren, wenn Code ausgetauscht würde und Geld sparen!
Çağrı Gürbüz Turkey
klisostom sousa da silva Brazil
Daniel Schmidt Germany Es wäre alles soviel besser mit OpenSource. Public Money-Public Code
Ludovic Lafont Switzerland
Nurmala herman Indonesia Insya allah
Karl Sturm Austria
mdfaruk Bangladesh
José Castro Portugal
Daniel Jühling Germany
Irina Maia Portugal
Stephan Kleinehollenhorst Germany
Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens Germany We should not accept that public money is thrown at the same problems again and again. Our best chance is to make sure that data and code a.
Bracq France Lille
Decollogne France Le code doit être accessible à tous.
Turan algan Turkey Ip adrrsi
Raul Giucich Paraguay
Adam Blažek Czech Republic
Ralitsa Stancheva United Kingdom
Miguel Paolino Uruguay
Florent Tassy
Paul Holzinger Germany
Philippe Beliveau Canada
Christian Germany
Uğur Bozdağ Turkey
Kronzucker Germany Public money - public code
Rakib Hasan Onik Bangladesh
DROUILLY France Adepte des logiciels libres depuis 1997, j'ai formé de nombreux stagiaires à leur utilisation (afpa).
broquet France
gamas martin gon Sudan [email protected]
Holly Parten Canada
Christoph Pelzer Germany Das ganze ist eine Super idee und würde uns stark vorwärts bringen.
Fabricio Brasiliense Germany
Holger Kimmes Germany
Agustín López Spain Nowadays, those that control the code, control the world
Yasharjit Malhotra India I don't want my tax money to fund companies that obscure their code in the name of Intellectual property and force people into an ecosystem.
aniket India for people from people
Michael Schmid Austria
Lara Austria
Stefano Pradella Italy
Jerre Belgium
joseoh francis norman United Kingdom Public money = Public property!
Mory Alomari Saudi Arabia hi me moryalomari I’m going to the store
Filipe Portugal A great cause, also Epstein didn't kill himself.
Adam Poland IloIloveinprivacy
Alexandre Conte France Our money, our code.
Filipp Krylov Germany
Pauls Ančs Latvia
Vincent Delaunay France Public finances should go toward Public Code
Thierry Schork Switzerland
Bobbbay Bobbayan United States
Daniel Correia Portugal Além das outras vantagens, é um enorme voto a favor da transparência.
Graham Sargent United Kingdom
Alishams Hassam Canada Software produced for government needs to be FOSS. This is vital to the future of software in Government.
Manuel Starz Germany
Thariq United States
Reece Rowlinson United Kingdom
Adrian Todorov France
Mircea Moise United Kingdom
Lucas Krasl Czech Republic Code paid by the people should be available to the people!
Andrew Benson United States
Jan-Cato Pedersen Norway
LERUSTE REGIS France Je suis d'accord à 100%.
Roland Bauer Germany
Kerstin Schlax Germany
Nicolas Collignon Belgium
Stef Havermans Belgium
Thybault Alabarbe France I believe in the benefits of open-source for all public activity.
Igor Bugajski Poland
Émile Lecoquierre France
Roberto Canha Portugal
François Marceau France J'aimerais que les efforts de nos contribution à l'État aillent à la construction d'un patrimoine durable !
Arnaud Dieumegard France
Marco De Stefani Italy Open Source means security and privacy, and that's what legislations are paid for.
Rui Calçada Portugal
Aron Netherlands
Guglielmo Felici Italy It's 2020.
Graham Bae Australia Anything paid for by the public should be available to the public. This includes research papers not hidden behind paywalls.
May Singapore f it is public money, it should be public code as well.
Joaquim Nuno Salgueiro dos Santos Portugal
Tom De Smet Belgium This will also introduce better cooperation between different states.
Paccio France
Thamizhselvan Australia Any software which is built using public money should be open for public or else its called stealing the public money
Sheena MacRae United Kingdom
Scott Griffiths Australia Open source and collaboration FTW
Noah Kirschmann Germany If this is possible for a corona-war-app it is possible for everything.
Tommy Hartmann Germany
DANIEL TORRES United States covid-19/uspto/wikipedia/mediawiki/agent/
Matthias Cullmann Switzerland
Martin Henriksen Denmark
Achim Willenbring Germany
Gerard United States
maribel dupan Philippines
Satr Indonesia
Riska indriari Indonesia
José Sancho Monrabal Spain Con dinero público, el software gubernamental debe ser software libre y de código abierto
Christian Rabanus Germany Very good initiative, I'm fully supporting it.
Jure Sah Slovenia
Reuss András Hungary
Ziya Can Bilgin Turkey
😎😎Mạnh Công Tử😎😎 Vietnam
Ryan Currie-Huggard United States
Thomas Niklod France
Solomon Tan United States Absolutely Agree
Ivan cabral United States Machine readable. Human readable computer readable
Alain Knaff Luxembourg
yousuf rakib Bangladesh
doisneau France
Marcel United States Please help us make public-funded software publicly available.
Stephan Ferenz Germany
Marie-Noëlle Baechler Switzerland
Lionel Hinnerblesse France Nécessaire afin de sortir des logiques éditeurs qui freinent parfois l'innovation et surtout le service rendu au public.
Sebastian Riks Germany
Nicolas Guignard Switzerland Ce que nous demandons avec cet appel devrait aller de soi!
Erdal MUTLU Turkey
Patrick Gendre France merci de l'initiative
Thomas France
Modéré Vincent France
Robota France Nous devrions assurer notre souveraineté et abandonner Windows, Microsoft et autres solutions propriétaires peu soucieux de la vie privée.
Kanokwaree Buntam Thailand
Lars Krüger Germany Ich unterstütze die Initiative "Public Money, Public Code".
Jiradatch Thailand
Giorgio Italy
Josephine Carnehl Germany
Jonas Pfalzgraf Germany Es ist absolut notwendig, dass der von Steuergeldern produzierte Code Open Source ist!
stefano piccinin Italy
Eloy López Spain No sólo es una excelente idea además es imprescindible.
Sawfi kama Thailand Facebook
Santiago Frias Spain ;-)
OlafH Germany public money - public code !
อชิระ วัลภา Thailand มารับเครดิตให้สมาชิค
Amin Khaki Germany
Nicholas Stevenson United States
孙震 China 爱一次
Jonas Hofmann Germany Public Money? Public Code! "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow." - Eric S. Raymond
Antonio Manuel Martín Hernández Spain Apoyo este proyecto
Luka Napotnik Slovenia
Tim Handy United Kingdom Open source is the way these days... I'm in IT... best software is Open Source.
Antoine Côté Canada
กนกวรี บุญธรรม Thailand
Marc BEOUTIS France
amid Iran سلام همانطورکه مشخص و هویدااست نه تنها دراین مورد بلکه بسیارموارددیگروجودداردکه حقوق مردم رعایت نمی‌شود
Jose Romeiro Filho Brazil
Marc Castells Spain El programari desenvolupat amb els diners dels contribuents ha de ser de domini públic.
Goujon Jean France
Daniel Phillips South Africa
Valentin Boettcher Germany To use an open source model for developing code with public funds should have been obvious from the start!
Maximilian Kotz Germany
Jørgen Sørensen Denmark
Clemens Grün Germany Motto: Wer zahlt, bestimmt. Die öffentliche Ausbeutung für private Interessen muss beendet werden.
suman rajan India hail libresoftware hail swatantra software
Kurtenbach Germany
Nattapong Thailand ผมอยากมีรายได้เสริมคับ
Lars Bartsch Germany
Günther Jauch Germany
Wojciech Karpiel Poland
lee hughes Sweden Varför går skattepengarna till ett utlänskt företag som Microsoft?
ศุภชัย​ แสงสง่า Thailand $$$
Dawid Młynarczyk Poland As a former language school owner and IT employee responsible for FOSS deployments, I am sure that such legislation will be very beneficial.
zafar India We are with you, you will take whatever action you take for our good....
Falk Heidenpeter Germany I want to know what they do with my data and money
Waiyan Thailand
Oliver Krüger Germany
Erich Minderlein Germany :-)
Shakila Powell United States
Tiago Denmark
Diana Rhamat Malaysia 28349
waeled Saudi Arabia
Rodrigo Graça Portugal The name says it all, its public money then we should be able to audit what it is done with it.
Bruno Vasconcelos Portugal It's only logical! Don't believe the corporate lobbyists. Be relevant, consider your legacy for the future.
Bernd Hofmann Germany
Ricardo de Oliveira Cardoso super apoio
John Cadwick Germany
Marcin Łukasik Poland
Immo Janssen Germany Publicly financed Software must be in public ownership to ensure data protection, and to keep it scalable and adaptable to changing needs.
SophonwitChetthatphngs Thailand Winwin
Paul J Wege Germany
FAURE France Bonjour bien sur se qui conçut avec l'argent public doit libre, payé avec l'argent public donc le notre
Alberto Barradas Germany I work on science. I believe open code leads to open science.
Janina Hosch Germany
Jonathan Dehn Germany Nur freie Software bringt uns weiter.
Holger Bruch Germany Nur durch die Maxime "Public Money, Public Code" wird kostspielige Mehrfachentwicklung und Vendor-Lock-In vermieden
Stephan Switzerland It is very important to be able to review public code infrastructure. That way we don't have to trust as we can check.
Mattia Mestroni Italy Knowledge as a universal right
René Pieske Germany
Wandy firdaus Indonesia Lokasi sangat strategis
Hannes Hase Germany
Hannu Rummukainen Finland Openness is particularly important when public services rely on software, and make decisions that have an impact on our lives.
Patricia Orive Spain
Manuel Pérez Alvarez Spain
Jean-Marc Soulas Germany
Björn Brala Netherlands
Dr Andreas Merz Germany The most expensive thing is the time to bring knowledge in peoples heads. And this knowledge never should not be owned by a SW company.
Antonio Gutiérrez Ojeda Spain It is absurd the opossite
Hoffmann Germany
David Bonet Montes Spain
Maria Magdalena Spain
Jonas Lürig Germany
Dieter Broichhagen Germany
Cornelia Sigrist Switzerland Ich hab's verstanden
Joshua Anderson Canada
Clemens Burger Austria open source & eu api standards for banking, smart meters, traffic lights, ...
Vladimir Putin Russia Absolutely Agree, Public Money, Public Code of Course, Very Good Idea But I Think Implementation Is Very Difficult and Compromosing Security Malaysia I try i hope coled money
Moritz Thurmair Germany
Jonathan Picht Germany
Daniele Federico Italy
Darko Colak Serbia We all need this badly. Good work.
Piotr Dworzynski Denmark
Anatolij Werle
Mateusz Netherlands
Beverly Donsal Philippines
Wladimir Schwitin Germany
Goran Matić Croatia
Eric Eikrem Norway
Hernan Marcelo Italy
Oiro Italy Codice aperto è uguale a trasparenza
Nguyễn Thế Quyền Vietnam Life is always a lot to say. Life is a deadlock with repeated arguments that make fairness unsurpassed.
Emmanuel Macombis Mallabo Philippines I Am thankful
Евгений Владимирович Матренин Russia Принять законодательные меры, требующие, чтобы программное обеспечение, финансируемое из бюджета и разработанное для государственного сектор
Paulo Köch Portugal
Alper Soyaslan Turkey
Giannino Clemente Spain It's a nonsense to use public money for privative code. Software funded by public money should be free (as in freedom), auditable, etc!
Ankur malik India Mi phone win
Tobias Lübben Germany
Amir Yousefi Germany Let's go open source
Alvaro J. Alonso Spain
Jochen Wierschowski Germany
Giordano Italy Che il software pagato con denaro pubblico sia Open Source mi sembra la cosa più logica possibile. Inoltre fa risparmiare soldi!
Harpal singh India hello
Şahin Turkey [email protected]
Carlos García Spain
Fabio Nascimbeni Italy
Cristian Afker Italy Assolutamente giusto e necessario per costruire un sistema equo, solidale e sostenibile. Basta con le ricchezze di tutti in mano ai pochi.
Cornelis Vanistendael Belgium Keep up the good work!
Μαρια Κοντιλη Greece
Anna Sirota Netherlands
Bertram (DG7BBA) Baaske Schott Germany DIASPORA* -> USER: DG7BBA PIN: Yy12ab56##
Fernando Santagata Italy
Hj9 Yemen QqWwEe274801
Hrvoje Belani Croatia
Daniel Neves Portugal no-brainer - algo que pode ser entendido ou resolvido facilmente
Dominik Hufnagel Germany
Dominik Schmidt-Philipp Germany important! how to justify anything else?
Georg Mangold Germany
Markus Brüggemann Germany
Johannes weitzer Germany
Clicque Dimitri Belgium Our money, our software!
Michael Dörre Germany
Roux France Il est temps de faire bouger les choses. Marre de donner de l'argent aux multinationales pour aucun retour.
Julian Germany Public Money Public Code
Fabio Navarro Brazil
Sudipto Saha Belarus
Mario Minale Netherlands
Luca Nucifora Italy
MD Atikur Rahman Bangladesh
Molinari Cedric France
Joaquim Gomis Spain QWERTY GLOBAL MARKET, S.L.
Justin Lamp Germany Needless to say: Public code for public money.
Jani Rutanen Sweden
Lindsey United States Awesome app
Gusti Muhammad Indonesia Blow u mind
Benjamin Collet France
faya United States Free and opensource software in every country.
Karim Ratib Canada
Levi Conklini United States
M Jean-Baptiste Canada For people of the world to be free, information and policy has to be based on free and open sourced software. In an age of growing Artifici
Huttner Ludwig Germany
Cristian Guerrero Spain
Cristian Camilo Castrillon Urrea Spain
Yusuf ÖNDER Turkey
Tilbesu Çiçekdağı Turkey
Uğur Arıcı Turkey
Bruno Fischler Germany OpenSource, yeah!
Christian Weiß Germany
Nikola Ivan Leder Croatia
Brindusa Stefan Cristian Romania I support this political idea for a very, very long time. It only feels natural to help out make it more popular.
Tin Klanjscek Croatia If we pay for it, we should be able to use it.
Vladimir Medovy Germany
Hajo Husmann
Winfried Germany Allgemeinwohl vor Einzelwohl
Mikołaj Świątek Poland Deus vult!
Lukas Lischke Germany Public code creates transparent governance, fosters public knowledge and improves internal and external governmental collaboration!
Sergiusz Bazanski Germany
Corentin Dandoy Belgium I strongly believe that proprietary software should be banned from public institutions, in favor to open source programs.
Valentin Tolmer Switzerland
Filip Matijević Croatia
Tanja Husmann Germany
Hezel Andreas Germany
tycho luyben Portugal public money -> public source code!
Francisco Castellón Spain Dinero público, código público!
Christophe Lecointe France
Julian Tölle Germany
Dirk Loss Germany
Franz Larsson Sweden
Reinaldo Antonio Camargo Rauch Brazil I totally support it as many suspicious acts arise from government pays for closed-source software dev
Isaac Palacio Spain
Tomáš Vavro Slovakia
Kai Husmann Germany I am waiting for this since years. Please make it happen!
Pau Moll Spain Força al programari lliure i sobretot en Català !!
Elmar Pohl Germany Die Unabhängigkeit von propriätärer Software und Schutz von Daten ist essentiell für Europas Zukunft.
Adeoye Seriki Nigeria hello
Fernando Spain
Carlos Martin Spain
Miguel Hervás Spain
Mareile Busse Germany Sehr gute Initiative!
Nikola Bunis Bulgaria
Andrej Dundović Croatia
Heather Harvey United States
José Luis Rivera Spain
Sunil Singh India I hope to you I am not sure if not money.
Gundolf Oertwig Germany
Timothy Minshall United Kingdom
Wiebe Netherlands
Alberto Spain We pay we watch
Samuel Spain
Diego Ordóñez Sebastián Spain Es necesaria la transparencia para evitar fraudes. El dinero público es para que la gente pueda vigilar a los vigilantes
Yusuf Kuzu Germany
Umair Aziz Pakistan
Julian Moyano Reiz Spain Los valores de software libre: compartir, cooperar, mejorar lo común, son la esencia de la política al servicio de la ciudadanía
Frann Zappa Argentina SL
Touns Lebanon Max.140c
Francisco Javier Haaz Martinez Mexico
Juan Angelo Iturra Echeverría Chile Encuentro de toda "normalidad" y lógica pensar que si hay dineros públicos de por medio, el software sea público.
Guner Brisbin United States
Josep Mut Pérez Spain
Joost Hoogland Netherlands
Aurelio Díaz-Ufano Spain
Wout Vandenhaute Switzerland
angel baena carvajal Spain Es importante el código libre
Antonio Hernández Sánchez Spain DINERO PÚBLICO, CÓDIGO PÚBLICO
R. Remeijer Netherlands
Luis Calzadilla Lorente Spain
Joan Ignasi Bulet i Sagrera Spain
Mayra sampang Ismael Saudi Arabia I want to join
Joost Netherlands
Sergio Spain
Linsey Maynard United States
Narciso Pardo Spain Dinero Público = Código Público
P Rin Netherlands
Javier Mallén Spain
Giel Berkers Netherlands
Jakob Netherlands
Bastiaan Mourik Netherlands
Christian Spain
Belnx Spain
Ulf Bamberg Germany Open Source improves security
Rens Huizer Netherlands
Pedro Antonio Castaneda Garcia Mexico
zoharis United States
Terminali ترمینالی سامانه هوشمند اجاره اتوبوس و مینی بوس
Stefan Klatt Germany
Björn Schreiber Germany
Jouhanneau France This idea is great and obvious. Please show the exemple to motivate other country to do the same
Jimmy Ekström Sweden
Erik Hermansson Sweden
Nicholas Filip Germany go4it!
Jędrzej Poland
Hernán Iglesias Spain Estoy muy de acuerdo con este proyecto ya que los politicos gastan a destajo el dinero que el contribuyente aporta a pais.
Ossi Rosten Finland Freedom and privacy + health and visible markets with our tax money!
José Guerrero Gallego Spain El dinero de nuestros impuestos debería ir a parar en software cuyo código sea auditable y perteneciente al pueblo (GPL v3)
Günter Thiele Germany
Jose Manuel López Spain Creo que el dinero público debería ir a proyectos de soft libre y código abierto colaborativos.
IñigoOvejero Ateka Spain
Thomas France No private assets in mandatory citizen laws, forms, ...
Alseyni diallo Senegal Comment sa marche ici
Sibylla Reitzner Germany „Wir brauchen rechtliche Grundlagen, die es erfordern, dass mit öffentlichen Geldern für öffentliche Verwaltungen entwickelte Software unter
Jan Schlenkermann Germany Improving code in terms of efficiency and security, making code reusable, sharing by-public-financed knowledge.
prasetyoDP Indonesia god job
Novriansyah Indonesia Sangat terbantu
chamreunsoriya Cambodia Max.150
michineau France je soutiens cet appel en signant la lettre ouverte merci
Sameer Sayani India Softwares developed using various technologies should have free editors, free hosting and free learning curve. I am looking forward to work
Christoph Webera Germany
W Goudsblom Netherlands
Stephane Vincendeau France It's just common sense !
Nikos Tsakalof Greece
Kevin Lee Support from Hong Kong
randell wyatt United States everyone should have access to this. it should be part of our equal rights
Andrej Podzimek Switzerland Public money spent on closed-source is wasted, “invested” in vendor lock-in. Systems that manage sensitive data must be open-source.
sofia Greece everything on the internet should be free.and the internet itsself
STEPHANIE MEYERS United States Public money public code!!!
Dimitris Evangelinos Greece Closed-source software should be #1 priority for all the public sector especially public schools and universities
Albert Russia
Oliver Kurz
Bernd Singer Germany Open Source ist nachhaltig.
Pavel Píša Czech Republic The most of inovations is based on open source code, why to pay for its closed versions and vendor-lock in solutions if they prowe to fail.
Daniel Germer Germany
Miguel Barrera Lyx Spain
Daniel Aggintus Germany
Régis Muller France
Jonathan Freiberger Germany
Bernhard Gmeiner Germany I hoppe, Munich will comeback to limux!!
herman China
Hugh Ingram Germany
Christian Henkel Germany Es ist mir unbegreiflich, wie öffentliche Mittel eingesetzt werden können, für etwas das dann nicht öffentlich ist.
Cedric Bhihe Spain Public monies should not go toward paying for proprietary sw licenses, when FOSS alternatives exist.
Cora Loftis United States
Olaf Koschke Germany it should be a logical condition for use of public money
Daniel Schneider Germany Als Informatiker ist es mir sehr wichtig, dass solche projekte auch der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden
Roberto Leinardi Germany Public Money? Public Code!
Andreas Heider Germany
Gustav Berth Germany
Manuel Jiménez Spain
Max Resing Germany
Raimondas United Kingdom go go go freedom for sofware- will fix ilnesses easy and fast
Antonio Martinović Croatia
Mario Spain Public money, public code.
Anton Russia
David Auer Germany
Basawaraj S India
Bertolt Meier Germany
Marko Dimjašević Croatia
Harald Beier Austria
Eric Wirth-Durst Germany
klaus Germany
Ballon Alice France
Martin GRUDLER France
Boris Metlar Germany
Daniel Huhardeaux France
Jo France
Yvonnick Garnier Pongérard France Open source is essential for freedom
Yannick Germany Vom Steuerzahler ermöglichte Projekte müssen OpenSource-basiert sein. Für mehr Legitimation und Transparenz.
Moritz Mähr Switzerland
Stefan Pöter Germany
Buty France
Florian Maier Germany This should be mandatory!
Jörg Petersohn Germany It is important that common spend money comes back to the people that spent it
Appriou Jean France
Martin Kreller Germany
Antoine Delaporte France
Boettcher Sophie France
Bruno Boettcher France Un scandale que ce ne soit pas déjà le cas
Afonso Castro Portugal
Slaedts Belgium
Ferdinand Cornelissen Belgium
Piotr Poland
Patrick Feldmann
Bernd Breuer Germany
Martin Stehr Germany
Paul Walker Germany Unsere Steuern sollten wieder der Algemeinheit zugute kommen und Open source ist dafür bei Software "the way to go".
Katrin Gliemann Germany
Fabian Schäfer Germany
Alro Disa Portugal It should be a MUST!
Miguel Suso Spain Germany We all think that everyone should open-source their code just for the sake of security and privacy
Thomas Grüning Germany Weg von Ausbildung für Konzerne, zurück zu Bildung
Joxe Belgium
ابو الفرج المشرع أطالب بالشيك
KGOTHATSO MOKOBANE South Africa We really need to open up the internet space for all even those who are disadvantaged.
Fredrik Berglund Sweden
Kortnie R Franze United States
Jörg Schwiemann Germany Absolut berechtigstes Anliegen!
Sascha Romanowski Germany
Ricarda Juros Germany
Kai Fritzsche Germany
Bernardo Vieira Portugal
Hugo Coolens Belgium
Joachim Theunert Germany
Michael Jacobi United States Open source is essential for freedom
Christian Gramsch Germany Free Software makes this world better for everyone. And it enables everyone to make more Free Software. Sounds nice? Is nice!
Waldisio Brazil Justíssimo!
Peter Nowee Netherlands
David Fricke United States Yes I believe that people should have access no matter what there income. We should be thankful that the individual has the willingness to
Luna Schmitt Germany
Jakub Mazurek Poland
Pilar Marcos Blázquez Spain
Norbert Knorr Germany Tolle Kampagne
Stefan Schnieber Germany The use of free software should be the standard!
Dmitry Burlakov Germany
Romain Norberg Belgium
Heidy Huber Switzerland
Emanuele Scott Trezzi Italy
Roland Miyamoto Germany
Jonáš Dyba Czech Republic
Laurent DIGNAC Andorra Le choix du pays n'est pas possible. C'est domageable.
Costel Buhusi Canada This makes sense 100% and I stand by it.
Mirko Ulfig Switzerland
Ora C Wilson United States thank you
Sven Kaemper Germany
Maximilian Hauser Germany Very important for freedom
Quentin Ayoul-Guilmard France
Nmaji'uk Iran Tanck you
Ayet' Qaleh Iran Tanck you
Paul Wijhenke Netherlands Good initiative, should have happened years ago!
Prof. Dr. Nils T. Siebel Germany FOSS - because nothing is more important in life than freedom.
Alexander Antonio Giron Montoya Honduras
NGUYEN THI GIANG Vietnam Tôi rất cảm ơn về điều này
Lemonnier David France
Gaston France
josé Ricarte Spain Public money public code
Avraam Firaridis Greece Free open source programs are developed with the intention to be available to anyone, even those who can’t afford commercial software!
Vera Kaufholdt Germany
Didier VEZINET France
Dustin Bönki Germany
Nicolas Pinault France
Luis Antonio Pinto da Silva Portugal
Benjamin Körner Germany
Daniel Morgan France
Michaël Lainard France
Brandon Ngo France
Hannes Reichegger Italy
Simon Knott Germany Public code FOSSters participation, transparency and trust. It's a mandatory feature of a smart state.
Marcus Hausmann Germany Overdue! Public Money, Public Code = A democratic digital World for Europeans
Volker Bretschneider Germany
Jens Ingloff Sweden
Martin Gillstedt Sweden
Stavros Alchatzidis France
Martin Döring Germany European institutions can build on and benefit from a strong European open source scene.
Pascal Austria Digitale Nachhaltigkeit @ Wikipedia (de)
Bogdan Alexandru Zarafu Romania
Ruprecht Bassarak Germany
Mphile South Africa Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like
Francisco Burnay Portugal
marc chantreux France
Mduzzal Hossain Bangladesh Help
Daschiev Andrei-Mihai Germany 010110.011010
Mario Santiago Angola Please !!!
Mihaela Italy
Tobias Genannt Germany
Peter Bremer Norway
Yuriy Andamasov Spain It's super simple, if something developed on our money, it must belong to all of us.
Bas van der Vlies Netherlands
Zarko Paunovic Serbia
Junior Oliveira Brazil Criador do projeto paz , Nova Aliança, Junior & Ian sou Denominado Eternamente Único Salvador
Carlos Garcia Garcia Spain Also all educational docs should be under creative commons licenses
Адам Russia Открытый код - гарант справедливости в цифровой эпохе. Это уверенность в том, что разработчик и пользователь не нарушают права друг друга.
marco mastropasqua Italy
Jonas Becher Germany Code, der zur Erhaltung des öffentlichen Lebens bestimmt ist, sollte frei eingesehen werden oder etwas nicht?
Berwyn Powell United Kingdom With open source code we are not endlessly reinventing the same wheels, so what we make is better and can benefit more people.
Lucas Uruguay
Michael C Germany
Marian Romania This initiative is in to with the EU spirit and will score points with the tech savvy EU citizens.
Ivo Jansch Netherlands
Mike Seman United States A radical idea that should not seem radical.
Armindo Machado Portugal
Ivo Silva Portugal
Eduardo Carvalho Portugal
Dennis Suhl Germany
Davidfetterhoff United States Need help to learn how to spend Microsoft points
Tor Christian Tovslid Norway
Andreas Waidler Germany
Denis Pisarev Germany More openness, less corruption and great community to help with the code.
Nikolai Øllegaard Denmark
Ryan Zidago France
Eric Schoen United States
Anna Thereza Mrosk Biavati Brazil
Jonathan L Suppe United States
Aengus Walton Germany
Philipp Middendorf Germany
Ilja Bekman Germany
Richard Gubijev Hungary
Brennan Fee United States This should go not just for source code but any public funds used for research. No patents or copyright should be allowed.
Tobias Rogalla Germany
Diogo Magalhães Moura Portugal
Henri Wagner Germany I believe free software is the only way to go for the public sector!
Olof Olsson Sweden
Veikka Tuominen Finland
Rolf Lobker Netherlands
Hugo Conceicao Portugal
Thomas Lobker Netherlands Free and open software will profit everyone
Eric Engestrom Switzerland
Axel Bock Germany about time.
yann malet France
Vlad Vasilescu Romania I stand for more open source code in the public sector.
Thomas Zimmermann Germany
Timothy Alberdingk Thijm Netherlands
Théophile Batoz France
Rachel Shen United States
Carlos Portugal
Laurens Netherlands
Jasper Homann Germany
Rufus Linke Germany
Morgen Peschke United States
Hampus Weslien Sweden Making code funded by taxpayers money opensource by default has the potential to revolution government IT infrastructure
Robert Egel Germany
Stef V d Haute Belgium A government should be open towards the public, free software is a huge step in the right direction.
Luis Silva Portugal
Friso Elsevier Netherlands
Tobias Johansson Sweden
Tomas Jakl Czech Republic Yes please! This is the best way to prevent vendor lock-in.
Nazar Marian Claudiu Romania Free libre software is the way to go!
Pape-Momar France
Jacco Steegman Netherlands Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and
Andrew Peter Johnson Netherlands "if you do nothing bad, then you have nothing to hide" is just as applicable to a government as to an individual
Daniel Nicolai Netherlands
Kyle Watson United Kingdom As a software engineer and an advocate for the open-source and privacy movements I wholeheartedly back this goal.
Brent Huisman Netherlands
Jonathan Lee Malaysia
O.Rojon Germany
Abidemi AbdulKareem Nigeria It help
Bernardo Oliveira Portugal
Luke Morrison Canada
Kjell Hoffhenke Germany Free software is an important matter, that becomes more important each year. It can be used to combat many of the problems we're having
Jürgen Gerdes Germany
Magnus Brautaset Norway
E de Vries Netherlands
Andrii Slyzkyi Netherlands
Eric Australia We need this world wide not just in Europe
Srećko Jurić-Kavelj Croatia
Richard Bowerd United Kingdom Governments should also use free software as far as reasonably possible.
Péter Kádár-Dombi Romania
Mr R J McAdam South Africa Free software is important to everyone's future.
Andrei Toderean Dascalu Romania Software paid by public money MUST be free and open sourced at least in the same scope as the source of the public money used
Arlene Aliano United States This makes perfect sense and would speed up the improvement of our physical and intellectual infrastructure at a portion of the cost.
Subhabrata Roy India Thanks to the parliament of Netherlands, wish Indian Parlament will take same decision some day soon,
Ronny Blomme Belgium I agree
Thomas Lallart France
Tony Månsson Sweden
Opeyemi oshikoy Nigeria All about good life
Ashutosh Mukherjee India I support
Tiago Fernandes Portugal I totally agree.
Janis Ester Germany
Eike Ziegler Germany no exclusive commercial interest rates on public goods
Evgeniy Kosolapov Russia
Pedro Casau Portugal
Edmundo Ferreira Netherlands
Andrea Simone Dedato Italy
Henrik Bengtsson Sweden
Isabell Steinkamp Germany
Simon Steinkamp Germany Please stop wasting our money for proprietary software
Regina Gamberini Italy
István Derda Germany
Norbert Schwab Germany längst überfällig
le xuan truong Vietnam atruong
Dylan Merl Boone United States I care for the growing population, and it's children. They all need freedom, truth, and prosperity. With your organization it will.
Jordan ledoux Canada Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available und
David Spain
Florian Sesser Germany
Jean-Pierre Belgium Liberté, transparence, pérennité
Meinte Boersma Netherlands
Moritz Hüper Germany Staatlich finanzierter Code muss von unabhängigen Instanzen überprüft werden können.
Irene Bender Germany
David Rychlý Czech Republic
Gea Netherlands
Dennis Wensink Netherlands
Vincent Jacobs Netherlands Het lijkt me niet meer dan redelijk dat we krijgen waar we voor betaald hebben
Robert Netherlands Open source code actually enables for better software
Pim Jeursen Netherlands This would benefit our current infrastructure. A lot of IT projects of the Dutch government are now viewed as failed.
Jazz Magdelijns Netherlands
Harm Lubbers Netherlands
Jeroen Klaver Netherlands
Jurrian Netherlands
Guus H. Beckett Netherlands Als de code gesloten is, bevorderd dat hun veiligheid en controle. Als de code open is, bevorderd dat jouw veiligheid en controle.
Pepijn Overbeeke Netherlands The people should be able to review the software they payed for
Sebastiaan Jacobs Netherlands Open software has been a proven concept for many years. Let's make sure lawmakers commit to it too.
Jurgen Beliën Netherlands
Lorenzo Garavelli Italy
Wouter Doppenberg Netherlands
Willem Poortman Netherlands Just listen instead and let us do what we do best!
Gerben Netherlands
Aziz Kaouass Netherlands
Koen Hendriks Netherlands
Elia Brunini Italy
Martin Findel Germany
Angel Argentina
michele fialá Italy
Filippo Italy
Mattia Zucchini Italy
Fulvio Rossetti Italy
Werner Viktor Liedmann Germany Das ist längst überfällig und gehört zur Daseinsvorsorge
Tommaso Carella Italy
Filippo Italy
Nicholas Italy
Cristian Italy
Lorenzo Tinfena Italy
Dennis Italy
Jacopo Muzio Italy
Giuseppe Sansone Italy
Filippo Amato Italy
Paolo Parisen Toldin Italy Solo il software open source permette a chiunuqe di controllare "come veramente" funziona e lo stato dovrebbe tutelare sé e i cittadini.
Luca Italy
Maurizio Trotta Germany
Luca Ripanti Italy
Lorenzo Italy
Francesco Olivo Italy
Ettore Timpanaro Italy
Carla Nassisi Italy
Giuseppe Angelini Italy
Dario Freddi Italy
Paolo Caroni Italy
Boris Fonda Slovenia
Jordi Vidiella Amposta Spain Tengo una startup con dienro publico y lo voy ha hacer
Ana Gonzalez Spain
Instituto para la Monitorizacion Vecinal de Espacios Contaminados Spain
Pablo Laguna Spain La Ley 19179 de Uruguay es un buen ejemplo.
Petzold Bernhard Germany
Adolfo Barragán Spain
Horst Kapfenberger Austria
Manuel García Domenech Spain
Elaine Marie Hephzibah Gashy Nelson United States Freedom is a birthright. I am claiming mine.
Jakob Licina Germany
Pornput Saetae Thailand
Sandro Jäckel Germany
Andreas Roth Germany
Juquata United States Free free free free indeed
Onor Dominic Nigeria
Pekka Mustonen Finland As a chairperson of The Pirate Party of Finland I support this
JOHN KILCLINE United Kingdom believe thatYES! Free Software should be the default option for publicly financed software?
Jan Jansen Germany
Abdulkareem Abbas Nigeria Really love this platform
Colyn elkins United States
Precious Austria I weiß nicht
عبدالمجيد Saudi Arabia
Edoardo Debenedetti Italy
Sandra Pizzolato France Indonesia
Jonas Södergren Sweden
Kelli LEE United States “Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available.
rosdi ab latiff Malaysia rosdiablatiff01{Organization Identity}personal program system,organization identity
Andor Schmidt richtig und wichtig
Daniel Santana Portugal
Morten Lind Norway
Dirk Packebusch Germany Staatlich finanzierter Code sollte jedem öffentlichen Interesse dienen können.
Suzanne G Steiner United States
Daniel United States
Ari evanda Indonesia Log in
Saroch​ khunhong Thailand
Tran Thanh Tai Good ung dung co ich
Manfred Mayer Germany
Matthias Kirschner Austria
Martin Paul Eve United Kingdom
Isaac Barona Martínez Spain
Andreas Fahrecker Austria
Jannik Möll Germany
donna woodard United States
Νικίας Αλεξανδράκης Greece
tyson Netherlands open source allows improvements
Karvelas Dimitris Sweden
Stefon crye United States
Raül Cambeiro Gutiérrez Spain
Salvador Pérez Martín Spain
Βαλέριο Πάρις Μητριτσάκης Cyprus
Irmgard Sodenkamp Germany
José Alberto Torres Agüera Spain El código de software pagado con dinero público , debe ser accesible por todos los ciudadanos
carles Spain
Roland Marks Germany
Μαργαρίτα Greece
Sergio Soto Spain Mi apoyo a la campaña "Public money, public code"
Θωμας Παπαμιχαηλ Greece
Αποστολίδης Ηρακλής Greece
Brayandevora United States Súper bien
Sidbé Ousmane France
Arthit Bualoi Thailand Cloud bot camfrog chatBot
Olowu titus Nigeria I have read and accepte the rule and regulations
Αλέξανδρος Κανακόπουλος Greece
Heikki Simojoki Finland The choice between closed and open software would be an easy one, if only anyone paid any attention to it
Maarten Vermeyen Belgium
Αθανάσιος Στράντζαλος Greece Το προφανές!!!
Στελιος Κρητσωτακης Greece
Μωραΐτης Δαμιανός Greece
Jason Farsaris Greece
KHIRA FARUK India superb
Angelika Jaschke Germany
Tamara Fallscheer Germany Konzerne haben schon viel zu lange an uns (Steuergelder) und mit unseren Daten verdient - jetzt reichts!
vasoya1110 Russia доступ в,пм
Samir Kumar Mishra India
Roland Meuel
Werner Wirlmann Germany Es ist wichtig !!!
Christian Paffhausen Germany
Stephan Hobohm Germany
mohammed Aam Garad Ageed Sudan
Martin Hombach Germany
Matteo Brancaccio Italy
Siegfried Seifert Germany
David Heim Germany
Schaible Germany
Marc Speckmann Germany
Peter Weissenfeld Germany Super, selbst arbeite ich auch mit Ubuntu
Subhchoupal India In this period internet is a compulsory part of life. Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. Thi
M Shahazad Pakistan
Krystal Lee United States
Héctor Lobos Argentina
ابوالفرج المشرع Yemen . خدمة متكاملة
Daniel Dumke Germany
Marie-José Bofill France
Max Rabes Germany
Jerise Fogel United States
Kurt Luckhardt Germany
Patrick Dzah France Oui, le libre dans les administrations. Depuis quelques mois je me bats pour cette y a des blocages mais nous ne devons pas
ledfordj66 United States
Lucas Ferreira Martins Brazil QUERO ASSINAR CARTA BETA
Matthew Rudolph United States
Katarina Schulze Germany
Gunter Wiegand Germany Ich zahle für die Nutzung öff. Dienste dann sollte ich auch die bezahlten Prouktenticklungen nutzen können.
Jakub Marek Czech Republic
Rüdiger Begemann Germany
Salend Kumar Lingam United States Poetry
Rudolf H. Ende Germany Ich bin für Freie Software, weil sie uns aus digitaler Abhängigkeit und von Datenmissbrauch befreit.
Legay laurent France
Espen Dalløkken Norway
Tord Akerbæk Norway
Astrid Styren-Thune Norway
Fredrik de Vibe Norway
James Trev Starr United States There is reason why having public to help create and display open course code software is important. It's to further everyone's opportunitie
Pavneet Singh Saund Norway
Ove Gram Nipen Norway
Asbjørn Mikkelsen Norway
Håkon Nilsen Norway
Asbjørn Alexander Fellinghaug Norway
Jørn Kløvfjell Mjelva Norway The internet is only possible because the system i founded on distrust
Amrut Karke India Earn money
Gründig Germany
Jan Terjung Germany Yeah. I think that priority should have interest and needs of community, society and not the wishes and ideas of some private privileged
Lars van Maanen Netherlands
Minlu Burma Vpn
Kovács Gergely Hungary
Legay France
John Andersson Sweden I expect my tax payer money to be used the best way possible, and this is such an obvious improvement and benefit for everybody
JoachimVocke Germany Wirklich wichtig, dadurch kann man eine vernetzte Infrastruktur aufbauen.
Jereme Jones United States We deserve our freedom to live without fear.
Matt United States I’m bless and hope to inspire
Modernjul India I love this opportunity for us get freely, Our humanity beings is world top religion, I always try to help poor and uneducated people but F
Reezy Madagascar Hello! My name is Reezy i'm developp programmers and gestion marketing i'm 19year old i work Job freelance i leave an Toamasina
Omar Pérez lopez Mexico 75183212345678
John Rooney United Kingdom I would love to audit and secure public code!
Müslüm Zariç Turkey yazılım özgürlüğü kısıtlanmasın
Max Winter Austria
Jan Rauschenbach
Josh Gunning United States Hey
André Bahrain ######
นางสาวสุราณี แสนอินตะ Thailand
Clemens Weise Germany
Pascal Argast Switzerland Besser geht es nicht. Diese Initiative braucht es schon lange.
Sherry Arnouville
talal al kolefy Iraq
Severin Tagliante-Saracino France Avec paiement d'un euro mensuel par utilisateur pour chaque application utilisée, pour mieux financer leur développement.
Umaru abubakar I'm Ayc Abbk I' like music 🎶
Lefaut France
Juan Alberto avitia Beltran Mexico esto es una maravilla gracias por apollar
Leonhard Albrecht Germany Yeet let's do this
Paolo Italy I absolutely Agree with YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charlotte Droell United States public money should only pay for public codes and open source software
Laurent Haeffelé France
Langot France
Adrien France argent public, code public, et logiciels libres dès que possible !
james.bryant james.bryant
Gardès France
Machard France
kevin tisoy Colombia i wants upload my themes
noercahya Indonesia free money
Haverlant David France Bonjour Mesdames et Messieurs les députés, il est tout à fait inadmissible que l'argent des européens servent à produire un code fermé!
Olga Baranov Germany
Thananchai Thailand คืออะไร
Stephanie Ann Carroll United States
Isabel Figueras Albert Spain
Xavier Poza Spain He participat sense dubtar-ho, però ara escolteu-nos a nosaltres i allibereu l'administració del llustre del programari privat, es necessari
Myat Min Burma good idea
Muhammad Alghofiqi Indonesia i am blogger
Dede Indonesia I need money
Joanna Kuligowska Poland
jonas infante France
Cevin Freitag Austria
Alexandre Laurent France
Tomas Krizek Czech Republic
clzmvkvvxm Serbia uvwcvomgrs
Rudolf-Andreas Floren Guatemala DO IT NOW
K De Bruyne United States
bouyssou bénédicte France
derrien France
Margaret Vogel
James Legg United Kingdom
Olivier Andrade France
Albert Einstein
Pierre Pochon Switzerland
Stefan Reich Germany
Lerda France
Barbin France
Bourneuf Lucas France
Christian Weinz Germany The software from the metereological services, like the App from the DWD, should be public.
Meyer France
Amine Bakily Morocco Good plan
Dimitris Tsalavos Cyprus
David Friedli Switzerland
Jonas Pluess Switzerland
Konečný David Czech Republic
Inokentiy Babushkin Germany
Christian Stark Austria Wir brauchen rechtliche Grundlagen, die es erfordern, dass mit öffentlichen Geldern für öffentliche Verwaltungen entwickelte Software unter
D. Brem Austria
Richard Loker United States Commit to public money?
Mayer Curt
Alexander Sitter Germany
Hauri Switzerland
Gourov Germany
Frédéric Dumas France
Alexandre Cariage Switzerland Réduisons la dépendances aux méga-corporations!
Samuel Chenal Switzerland C'est fondamental de promouvoir les communs numériques et en particulier dans le cadre des institutions publiques.
Tushar India If a software is financed through Public Money then why shouldn't be the software free for the Public & such projects should be Open Sourced
Rainer Kieslinger Germany Public money must be used for public code!
Николай Манашевский Russia Bay and Be happy!
Lesaffre Fx France
Natt Malaysia Its good for person that really want to learn about software without any charges. As long as don't use the software for bad vibes.
Damien kingston Norway i want to go to england too meet my parents is that too much to ask for
Miguel Pinho Portugal
Marcel Ryser Switzerland Le logiciel libre doit absolument s'imposer surtout si il est financé par le contribuable
Guidez lionel France Mettre en œuvre une législation exigeant que les logiciels financés par l'État développés pour le secteur public soient rendus publics sous
Bonjour Switzerland
Jean-Marc Vandel Switzerland
Luis Tecun Guatemala Quiero formar parte
German CRESPO Germany
Ingo Habicher Austria
Dennis van Paassen Netherlands
M.T.P. Timmerman Belgium Public money = public code. It simply makes sense.
Igor Sakulin Latvia Step toward real transparency!
Timothy Tarmizi yutsara Thailand I'mWant
Saidur Rahman Bangladesh I am Wordpress developer
Richard Hertrich Germany
Emanuel Pestana Portugal
Marcel de Ruiter
林嘉酩 Taiwan
Panagiotis Avgerinos Greece
Dieter Castel Belgium
Reiner Prietsc Germany
Thành Vietnam
Jorge Spain
Miguel Jeremias Portugal
Nylom Nylo m
Karsten Balogh Germany
楊志璿 Taiwan Yeah, I stand by this opinion.
Mark G. United States This is a critical component toward "the true concept of freedom."
Helder Murcha Portugal
Lucie Canada Want identify hacker I'm sick he doesn't want my account I'm going through my money fiduciary responsibility to keep the faith order for Mor
Ademola Oloruntomi Nigeria Hi
smoqmorrmm Rwanda sqvgaswfxa
Love Kildetoft Sweden
Michael Eipert Austria
mary United Kingdom Teamwork is technology and its so vast and strangly beautiful, it is to be shared and used for the gret of the future...
Tijaabo Somalia Just test
Shari L Smith United States It makes no sense otherwise
Font France
Jana Scholze Germany It makes so much sense. Let´s do it!
Katrin Götzer Germany
dudi221 dudi221
deezy cain United States trfhjefgdyufhu
Thomas Toumpoulis Greece
Heinrich Kießling Germany Make shure public money is mainly used for public (~= open source) code.
Carl Syrén Finland
hmkorea South Korea
Gabriel Canada I would like tout ne part
EVERALDO ISAIAS LUIZ Brazil desejo participar da campanha achei muito interessante
Victor Ferreira Portugal Vamos maximizar o impacto do dinheiro público
Shamika R Bush United States Credit
Josef Mayerhofer Austria
Eric Schenk Belgium Das ist ein wichtiger Schritt in die richtige Richtung
Антон Ukraine
Roger López Mañas
한지혜 South Korea
Mert Gör Turkey free software i free hardware , free society
Pablo Pérez Varela Spain Privatizar el código es como privatizar la sanidad
claudia Spain
ERWIN BUDIANSYAH Indonesia Ingin bisa membantu orang dan sukses
賴宏源 Taiwan
Sanu Barua India
Filippo Guarino Italy
Wisnususilo Indonesia Good
Reza ady saputra Indonesia Please help me
Wolfram Weiland Germany
Steffen Brink Germany
Manuela Capraro Belgium
Dragan Markovic Belgium Public Money Public Code
Tomasz Poland
Lea Philippines
Muhammad Harianto Indonesia
pijasfssqj Mauritania fjfhdgvkzg
Dimas Beniq Indonesia
Sherrie Hegre United States If it is public money, it should be public code as well.
Philipp Commans Germany Ich kann nicht verstehen, dass dieses Prinzip nicht schon lange umgesetzt wurde!
Piotr Gospodarczyk Ireland
Emil Kosic Croatia Please stop using Microsoft or other proprietary software. It's not green and economic.
Sven Leichsenring Germany
Margaret L McLlarky United States By the people, for the people!
Eduard Fadieiev Slovakia
Razli Bin Aliomar Malaysia Hello im the new here.!!!
Ester Cantu United States
Joel Svensson Sweden
Koos Pol Netherlands
Robert Augustinus Netherlands
Rogier Eijkelhof Netherlands He who pays the piper calls the tune. WE are paying for this stuff, so it should not and cannot be withheld from us. Transparency please.
Konrad Schumann Germany
Nikos Alexandris Italy
Werner Brack Germany
Φώτης Ξυστράκης Greece
Bruo Wipfler Germany
Δημήτρης Σαμαράς Greece
Thomas Netherlands
Stefan Röthig Germany Thank you for the campaign!
Eveline Raine Ukraine Just like publicly funded projects, publicly funded ought to be transparent, i.e. FOSSed
Denise Germany
Lucas Garbe Germany wow, so gut!
Tadeusz Sośnierz Poland
Martin United Kingdom
Max Lutterbeck Germany
baitul aman United States verry usefull
Valentino Bocchino Italy
Jan Petrů Czech Republic
Jan Scherbaum Czech Republic
Dr. Matthias Jungbluth Germany Unabdingbar für Sicherheit und Unabhängigkeit jetzt und in Zukunft
Brain Bassey Nigeria COOL HELP
Daniel Langbein Germany
Erich Duft United States Bless and Protect
Hugo Pierre France
Mia Molvray New Zealand Giving companies ownership of publicly funded software is a subsidy. It shouldn't ever have been allowed.
Oliver Lohr Germany Free Software is cool
Christophe CRIER France
Hanna Stollenwerk Germany
Glaser Julius Germany
Rene Schwarzinger Austria Der Einsatz von Freier Open Source Software ist die Voraussetzung zur digitalen Souveränität in Europa!
venicio davila berna Peru estar al dia de la tecnologia es bueno
Konrad Enno Kühner Germany
Martin Wilmes Germany
Karl-Johan Karlsson Sweden
Ole Schmidt Germany
mohammed ahmed Egypt I am a Dr. mohammed ahmed
Charles Miracle Nigeria i belive u can help me Educationally
ALLAH Pakistan allahoakbarmohammad4taar
Laguionie France
Cyril de Bourgues Switzerland
Nina Lesikhina Russia
Holger J. Germany
DUbois France
lhommeRares France
Luis Egger Germany Finde ich gu
Christos Bechlioulis Greece An exponentially growing dependance on a few software vendors puts in danger your citizens and democracy
Brian Chadwick Australia The days of proprietary code in government bodies MUST end. Of all cyberintrusions what is most affected? ... proprietary software. STOP IT!
Thomas Fischer Germany
Pietro Cirrincione Italy
Christian Krueger Germany
Mkhitar Armenia
Kenan Germany
Tanguy Fardet France
Mateo Coltura Belgium Public money? Public Code!
Yv Huang Taiwan
Bastien Laguionie France Dans une société qui cherche l'efficacité et qui se targue de liberté, d'égalité et de fraternité, le logiciel libre est une évidence
Ken Fallon Netherlands
Enricomaria Pavan Italy
Johan Clasen Denmark
Damien Picard
gmjdctwpzz Angola danxwnnvjz
David Mexico
Matthew Hodgson United Kingdom Open source companies can make revenue without licensing fees. Taxpayer money should go to the common good.
Luna Catkins Germany The people should have fully transparent knowledge of where and what their money goes to.
Tanguy Van Cutsem France
Chris Simpkins United States
Angela Lentini Belgium
Joshua Trees Germany
Nick Wallace
André Dias Duarte de Oliveira Breda Portugal Não há democracia quando os sistemas do país são feitos à porta fechada. Um sistema auditado por todos é transparente e mais seguro.
elias Gasparis Taiwan
Steffen Rytter Postas Denmark
Aitzol Spain
Markus Zarbock Germany
Jens Gräf
Massimiliano Lentini Belgium
Maarten Bosmans Netherlands Open software (and open data formats) are essential for an efficient and transparant government.
Katja Guček Slovenia
Tomasz Poland open source = zyski dla społeczeństwa, closed source = zyski dla korporacji
Lucas Hermann Germany
Raffael Stocker Germany
Matias Lavik Norway As a programmer, I don't see why publuc software can't be open source. This would make it easier for everyone to contribute.
Curtis Parfitt-Ford United Kingdom
Cosmin Humeniuc Romania
Anspage Bulgaria
Adrian Heine Germany
Subin Siby India Citizens have a right to know how a software funded by public money is working
cristal United States
Maarten Zeinstra Netherlands
David Canada
Christian Dersch Germany
Gabriele Italy
Juanma Spain No solo no es justo que no se use software libre. También es grave que solo permitan usar en ocasiones solo sistema windows
Eric Fries Germany
Simon Taylor United States This world is so
Maciej Chmielarz Poland
Renée Fountain Canada Excellent initiative! Should have been the case since the beginning of taxation.
David United Kingdom
Nikodem Czechowski Poland
Radosław Wyka Poland
Tom Van Gulck Belgium
Antonello Rivelli Italy
Matthew Saunders United Kingdom
Kevin Royer Germany If you don't take control of the program, then he has control over you.
gyhcjhowjz Liechtenstein yqhhiukehk
Tobias Ewald Germany
Thomas Pertl Germany Ich unterschreibe, weil ich als Lehrkraft und Systembetreuer selbst betroffen bin und ich bereits Open Source Software kenne.
Emilio Cobos Álvarez Spain
Roman Jockel Germany
Vida Australia Let's welcome to get paid
Tony Brown United Kingdom
Scott Fraser United States Software developer in the USA - hope the EU will take a lead here and influence others.
Joerg Liedl Germany
TIm Dittmar Germany
perry Couprie Netherlands
dbqqjhgiym Côte d'Ivoire icjxsdfvns
Phillip L Salaughter United States
fregtemgsh Liechtenstein zboqnnftza
Søren Sjøstrøm Denmark
mhectumkgh Liechtenstein joxanidoeu
mdrakibul Bangladesh it is very good
Alberto Gonzalez United States Free the public code
Klaus Lux Germany
Malte Tammena Germany
mario.q59 Italy OpenSource nella pubblica amministrazione è l'unica certezza che fà quello che dice.
Valentin Rieß Germany
Oleksandr Slovakia
doug.leslie.mann doug.leslie.mann
Iris Hegemann Germany
Oscar Englundh Sweden
Antonio Guerra Spain
Jonas Bögle Germany Mit öffentlichen Geldern finanzierte Software sollte auch als freie Open-Source-Software für die Öffentlichkeit verfügbar sein.
Ramsey United States
Florian Graepler Germany Eine sehr gute und wichtige Initiative!
Niels van Reijmersdal Belgium
Juan Pablo Navarro Sánchez Spain Es esencial que como bien público esté a disposición de la sociedad. Esto también evitará reinventar la rueda.
Hendrik Erz Germany
Tomas Spain Dejar de aprovecharos
ygadsiojss North Korea hpkznmlrgy
NAILLON Jean-Marc France
Ignacio R. Vigil
Christopher Dell United Kingdom
Rainer Halbmann Germany
Borja Nafria Velado Spain
Francisco Javier Sánchez González
Óscar Fernández Díaz Spain
GRENAILLE Alain France non à la dictature !
Pablo Fermin United States Hello
Gabi Diers-Legantke Germany
Martin Kraus Germany
ranjiangxia China 13534057952
Toni Müller Germany
MartinPohlmann Germany öffentliche Gelder gehören in die Hand des Steuerzahlers
Lars Funke Germany
Sebastian Pansegrau Germany count me in!
Mario Schier Germany Open Source for All
jimmy tan Malaysia good
Thomas Schieder Germany Mittel- wie langfristig zahlt es sich aus. Und gleichzeitig ist es Entwicklungshilfe. Win-Win!
Tim Visée Netherlands
Robert Alexander Yury Germany I have no comments for now but at time I will surely give my comments as soon as I know more about public money.
Sylwia Panek Poland Internet i wszystko co tam się znajduje powinno dostępne dla wszystkich, w sposób jasny i przejrzysty, a nie umyślnie wprowadzający w błąd.
Nanjunda Swamy M India
Eloisa Martinez United States Ella-Intelligent Global Software Inc
Torsten Germany
Lahcen ben salh Morocco Sory
Danny ter Haar Netherlands
Jannis ihrig Germany
Thorsten Leize Germany
Marco Scheidhuber Germany For quality and reusability!
Borries Jensen Germany
Megi Korosec Slovenia
Mastrototaro Austria Software have to be free! :)
Aitbar Pakistan
Rather bee Ghana Am done
katyp32 Colombia
Gustav Eek Sweden Också tjänster kan garanteras gemensam kontroll (med hög teknisk kvalitet)
Julian H. Germany Es wird endlich Zeit!
Michael Schultz Germany Wem gehört die Software? Neue Verträge müssen her.
Lucien Guimier France
Marvin Duru
Raymon Boer Netherlands Open code leads to safer software and a better informed public!
rougeron France
Younas Dar Germany
Ralf Dameris Germany
Jelle Wolbers Netherlands
Stefan Oblinger Germany
Philipp Gschwendtner Germany
Tobias Dehling Germany Exceptions (eg, national security) might exist, but for most publicly funded software I see no valid reasons for not publishing it as FOSS.
Thomas Kloeber Germany
Bartosz Jurczewski Poland
Mikael Beyene Germany
Tobias Reiling Germany Super Idee
Michael Thalmeier Austria
Donny Jordan United States
Andreas Grupp Germany Public money, public code is the minimum! In order to regain digital sovereignty, open source should generally be used.
Stefan Bittner Germany
Martin Schmalfuß Germany
sibylle Germany It is one of the best ideas to a free world and humanity
Claus Siebeneicher Germany
ABUL France Notre association l'ABUL, sensibilise aux logiciels libres (valeurs, utilisations). Donc nous abondons dans le sens de cette lettre ouverte.
PEYRATOUT Jean France Argent ou service public ? Alors licence libre et format ouvert !
Pierre Jarillon France
Alwin Lohrie Germany
Thorsten Friedrich Germany
Marc Delpont France L'argent public doit obligatoirement bénéficier à tous !
Stephan Krempel Germany
富樫芳樹 Japan
Zuber Germany Mündigkeit und Autonomie sind mir sehr Wichtig und die Abhängigkeit durch die Tech-Riesen ist das genaue gegenteil
Kim Wormer Germany
Elisabeth Scherf Germany
Kevin Netherlands
Helena Peltonen-Gassmann Germany Die Verwaltung darf sich nicht von IT-Konzernen abhängig machen.
qmlichqpyp Liechtenstein nstswpkzks
Tim Germany Open Source and Open Data is the path to a good future!
Bakree Malaysia Please help n support me get public money
Jorgo Ananiadis Switzerland
Sridhar Rudravaram United Kingdom
Tyler United States Public Money? Public Code!
Josselin France
Klaus Raukuttis Germany
M. Wächtler Germany not only would this enable everyone to use the code, but also to improve it.
David Fricke United States God created us all equal, we should all have the same opportunity s
Lars Dreier Germany
Atle Lode Svendsen Norway Public Freedom
Aep Saepudin Indonesia 140
Jakub Sońta Poland Wbrew temu, co próbują wmawiać rządzący, Polska NIE stoi dobrze z cyfryzacją. Rząd nie dba o to, MY zadbamy. Chyba na tym polega demokracja?
Michaela Putschäw Germany
Volker Mauel Germany
Maxim Jonelat Germany Our cities need to be enables to find their own solutions. Free software is a chance to achieve so.
Dr. Rüdiger Hannig Germany Es ist an der Zeit, die über 40 Jahre alten "Kieler Beschlüsse" umzusetzen.
Marius Pana Romania
jegouzo loïc France ne laissez pas les gafam prendre nos informations.
Émile Jetzer Canada
Karsten Bruhns Germany
Tobias Teichmann Austria
Matthias Webhofer Austria
Sebastian Neumann Germany
Andreas Dymek Germany
Alexander Huck Germany
Robert Wade Germany
Nils Putschäw Germany
Sebastian Stelzer Germany
Silke Kramprich Germany Code/Software aus öffentlich geförderten Projekten sollte genauso offen zugänglich sein wie Forschungsergebnisse aus Förderprjekten.
BOBIN MONGA Canada It is very important that we stop the cycle of public expense and public risk turning into private reward.
Robert Wagler Germany
Lukas-Joel Rüßmann Germany
René Hansen Germany
Alexander Warth Germany
D Engels Netherlands
Holger Reinhardt
Corbin Holub United States No more FOSSILS. No more TRAILS. I'M looking for my place in all this.
Tobias Trautmann Germany
Joel Linn Germany Für eine bessere Verwaltung
Josef Irnberger Austria
Jonas Hess Germany
Sascha Kostadinoski Germany
Joao Paulo Rodrigues Brazil Everything should be transparent.
Jan-Peter Rühmann Germany
Dominik Lekse Germany
Juan H Spain
Eloisa Martinez United States
Eloisa Martinez United States
Vzvzvcvc Saudi Arabia
Thorsten Hack Germany
Дмитрий Геннадьевич Гнусарёв Russia
Hanna Sweden
Gustav Örtenberg Sweden
Joel Cruz Philippines
Alex Kilian Germany
Kevin Taylor Germany
Gerrit Großkopf Germany
Weitzhofer Anne Germany
Geoflly Adonias Ireland
Max Germany
Jonas Philipps Germany
Stefan Göbel Germany
David Schneider Germany
Till Riedel Germany Gerade innerhalb von Forschungsprojekten sollte eine Open Source Verwertung der Standard sein.
Bettina Krause Germany
Thomas Moj Germany
Christian Brügging Germany
Tammy Blair United States I'm ready for work
Marian Klösler Germany
Jimale Kenya Please let me know if you have
Michael Heuer Germany Bitte unterstützen Sie dieses Projekt.
Michael Abel Germany Otherwise it is pure waste of precious resources.
Norman Albert Germany
Kurt Zenisek United States It's understood certain things need to be kept secret for security, but all other items really could/should be open to the public.
David Prandzioch Germany
Ben Germany Man, that should be obvious!
Federico Bentsik Italy
Michael Renner Germany Mit Steuergeldern entwickelte Software veröffentlichen - als charming Offensive Deutschlands für seine Bürger
Jan Storek Germany
Ada Homolova Netherlands
Gideon White United States
Ferdi South Africa This needs to happen for all the countries in the world!
Konstantin Russia It's right and needed solution.
Vladimir Galliardt Germany
Ei Samnang United Kingdom
Kalle Hilsenbek Germany Why do you smother the power of the people?
Christopher Gloßner Germany
Christopher Rossbach Germany
Ali Ramadhan United States Public code will make scientific research more reproducible. Publicly funded research should also be free to read.
José Vieira Portugal Public Money, Public Code
Ercksen France
Andrii Ukraine Thanks
Lee Perryman Libya ∆i will invest some worth towards your request
Anangpong soksin Thailand
Manuel Matzner Germany Bg kkkgbk
Angela brice United States Send my money
Lacey Canada
Daniel Gorbe Hungary
nicolas paris France thanks for this
Joe Mesa United States
Nkosi South Africa
Christoffer Buchholz Denmark
Simon Kestenholz Switzerland
Jami fisher United States I inform that I have signed!
Iryna Kruhlikova Ukraine
James Donald United States I love this software
Timo Gerke Germany
Vitus Langmaier Germany
Novi safari Indonesia
rezaalizadeh Iran
Arash Rasoulzadeh Iran i accept this letter
Vladimir Rancic Sweden
Konstantin Pelz Germany
Kristopher R Smith United States
Gustavo Chaín Spain Public Money, public code!
Franz Linter Italy
Sandra Debaque France
hkyqygvkrk Bahamas crkrlostuf
Julian Schreiber Germany
Philipp Germany
KUCZYNSKI France L'ADULLACT soutient cette idée. Moi aussi!
Damir Kovacec Slovenia Yes , I require my tax money to finance only FOSS software
Jonathan Hassel Germany
Holger Warm Germany
Frank Schilling Germany
dtraverso dtraverso
Gebhard Dettmar Germany Ich würde es sehr begrüßen, wenn in der Verwaltung, in Behörden, in Schulen, kurz: in staatlichen Institutionen Linux liefe (Debian)
Andrea Pazurek Germany
Alexander Fischer Germany öffentliche Gelder für Freie-Software- und Open-Source!
Jérôme Belgium
Fabris Raccardi Germany
Niklas Meinzer Germany
Frank-Christian Baum Germany
Thomas Bischof Germany
Tiago Casal Ribeiro Portugal
Edlira Nano France
Mathias Hasselmann Germany
Jakob Jonscher Germany
Harrie Baken Netherlands Public money, public code!
Lisa Krause Germany
Tasso Mulzer Germany
Alexander Boesser Germany
Carl-Eric Mols Sweden
Werner Braun Germany Folgen Sie dem Link, um zu verstehen:
Lino Seiffert Germany This is the futere! This is progress!
Wilke Germany
Christian Kahle Germany
Fournier Marc France
Michael Kretschmer Germany
Maximilian Franckenstein Germany
Johannes Keyser Germany
miguemoya Spain
P west United Kingdom If this does not happen the public will continue to have to pay several times for the same, repeated, technical solution.
regahawlery member of anonymous rega rega here
Benjamin GOLINVAUX Belgium
Andrea Castello Italy
Samuel Steiner Germany
Norazizi Malaysia
Micha Akker, van den Netherlands
Tom Erwich Netherlands
Frank Lüttig Germany
ivbvpwarkc Barbados vcyshyxxfq
Enrico Reitberger Germany Please support the idea of
borolas500 Mexico acias
David Ueberschär Germany
Gabriel Miranda sandoval United States 500
Markus Weber Germany
lenrosen lenrosen
Akon India WA
Donald Moyer III Where is the code
Robert Frey United States By definition all publicly funded research belongs to the people without charge.
Holger Schmermbeck Germany
Octavi Fornés Spain És un bé public que reverteix en benefici de tothon
Jordi Vivancos Martí Spain Estandards oberts, Codi obert i dades obertes
A. Kaiser Germany
Mercè Spain
Karin Brieger Germany Nur mit freier Software sind die Grundsätze der DSGVO durchsetzbar.
Biel Serrano Spain
Bryan Honof Belgium
Tom Van Gulck Belgium
NusenKogoyanak Indonesia Fhvhv
Pierre-Arnaud Cointin France
Wong China copied & more datas or words needed!
Kim Alvefur Sweden The code that governs our lives should at the very least be readable by those it governs
Alexander Zinkl Austria liberté!
Michael Eliachevitch Germany
Pham Duy Thang Vietnam viruslove
Helge Münnich Germany Die Stadt München schafft leider schon andere Fakten.
Robert Hansel Germany Dies sollte eine Selbstverständlichkeit kein und auch Daten einschließen
Kovács Szilveszter Hungary
Vessel Kreative Kenya Public Money Public code.
Sophia Krebs Germany
Víctor Eduardo Rocha Murillo Mexico Muy bien
Kimberly Netherlands Want to make a idencifence card
Gilbert Robert Switzerland
Patrick Rudolph Germany Free Software!
Soubre Belgium
Pierre Michel Augustin Haiti
Johann Saunier France
Alexandre Rousseau
Samuel Lödkavel Denmark Who cares about integrity when the future contains delicious farts?
ARIFIN PRASTIYO Indonesia Hay i am so glad to join in this app
Michael Sedding Germany Die Behörden und öffentlichen Einrichtungen müssen raus aus dem Lock-in. Das geht nur mit FOSS.
Lea Lange Germany
MiiU Official Vietnam
siamak Iran
何冠琳 Taiwan
Sebastian Larsen Prehn Denmark I want Free Software to be embraced by the governments of the World, so that all citizen may live a little freer.
Manuel Gonzalez Spain Is the moment for the public code with the public money
Tom United States
Byron Molina Chile
Bartosz Wójcik Poland
Paul Kremser Germany Lobyarbeit alla MS bei Limux sollten geächtet und schwer bestraft werden!
Frankie Sanchez United States Free the Victims of society in A winning Situation...
gieta Jankie- Frank Iceland FEB 2020 VERHUIS , S"Gravenweg 141 , 2902LG CAPELLE A/D YSSEL , WEBSITE 5505590330
Ludvig Holtze Sweden
Khwaja kabir Turkey Thanx for your nice phone
Pierre Brezot Spain
Salvatore Italy
LANOE France Pour exercer nos droits culturels
Viczéna István Hungary
ARTUR KUCHNICKI Netherlands aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Véro France
Christoph Feichtlbauer Austria Test_1
888 xXx Switzerland
Alexandra Heimerl Germany
Victor Becker Germany
Rainer Lange Germany
Daniel Beyrent United States The Public should be encouraged to write with free and open source tools
Nico France le libre devrait être considéré comme un bien commun
Rosica Bulgaria 😥
Dirk Niemeyer Germany
Benoit Begue France
Rehan Fernando Sri Lanka
rusrusz rusrusz
João Manso Portugal Public Money, Public Code! Abraço Livre
Dario Spain Public money, public code!
Thanh Long Truong Germany Open Source Software can be modified so it fits our needs and the community could improve it, which creates transparency
Åke Nygren Sweden
Julian Hofmann Germany
Florian Gresser Germany
Jason Maurer Germany
Simon Kropp Germany
Harald Held Germany
Andreas Hiebert Germany Super Initiative! *Daumen hoch*
Anselm von Wangenheim Germany
Shenol Mustafov Bulgaria
Jan Lukas Bosse Germany
Flemming Madsen Denmark It cannot happen fast enough!!!
Michael Breidenbach Sweden My money only for Open Source Software!
Leo Jofer Great idea! Let's see how many signatures we can get!
R. Jofer Germany Good idea!
Gregor Prajs Luxembourg 👍👍👍👍👍
Victor Andersson Sweden
Ty Jones United States If the public pays for it, the public owns it! Give everyone access to their product!
Sandro Jäckel Germany
Martin Lentink Netherlands
Awatchanon Thailand hello
Omar Morando Italy I want my signature to appear in the list of signatures
Timo Glastra Netherlands
SEGUIRI Milan France indeed It should be free
Sascha Radke Germany independence, freedom, autonomy - human rights
Tran Huy Tuan Vietnam 0339360792
Arnim von Herff Germany
László STYGÁR Hungary
Johan Bergström Sweden
Henri Pook Estonia Managing freeware needs work from public officials responsible for the software. Do not waste public money for the vendor lock.
Tomáš Wachtarczyk Czech Republic
Stav Soroker Israel Amazing initiative
Herschel Hill United States
Filip Bengtsson Sweden
Tobias Brox Norway
Kai Kristian Kömmnick Germany Wird langsam mal Zeit!
Mathias Gruber Denmark
Jakub Kopańko Poland I want all the code that runs my country to be publicly available!
Michael Hick United Kingdom I support this initiative...too much money has been wasted on big data by greedy monopolistic vendors.
Peter Szanto Hungary
Felix Flaherty Germany The most significant benefits have already been mentioned. Every project that has been payed by public money has to be open-source!
Daniele Bruni Belgium I believe the proposal is the right approach to save money for cityzens. It's a win to win approach, money and time saved for everybody.
Sven Reißmann Germany
Henrik Helmutson Germany The future is open!
Catalin Miu Romania
Olivr Poggensee Germany
Marc Rintsch Germany Foundation Switzerland This is a great initiative. has been advocating for several years now for a wider FLOSS adoption in Europe and worldwide !
Jiri Horak Czech Republic
GEN Europe Germany
Matthias Geisler Germany Funded from the commons, for the common good.
Linda Martinez Venezuela
Leandro Spain Implementar una legislación que permita que el software desarrollado para el sector público y con dinero público esté disponible públicament
Ramesh Kumar India
Nattwat chana Thailand เพื่อมาใช้จ่ายในการศึกษา
Julia Lu Dac France
Timo Ollech Germany Für mich versteht sich das von selbst, wenn alle dafür bezahlen, sollen auch alle etwas davon haben.
Brady Despaw United States
kelcy johnson United States we all need to live out here
Yusuf Nigeria i need your help 09037357907
dionizio tavares da silva Brazil rede social eletro max
Karla Janeth Ramirez Lorenzo Mexico
Ph. Giannini Switzerland grundsätzlich besser miteinander als jeder für sich ;-) / fundamentally better together than everyone for themselves ;-)
Rüdiger Herrmann Germany
Matthias Drees Germany Free common goods and share for a better world
Laila Latvia Esmu jaunina pie jums!!!
ikuesan Oluwaseun Nigeria I'm a blogger and i support public money, public code
Filipe Leitão Portugal
Philipp Mack Germany
Rafael Conde Melguizo Spain Public Money. Public code. It`s simple
Daniel Drogan Germany
Frank Kuhlmann Germany
Angel Machado Spain im in!!
Alexandre Faustino Portugal
Claudius Dräger Austria
Jens Riemann Germany
Sikarin Thailand
Schmid Thomas Germany essential for survival of a citizen-centered digital infrastructure!
Aurelio Cortinas United States
Maria Greece It is wrong that our public servises use proprietory software. It costs taxpayers billions of dollars. FOSS would allow cheaper updates.
William C Deering United States
Michael Peti New Zealand I agree I would like to push this though parliament here in New Zealand would I be able to use this letter with your consent. Michael Peti
Kucing Indonesia mendukung dan mencoba memahami inti dari surat terbuka di atas.
Magnus Zang Germany
Rajon88 Bangladesh
bdqtvhjcgn Liechtenstein gsrtqezkgc
hxmlqhmzig Liechtenstein cnmgqcocvj
Cyrill Callenius Germany
Kostas Vrouvas Greece Code written with public money should be open. Make it happen.
Paul Rougieux Italy More eyes on publicly funded projects can only improve the outcomes.
Friedrich Strohmaier Germany
Kacper Poland I'm sick of badly designed code that is developed and used inside the boundaries of my country, and that I can not improve it; while I could
Nelly PIERRE France
Michael Plotegher Italy
Edin Taric Germany If the public is paying for code, this code in turn needs to be a public good.
Nico Schaefer Germany
Semar Nebula Indonesia No need to say more
Han Kila Belgium
Dr. Cornelius Sicker Germany
Abhi India Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed.
Daniela Bauer Austria
Kai-L. Klinghoff Germany Was die Allgemeinheit finanziert, gehört auch allen.
Tang wiki Taiwan
Farid Mohammad Malaysia
Sebastian Austria
Kenneth Edmonds United States Hey
Emil Tylén Sweden
Mahmud Taopik Indonesia No problem
Watchata Thailand Black.Chanel
leneuf de neufville France
Mubin Indonesia No problem
ตราวุธ สกุลณี Virginia
Soumitro Roy Dj
Arul junior Indonesia
Toyin Olukayode Nigeria I would love to help an contribute to the universal world opportunity with my support
Frauke Schramm Germany
Niels Castien Netherlands
Larissa Berg Austria
Madison Fisher United States <!-- PayPal BEGIN --> <script> ;(function(a,t,o,m,s){a[m]=a[m]||[];a[m].push({t:new Date().getTime(),event:'snippetRun'});var
Robert Okadar Croatia
Shakila Powell United States Should be free
Willi Fehlmann Switzerland
Adrian Clepcea Romania
Supawat Prommirit Thailand A-fan
Morten Ginnerskov Denmark This is important!
Alberto Berti Italy
黃至磊 Taiwan 用納稅人的錢開發的軟體,應公開原始碼供人檢驗。
Shella Bellerive Canada 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
muhar231288 Indonesia
Marcus Denker France
Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN Romania
Cătălin Costraș Romania "If it is public money, it should be public code as well"
Cătălin Matei Romania Stallman is right.
William Daniel Laszlo Romania
Marius Balaj Romania
Jordan Conway-McLaughlin Ireland
Werner Pardeller Italy
Haseeb Ali United Arab Emirates
Guillaume Neze Boneza Democratic Republic of the Congo Prière m'aider avec le financement pour subventionner mon projet de protection des orphelins et ex combattants danq la region du nord kivu.Moi c'est Guillaume Neze Boneza
Jan Horn Germany
Michael Blackhurst United States please open doors and divide the Large room comanies please. no more giant monopoly create a governmental takeover of authorization and copy
Belayet Hossen Bangladesh
Ehsan Iran
Martin Michel Germany
jenico South Africa max
Wolfgang Klops Germany Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen...
Richard Hoehmann Germany
Wyatt Walters
Gregor Hesse Germany
Udo Herwig
David Pomerenke Germany
Julian Hutzler Austria
Oliver Trebbe Germany Open Source, Standards, her damit!
Karl Heigl Germany
Daniel Prroni Albania
Thomas Brühl Germany Weil einmal mit Steuern bezahlt für alle frei sein muss.
Andreas Johannsen Germany
David Spain Pensando en el software para el espacio...
Alexander Niederklapfer Germany
Diego Italy
Jasmin Liebetrau Germany quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
D. Werner Austria The world needs cooperation. Competition is eating us and the planet. FOSS is a big step for humanity.
Christoph Gehrmann Germany
Marcus Rudig Austria
Andreas Karch Germany Liebe Volksvertreter, bitte denkt daran, die Interessen der Bürger zu vertreten!
Jelle Haandrikman Netherlands
Jason M Robertson China Thank you all for your help.
Lukas Süss Austria
Praveen India यह एक बढ़िया योजना है
Elo Magnussen Denmark Haloo
Bernadette Schwarz Austria
Martin Milinovsky Austria
Muhammad saiful Malaysia Hi
Felix Bernard Quill Germany It's time to fight for our digital freedom and for the right to make our society independent.
Henry Wittkopf Germany I want to know what my money is spent for. And it should be useful please!
Markus Huber
Nathalie Schnelzer
Erwin Ernst Steinhammer Austria
Krzysztof Drużycki Poland
Ali Mohammed Ahmed Somalia Daacadonline
Mordlovedk Thailand
Md.Rubel Kazi Bangladesh i
Nora Widdecke Germany
Srichon Boontharikwong Thailand My filling soft tryied true said about it.
Michael Russia
Hugo Calado Portugal
朱幸一 Taiwan
lbrowne lbrowne
Andrés Conrado Montoya Acosta Colombia
Sandra Hohmann Germany
ชูเกียตติย์ สีนาเมือง Thailand Ok
Aron Germany
Lisa Miller United States
Will Smith United Kingdom Cumbria, Maryport
Sylvain Maurin France
Karel Horak Czech Republic
Manfred Lotz Germany
Albrecht Kauffmann Germany
komeil majidi Iran i love this
Juergen Fenn Germany Eine sehr wichtige Kampagne, die ich gerne unterstütze.
Hadi Iran
Dr. Thomas Sefzick Germany
Moritz Hedtke Germany
Aki Aulis Antero Laaksonen Finland
Seweryn Poland
catherine.dominguez catherine.dominguez
Dawid Wiktor Poland Publicly funded software should be available to the public not only as an application, but also as a source code.
Reiner Brandt Germany
Jakub Smetana Czech Republic
Johannes Hofmann Germany
Klaus Renner Germany
Joshua Verdin United States Nobody should be able to copyright your data
Aarón Spain
Mike Johnson United Kingdom
Dr. Wilfried Jaeger Austria das unterstützt freie transparente government-IT in Europa
Asha India Right for freedom is neccessary and basic need to improve our lifestyle
Daniel Cech Czech Republic
Rui Afonso Portugal
A Britt Canada What happened wasn't the internet supposed be free a lot of users wont remember the beginning when it was university's were the beginning
Andreas Silberer Switzerland
Gurpreet Singh India As you wish? I am ready
Deepak Malaysia फ्री सॉफ्टवेयर हर किसी को सॉफ्टवेयर का उपयोग, अध्ययन, शेयर और सुधार करने का अधिकार देता है। यह अधिकार अन्य मौलिक स्वतंत्रता जैसे भाषण, प्रेस
Daniel Balle Germany
Pedro Araújo Portugal Strong copyleft only: AGPLv3 or GPLv3
Md Rubel Bangladesh <script data-cfasync="false" type="text/javascript">(function(w, d) { var s = d.createElement('script'); s.src = '//
Uros Susa Serbia Amin
Huynh giao Vietnam
Sarin Aruntaweerungroj Thailand 34HynL78b4dhX1TxpmsnUzaZo32WyPuxPC
Sebastien Shulz France
Erik Nygren Sweden
Timon Meis Germany
aqilla Indonesia
Alexander Ehrlich Germany Dieses Thema ist mir ein großes Anliegen und ich denke es ist sehr wichtig für unsere Gesellschaft im digitalen Wandel.
Isak Alexander Sweden
waters Slovakia good idea....
Donna Australia Give me a go
donna mcbride Australia count me in
Martin Dougiamas Australia We are global, with an office in Barcelona, and support this 100%
Yuriy Vinichenko Ukraine I'd like to train my coding skill.
Jan Willhaus Germany
Eric Kohler Germany
Dawid Poland Software paid from our money must be open source
Pedro Marron Luxembourg
J.P Morgan United States Mark Ramos (IV)
Christos Kompogiannis Greece
Núria Carles Raméntol Spain
ctlemon Indonesia Semoga belajar itu tidak membosankan
Smula cashout United States
Martin Gmür Germany
Julius Appel Germany
Marcos Spain Necesitamos que el software pagado con dinero de todos, pertenezca a todos.
hamed Iran
Minh Germany Public Money? Public Code!
Sergiu United States
J. Sanchez C. Germany
Elia Italy
Nicolas Alejandro Delgado Sarmiento Colombia
Christopher Reinbothe Germany
Yann Billeter Switzerland
Georg Rokita Germany
Lukas Woodruff United States I think that this should be the default option
Jens Tuchen Germany
Salvador Pellicer Spain It is a must. Today we can not still be answering why it isn't a regular practiceIt is a must. Today we can not still be answering why it i.
Sergo Kato Germany Code built with public money should be usable by the public. Nothing else.
Nico Döhrn Germany
Silviu Romania In educational institution must be taught only open source software
Carlos Bosquet Spain software libre: transparencia e igualdad de oportunidades.
Juan Manuel Gómez Ramos Spain
Pramote Laokasam Thailand
Ronny Indonesia Kebebasan publik tentang informasi
Alex Italy I fully demand.
iatriimlyc Liechtenstein azvkboakfj
Marco Costa Portugal
Domantas LT Code built with public money should be usable by the public
Tristan Weinland Germany Wenn wir das Geld für die Softwarelizenzen in die Schulung der Mitarbeiter verwenden, verringert sich die Gefahr von Malwarebefall deutlich.
Panagiotis Bartzos Belgium
Christian Bayle France
Sebastian Schwill Germany
Jeremy Australia <!-- PayPal BEGIN --> <script> ;(function(a,t,o,m,s){a[m]=a[m]||[];a[m].push({t:new Date().getTime(),event:'snippetRun'});var
Raymond joseph czarnecki United States Omgosh help
Christian Birr Germany
Tiago Carreira Portugal Dinheiro público, código público
Tom Schlosser Germany
Philipp Wasser Germany
TISON BRUNO France faites que framasoft trouvent les financements qu'il mérite pour continuer de mettre ses logiciels au service du public.
Philip Johansson Sweden
QUENTIN Jean-Paul France
Caroline Mues United States This strengthens fair trade and sustainability efforts for both present and upcoming generations. Monopolizing hinders on several levels.
Sebastian Zarejko Poland Przestańmy używać nie-wolnego oprogramowania w publicznym sektorze!
Millan Spain
Julen Spain Implementar legislación que exija que el software financiado públicamente desarrollado para el sector público se ponga a disposición del púb
mxxrozrhdm Liechtenstein beuufbiyom
Jos Belgium
S. Rasul Ataee Iran
Werner M. Germany Very good idea! Should also used by universities...!
Yedoost Iran
yuhaswfhys Liechtenstein fmdgnohqqv
S. Rasul Ataee Iran
Андрей Russia Вы правы как не когда
Thomas Burri Switzerland PUBLIC MONEY! PUBLIC CODE!
Kai David Olsen Germany
Kassima India Wow
Jarle Pahr Norway
Nuno Filipe Vilhena Santos Portugal
Thandolwethu Menze South Africa
Queralt de las heras Llobet Spain
Xavier Beà Spain
Luís Sousa Portugal Revejo-me completamente nos objetivos deste movimento. A adoção de licenciamento livre para software irá otimizar o recurso públicos.
Daniel Vivancos Bermejo Spain
lee garnham Netherlands i believe and controlle
ARISTÉE SABRINA France validation
Jesús Leganés-Combarro Spain
Jordi Miguel Spain
Margarita Grabulós Spain
Josep Spain
Manuel Pfandl Austria Free the Code!
Helger Orel Estonia
Joachim Dubois France Décider du numérique que nous voulons est possible : le logiciel libre en est la preuve;
georgette smith Canada 8151001
Francis Winter United States
Juan Gómez Carrillo Spain I find unacceptable that lot of public money is being paid to foreign companies and not invested on generating new jobs inside the country.
Mohammad Naghavi Austria
Bas Netherlands
赵帅 China
Sandip Biswas India How can i started this term
Vidal France This is so obvious.
Ben United States Open source / publicly available software is often safer!
Mehdi4590 Iran
Hamidreza Mahdavipanah Iran
Emma N. France
Juan García Sánchez Spain Con el uso y desarrollo de software libre, se ahorran millones que se podrían destinar a otras causas como educación o sanidad
Ali Haji Khaluie Iran Make the World a Better Place
Valentino Bocchino Italy
Mahmood Rafiey Iran hello, good luck
Bruno Cabrita Portugal
John Uranga United States Free the code for the future of our children so they can be educated and progress to better our future!!! They are the future.
David Espinar Spain
منصةشليلة Saudi Arabia
Pierre Ammeloot France
Gabriel Kattermann Germany
Christian S. Germany Die Münchner Verwaltung sollte wieder auf OpenSource setzen.
Anthony Chambrier Switzerland
Florian Diepold Germany
Krishnendu Bhowmick India It's a good think.
Chris Barr Canada
amani Democratic Republic of the Congo
Klaus Scheuermann Germany
Gui Cardoso Portugal
Referral service India Good
Anyanwu Chibueze Nigeria Publicly financed software developed for the public sector, should be made publicly available
Peter MEUEL France
ParsamyParhamy Iran
Rahel Schweikert Germany
Marjan Austria
Thorsten Teuteberg Germany
Sina Italy
Julien SEIXAS France
Robin Stock Germany
Gideon Baumblatt Germany
Max Kölling Germany
Editha Stürtz-Frase Germany
novid Iran Free Software, Free Society
Tilman Vogel Germany
Jochen Braunmueller Germany Share knowledge. Less bugs. Good for all.
Gerhard Aigner Austria
Stephan Hoehn Germany Great initiative in order to strengthen democratic structures with own capabilities in the IT sector. Stop funding of closed solutions!
Arnaud Bonatti France
Johannes Studt Germany
Philippe Parisot Canada Paid by us, owned by us!
Hans-Georg Schulz Germany Ein wichtige Angelegenheit für mich.
Dimitris Foukas Greece Publicly financed software belongs to the Commons
Stephen Judge Ireland
René Kuhn Germany
Philipp Schlee Germany
Bert B. Germany
Alex Bihlmaier Austria
Dulce Marie Spain ^_^:,-)}:‑):-!:-!:-$
Steffen Vollenkemper Germany
Emma Pluskwa Germany
Andre Blanke Germany
Birgit Hölzer Germany
BADAR M ALHASSAN Saudi Arabia 27841
Julius Steup Germany
Thommie Rother Germany
Adriana Pineiro Panama Public Money. Public Code. No need to say more.
Ashok Kuike Nepal
Katra France
Mohamad fairol Malaysia
Daniel Gröber Austria This really should be a no-brainer!
Alex Netherlands Hear hear
Nicolo Tosi Italy
Tales Tomaz Austria I support this cause.
Gregory Godin France
thomas Austria
Boris Kraus Slovakia I fully agree with the motto and the mission.
Tilen Colja Slovenia koment
eduardo vega toledo Chile
buavwerklj Liechtenstein rekatirxpg
cxodhyomcg Liechtenstein nhilolnvpn
Ristow Germany
Barthelemy Arribe France
Nassim CHABRAOUI France
Patrick Preuß Germany
Ali Reza Iran Mohakmh
yassine jouahri Finland
Fernando Sabaté Ecuador Excelente iniciativa y de extrema importancia
Michael Werl Germany
Aurore BERTRAND France
Le Thiec France
Gautier France
celia GONCALVES France pour plus de biens communs
Hannes Mayrhofer Austria
Marie-Kathrin Siemer Germany
Ronny Röwert Germany Freie Software macht die öffentliche Verwaltung längerfristig leistungsfähiger. Unabhängigkeit und Transparenz zahlen sich aus.
Priscilla Nevarez United States Paid for by tax payers, and therefore should be available for free, why it's it something that is needed to be paid for twice.
Elliot Moritz United States
Joram Berger Germany
Patrick Michl Germany
Jamie Dixon United Kingdom Agree with the concept that if public pay for something they should receive it all.
Franz Mair Austria
Kousha Rismansanj Germany Steuern sind Raub.
Bataille Belgium juste logique non ?
Armin Felder Austria
adi schuetz Austria imho. software funded by public money should be available to all by a permissive open-source licence a la BSD or LGPL.
Ranjith Kumar Ranjith Dubba India
JAKIR HASAN Bangladesh Gjjgj
Rasmus Fuhse Germany
Bahaddin Batmaz Turkey Vielen Dank für die Campagne! Ich wünsche mir auch public money, public research! Viel Forschung Unis, Institute) wird öffentlich gezahlt...
Wykesha Williams United States
Michael Brandtner Germany
Joan Albert Spain Firme defensor del software libre
meissa GmbH Germany
Ubiana Germany Ser sinnvoll
Falko Richter Germany
Michael Bischoff Germany
Horst Gutmann Austria
Jayson Canada
Markus Rudy Germany
Luis Enrique Gago González Spain
Felix Neumann Germany
Άννα Greece
Eric Pohlmann Germany
Clemens Kochinke, RA&Attorney United States
Christof Weck Germany
Wolfram Kroll Germany Und: europäische Behörden dürfen sich nicht von amerikanischen Software-Konzernen abhängig machen.
Klaus Walmrath Germany
林秋吟 Taiwan
Guillermo Márquez Cebrián Spain
Lars Schulz Germany Keep it up… drill thick planks
Daniel DAlonzo United States I'm here standing alongside all of you.
曹吉庆 China 本人支持并且强烈要求公家机关使用纳税人的钱所开发的软体必须自由
Sadbere United States Awsome
Kurt Niederer Germany für unsere Mittelständler und Transparenz in der Verwaltung
Nils Urban Germany
Simon Niklasson Sweden
Axel Rellensmann Germany
Julian Endres Germany
Christian von Kietzell Germany
Akshay India
Dieter Germany
Thomas Lundsgaard Hansen Denmark
Lucas Holtz Germany
Dr. Peter Loebbecke Germany
Timo Osterkamp Es gibt keinen Grund, warum Software, die von der öffentlichen Hand bezahlt wird, nicht auch der Öffentlichkeit zu Verfügung stehen sollte. Indonesia
Robert Kopplin Germany
Markus Härtle Germany
Jonas Tobias Hopusch Germany
Arkadiy Deliev Slovakia In hopes of a transparent government!
Patrick Jensen Norway
Pieter van der Pijl Netherlands Pas toe of leg uit! Deze wet is totaal onvoldoende. Te veel ontsnappingsclausules en verantwoording veel te vrijblijvend.
mark4657854 Taiwan
فايز Saudi Arabia
Felipe Matheus Marcucci Albernaz Crêspo Brazil
Fatih Babacan Belgium I have the right to see what's being built with the taxes I pay.
Dev Raj India Hello
Alexander Gröttrup Germany
Ralph Steinhagen Germany
Lucas Staab Germany
Monica Carrico Portugal dinheiro público, código público
Volker Schiewe Germany
Daniel Artmeier Germany
Marco Jedzig Germany
Philipp Sommer Germany
Marcus Werner Germany Unfreie Software ist auf Dauer teuer und extrem schädlich für die Weiterentwicklung und den Wettbewerb.
Anurag India Common sense we have already paid a lot so think about it please
Marc Friederici Germany
Timo Henkensiefken Germany
Sven Rodenbeck Germany
Matthias Spiller Germany
Hannes Graf Germany
Aljoscha Leusmann Germany
Carsten Willers Germany Das sollte selbstverständlich sein!
Lukas Alt Germany
Tobias Grampp Germany Warum nämlich nicht?!?
Stephen Larroque France
Annette Jost Germany
Benjamin Winkel Germany
Otto Dieners-Konerth Germany
Richard Heil Germany
Andrej Miller Germany
Olaf Weidemann
Patrick Michl Germany
Anke Stöltzel Germany
Maximilian Behm Germany
Paweł Abramowicz Poland To już najwyższy czas, chcemy pomóc budować wspólną, cyfrową Polskę!
PerlexFlash Switzerland
Markus Zarbock Germany FOSS rulez!
Sascha Walliser Germany
Asior Derrick Ghana
Tahlyn United States
Panurat Jaipanya Thailand Help and support
Md Rasel Bhuyan Bangladesh
Auer Marc France
Jorgen Phillips United States Open source code is beneficial to all. Allows free improvements and transparency into the tools we trust every day.
Daniel Brekelmans Netherlands Shortcuts and security issues can be hidden in the black box that is closed-source. Opening the box will stimulate better quality.
Carlo Meijer Netherlands
Guy Mahieu Netherlands
Sven Clauw Belgium
Kevin Degeling Netherlands The nature of closed source code, is that of shifting power. One cannot be a functional democracy, where such power is shifted.
Ricardo Linnenbank Netherlands The creation of giant monopolies limiting user choice to a small selection or no selection at all should not be a feasible choice. FOSS is.
Basab Roy India
R France
Mayeul Cantan France Cela semble aberrant que ce ne soit pas déjà un prérequis. Et cela ne peut que renforcer notre compétitivité.
Tomass Latvia
Rizkhi setia budi Indonesia Transfer money rekening 1185-01-009474-50-2
Scotty United Kingdom I support this open letter. <a href="">Scotty</a>
Anselm Peischl Germany
Fauvarque France
ريان الريان Saudi Arabia [email protected]
Yoonnadi Burma Application api
Simon Castano Netherlands
Ingo Dachwitz Germany
Nemesio Rodriguez France
Kristoffer Jensen Norway
Hemant Ghisad India We support
Maksim Lind Estonia
Ravikarn​ Thailand Code
M!¥∆B!©®™ Thailand
Francine Marie Damjanovic Australia
Yu Ten Jo Taiwan
Marek Żylewski Poland public code is a key for software development, safety and interoperability
Jordi Inglada France
Christoph Ebeling Germany As a software engineer with 15+ years experience I can say this seems totally reasonable to me. Good approach!
Luc Benichou France
Dedieu France
Frank Steinle Germany
fariza akma binti abdul ghani Malaysia Ok la
Tsung-Han Lin Germany
Tammy louise Slater williams United Kingdom
nick john Australia
Tiri Belgium C'est évident !
Udo Tjalsma Spain
Md. Ramizul Quddus Bangladesh I agreed.
Doklincoln United States 🎥 John Prine - Morning Train - Fair & Square - YouTube
Kyhwin1234 Snjsjsjs
Christoforos Agathangelou Germany
minhajulislam Bangladesh 1 4 3
Mikołaj Pich Poland
Shayla Dawn Colby Canada Thank you....on behalf of my mother Tina Mandy Newsham whom I may never learn her real name or dob or anything she really loved even red. I
Alexandre Hollebecq France
Eric Raijmakers Netherlands
Thorsten Holtwick Germany
Jan Kalkan Germany
Ersin Huseinov Bulgaria BEN ERSIN OKADAR
Elia Perantoni Italy
Bernd Birkicht Germany Public Code stärkt Transparenz und Demokratie
Larrieu France
Jonathan Heard Germany
Jorge Orellana El Salvador
Georg Gloßmann Germany
Bartłomiej Garbiec Poland
Henriette Pößnecker Germany
Thilo Buchholz Netherlands Digitization must benefit the public. And that's something only free open source software can guarantee!
Michael Stieber Germany Ich unterstütze diesen offenen Brief in vollem Umfang!
Markus Omers Germany Es ist lange überfällig!
Lilith United Kingdom
Rui Barbosa Portugal Publicly paid software needs to be open to everyone
Anton Oellerer Austria
Mikolaj Banasik United Kingdom
Pohu France
Romain Canada Make open source great again
Frank Weber Germany
CGE France C'est logique, intelligent, pratique, économe... ça coule sous le sens. Pensez à l'avenir.
Elana Ratliff United States I am almost 60 years old now. I want to finally get what I paid for from this government!
Gregor Rothner Austria
lisa figge Canada Make if open. Love and light!
Olav Seyfarth Germany
Edgar Hoffmann Germany Als Freie-Software Aktivist kann ich das nur befürworten!
Patrick Lehnes Germany Viele EU-Anträge können nur mit Acrobat Reader ausgefüllt werden. D.h. man muss erst MS Windows kaufen, wenn man EU Fördermittel beantragen
Roberta Hartley United States We need this stuff desperately!
Alan Marazzi Italy Le mie tasse NON devono servire a pagare licenze software, ma a migliorare la società anche tramite lo sviluppo e il miglioramento di softwa
Ruslan Heorhiiev Ukraine
Manfred Germany
Józef Poland
Mateusz Sałasiński Poland We need this.
Lars Bremer Germany
Marcel van Duijvendijk Netherlands
Yordan Georgiev Finland 100% true
Matteo Bonora Italy
Elizabeth Maegerle United States
Andrzej Poland
Keith Canada
Micah Neal United States
Guy Barbay Belgium Les applications payées par la collectivité devraient être accessibles, vérifiées et profiter à tous.
remi France
Alexander Graf Austria
German Zoanetti Spain
Klemens Muthmann Germany As a software developer, using and contributing to Open Source feels very natural. I hope the same will become true for governements.
Darius Romania
Poyen France
Marcelo Peasllaccia Paraguay
Muhammad Akmal Khan Pakistan i want to be WordPress developer.
Maximilian Moritz Austria
Gregory Bowers United States This is good. Also I think that more should be done to protect PRIVATE developers work as well.
BORNIER Jean-Philippe France
蔡宏文 Taiwan Public Money, Public Code. Make best use of our knowledge and money!
Brais Oliveira Sanjurjo
François Boulogne France
Edward Paul Henri Devos Belgium
s90100029002 Greece 46auekte42@3bb
Sérgio Ribeiro Portugal Transparency is never overused
Fauzi Akhmad syafei Indonesia
tilde system France pour des systèmes informatique plus libres
Uwe Siemer Germany
Sylvain Chevallier France
Sylvestre CANARD Belgium
Wilfried Anuzet Belgium
Nicolas LIENART France Et que le code soit réutilisé par les autres pays ? tant mieux !! On n'est pas égoiste et on marche main dans la main.
Neeraj Chauhan India Hi aap ki agency kam nahi Deti hai paisa lekar number bhi band kar deti mere se theen bar paisa liya or koi kam nai diya
OLivier Ghienne France
Amorn-Kingthong Thailand I'm Mr.Amorn Kingthong nice to meet you please support me
Kaan Belgium Soyons open source !!!
Dennel France
Hendrik Oenings Germany
Saussereau France Je paye, donc je lis le code !
Christophe Le Bourlot France
vicente France
Joshua Weinbrenner Germany
Jonathan DEMANNE France
László Szalai Hungary
Florian Busi France
Christophe Chaudier France
NOIRET Rémy France
Marlene SchmitT Germany
BIARD, Olivier Belgium Du code public comme catalyseur pour l'innovation, la création de projets... et d'emplois !
Martin Schoepf Austria
Pierre Rossi Norway
REVELARD Samuel France Dans un monde Citoyen Cézar srait un citoyen lembda : Il est temps de rendre à Cézar ce qui appartient à Cézar !
Jeff moellmer United States
Laurent Poidevin France Si ce n'est pas public, que l'on rende public le nom des auteurs, au moins
Susanne Dauth Germany
Ahmad fatikhunada Indonesia Good
Gerhard Schmitt Germany
Mazière France
Matthias Schmitt Germany
staf wagemakers Belgium
Langella France utiliser et produire du logiciel libre dans l'administration publique, c'est comme cela que l'on peut assurer notre souveraineté.
Peio Rigaux France Obliger le code financé par le contribuable à être ouvert permet d'éviter un gâchis d'argent et de temps phénoménal.
Bernard Gosset France
katy Spain con todos unidos
Topuzogullari France Argent Public, Code Public
remi bergay
Christophe Koziel Belgium
PEREZ France L'administration se doit d'être indépendante. Elle ne peut l'être entièrement que par le logiciel libre.
Florent Le Saout France Le code financé par l'argent public doit-être publié sous licence libre.
Laurent Lauden France
François Bruyant France
cerveau Spain le logiciel permet plus de transparence et de fiabilite
Bryan Hasler Anak Guillen Malaysia
Ricardo Filipe Portugal
Alexander Busch Germany
Nadaud Kevin France
Carl Devos Belgium
Philippe Gautier France C'est le même probléme au niveau régalien qu'industriel finalement.
Fred United States
Ziad Boutanios Canada
洪國梁 Taiwan
Moutaux Tony France
Le Hénaff Hervé France
Kim Ravn-Jensen Denmark
Mihail Mihov Bulgaria
Ion Andrei Marinescu Romania
Töns Begemann
De Moerlooze Belgium
Robin Cordier France Le logiciel libre est une évidence, et donc devrait etre une ogligation pour nos institutions!
Ajay Singh Chouhan India
Morellec France
Duarte Guerreiro Nunes Pereira Portugal
Juillen France
Stephane Spain Evidemment! pourquoi payer de grosses societe de consulting faisant du lobbying envers l'etat.
Frank Girard Canada
Vincent Legoll France
CORNU France Utilisation volontariste du logiciel libre à tout les niveaux. Plutôt que des licences, payont la formation.
Anthony J Dean United States I fully support this initiative. This approach will leverage public spending better and accelerate technology development.
Dinca Maria Gabriela Romania For a BRIGHTER FUTURE!
Aline Massie France
Arnold LOUBRIAT France
Julian Hofer Austria It is cheaper mid-term and safer right now.
AURRY France Il est normal que tout produit financé par de l'argent public soit accessible à tout citoyens.
Pierre-Dominique PRUVOST France Je ne veux pas du diktat des multinationales
Matěj Pavel Czech Republic
Philip France
Malik France À argent public propriété publique
Akshay Patil Netherlands Agree. Opensource is the way to go.
Courchay France
Fortin France Je suis pour le logiciel libre et pour les logiciels financé par le contribuable , libre aussi.
Jean Rabault Norway
SADOUN France Pour la transparence, le partage et le logiciel libre qui alimente notre quotidien à tous.
JECKER Loïc France
BRULE France
picaud France
Thierry Bruyere Belgium
Karel foucault Canada IAM God
Olivier Pinard Canada As a Linux User, i think this should be essential to anything that's public propriety.
Martin France
Decours Thierry France
Fercoq France
Romanel France
Charles-Henri GUERIN France
Tomasz Oleksik Poland Great idea!
Eenens Belgium
Vincent France
David Belgium
Artur Majcherczak Poland
Nuno Ribeiro Portugal Free Software, is a MUST on Public Areas. It is not, but it shall be. Everyone wins.
Anne Munoz Courtois France ce qui est financé par le contribuable doit être accessible à tous sans restrictions
Pierre Gryba United States
paquet France
Alex France
Leprettre France près de libre dans le public et moins de lobbying que le pacte des logiciels propriétaires serait un pas de géant pour l'administration !
NAVET Laurent France
Denys Nykula Ukraine I contribute to free software on weekly basis. Everyone wins. Public projects could benefit too.
Lejeune Pierre Belgium
Henel Yvon France
Sabrina Meindlhumer Austria
Justin Teliet France Je soutiens à fond cette initiative!
Hugo Wood France
David Duriez France
Ulrike Hurka Germany
Vanwinsberghe France
Pascal Bigot France
David Lava France
João Paquim Portugal
Manfred Morscheck Open Source fängt mit dem BETRIEBSSYSTEM an!
Olivier Richard France
Pierre-Yves Aillet France
André Silva Portugal
Malin France Une législation qui requiert que le logiciel financé par le contribuable pour le secteur public soit disponible publiquement sous une licenc
Moulin Clément France
LE DALL France
FRIN Yvonnick France
Brugiere Thibault
Rui Correia Portugal
pierrick guitter France
Johannes Hurka Germany
Arnaud Locquet France
Briand Jean-Marc France
Ximun Castoreo France
Bernard Giroud France Les arguments qui sont valables pour les entreprises privées, le sont encore plus pour le code créé dans le cadre public. Optimisation !
michael bernard France
CAZIN France Libriste depuis le XXiéme Siècle
Matthias Siewert Sweden I support this initiative
Kamil Harasimowicz Poland Oprogramowanie zakupione z pieniędzy publicznych powinno być publiczne. Pozwoli to każdemu na pomoc w rozwoju jak i korzystanie z niego.
Valentins Paramonovs Latvia
Yash Khandelwal India
Maillard France
POLLE Michel France
Gaxatte France
Mendel Greenberg United States
labbe guillaume France
BRUGIERE Gaëthan France
Kamil Smolak Poland
Philipp Dreßen Germany
Pigeon Belgium
Thomas Singler Germany
Dominique RICHARD France
ida schmidt United States
Vitali Douliez France Il est entièrement rationnel de pouvoir évaluer par soi-même la logique des programmes ayant un impact sur notre quotidien.
Christophe COURTOIS France
Robert Kamać Poland
pascal brateau France
Robert Rudnicki Poland
Arielle P France
Andreas Hurka Germany
José Oliveira Portugal
Justin Klüver Germany
Norbert Jastrzebski Poland OS!
Kristoffer Lindstrøm Denmark
Rikke Sønderby Nielsen Denmark
Erwan Colin France
Radek Poland
Vlastimil Kříž Czech Republic
Natale France Le bon sens avant tout ! Merci.
Florian Czarnecki Germany
Andrzej Pacholik Poland
Naveen Cherukupalle India Freedom is Birth Right of all. I strongly support Free Software
Kalyan India I support free software
Vander Cantuaria Brazil
Antti Savolainen Finland Public software definitely needs to be open so that it can be publicly vetted.
Kamil Urbanek Poland
Luca Bernegger Austria
Linus Kaschulla Germany Proprietary isn't the solution. Thats just expensuve security by obscurity. A really bad practice.
Goncalo Gomes United Kingdom
Joseph Maillardet France
Thapaphon Koedsombati Thailand +66625783599
Tomasz Karliński Poland good idea
João Neves Portugal Public software must be open source!
Leo Coogan United States I whole-heartly agree with this campaign, and I hope it does something.
Simon Mahe United Kingdom
Erik Germany Tax payers should know what their money is being used for!
Rafael de la Torre Consuegra Spain It's the ONLY way!
Sebastian Pieczyński Poland Public money = public code = safer and cheaper
cravic France
Śliwiński Michał Poland
Dupont France
Michał Królak Poland
horlooorhontsetseg Mongolia hi
Odysseas Diamadis Italy
Christopher Becker Germany
Michał Długosz Poland
Stefan Janssen Netherlands
Victor Germany
Carlos Eduardo Carvalho Amans Brazil O código é nosso, afinal pagamos por isso.
jérémy Carol France Non.
Bogdan France
Otto Rask Finland
Milan Terhes Germany
djono Indonesia plis help me $10000 in my acound paypal transfer
Daniel Jąder Poland
Mislav Jakopović Croatia
Alex Neher Switzerland
Bethlenfalvy Lőrinc Hungary
Joost Winter Netherlands Computer scientist and programmer
Nathan France
Joseph Gonzales United States
Marek Mollin Poland Make this happen
Amadeusz Pestka Poland This is the only right way!
Daniel Poland
Dawid Paterek Poland Public money = public code!
Robinson Hanisch Germany
Daniel Łaskowski Poland
Piotr Kubowicz Poland
Małgorzata Groth-Bobrowska Poland
Viorel Mocanu Romania One of the best software initiatives I've seen.
Giovanni Caudullo Italy
Jeremi Biernacki Poland
Piotr Kozerski Poland
Taudière France
Cezary Poland
Valentin Richard France I think this way for at least 5 or 6 years.
GASNIER France En toute logique ...
Piotr Stępniewski Poland Yes, it's right idea
Dariusz Zielinski Poland
Marcin Rybicki Poland
Hristo Belchev Bulgaria
Clément France
Grzegorz Woś Poland
Maxim Brade Germany Open-source software is more secure!
Michał Poland
Adam Hnat Poland
Oleg Stelmach Poland
Laurent Gruber Belgium
Jacek Dul Poland Popieram inicjatywę opensource
Ava Cole United States Stop letting private corporations screw us
PAUSE France
Roger Scott France This is obviously the right way forward!
Kamil Poland
Łukasz Siergiej Poland
Przemyslaw Kulczycki Poland All software created with public money must be available to the public.
Krzysztof Wójcik Poland I'm in
Felix Theel Germany
Łukasz Bociański Poland
Jonian Guveli Greece
Adam Morawski Poland
Beata Poland
Paweł Filipczak Poland
Piotr Banasiak Poland Don't waste our money on not open source software!
Aleksy Kubik Poland
Piotr Masłowski Poland
Murray Fordyce United States
Chris United States
Simon Jüngling Germany
Mateusz Barański Poland
Esko Koskinen Finland
Michał Godkowicz Poland
Tomasz Poland
Patryk Adamczyk Poland
Marco von Frieling Austria
Konrad Unrooted Klawikowski
Joschua Müller Germany
囝囝 China
Pierre Gillet France Sharing knowledge is the best way to go forward.
Tim Visée Netherlands
Thomas CRAVIC France
Paweł Jaworski Poland
Paweł Mrowiec Poland
Marcin Baszczewski Poland
Bartek Poland
Nikita Tessier France
CA ian Kucia Poland
Filip Michalski Poland I indeed support this movement!
Łukasz Strzelec Poland
Maciej Rosiak Poland
Malte Horst Germany More open software is safer software
Paweł Groniecki United Kingdom
Adrian Orłów Poland
Mikhail Kirillov Russia
Daniel Davidek Czech Republic Public money, public code. It will be more secure - look at linux vs windows security. Linux is public and is more secure.
Kamil Birowski Poland
Janusz Tarasewicz Poland
Петко Георгиев Bulgaria
Krzysztof Hasiński Poland
Mikołaj Sochacki Poland Open source software can save public money and give better software.
Mariusz Wilk Poland
Eryk Michalak
Marceli Zygmunt Poland
Daniel Kastl Germany
Łukasz Kostrzewa Poland
Alaa AlZghoul Jordan I love to be a great supporter where everyone can benefit from the open sources and help poor countries of reuse the source code.
Nedda Kaltcheva Bulgaria Public money mean open source
Joel Lieberman Sweden
Michał Małecki Poland
Artur Mędrygał Poland
Łukasz Szeremeta Poland
LE MEUT William France
Albert Wolszon Poland I support this idea and hope it will come to the reality
Christophe Hugon France
Artur Poland
Joe Baker United Kingdom
Jakub Pawłowski Poland I agree with the initiative "Public Money, Public Code".
Damien Flament France
Michael F. Poland
Papp Koppány Kövecs Hungary
Daniel Poland
Tomasz Wasiołka Poland
Michał Wieczorek Poland
Aleksander Bartnicki Poland
Krzysztof Gryboś Poland
Krzysztof Winnicki Poland Personally I use ONLY open source software
Maciej Przerada Poland
Kevin Berthier France
W.F. Poland
Zbigniew Kurzynski Poland
Sławomir Grochowski Poland Awesome idea
Marcin Wojciechowski Poland
Bartosz Petryński Poland
Aleksander Burzec Poland
Wojciech Magott Poland
Konrad Bereda Poland As a developer I strongly support this project.
Maciej Troszyński Poland
Mihai Nica Romania
Radosław Krawczyński Poland
Patryk Poland
Andrzej Poland
Waldemar Lasik Poland
Michal S. Poland FTW
Hubert Sobczyński Poland
Dragos Bulugean Romania
Michał Poland
Norbert Poland
Mariusz Poland
Krzysztof Jonkisz Poland Its great effort. I wish it was introduced in Poland
Jarosław Chybicki Poland
Janusz Pawlacz Poland Macie to natychmiast usunąć!
Kamil Poland
Michael Poland Open source may change the world
Marcin Poland It's great idea. I want to know what I pay for and I will be able for contribute.
Adam Poland
RANDY ANAK SIMON Malaysia Please notice me new info
Michał Lipek Poland
Danton Dornellas Portugal
Slawek Glebocki United Kingdom
Konrad P Poland
Łukasz Poland
Marcin Poland
Piotr Daszewski Poland właściwa inicjatywa.
Kaliszewski Jakub Poland
Stanisław Poland
Tomasz Kaźmierczak Poland
Mariusz Fik Poland
Grzegorz Wójcicki Poland
ehr Poland
Kujawa M. Poland
Kamil Krawczyk Poland Great idea
Przemysław Hys Poland
Jesper Eneberg Sweden
Przemysław Wolski Poland
Bartłomiej Poland
Tomasz Bonus Poland
Konrad Poland
Szymon Poland
Wiktor Surówka Poland
Łukasz Poland Open Source - Open Mind
Mateusz Wolanowski Poland
Borys Rataj Poland Using open code os just much safer than commercial, closed-source applications. Have Control over your infrastructure
Ijon Poland
Alexander Franke Germany
Norma Slovenia Pour les biens publiques
Marek Wolanowski Poland
Artur Poland
Mateusz Poland I fully support the initiative, all software created with public money, should be open sourced.
Dariusz Deoniziak Poland
Kacper Lamparski Poland
herbert botzner Italy
aunai France
Przemyslaw Pastucha Poland Good idea!
Marcin Osypka Poland
Michal Stuglik Poland
CHARLIER France Il vous faut soutenir cette pétition. Comment proner la transparence quand l'informatique ne l'est pas !
Robert Gruberski Poland
Kamil Poland
Kamil Poland I'm junior developer and 100% agree with you
Marek Poland
Paweł Poland
Piotr Wawrowski Poland
Christos Gentsos Greece
Philipp Jess Germany
Grzegorz Poland
Kubur Poland
whitney olayon Philippines
Tomasz Michalec Poland
Janisz Poland
Wojciech Keller Poland Goverments shoudn't support big corporations and monopoles for our taxes.
Kacper Kowalczyk Poland
Michal Poland
Jan Verhoeven Belgium Waarom geld spenderen in onderzoek en dan de burger laten dokken....
Mariusz Boczek Poland
Mikołaj Kuligowski Poland
Mirosław Sycz Poland
Mariusz Poland Yes! Public money = public code
Piotr Poland
Helga88 Poland LOL
Piotr Zarzycki Poland Very good and very important idea
Bartosz Kowalik Poland
Leonard Mocanu Romania
Artur Nogaj Poland
Mateusz Zawadzki Poland Stop wasting our money
Tomasz Mączka Poland
Łukasz Kowalczuk Poland
Sławomir Lach Poland I'm successful using opensource software in each aspect of my live with exception of gaming.
Mateusz Juraszek Poland
Frau Daniela Zöhrer Germany
Michał Orynicz Poland Please stop wasting money over and over again for the same thing.
Kushal Das Italy
Norm Standart United Kingdom Today, transparency is a sore point across the entire world, which is why I support this open letter.
Piotr Strębski Poland
Tymoteusz Jankowski Poland Public money public code!
Marcin Jedliński Poland
Krzysztof Piszczek Poland
Emil Niwiński Poland Because public money it's MY money
Jerônimo Medina Madruga Brazil
Igor Motyka Poland
GENTILE Guillaume France Public money, public software
Danet Gaëtan France
Eustáquio Mendes Guimarães Brazil Apoio total
Ramseyer Claude France
AUBERT Régis France
Kilian GUILLAUME France
Michal K. Poland
Sorin Suciu United Kingdom Great idea
David Schmitz Belgium En utilisateur de Linux depuis plus de 10 ans, j'ai constaté les progrès énormes engrangés. Rien ne s'oppose au changement!
Claudiomar Rodrigues Costa Brazil Como Funcionário Público, defendo o uso de Software Livre e de Código Aberto.
SAULAS Valentin France
Łukasz Karczmarczyk Poland
Cedric Voinnet France
Durand France
Joanna Poland
Pierre Noël France
Stefan van 't Veld Netherlands Our money should go to the development of Open Source software
Tymen France
safeer pasha Afghanistan If it is public money, it should be public code as well.
Yohan Belgium
Corentin Quique France
Pawel Zagorski Poland Awesome idea!
Kamil Poland
Rodolphe ANDRÉ-BLAIS France
Neide Alves Dias De Dordi Brazil
Jakub Guziur Poland
Bretaudeau Edwib France
Ireneusz Pachulski Poland
Alexis Dufrenoy France Ce que produisent nos services publics doit être un bien commun, y compris le logiciel.
Dorian Kurzaj France
Adam United Kingdom
Kamil Poland Great work!
Marcin Kużel Poland
Mikael Petersson Sweden
karol szarafinowski Poland
Fabrice BELLE France
Sebastian Lindenmüller Germany Another great call for more openness on our common way to a united humanity. I will support you!
Ignacy Biernacki Poland
PEDENON France Enseignant
Grzegorz Tekiela Poland
Bartek Poland This is important!
Jolain France
Marcin Popławski Poland
Jérémie Bonal France Tout ce qui est financé par le public devrait être ouvert au public.
Mirosław Szajowski Poland
Mariusz Jarzabek Poland
Branko Drevensek Slovenia
Tomasz Poland
Guiennet France
neodarz France This is juste pure logic to make public code with public money...
Demelier David France
Connor Holloway United Kingdom
moureau France
Schaeller Thibault France
Juriaan Romijn Netherlands How is this not already policy ?
THOMMEN France Les applications payées par la collectivité devraient être accessibles à tous
GALODE France Cette pétition relève juste du bon sens
Jean Michel GINESTE Italy Le droit de savoir
Manoelito Filho Brazil
Pajani France Cela me paraît être une évidence, il est incompréhensible de devoir faire une pétition pour demander à ce que ce soit le cas.
Jean-Claude BENECH France
Martin Schröder Austria
André van Schoubroeck Netherlands
Quadrat France
George Andrei Belgium Open Source is the gateway to innovation
Gacquer William France
Preben Rather Sørensen Denmark
Marie Lawrence United States
Milla Virkki Finland
GAUNET France Œuvrons pour Promouvoir le Partage et Délaissons les GAFAM américaines et chinoise pour nous libérer du consumérisme destructeur de Valeurs
Martin Schoch Germany Sollte möglichst auch für den Einkauf von "Srandard"produkten gelten
Miles Berry United Kingdom
Eric United Kingdom
Jussi Kuosa Finland Yes, this will create transparency for poaching IT-companies skimming
Alexandre LAURANS France
Alex Howe Belgium The open-sourcing of governemental infrastructure would allow for better public transparancy and would be overall safer for European privacy
Fabwice France
Filip Izydorczyk Poland
SIGNORINO Lilian France
Jakub Orlik Poland Publiczne pieniądze, publiczny kod
Monika Niebes Germany
Lambret France Basic common sense if you ask me !
lafont France
Samuel Michaud-Morin Canada Open source is the way to go :)
Samuel Morin France Public money, public code!!!
stephen Philippines
bourgoin France
Stefan Otto Germany
Johanna Bohn Germany
Nicolas Schmitt Germany
Antonio Felipe Silva Fernandes Brazil
Patrik Rožár Czech Republic Great idea.
Faizeau Alexis France
Remko Trompetter Netherlands
Thomas Dyck Germany
Han Kortekaas Netherlands
Roman Koschar
Woimbée Arthur France Cela pourrait éviter certaines dérives qu'on a déjà pu voir !
Keng Ng United Kingdom Not just software, but hardware as well. Governments should invest more in hardware and software development for the public sector
ARNOULT France Le libre est plus qu'un droit, c'est un devoir des gouvernements envers le peuple
quinault France invest in open source is key for quality software
ludovic kepka France
Piotr Poland
Mauro Dinosi Italy
fraipont France
Quennet Titouan France
Julien ROTT France
Riadh France
Michel Cleempoel Belgium
Vivien France
Marguillard France
Gustav Bok Sweden
MOREAU Philippe France
Partouche France
François Lecomte France
Cheron France Pour une plus grande efficacité et une meilleure utilisation des fonds publics qui ne doivent pas financer des projets propriétaires
Eric TESTU France
José Juan Spain These dirty licences dont do us any favor! Free software is the only ethical and long-term sustainable model
L'hélias France
Stéphane France
Manuel Grizonnet France Free as in Freedom
Mathieu Clabaut France
Harel France
Emmanuel Bertolus France
Kerrim Abd El-Hamed Austria
Pasi Lallinaho Finland
De abreu France
Rene Ifland Germany
boudalia France
Noureddine Guellil France
Gilles Benoit France
Yves Bastide France
Borut Osonkar Slovenia
Caltagirone Grégory France
Lavaud France
Pichon France
Charles-Antoine Degennes France Tonnay-Charente
Matthieu Rolland France
Lecerf France
Gregoire Mariethoz Switzerland
Oussama El Hamzaoui France
Courtney Moore United States I'm signing for the open letter, because it helps people that cannot afford to start a business with the resources they need to succeed.
Monthrwjhealt Nathan France
Felix Zielcke Germany
Henrik Grimler Sweden
Stephane Bastide France
Michon France
Arthur DURAND-VIGNE France
Sylvain Palominos France
André Neves Portugal
Nojus LT
Karina Moreira Menezes Brazil Apoio!
Teodor Lunaas Heggelund Norway Let transparency shed light on the code we paid for!
Duarte Carreira Portugal This is obvious. Payed by taxes, shared with citizens.
Viguier France When public money, ...public and free access and use required....
Jonathan Schneider France
Lucas Decrock France
MICOUIN Claude France
Viguier Benjamin France
Vincent blanchette Canada
Anton Russia
Giorgos Matziaras Greece
Fougeron Steven France
Brieuc Balme du Garay France
Paul-Henri Pradeau Hungary
Georges SMAIL France
arnould cedric France Forza ! free public code !
Olivier MORIN France
Paravigna France Linux Power
Marcassa France
Tao Schreiner France
Tomáš Vavro Slovakia
José Manuel Germany
Cristobal Garcia Garcia Spain
Slimani France
Joonas Suominen Finland
Commenge Patrick France
Christine Down Australia Australian Taxation Office in notice in accordance with the notice of international continuum on transparent and integral accountability
MARTIN Hervé France Payé par le peuple pour le peuple
Mateusz Marzantowicz Poland Licencing software as FOSS promotes transparency and enhances public security
TORO France
Jonne Arjoranta Finland
Constantin CHABIRAND France
Morlier France
Denis Teyssier France
Sylvain Lemiere France
Sirvente France
Mathieu audat France as a software developer, this is crucial
Alexandre Novakovski France
Vincent Bermel Germany Free Software, free society. Software funded by people should be for the benefit of people.
Perale Thomas Belgium
Rebiard--Crépin France
lukas rabier France
António Correia Portugal
Louis Lenoir France
Jeroen Ticheler Netherlands
Herbster Simon France
Ramon de Lemos Brazil Código financiado pelo público deve permanecer disponível para o público
OBINO France
Dubuisson Olivier Belgium
cros France
Bruno Cauquil curieux de connaître le code de parcours sup
Kenji Gaillac France
Leclercq jeremie France
Georgi Velev Bulgaria
Mohamed Ghoubali France
Cros Fabrice France Je suis pour que le code soit publié sous licence open source, mais de type LGPL, c'est à dire non contaminante.
Alexandre Aravecchia Software Livre!
Ed Manheim Netherlands It is so obvious!
Bacarisse France
Tonon France
Bodard France La propriété intellectuelle est devenue un commerce et le logiciel (et tout ce qui va avec) un enjeu de survie!
Rousselot France
Nicolas Peugnet France C'est clair
FOUCAULT Gérard France Ça me paraît tellement évident
Gonzalez France
Vincent BARAT France
Nicolas Estezet France
Villalon France
Pierre Bulliard France
Niquel Gweltaz France
Locatelli France
Jean-Pierre Zuate France
Camelia Cirstea Romania
Paweł Żukowski Poland
Benzair France Je pense que le message est claire : Public Money=Public Code
Aylal Baha France
Marco Beelen Netherlands Great initiative to keep public ownership!
Cyril BOSSELUT France
Nau France
Marcos Benatti Lauer Brazil Software livre trás inúmeros beneficios para a economia
Scott Saunders Canada Stepping onto proprietary software is fine at first, it was where you wanted to go. But it sticks to your feet, and pulls you elsewhere.
Christian ROZE France
Jean-Christophe Malapert France
Eleouet Gaëtan France
Sacha Pignot Canada
Martin Liersch Germany
Ingmar Bauer Germany
Ober France
Dode France Il en va de même pour l'éducation
Gottfried Haider Austria
Michal Veselenyi Slovakia Make it all public!
WALTER France Power to the people !
Andrius LT
Julien Deswaef Spain
Joey Bol Netherlands
Laurentiu Lozan France
Steffen Wallat Germany
Miguel Fernandes Portugal
Daillet France
Joonas Virkki Finland
Malaunex Republic of the Congo L'open source nous permet d'avancer
DECLE Romain France
Kohler France
Alexandru-Mihai Burada Romania
Thibaud Lacan France
Marios Kaintatzis Greece
João MARQUES Switzerland
Nathanael Couret France
Daniela Aniceto Portugal
Marie Cheng France
Noiret France Pour un service de l'État qui développe des logiciels libres pour les collectivités
El Kasri Guillaume France
Mathias Neerup Denmark This could really reduce the amount of money spend on IT in Denmark and increase the quality!
Vanessa Germany
Erik Byström Sweden
Camille Monchicourt France
HENRY France
Nicholas Atkins United Kingdom Something should not be restricted if paid for with tax money
Karol Czopek Germany
LARUE Alexandre France Gagnant-gagnant.
Jean pierre Wypchlo France
Fevrier Dorian France Le code est devenu aussi important que l'écriture.
Thomas Raimana France
Steve Oliveira Portugal Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made free and open source
Visa Jokelainen Finland
veeraiyan Germany i support public code
Cyril REVERSEZ France
Tillmann Michel Belgium
Brian Sheridan Ireland Open source code leads to secure code.
Jussi Steenari Finland fair use should be a right!
Hervé Croissant France
Otto Mäkelä Finland
Bonnel France
Jean-Pierre Palazo France
Pooja saxena Germany Support public money, public code concept.
Marko Mantere Finland
Brendan Coyne United Kingdom MS earns out of it, why not the public lurse
Simon Rousseau
Hans Nieuwenhuijs Netherlands
Peter Brecska Slovakia Velmi silná myšlienka, určite stojí za diskusiu.
Cante France
Adatte Pascal Switzerland
Nicolas Bland France
Clément Prod'homme France
Tobias Dettmers Germany
Resse Christophe France
Frantisek Musil Czech Republic
bruno chazelas France
Sainty France
Constant Belgium
Josep Planas Spain
Mohamed Rambil France
Michel l'Open Source doit reste en libre accès et non devenir encore sous le coût de entreprise
Kevin Kandlbinder Germany
Polastron François France
Simon Sassi France Tout a fait d'accord avec cette proposition
Bruno Crocquevieille France Vivement cette législation importante tant pour le logiciel libre que pour l'administration !
Rodolphe BOUCHIER France
Patrice Delorme France
Yvan janet France
MASURIER France Je soutiens le logiciel libre.
Jean-Baptiste Lab Denmark
Jean-Baptiste Maillet France
SAUVAGE France L'accessibilité du code permettra d'avoir une administration plus ouverte au citoyen et potentiellement la création d'outils.
Joern Berrisch France Nous ne sommes pas encore conscience de l'importance des logicielles que nous utilisons, il faut que ça change!
Broeders France
Weiss France
Marin xavier France
Simon Girard
Alexandre Auchart France
Viktor Smari Agustuson Spain
Mohamed Aymen Labiod France
Adrien GARCIA France
Robert Jurinek Czech Republic
Stijn lenaerts Belgium
Mikko Ylinen Finland
Gillet France
Baptiste DELPHIN France Quand on paye un bien, on doit pouvoir en user librement.
Comte France
WOLFF Mathias France
Panagiotis Greece Free and most importantly documented software to ease up an egovernment.
Pierre Jamet France
Tanguy France
Vluggens France
Buguel France
Tessier France
Alex de Zwart Netherlands
Kretz France Excellente initiative
Bartosz Juja Poland
JOLIVET France la liberté du code pour le service public permet plus d'égalité et de fraternité
Gildas DAYON France
DELAPORTE Dominique France Retraitée, mais citoyenne, je serai attentive dans mes votes à la suite donnée à cette attente pleinement légitime
Roquet France
Touzé Sébastien France
Jacob Evans Germany
Suquet Ch. France
Rossi France
Anton Milovanov France
Laurent France C'est innacceptable
TOUZOT Martin France
Dimitri Bouwyn France
Cartereau France
Gianquintieri France
Bruno Laplace France
Donnot France
Pinna France On veut savoir ce qu’il se cache derrière ; pas que pour avoir accès mais pour à transparence
Zdravko Siderov Bulgaria
Mathieu Perez France
chapelotte France
Alexandre Ben_el_Hiouel Belgium
Maxime de Roucy de Flacourt France
Rayneau France it is obvious!
Gwendal Demaille France
Frouin France
Simonet France Les logiciels libres permettent d'être autonome
Gilbert Guillaume France
Julius Germany
Gémy France
Elisa de Castro Guerra France
Christoph Raab Belgium
Olivier ARNOULD France
Zirowskawa France
Patrick Ireland OSS has enabled more safer and more accessible tools for our younger generations. We should look to pass on the best possible future to the
Biaudet France
badia France
Louis Gerard France
Flavien CADET France Vive le monde libre ! C'est cette ouverture du code qui amènera à l'émergence de nouvelles applications pratiques, puissante, et françaises
julien Kieffer France
Lassauge France
Bob Gerritsen Netherlands
John Donovan United Kingdom
Bottecchia France
Bozoc France Open Source devrait être une norme et non pas une solution alternative.
Norman Walters
Jean Baptiste Yoann France
Anthony Sabathier France
Sanchez France Ça serait bien de savoir à quoi sert notre argent
jean-marc terencio France Très bonne initiative. C'est une évidence
Marco Garten Germany
Deniel Croatia
Nicolas Rodrigue Canada Un code qui n'est pas ouvert ne devrait pas être une option. C'est être à la merci des grosses compagnies.
Pierre Mavro France
Juraj Brečak Croatia I expect to read, modify, share and reuse the code I pay for. If you want my vote, commit to this campaign.
Emmanuel Lecomte France Free our code ! And also our european projects (ESA you are wrong ! )
Sébastien Bocq Belgium
Jean Kévin France
Vincent M France
Nicolas Vasseur France
Dessendier Emmanuel France
Poupet France
Lemaire France
Nicolas Lambert France
André CROMARIAS France
Remy Savatier France
Mikael Nyberg Sweden
Zuber lionel France
ADAM Jean-Francois France
Roger Blummer Germany We pay for it, the code is ours.
Coralie Micouin France
Luis Puerto Finland we can afford do not use open source code for our public affairs or our research. Knowledge and code should be free.
Aurélien Lambert France
Bergerot France
Bourlès Jean-Yves France Pour l'indépendance de l'Europe et des pays seuls les codes libres peuvent y répondre
Júlio César Medina Madruga Brazil
Daan Rijks Netherlands
Eric Mahe France Belle initiative !!
Delapierre France
Daher, Khalid Canada J'adhère pleinement à l'idée du libre.
Erwan Auer France
Frouin France
Alex Pakalniskis United States
Axel Voitier France
Wertz Ives Belgium
Jeremiah Collins United States Yes it should be open to the people
Lúcio Ferrão Portugal
Lavet Jérémy France
legrand France
Ferrand France
Olivier Charlier Belgium
Oscar Hemelaar France
Vincent Pelletier France
Antoine Maurier France
Leonardo Silva Moraes
Sotirios Papatheodorou Greece
Maciej Bartłomiej Kruk Poland
Michel Casabianca France
Edouard Bourguignon France Le seul moyen de redistribution efficace pour les citoyens
bessa nathan France important to share knowledge but we need to see the modality and not share too much to prevent non-sharing countries
Carlos Eduardo Gonçalves de Carvalho Brazil
Carlos eduardo mattos da cruz Brazil
Arno DUBOIS France
Attila Greguss United Kingdom
Ricardo Marques Portugal
Rui Carlos de Souza Brazil Porque Brasil, com "Z" NOME DE PAÍS ?
Rousseau fabien France
Rufer France
Axel Schoppe Germany
Tim Van den Langenbergh Belgium
Etienne MOLLET France
Artúr Kovács Hungary Elolvastam a levelet és szerintem ez egy abszolút józan gondolat, ami jobb minőségű és biztonságosabb szoftvereket eredményezne.
Bryan Lacombe France
Chris.garche Thionville France
Anders Norway
Michele Cereda Italy
Gilard France Développeur d'applications je ne peux qu'être d'accord avec ce principe. Surtout lorsque je vois la médiocrité de certains logiciels proprie
Mihail Behar Bulgaria
Adan Silva Sweden It's the only way
Gabriel Vogel Germany This is a great example of an important issue that almost no one talks about.
Pascal Zoller Belgium
sebastien LASSON France C'est le minimum ...
Viguier France Public money = public code
Maël Crenn France
MEJA France
HODIQUET France Je ferai également la même chose pour toutes les subventions. Qu'une partie de la propriété intellectuelle soit aux contribuanles
Dubois Yann France
Aurore DANDOY France
Manon Beillard France
Cengiz ASLAN France
Patryk kowalski Poland
REMY GA CONSTANT Belgium Rrendez le code payés par les citoyens accessible aux citoyens merci
Sibileau France
Kévin Boulain France Avoir le code public permettrait d'enfin avoir une vision claire des méthodes de tris et calculs des différents services
Venancy Alexandre France
Martin Clément France
Anthony Hivert France
Quain France DevOps je suis à 100% pour l'innovation et l'open source et je trouve stupide de dépendre d'entreprise privé avec un code source privé pour
BERNIZET Cyrille France
Martin Bonnefoy France
Torrel Jean-Claude France
Damien DESANDRE France
Luke Watson United Kingdom
dobbelaere France
Taavi Finland We have the right to get access to the tools made with tax money
Martin Belgium Great ! Thanks for the move !
Didier BRASSART France
Johan Massin France
Ricardo Portugal
Emmanuel SPERI France
Casagrande France
RAMET France
Pierre-Adrien BEDIER-CANET France
Nathan Weetman United Kingdom
Yves-Gwenaël Bourhis France
WILKER BUENO DE FREITAS ROSA so o dinheiro é público, nada mais justo que o código também seja.
BRISSON Laurent France
Caby France
Mathieu Gravey France
Armas France Vive le code libre!!
ROUSSEL Jean-Charles France
Adam J. Forster United Kingdom
Federico Matteoni Italy
Steven Feldman United Kingdom Open Source is already preferred in the UK Government's IT Strategy, now it's time to make it happen!
Aksel Sundt Wilhelmsen Norway
Virebayre France I totally support this demand
Guillaume Branchard France
Hammouche France Athis-mons
Rui Mathias Portugal Code should be a tool, not an asset!
Jean Marie Incourt Belgium It seems it 's ovious to me to agree with these proposal.
Fabian Kunnen Germany We will try over and over again
Fabio Pesari Italy
Nicolas REINERT-ROFFÉ France
Jean-Charles Marie France Ça semble si évident...
yann rousseau France
Mathieu Bonithon Canada Ensemble, on va y arriver !
Nicolas Cadio France
Closson Anaël Belgium
Markolf Gudjons Belgium I want government's everywhere to use and create open source software by default. Stop wasting tax money on proprietary business models.
Gwenael Goujon France
Jan Sedlisky Germany It's about time!
Poidevin cyril France
Alexis Jeandet France
Frederic Decou France
Thomas Wiecki Germany
Filip Solich Czech Republic
Bruno Diraison France
F. Manzano France
Quentin France
Tedesco France Tout simplement normal et tellement avantageux quand ont y réfléchit
Jonathan Schleußer Germany FOSS should be the foundation of a free and open society!
pacilli michel France
Cedrick Belgium
Kévin Bergue France
Fábio Souza Brazil sou a favor!
Lambs France
Johannes Söndgen Germany
Renaud France
Thierry Wertz Canada
Lukas Böker Germany
Rick Schubert United Kingdom
Adam Tahri France
MAX France
Stelios Greece
Julien Noblet France
Pierre-Yves Koenig France
João Fernando Costa Júnior Brazil
Cosson France
Teo Bouttier France
LigueAgroBiodiversite France
Jack Boyle United Kingdom
Henry Johnson United Kingdom
Pavel Smirnov Ireland Absolutely making sense!
Fabrice De Backer France
Karin van Nunen Netherlands
Oli Beutler Switzerland
Fréon david France
Niels Eigenraam Netherlands
Prisacariu Romania
Holger Tasch Germany
Giuseppe Puddu Italy
Albin Eldstål-Famlin Sweden
Munsch Jérémy France Ça devrais déjà être le cas. Arrêtons l'opacité, pour pour plus de professionnalisme.
Wouter Gordts Belgium
Thomas Blick Germany
Ben Evans United Kingdom
Jerome Presson France Oui aux logiciels libres ! Utilisateur de GNU/Linux depuis plus de 25 ans et pour mon entreprise depuis 3 ans et demi, j'ai économisé...!!!!
Gil De Grove Belgium
Peter Nerlich Germany
Florian LEAU France
Damien Roland France
Jan Wingefeld Germany
Martin France
Benard Luca France
Hoarau France
Tissot Jocelyn Switzerland
Federico Garcia Belgium
Ayazpoor Olivier France Bais
Clement CANIVET France
Franjo Žilić Croatia
Finn Häse Germany
Cezary Drożak Poland
Mourgues France
Daniel Melendro Spain Supporting the public services!
Hans van Luttikhuizen Netherlands
Thomas Wacker Germany There is literally no reason not to support this.
Mick Dekkers Netherlands
Dubas Guillaume France
Dalet France
Drew Mason-Laurence United Kingdom
Maarten Coppens Belgium I think governments should learn that opensourcing code is a way to secure code, and reduce costs of operations. Which benefits all citizens
María Arias de Reyna Domínguez Spain Things done with public money should be public domain.
Pierre Turin France
Mazel France Collèges Jacques Ellul 100% Linux Debian
Simon Bäumer Germany
cédric camman France
Maxence Lambège France
Grondin Jean France
Ivo Stratev Bulgaria
Oisin Moran Ireland This will not only ensure transparency of any governmental system, but also solicit contributions from avid citizen software engineers.
Michael Aquilina Malta
Florent HÉDIN France En tant que programmeur scientifique je ne peux qu'approuver cette démarche !
Antoine France
Christian Ringl Austria
Gavoty France
Frédéric Rocheron France
Mathieu MONCOMBLE France
Martin Großhauser Germany Software für den täglichen Bedarf ist ein Grundrecht und sollte Infrastruktur sein.
Charles Razack France Public money, public code
Lavocat France
Arlette Bartholomé Belgium
Antonio Paolillo Belgium
Girard Jean Luc France
Rouault Marten France
Mr Necker Xavier France Laisser les contribuables regarder à quoi sert leurs argents.
Axel SICARD France
Ewen Corre France
Nel Taurisson France
Marten Ringwelski Germany To me it is really importent that public money is used for public code.
Jan Vrhovec Slovenia
Stu Franks United Kingdom I completely agree, this should be the standard!
Noan Perrot France Moi même étant développeur l'open source nous est indispensable pour nos projets
Emanuele Cordano Italy R users and users and developer of OS software
Daniel de Vries Netherlands
Tristan Henaff France
AUGUSTIN SOULARD France Les logiciels libres sont une solution économe et efficace, il faut les adopter.
Chris Foulon France Open source ensure quality and transparency through community efforts, it must be used for the core of our society as well!
Valerio Barbieri Italy
Yann Mombrun France
Josep Rius Font Spain
Tom Braarup
Motyl France
Dubey Switzerland
Rochelet France
Lars Reichardt Germany
Chris Druif Netherlands
Eskil Dybvik Norway
BOUTTEREUX Philippe France
DAGET France
Pierre-Henri Schoffit France Paris
Gommard France
NICOLAS GERARD France Très bonne initiative, je suis passé sous Linux depuis 4 ans, je suis en open source et j'en suis très content.
Gabriel Mühl France
Raphael PRIVAT France Les citoyens doivent pouvoir accéder au code des logiciels qui les gouvernent et qu'ils ont financé
Stefán Freyr Stefánsson Iceland
Josep Spain Actually from Catalonia
Simonas Racinas LT Transperancy of the processes is a must when it comes to goverment :)
Le Bras France
Tomaz France
Nicolas Florian France Marseille
Pascal de clarens France
Frederik Sandberg Olesen Sweden
Eran Pel Netherlands By the people, for the people.
Murgia France
Natalie Obrdlikova Czech Republic
Pavlos Polianidis Greece Public money public code
Jonathan France
Jack Kirton United Kingdom I believe transparency is key in government operation.
Fred France
Pavan Kumar Yogi India I support the public code idea.
Charlie Stanton United Kingdom
Olivier Gardent France
Jan Vansteenkiste Belgium
Socaciu claudiu Romania Better product and security
Raphaël Caruso France
Piquet France C'est un scandale !
Emilie Rollandin Italy Le code payé par la collectivité doit être accessible à tous
Goyard France
Julius Sweden
Valentin France
Surugiu Romania
Bruce Fowler United States foss first!
Faure Guilhem France Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec cette initiative
Thomas corcel France
Jordan Belgium
Sebastian Blumentritt Germany
Nicolas Barlogis France
Radek Pasiok Poland
Guider Francois-Xavier France
Thibaut Tauveron France
Roquier France
Koralewski France
Jeremy Collin France
Thomas Romantschuk Finland
Lundstrom France Je suis d'accord
Marta Ramiro Spain
Kacper Poland Taxpayers money = taxpayers' access to the code. Seems logical enough.
Chailly Xavier France
CapeLoicboy France
Jean-Luc Boss Luxembourg
loupio France
Aneurin Price United Kingdom
schont France
Guineau France
Octavian Romania
Le Lain France
Alexandr Obrdlik Czech Republic
Ian Turton United Kingdom
Добри Симеонов Bulgaria
Romain Durban France
Yann Roth Switzerland Let's stop writing the same code over and over again, free everything!
Etienne Mabille France
Luís Costa Portugal
Thomas Raulet France
Mauro Bartolomeoli Italy
Henrion France
Martijn Visser Netherlands
Barroso Tanguy France
Thomas Bouquet France
Tijl Van den Brugghen Belgium
Paul Jewell United Kingdom Absolutely - all source code should be open source and available for all.
Per Toft Denmark
Joanne Kaye United Kingdom
Matthijs Netherlands Our money, our information
Claudia Italy
BERTE France
Tison France
MR A BAUDIN-LAURENCIN France C'est scandaleux que les entreprises publiques ET privées utilise des produits non libres!
Marek Korniowski Poland
Bral Norman France
Karsten Vennemann Germany
Margherita Di Leo Italy I fully support this campaign!
Nael VINDOLET France
Tom Dörr
Guillaume Bertholon France
Langlet Quentin France Si c'est de l'argent public, le code doit être public aussi ! Cette mesure est très importante.
Ernault Pierre France For an Open Internet!
METAYER Romain France
Marion Italy
Maciej Wilk Poland
IGAU France L'open source est l'avenir !
Carré France
Bruno France
Grégoire Joncour France
Anthony Pena France
Loïc France
Le Minoux France Indépendance et souveraineté
Rodolphe Véniel France
Jacques Morin France
Jérôme Gully France
Davide Martintoni Italy
morgan cox United Kingdom Tax money should help improve opensource software which can be used by everyone for free.
Martijn Gorree Netherlands
Jayant Rajwani India This will help others contribute and hence save tax payers money further. Will cut down corruption too especially in countries like India!
Mikael Peigney France
Victor Brazil
Thomas de Saint Exupery France
Roquigny France
Sorel Johann France Libre avec bareme en fonction du taux de financement : 90 -100 % : license Creative Common Zero (domaine public) 40 - 90 % : license open-so
Gavalda France J'ai travaillé en service publique. Il y a la volonté d'utiliser l'open source mais moins de le publier.
Simon Léonard France
Alexandru Bucur Romania Less money laundering on 'magical' state sponsored websites
Kristoffer Malmgren Sweden
Timur Gerassimenko Estonia Fully agree, code should be open to public
Mert Demir Germany This letter is demanding nothing less but what should be standard practice already to keep public sector software secure.
Szymon Uglis Poland Every software developed by government should be accessible to public
Rik Wanders Netherlands Open source will profit everybody, and the government should have this attitude. Propietary software is harmful, this should be discouraged.
Tomas Bucek Slovakia
Martin Schmidt France All software should be free. Free software Free society
Fabien Favet France
Roel Sergeant Belgium
Entonijs Krainevs Latvia
Hugo BANNIER France
Bernd Sontheimer Germany
John Creasy France C'est une très bonne initiative qui devrait être adopté au plus vite.
Vladyslav Moisieienkov Hungary
Oscar Pocock United Kingdom
Jürgen Enderle Germany
Guy Dols Netherlands
Michael Accetto Netherlands
Michaël de Groot Netherlands
Joris Rijs Netherlands It is a better approach to it then the current one
Andreas Resch Italy
Julian Ruddick Belgium
Gardus Matei-Alexandru Romania
Dominik Lohmann Germany Free and Open Source Software is the basis of trust in the digital world.
Andreas Botzner Italy OSS is the greatest thing of our lifetime in technology it gives people the freedom of control over what they run on their computer.
Guillaume Genty France I hope it will work this way!
Miguel Rossi Seabra Portugal The public should be able to see what they pay for.
Adrian Evans United Kingdom
Niels Mündler Germany
Samuel Walters-Nevet United States
nandhini anand India
Thomas Mathieu France
Johann Goltz Germany
Maximilian Germany Would be great to see code shared for government projects in the EU
Konstantinos Ntoutsos Oikonomou Greece Open source is the only way to go forward and innovate
William B. Gunter Ireland
Emil Kattainen Finland
Tomei France
Madalin Vlad Romania
dimple India
Ivan Ivanov Bulgaria This should be EU-wide regulation
Noah Dietrich Germany
Łukasz Poland
Andrei Sindila Romania
Julius Kuhn Germany
Kristian Polso Finland
Hugo Sweden
Alexandru Oprea Romania We need open standards and protocols in order to ensure our systems can communicate with each other, not just now but in the future as well.
André Gorschkow Make public what is public.
Erwin Bell This is far past due. Make the software open now!
Etienne France
Jussi Haaja Finland
Cristian Gheorghe Romania
Matthieu Gaillet Belgium publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and Open Source Software licence
Jenya Sovetkin Germany
Frank Schaffhaeuser Germany Greetings, Dieter Reiter from the SPD. Best example of how not to act
Alexander Morgun Ukraine Public money must support the growth of public good
Jochen Rath Germany Hello. Everybody should habe access to code, paid with taxes.
Mariusz Poland
Julien Machiels Belgium Les projets financé par le public devraient leur être accessibles !
Markus Hovorka Austria
ravyar Iraq it should be open
Kevin van de Ven Netherlands
Benjamin Bugl Austria
Arpad Bogothy Hungary
Tim hawkins United Kingdom
martijn Netherlands Open source yes please! Also education, imagine what we can do together.
David Wood United Kingdom
Olof Wingren Sweden Give back what is ours!
Dominik Thaden Germany
Raphael Peer Austria
Conor O'Kelly Ireland Would be fantastic to see code shared for government projects throughout the EU
Mark Luker United Kingdom
Krzysztof Agieńczuk Poland
MIlos Sreckovic Serbia
Eddy van den Aker Netherlands
Gianni Riva Italy If it's public money, code should be public as well.
David Hauer Germany Only software which is publicly auditable can ever be considered secure. You don't build airplanes or skyscrapers trusting only 1 person.
Jesus Rodrígüez Piñuelos Spain Es práctico y razonable
Dirk-Jan Winnubst Netherlands
Mathias Herlev Denmark Code paid for by the people should be in the hands of the people
Arne Groothuis Germany
Dimitar Tomov Bulgaria Governments and the EU should be paying ONLY for Open Source Software!
Alberto Gori Italy
Andrei Costea Romania
Dimitry Netherlands 100% in support of this
Ricardo Jerónio Portugal
Ian jamieson Malta The future is an open society. Get with it.
Petar Zivanic Serbia
Marcus Riemer Germany I can't think of any downside to this change ...
Theodore Moyses United Kingdom This makes total sense, funded by the public, for the public and should be open to the public
Thomas Sarboni France
Kevin Morrison United Kingdom
Diogo Correia Portugal
richard charlewood New Zealand
Daniel Gonzalez Sweden
Arthur Toussaint France Totally agree
Krystof Riha Czech Republic
JG Gerbers Netherlands
Martijn Meijer Netherlands
Dylan Twerdy United Kingdom
Samir Benmendil United Kingdom
Athanasios Kanellopoulos Greece It is only fair that code created by public funds should be available to the public. FOSS is the only way forward.
Baris McKenna Ishida Ireland
Harry Solomon United Kingdom
ADRIAN SEVCENCO Romania It would be natural that the work done with my tax money to be available to me and in the same time protected to not bring profit to others
Francesco Cappio Borlino Italy
Mikael Klasson Sweden
Ludvig Michaelsson Sweden
Adrián Norte Fernández Spain As a citizen of the EU I should be able to verify what have been done with my taxes.
Lars Vierbergen Belgium
Jim Du United Kingdom
Ionut Tudoreanu United Kingdom
Vilgot Fredenberg Sweden
Angelo Gazzola Czech Republic
Iana Diachenko Czech Republic
Autin Arthur France
Marius Rodi Germany
Batist Paklons Belgium
Couy Pierre France
Doumergue France
Robert Ireland
Sebastian Gsänger Germany
John Gliksberg France Public money should promote open protocols and software, not proprietary lock-in.
Korbinian Schildmann Germany
Martin Fink Germany Tax payed Software needs to be Open Source!
Emilien Marchet France
Johannes Göller Germany
Miroslav Sido Slovakia
Lars Giphardt Skjellerup Denmark
Thijs van den Berg Netherlands
David Phillip Whiteside United Kingdom simply join the global and massive f/oss projects!!
Igor Żuk Poland
Boyan Aleksiev Bulgaria I support the initiative to make government used software open source. This helps everyone and helps cutting down costs.
Lukas Stoerte Germany Public money funds code for everyone
Mihaela Laura Iorga Romania
Ladislav Bartoš Czech Republic
Louis Sugy France
Oguz Ersen Turkey why yes i use free and open source software, how did you know?
Thorsten Merz Ireland Opening publicly financed public sector software through FOSS licensing benefits everyone through improved quality and increased security.
Turba France L'open-source est une merveille du développement colaboratif. Il permet d'assurer qualité, sécurité, coûts et transparence au public.
Jan Kudrik Czech Republic
Martin Štefanec Slovakia
Lasse Skindstad Ebert Denmark
Julien Rosa France
Marcel de Jong Netherlands
Vlad Topala Romania
Sam Netherlands
Māris Vilks Latvia
Gianluca Finocchiaro Italy
Henrik Hovrud Norway
Marcus Hardt Germany
Leoni Massimiliano Sweden
Petar Yanakiev Bulgaria In regards to the very recent NAPLeak I believe this is the right move
Florian Weinzerl Austria
Diego Manas Spain
Mikołaj Poland As a software developer and free software enthusiast I would like to know the inner workings of all the software that affects me.
Simon Blomsterlund Finland
Aapo Vienamo Finland
Silvan Allemann Switzerland
Vojtěch Sázel Czech Republic
Antoine Raynard Germany
John Horan Ireland
Diarmuid O'Briain Ireland
Athanassios Bakalidis Greece
Richard GENOUD France
Armandos Stylianakis Greece
Giacomo Gallina Italy
Sławomir Buńka Poland
Rishik Mani Germany I am a developer and I always support the idea of open source. No one should be forced to pay for softwares.
Antony Curtis United Kingdom Open source software is about being good community members.
Matthias Paulmier France
Radim Hejduk Czech Republic
David Joseph Guzsik Hungary
Peter Čebašek Slovenia Anyone should be able to audit the code. It is a testament to the quality of work that was paid for.
Alexander Bergmann Germany
Marvin Louis Belgium
Felix Pernig Austria Public Money, Public Code!!!!!!
Rene Beekman Bulgaria
André Macedo Germany
Skander France Because freesoftware matters: learning, sharing and contributing
Giacomo Zanotti San Marino Acer
Alexander Kirschenhofer Germany
Martin Mikala Czech Republic
Vladyslav Zolotarov Ukraine
Jean-Pierre Lorré France Free and open-source software is a key for European citizens' freedom
Opris Catalin Romania
Milosz Panfil Poland
Jonas Sjödin Sweden There is no valid ex use to not open soure public software
Kalle Eskelinen Finland Free software is a fundamental human right!
Johan Ehnberg Finland
Thomas Smale United Kingdom As someone who has used open source programs for a while now, this makes a lot of sense.
Jeffrey Bouter Netherlands
Paulo Campos United Kingdom Open source it all!
Radu Tomuleasa United Kingdom As a software engineer, I fully support this
Mathias Rodstedt Sweden
Onni Lampi Finland
Are Breidablikk Norway
Santeri Salmijärvi Finland
Dafne Calvo Spain
Alexander Rundberg Sweden
Paul Verreth Belgium
Tim Becker Germany
Morten Strårup Denmark
Paul Theiss Germany Tax money spent on developing software should be available for all.
MIGUEL NAVARRO Belgium I totally agree with this initiative, sharing code makes developing easier
Jacquet Florian France
Juuso Mikkonen Finland
Tomasz Nycz Poland Free Software and Free Data for Public Services!
Jan Tuomi Finland
Ilie Pioar Luxembourg
Michaël Arnauts Belgium
Gabriele Bozzola Italy
Stephen Clarke United Kingdom
Patrick Nicolas France
Almer Postma Netherlands So true and in the end a win win because of accelleration of innovation
Simo Melenius Finland
Juan Manuel Carrillo Alvarez Spain Open it up!
Fabian Fagerholm Finland
Bulosch Tiberiu Romania
Dirk Meijer Netherlands
Fabrizio Iacolucci Sweden
Folkert Huizinga Netherlands
Christopher van Gils Netherlands Code written with public code should benefit the world by making it Free and open source
Tomáš Komárek Czech Republic This is so obviously needed, the long term gains will be massive. Currently many projects duplicate work without oversight over code quality
Pauwel Belgium
Dima Liviu Romania
Konstantin Bulgaria I absolutely agree
Daniel Diaz Spain
Carsten Sprung Germany
Benedikt Germany
Willie Netherlands Bring government code to the people!
Jakub Zmyj Poland
Georg Grubner Austria
Pablo Wagner Argentina
Mikel Sweden I have paid for it, I should be given access to it.
Elliot Reed United Kingdom
Daniel Bartsch Austria
Tomas Sulo Slovakia
Sandesh Sharma Germany
Martin Mouritzen Denmark
Xavier dutoit France
Thomas Chapeaux Belgium
Fynn Kleine Ghana
Guillaume Serre France
Mikołaj Jankowski Poland
Fabrizio Italy As a software developer I totally understand the problem
Kenneth Vittrup Denmark
Christian Germany
Jarosław Zgoda Poland
Thomas Frederiksen Denmark As a software developer I have said for years "Anyone suggesting this, gets my vote"
Manuel Schmitzberger Austria
Jan-Philipp Benecke Germany
Martin Savc Slovenia
Parvesh Chaudhary India
Anthoniy Shumanov Bulgaria None of government nor public administration including schools, universities, etc., should use proprietary software which harms user's right
Adrián Gracia Aranda Spain
Oliver Falk Austria
SHAZEDUR RAHIM JOARDAR Bangladesh Codes by the people for the people of the people
Attila Balazs Switzerland
Johannes Degler Germany
Stefan-Gabriel Muscalu Romania Private guvernamental code is almost always a disaster.
Konrad Czachor United States
Anton Gattringer Austria Free code is only a win win situation on multiple levels. Young people could gain a lot of practical experience.
Pierre Equoy France
Kevin Nutter United States
Sagar India In my opinion, it will be more secure, cheap, and good for humanity.
Serdar Akcay Germany A little bit freedom in software won't hurt
Callum Leegwater United Kingdom
Ian Gallacher United States
Cody Redding United States I believe that anything developed by a government of the people should be available to the people.
Nils Egil lie Norway
Leon Anžel Slovenia
Dusan P Stankovic United States
Daniel Gonzalez Canada Release them damn programs
andy stokes Australia
Tobias Gresser Germany
Daniel Smith Australia European Citizen
Robin Moussu France Open source and open data are the best way to move forward are capitalize our efforts towards a better world
Marcelo Brazil
Fellipe Weno Brazil This is absolutely correct in my point of view. Besides that means software planned, engineered and focused on the population demands.
Ryan New Zealand
Wilhelm Brodt Germany Freedom
Vladimir Kirov Bulgaria Yes, please.
Joseph Thommes Germany
Adam Dąbrowski Poland
Daniel Sandman Sweden Don't get stuck with expensive licenses. Use open source and enable competition.
Nils André France Hope we stop wasting so much money without benefiting the public
Samb United States If we are paying for it, I want access to it.
Rondier Corentin France
Juha Remes United Kingdom
William T. France
Bjørnar Myrvold Norway
Θανάσης Πολίτης Greece
Elia Pinto Italy
Jeff Veit United Kingdom If the public have paid for software, it should be visible and usable by the public, excepting software with national security issues
Georgi Bulgaria Open Source!
Ricado Andrade Brazil
Noah Huesser Switzerland
Alexandre Sanchez France
Kevin Vásconez Ecuador
Jorge Bellón Castro Spain
James Hughes United Kingdom
Håvard O. Nordstrand Norway
Nick Stolwijk Netherlands
Daniel Manjon Domenech Spain todo lo que se paga con dinero publico tiene q ser libre!
Moavia Netherlands
ROPE France
Diego Aguilar United States If it's paid for by the people, it should be available to the people, in its entirety, without any restrictions.
Ben Lenihan Ireland
Anton Spassov Bulgaria Indeed I would love to see my taxes spent for open source
Alexandre Bizri France
John Anthony United Kingdom
Clayton Milos Norway
Nikolaos Genimakis Sweden
Andrea Borrone Italy
Kenneth Gallagher Canada If software is paid for using taxpayer dollars, it must be open to anyone to use and adapt as needed. It is, after all, owned by taxpayers
David Steen Jensen Denmark If we want have control over our own infrastructure we'll need to switch to open source software
Pieter Kokx Netherlands As a security specialist, please allow smart people to audit government code which makes important decisions about people's lives
Anthony Mathiron France
Alex Butler United Kingdom
Hauke Rompel Germany
Josh Price United States
Fabian Wunsch Germany It's even more secure to use open Software
Julian Silden Langlo Norway
Przemysław Buczkowski Poland
Jędrzej Pełka Germany
Róbert Lányi Hungary
Michiel Van den Camp Belgium
Gennaro Landolfi Italy
Julian Thomas Hernandez United States I live in the US and I hope that this policy will push US lawmakers to pass similar legislation here!
raphaelbevand Germany
Josua Australia If the code is free and open source, security will be better, and the apps will look better, and the projects will be cheaper.
Andrew Blackshaw United Kingdom
Tomasz Rymkiewicz Poland There's no point in reinventing the wheel, so why are we reinventing every digital feature? Let's be rational.
Konstantinos Feretos Greece
Erik Schindler Germany
Ondra Pelech Czech Republic
Dorin Romania The code that is being made for eu citizens and paid by same eu citizens should be open source software.
Daniel Olsen Norway
Bob van der Linden Netherlands Pay for code, own the code
Fernando Sousa Portugal
Julián Vicario Muñoz Spain
Romain Sourdiaux Netherlands
Nicholas Blott Ireland Members of the public might be able to contribute in their free time as well. Meaning better quality software
Michael Speed Netherlands
Paul-Édouard Bousquet France
Jacob Scharmberg Netherlands
Aris Dimopoulos United Kingdom
Ian Fairclough Germany
Sebastian roz Austria
Antonio Mindov Bulgaria
Luka Krajger Slovenia
J.van Maanen Netherlands
Matúš Beňko Slovakia
Leontien Werner-Wafelman Netherlands
Nicolas Pouillard France Les logiciels développés avec des fonds publics devraient être en code ouvert.
Andreas Kjaergaard Denmark
Andreas Belgium
Daniel Meruelo Monzón Spain
Trehiou Paul France
Marcel Germany
Fabien Wang France That's an amazing idea, Let's implement it as soon as possible.
Dylan Moore United Kingdom Open source has worked wonders for everything else, there is literally not a single reason to not open source it all.
Stefan Löhnert Germany
Nelo-T. Wallus Germany
Erik Morelj Slovenia
Aidin Abedi Sweden
Yann Prono France
Lucas Mahler Germany
Gregory Dalla United States
Dusan Dordevic Ireland
Aleksandar Topuzovic Ireland
Peter Morgan United Kingdom Am behind this bigtime.
Valentin Vie France
Sergio Placanica Italy
Guillaume Raffin France Cela permettrait en plus d'aider l'état à faire des applications correctes qui répondent mieux au besoin des citoyens
Nicholas Wylie Australia
Sam McCormack United Kingdom Publicly financed software should be available to the public.
Grischa Wende Germany
Daniel Keane Kelly Ireland
Robert Rossmair Germany
Marcus Laitala Sweden
Bojan Dunaj Croatia
Max Cairney-Leeming United Kingdom
Nico Gau Germany
Nicolò Maria Semprini Italy
Patrick Stickler Finland
Dominik Müller Germany I think this will benefit everyone and as a person who want's to become a programmer I like this idea even more.
Joseph Crook United Kingdom
Georgi Rahov United Kingdom Ich support linux and will support this move as well.
Martin Jørgensen Denmark
Filip Björck Sweden
James Veale United Kingdom
Nick Oksas Germany Wenn etwas durch Öffentliches Geld finanziert wurde, sollte es der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung stehen!
Roland Jäger Germany
Robert Dahlberg Sweden Public money, public code
Kurt Stolle Netherlands
Henrik Hedlund Andersen Norway
Tommi Nieminen Finland
James Keatley Ireland
Peter Berkecz Hungary
Mark Meyers Belgium
Anders Jellinggaard Denmark
Kay-Michael Müller Germany
Alessandro Timpone Italy
Milad Nazari Belgium Code financed by tax money should be open source for everybody.
Nickolai Belakovski United States Releasing it as FOSS will allow greater transparency, gives building blocks, and will also substantially improve the quality of the code
Nikodem Deja Poland
George Humphreys United Kingdom Open source is directly parallel to the EU's ethos. Collaboration, innovation, proliferation.
Ștefan Lucian Bucur Romania
Timothy Page Germany
Andrew Thorburn Germany Open-source code has many, many advantages, and is the foundation of so much of modern society - so much is powered by OSS!
Tokodi Máté Hungary
Anthony morris United Kingdom This is a great step forward
F United Kingdom
Cornelis Heuperman United Kingdom
Thomas Perret France
Jan Qvick Sweden
Per Stark Sweden Open source it, for the future
Shan Hua Germany
Oliver Tušla Czech Republic
Raymond Hulha Germany
Olivier Poppe Belgium
vincent humeau France
Eddie McNally Ireland Like data, making the code available allows others to reuse and derive additional benefit from tax payers money
Fabien France Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and
Edgar Mendez Sweden An open infrastructure brings more transparency, enforces actual security (not obscurity) and it's prone to faster growth and improvement.
Valley Knight United States This is a definite must in my book.
Óscar Muñoz Spain
Warren South Africa Its Open software and reflects transparency. All should use it
Jörg Brüggemann Germany
Martin Zajíc Czech Republic
Jonas Jochum Germany
Hugo Matias Portugal Public Money for public code is as essential as public money for public infrastructures.
Patrick Michallet United Kingdom
Bruno Filipe Germany
Brun Gionni Italy
Alex Ruiz Spain
Omar Elhajj Italy
Luis Duarte Portugal Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software.
Danny Bogers Netherlands As a developer, I wholeheartedly approve of this.
Philipp Korn Austria
Teo Spain
Alexander Mattick Germany Durch open-sourcing können kritische Sicherheitslücken schneller beseitigt und Manipulation verhindert werden
Suhas Sharma United States
Tyler Italiano Germany
Robert Linton Germany This is really necessary
Paweł Krupa Poland
Stephen Peetin United States Yes. Public money should be public software code, open to the public to use, study, share and improve it.
Hans Kristian Moen Ireland
G Pery Israel
Ciro Santilli obviously
Tomáš Vu Czech Republic
Mikael Olofsson Sweden
Adam Helbing Germany Because its obviously the right thing to do.
Miguel Terol Belgium FOSS is the way to go if we want to improve society.
Mikael Ohlson Sweden
Waleed Jordan
Alexander Ypema Netherlands Our government sucks at security. Let's change that together.
Melchor Alejo Garau Madrigal Spain
Guillem Ramírez Miranda Spain
Messer France
Jason Micallef Malta
Adrián M Slovakia
Alexis Chevallier Luxembourg
Dragomir Vlad Romania
Leif Ershag Sweden I'm a professional developer, I have made proprietary software for governments. Make it free!
A. Diab Netherlands
Aidan Sojourner United States
Anders Hovmöller Sweden I would love to help fixing things but can't because of proprietary code
Jacob Tench Canada Software payed for by the people must orbit and involve the people, this is a fundimental requirement.
Arend van Beelen Netherlands
Marcel Bochtler Germany
Stefan Wally Austria
Nikolaos Ukachukwu United Kingdom
Phil Wyett United Kingdom
NISHANT ARORA Canada This will set a precedence.
Olibia Tsati Greece
Adam Poloczek Poland
Ivan Vieira Portugal
Gilles Duboscq France
Henning Phan Sweden I have a masters degree in computer science, and the majority of the engineers agree that it should be open source
Jean-Edouard BOULANGER United Kingdom
Dustin Bensing Germany
Antonio Maria Borneo France
Sindre Alstad Wilting Norway
Joel Schumacher Germany
Nikolay Danailov Bulgaria I am a professional software developer and want all government software to be fully public.
Sjoer van der Ploeg Netherlands Lets revamp those age old databases!
Aurelijus Leonavičius LT
Eimantas Bunevičius LT
Austin English United States
Mario Baldini France
Jonas De Moor Belgium
Richard Fox United States
Rodrigo Pelissier Chile
Bastian Stegmann Austria
Mike Perrow United Kingdom
Lee Donaghy United Kingdom Public Money, Public Code.
Lukas Becker Germany
Marcus Barstorp Sweden
Damian Wyszołmirski Poland Do this, now.
Jonathan United Kingdom
Dick Swiers Netherlands
Kevin Wiesmüller Germany As a law student, software engineer and open source contributor myself this is a core part of democracy to me. It should already be part of
Luke Murray United Kingdom
Zach Landry Switzerland Please do this. It is now necessary.
Guste Briedyte LT OpenSource code has done much to increase development. It only makes sense that publicly funded code would be used for most benefit.
Olafur Sveinsson Sweden Transperancy is good.
Albertas Gimbutas LT I would contribute for free. Open sourcing public code would definetely improve quality of code and services!
Jennifer Frisch Germany
Valentin Plichon France
René Haber Germany
Jonas wedin Sweden
Chris Andrew United Kingdom
Kalle Jansen Netherlands
Stefan Traistaru Romania
Artemii Ukraine Open software is the way to build better future.
John Scott Ireland It's not rocket science
Johan Sweden
Jan Mikusch Austria
Carmen Espinosa Spain
Bradley Stacey United Kingdom
Marco Sartorelli Italy
Carp Bogdan Romania
Leobardo Mora Castro United States
Danyaal Khan United Kingdom
Mateo Periago Spain
Kamil Dabrowski United Kingdom
Evan Sebire Australia
Michael Scheiffler Austria
Günter Schafranek Germany
Hendrik Schröter Germany
Maximilian Schiller Germany
Mikael Saarinen Finland
Thijs Boumans Netherlands Open source software will benefit sibling organisations and avoid duplicate work between for sibling organisations such as municipalities
Frederik Huschebeck Germany
Maxime BAUMANN France We should open source software that are payed by public money
Jan Jelen Czech Republic
Raphaël Leroux Belgium
Trocherie Nicolas France
Max Weber Germany
Pedro Silva Portugal
Martin Garton United Kingdom
Daniele Valente Italy
Filip Łukaszewski Poland I'm an everyday Linux user, and having full Open Source workflow is awesome. Open Source make people and programmers' life easier.
James Ellison United Kingdom I support this a lot. I would hope that this goes through.
Łukasz Rogalski Poland
Patrick Wegner Germany
Dirk Wetzel Germany As a software developer, I would be very happy if I could help improve public software thanks to open source
Etienne Spillemaeker France
Dennis Pedersen Denmark
Jan Mueck Germany
Anton Bretting Sweden
Aleksandar Aleksandrov Bulgaria Open sourced software is the only software governments should use use
Levi Figueira United States
Philippe Normand Spain
Thomas Miletich Austria
Kevin Rupp Germany
Alexander Biehl Germany
Adrian Poland
Philipp Mildenberger Germany
Paun Catalin Romania
Branimir Germany
Marius Ghita Romania
Rafael Kallis Cyprus I would love to see more transparency in gov funded projects.
Andre Stackhouse United States If the government is of, by, and for the people then the software must be too.
Denis GAUTIER France
Steven Harry David Blowers United Kingdom
Fabien Howison Canada
Bruno Nölte Germany Public Money, puplic code
Borko Serbia I think this will newer heppent too much curuption and its secuirty risk cuz poor software dev
Adam Hitchen United Kingdom
Slowsaz France Just respect the freedom of us.
Wiger van den Toren Netherlands
Benjamin Haldin Finland Unless youre hiding someting there would be no reason not to use under free software.
Reinhold Gschweicher Austria
Petr Tvaruzek Czech Republic
Mika Beckerich Luxembourg
Alberto Santos Araus Spain Please, understand that open source developing provides a better sense of transparency to your constituents.
Christopher Turner United Kingdom I do believe if we're paying taxes for public services, FLOSS is the only solution.
Axel Auvinen Finland
Miha Krajnc Slovenia
Danyal Habibo Portugal
Aaron Chapin Netherlands
jack geraghty Ireland
Ruben de Groot Netherlands This goes without saying. It's a shame this is not standard policy yet.
Moritz Löbmann Germany Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and
Alline Cassandra Gomez Netherlands
Nimish Gåtam Sweden
Edi Cikovic Croatia
Bruno Gonçalves Spain
Micael Dias Portugal
Deroide France
Bjørn Reppe Norway
Max Lissowski Germany Open software is an important part of an open society!
Brian Lima Brazil
Dimitar Kerelov Bulgaria
Henrik Nårstad Norway
Stian Askeland Norway
Fabian Obermaier Germany This sounds reasonable!
Pascal France
Paul Auerbach Germany
Florian RIGHI France
Martin Škopek Czech Republic
Adam Boulton United Kingdom
Lucian McIntyre Germany
Flávio de Sousa Germany Code and Research paid with public funds MUST be open
Jacob Millward United Kingdom
Gregor Czubayko Germany
Hans-Henrik Ravn Denmark
Alexandre Lagane France Of course it is needed!
Piotr Deda Poland
Evin Darling Ireland
Georg Harder France
Jason House United States As a software engineer who worked in the public space, this just makes sense.
Otto Hakstetter Germany
Miika Hämynen Finland
Hugo Lageneste France
Nico Riedmann Austria
Shay van Dam Ireland
Mikael Andersson Sweden Just like any documet produced by the Swedish government, regions and municipalities code should be open to the public as well.
Atra Azami Sweden Important for the future of governing, as well as the future of open source software.
Lukas LT All closed source software is either malware or potentially malware. All software should be open source.
Antoine oleksiak France
Sebastian Suder Germany I'm a computer science student. FOSS is the only thing that makes sense for the public sector!
Johannes Weinreben Germany Gouvernement should be transparent. That includes the Software that is used to run it.
Thomas Vandaele Belgium
Amine France Publicly funded software should be Free, for the greater good of us all!
Johannes Hostert Germany
Jérémy Kalsron France Les codes ouverts encouragent à la fois la contribution par des tiers et limite la duplication des efforts de développement.
Daniel Osborne United Kingdom Open source should be the standard for any tax funded software.
Phil Lansdown United Kingdom
Martin Hinge Denmark Hell yeah!!!
Gabriel SAILLARD France
Bruno Guedes Portugal
Jakob Krantz Sweden
Julien Michielsen Netherlands
Juha Ojala Finland
Raphaël Jakse France
Lukas Becker Germany
Alin Romania This should be the norm.
Quinten Libert Belgium
Guidoux Alexandre Germany Real free software is a must
Cedric Belgium
Christian Pessel Germany
Rūdolfs Streičs Latvia This would be a step towards a more democratic, transparent and safe EU.
R.A.P. Juffermans Netherlands
Apostol Gabriel Romania
Victor Nobel Netherlands
Tako Marks Netherlands
Rudolf Albu Austria
Claessens Simon Belgium
Hugo Vacher France
Stig Rohde Døssing Denmark
Pavlos Georgiou Cyprus
Jerome Luce France This needs to happen.
Iñigo Serna Spain
Moreau Gabriel France
Kristian Klette Norway
Federico Bevilacqua Italy
Marius-Ioan Orban Romania
Xavier Canada Any good or service financed by public money must remain the property of all citizens.
Alec Bickerton United Kingdom
Kyle Lang United States This seems simple. To not deliver code to a client that paid for it is illegal. Why does the government get exemption from common sense?
Romain France Open source means more transparency and more possibilities to improve.
Praveen India
Kevin Waldock Austria
Denys Séguret France There are many reasons for keeping public code private. All of them are bad for the payers.
Matej Zavrtanik Slovenia
Johann Jakob Hellermann Germany
Scholz France
Patrick Hein Germany
Kirill Nevzorov United Kingdom As an open source developer, I have studied the damage closed source software can cause. Especially so in the public sector. Please, free us
Cian Butler Ireland
Carlos Esparza Germany
Nathan Monfils Belgium
Tim Maddison United Kingdom
Alasdair Stewart United Kingdom
Tomislav Blažeka Croatia
Ryan Steel United Kingdom This would allow us to see the logic behind systems used to make informed decisions about those systems as a society.
Matthew Pottage United Kingdom
Pedro Azevedo Portugal If the software is developed using public money, it should benefit the public. The best way to do that is to make it open source.
Johan Sweden
Björn Spindel Sweden
Rui Nuno Capela Portugal For all Humanity, no matter which continent, creed or else, governing laws and code base shall be known to all.
Jonathan Landicheff Germany
Miroslav Němeček Czech Republic
David Diagne Belgium
Đorđe Joksimović Slovenia Open source is the present and future!
Matthieu France
John Burke Ireland
Jean France do it
Niklas Utterbäck Sweden Open code, closed bathroom door. Don't mix it up.
Sijmen J. Mulder Netherlands
Linnea Hansson Sweden
Christopher Denker Germany
Guillaume Fouet France Public money, public source. It would force the companies working on public software to put more efforts into creating quality software.
Simon Månsson Sweden Eu members has the right to freedom, democracy and equality. How can these be fullfiled when there is no insight into government software?
Jeroen Nagtegaal Spain
Gavin Pacini Ireland Public code will increase trust, security and efficiency in government services, which are only becoming more technology based over time.
Gunnar Davíð Gunnarsson Denmark
Tommi Hyyryläinen Finland Yes!
Sander Kolman Netherlands
Wanja Hentze Germany Free software is public infastructure, just like roads, schools etc. Maintaining public infrastructure is the job of a government.
Artur Czemiel Poland Let it be.
Felix Hipp Germany
Stefan Hansson Sweden I think this a natural step in making the world more democratic.
Jakub Ciepliński Poland I don't think it will pass but it's worth the shot
Markus Frick Germany
Daniel Geiger Germany
Julian Schmitt Germany
Garret Cleare United Kingdom
Catalin Grigorie Romania MeeTo
Felix Schulz Germany
Miłosz Poland
Sylvain Kuchen Switzerland I think this is a great initiative
Kevin Eilers Germany
Ramon Maes Netherlands Everything paid for by the people should be for the people
George Sheridan-Smith United Kingdom
Christoph Kordick
Jan Visser Netherlands Please open up the code!
Sven Dubbeld Netherlands
Christoph Finke Germany Only open source can keep EU citizens safe from foreign espionage.
Michal Pekar Slovakia
Joost Loohuis Netherlands
Felix Uhle Germany
Juha Lehtonen Finland
Enno Carstensen Germany
Micah Allen United States
José Duarte Portugal
Geoffrey Belgium The fact that the European institutions do not consider alternatives to non-EU and proprietary Software for their own usage is revolting.
David Guillen Spain
Renaud Schleck France
Kevin Holm Germany
Ioan-Victor Pantazi United Kingdom I believe open source software can only improve the quality of our government's code. There is no security in obscurity
Ruslan Sandler Germany
Daniel Pfeffer Austria
Kika Lewak Netherlands
Johan van Ingen Netherlands
Maurice Ponte Netherlands
Serghei Casminin Germany Security by obscurity is the worst kind of security
Anton Zdanov Estonia
Jantinus Daling Austria Totaly agree with the initiative. It would also create jobs in Europe and enables us to catch up with US firms now dominating the market.
Mick van Plateringen Netherlands
Davide Mendolia Spain
Nina Uljanić Sweden
Matej Kramny Czech Republic
Yussur Mustafa Oraji Germany Our Money should only be used for trustworthy purposes, but with proprietary software that is impossible to verify.
Moritz Nipshagen Germany Having worked in state funded projects, it would have been great to have shared information.
Robin Van den Broeck Belgium
valerio coseano Italy open source software for an open Europe
Patrick Pichler Austria
Mark Janssen Netherlands
Eric Hemmy France
Martin Mirchev Bulgaria I think that Open Souce code is the proper way for transparent governments and a way to have everybody work towards better infrastructure.
Koray Heij Netherlands Reduce censorship and financial waste. Increase transparancy, security, and independence. Yes
Kacper Mieszała Poland
Sander Cobbaert Belgium
Franz Miltz Germany FOSS makes the world a better place.
Enrico Tolotto Italy
Gabriel Guzman Canada
Ante Gulin Croatia
Oguz Ersen Turkey
Lluís Trilla Spain
Nils Trubkin Sweden
Ari von Nordenskjöld Sweden bankid is cancer
Mike Hingley United Kingdom I'm a strong believer in the power of Open Source, and would call for software developed by the people to be accessible to the people.
Norbert Vassy France
Lukas Stockner Germany
Jonathan Selea Sweden
Tommy Apel Hansen Spain FOSS is the only right way to ensure government efficiency.
Jakub Czarny Poland
G.J. Hey Netherlands
Horus Lugo López Spain
Elliot Brock United States
Henk Knippels Netherlands
Gianluca Carpentieri Switzerland
Kimon Hoffmann Germany
Adrian Geipert Germany
Jonathan le Roux Portugal
Vic Netherlands
Kirsten Miller United Kingdom
Peter Hazenberg Netherlands We need more transparency and portability and interoperability and (real) security (without the theatre).
Sven Hosser Germany
Ville Sweden
Ilia Manolov Bulgaria Not much to say. If my small, "poor" country can have its government open-source so should the rest of the EU.
Damon Petta United Kingdom
Alexandre Bonnaudeau France
Noel Bourke Ireland
Berlinschi Adrian Romania In a democracy there should be transparency, and knowing how our institutions software works should be the new golden standard.
Fabian Neuschmidt Germany
Andreas Röckert Sweden
Benjamin Lior Nigel Juncker Germany
Lukas Knuth Germany
Sanchit India I completely support this
Theodoros Kokkoris United Kingdom
Lennart Jern Sweden
David Keijser Netherlands
Michael Pfennings Germany
Thomas Bangalter France
Rickard Jonsson Sweden Att hålla skattefinansierade medel borta från allmänheten är ett hycklande beteende för en stat som hävdar att de jobbar för folket.
adam stenseke Sweden
David Imgrund Germany
Kornelijus Tvarijanavičius LT
Francisco González Vidal Spain 100% agree
Gerald O'Sullivan South Africa Software reuse should drive down the cost of delivering services to citizens
Niklas Wilde Germany
João Carlos Ferreira Gonçalves Portugal
Brian United States
Jonas Bornold Sweden There is no reason for closed sourced, none free software. This should be law now!
k. rebensauer Germany öffentliche Gelder = öffentlicher Code
Jude Southworth United Kingdom Open source software helps protect trust and fuels innovation
Markus Andersson Sweden Gogogo
Konstantin Hungs Germany
Federico Giovine Italy As a European citizen, seeing my government open up opportunities like this makes me proud.
Jasmin Brugger-Haberfellner Austria
Aguinaldo United Kingdom
Patrik Krogell Hansson Sweden
Thomas Maqua Germany
Evan Dunlap United States I believe it is in the best intrest of the people that have provided funding for these projects to have open and free access to the projects
Connor Boyle United Kingdom
Guillaume Ayoub France Public Money == Public Code
Jörn Huxhorn Germany
Charles Hubain Belgium A lot of private companies support Open Source, why can’t public institutions do the same?
Maximilian Henning Germany open source 4 lyfe
Oliver Kristensen Denmark Let's go!
Matan Davidi Switzerland
Hugo Miguel Coutinho Dias Portugal
Thomas Roberts United Kingdom
Trenten E. Vollmer United States
Fadil Smajilbasic Switzerland
Jimmy Cullen United Kingdom
Marc Wilhelm Switzerland
Uvis Latvia
Karanvir Singh India
Sam van Kampen Netherlands Along with open access research, open sourcing publically funded code is the only moral thing to do.
Lambert Spiess France
Atakan Ermiş Turkey
Filipe Ferreira United Kingdom
David Weßling Germany
Ricardo Margalhau Portugal
Hendrik Wiese Germany
Daan Roos Netherlands
Christophe Vanlancker Belgium Roads are built for the public through taxes for economic opportunity and more. Why isn't this the case with publically financed software?
Kristoffer Gahlin Sweden
Oliver Boudet Sweden
Boris Gjenero Croatia
François Letawe Belgium
Martin Johnsen Denmark
Christian Rollfinke Austria
Laurent Bigonville Belgium
Oleksa Stasevych Ukraine I fully support the idea, that the public money should produce free and open source products.
Dennis Pedersen Sweden
Rob Janssen Netherlands It should have been like this from the start
Zak Body United Kingdom
Petter Sælen Norway
Alexander Kjeldaas Sweden
Alexander Boogaard Netherlands
Gunther Belgium
Keith Hanson United States
Alexander Tizik Germany
Fabio Scarcella Gomez Spain
Jakob Gillich Germany
Emile de Koning Netherlands
Tomas Zaluckij LT There is no reason to not open source public sector software unless it is insecure, in which case, it should be made more secure first.
gordon United Kingdom
Filip Lindahl Sweden
Fernando Valarino Sweden Free software follows democratic principles that the EU should uphold.
M. Van der Gouw Netherlands
Palasanu George Romania
Juan J Fernandez United States
Mangel Edouard France
Rene Hickersberger Austria This would make the world a fair bit better...
Berry van Mondfrans Netherlands
Christian Laakmann Germany
Thomas France Public money = public code, that's common sense
Robert Winter Sweden
Lucas Bartelsen Germany It's about time!
Sebastian Rittau Germany
Marek Valko Slovakia I would like to see software used in our government to be open source.
Krisztián Makói Hungary
Oskar Glaza Poland
Marti Spain
toye Spain
Michal Funket Slovakia
Niklas Büsing Germany
Michał Siejak Poland
Steven O'Brien United Kingdom
Tomislav Radanović Croatia
Matteus Hemström Sweden
Nicolas Audinet Finland
Antoine POSNIC France Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and
Angelo Italy
Stijn van Houwelingen Netherlands
Lukas Joley Sweden Public code for public money is such a no brainer, I can't believe I haven't heard about it before. Makes total sense and good for everyone!
Ferrasse Yohann France
Ilpo Loikkanen Finland
Andrew Goad United States
Valentin Cocaud France
Mahesh Mukundan Germany
Johannes Leenders Netherlands Transparency in governance is key to a stable government
Burkhard Mittelbach Germany
Iraklis Karagkiozoglou Greece
Mikołaj Zaremba Poland
Benjamin Sjöberg Sweden Simple: Public spending must benefit the public.
Radek Raczkowski Poland
Gáspár Bence Hungary
Jim Verhulst Netherlands
Javier Spain
Ilyó Kovács Levente Hungary
Harry Ramsey United Kingdom The EU wants open governments so why shouldn't the software be too then?
JeanDaniel BUSSY Japan
Jonathan Andersson Sweden
Ivaylo Mitov Bulgaria
Csonka Mihály Belgium
David Murphy Ireland It makes sense
Andrea Coradi Italy
Simon Bo Dall Mikkelsen Denmark
Nick Marks United Kingdom
Henry Voß Germany
Andrea Zorzetto United Kingdom
Alejandro United Kingdom
Felix Seip Germany
Muresan Alexandru Romania
Stefan Mihai Stanescu Denmark
Ramon Meijer Netherlands
Julien Caillaud France
Liam Galvin United Kingdom
Miguel Romero Spain
David J Germany Something that has to be taken care of
Tuuli Pöllänen Slovenia
Max Germany Would improve trust in government and it's code.
Fabian Beskow Sweden I have been a user of Free and Open Source software for a long time. If the governments were more open I would definitely trust them more.
Nina Moritz Sweden
Kevin Raetz Germany
stefan fleck Austria
alois de gouvello France EUPL should be a good start.
Alfred Ulvmose Denmark
Bastien Auda France
Awn Umar United Kingdom
Alberto Marchetti Finland
Pedro Sá Portugal every citizen should be able to check and use public funded software
Simon Kostede Germany
Omar Netherlands
Ali Helmy Sweden
Victor Medina Mexico
PHILIPPON Julien France Pourvoir enfin arrêter d'être frustré face au bugs qu'on pourrait corriger soit même !
George Greece
Gašper Drolc Slovenia
Duncan Blair United Kingdom
Julius Dehner Germany
Tommaso Brandirali Netherlands The time has come to consider software as a fundamental social resource with deep political and democratic implications.
Maciej Sopyło Poland We need this!
Ricky Sweden
Klim Turchaninov Germany Code and Programms funded by public money should be available to the public aswell!
Luka Dornhecker
Julien Rousé France Let's opensource software !
Sauques France Public money, public code !
Ondrej Polacek Czech Republic
Dym Sohin Germany open source plz
Daniel Bernhardt Germany
Bojan Slovenia
Davide Italy
Linus Weber Germany
Elliot Marks United Kingdom open software is target to millions of views and reviews. This ensures security standards are met and standards are high.
Tomislav Kozacinski United Kingdom We are stronger together.
Rasmus Björk Sweden
Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen Netherlands Professional software engineer (not a lobbyist whispering in your ear, but the people they are trying to screw)
Dimos Alevizos Greece
Sebastian Silbermann Germany
Marco Baxemyr Sweden
Stjepan Croatia
Matthias Willemsen Belgium
Marcel Bösl Germany
Nico Oehlert Germany
Timo Götzken Germany
ALDON France
Martin Kireew Germany
Marco Italy
Maxime Lenormand France Good intiative!
Vlad Cobarzan Romania
Josef Karlsson Sweden
Julien Ropé France
Manuel Wassermann Austria
Linus Närkling Sweden
Armin Brauns Austria
Moritz Rinow Germany
Paweł Zmarzły Poland
Duarte Manuel Ribeiro Pinto Portugal
André Costa Portugal
Florian Didron France
Felix Reuß Austria
Frederik De Bleser Belgium
Nils Schulte Germany just Open Source it. Its better for every one.
Yannick Gröger Germany
Martin Bohal Czech Republic
Joschka Kupilas Germany
Charles-Eric Gilbert Canada
David Hansen Denmark
Guido Albania
Theodore Lee Singapore Not from Europe but I'm sure if EU does it, my administration will consider it too.
Rok Bercic Slovenia
Balazs Nadasdi Hungary 100% agree
Evgeni Danailov Bulgaria
Jean-Baptiste Delon France Open source is bringing us meaningful and concrete jobs. Proprietary software only generate bullshit jobs.
Tan Van Vietnam
Felix Pahlow Germany Es gibt keinen guten Grund, das Rad 3x zu entwickeln. Auditing wird durch open source erleichtert.
Jackson New Zealand
Grigroescu Remus-Ștefăniță Romania
Felix Fallon United Kingdom This is important.
Maxime Barraud France
Geordi Trapman Netherlands
peter merikan Sweden
Lars Holm Jensen Denmark
George Kokinis United Kingdom Open source government code furthers government transparency, a keystone of modern democracy.
Lucas PIERRU France
Elbaz France
Mateusz Dudziński Poland
Lukas LT
Erik Viktorsson Sweden
Johnny Carlsen Denmark Free software benefits all
Remy Garrigue France
Joakim Allen Sweden
Dominik Schemmel Germany
Gustaf Hallberg Sweden
Tim Seip Netherlands
Tim Michilsen Belgium
Admir Bevab Denmark
Kalvis Buls Latvia
Radek Falhar Czech Republic
Lloyd Smart United Kingdom
Dorian Stoll Germany
Moritz Schalk Austria
Stephen Clibbery United Kingdom
Alejandro Spain
Florian Gärber Germany
Alejandro Aguirre Spain
Filippo Squillace Australia
Nicolás Ortega Froysa Spain Si lo pagamos entre todos, es la propiedad de todos.
Francesco Moca Italy
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek Poland Code funded by public money should be open source so we can maintain and improve and reuse it.
Maximilian Ehlers Germany This is the only way for us to ensure we stay up to date and are not being enclosed by private software companies
Peter Kister Germany
Andrea Cognolato Italy
Frans Skarman Sweden
Fjoni Yzeirk Albania
Emile Peetermans Belgium
Arkadiy Poland
Bart Riepe Netherlands Please, for the love of security, at least consider this.
Merlin Brandes Germany
Tiago silva Portugal This is also an improvement in university to study actual real use cases
Thibault Moynat France Very much approved !
Claudio Zumbo Ireland
Andrew Morgan United Kingdom Open source software should be standard in a democracy where transparency is its greatest ally.
Christopher Thomson United Kingdom
Henry Humphreys United Kingdom Governments are not private institutions, yet they too often act like they are.
Ludwig Glückstadt Germany
Patrick Materla Germany
Robin Wils Belgium
Martin Augustsson Sweden Open source and collaboration is the future
Véronique Gölz Germany
Jay Abbott United Kingdom
Moritz Hepp Germany
Thomas van Putten Netherlands
Tero Lakkonen Finland The European Union should be a bastion for openness and democracy in the world.
Maxime Gaudron Germany Please make it happen !
Adrien Baudhuin France
David Freina Austria Free and open source software is the only way to protect the government against fatal security flaws in the future.
Nicolas Daans Belgium
Nick Hahn Germany
Martijn Netherlands There are no downsides.
Dmitry Suserov Germany
Joel Goransson Australia If this code is paid for by taxpayers then they should be able to see it
Dagfinn Parnas Norway
Isaac Alich United States
Findlay smith United Kingdom
Stijn Franssen Netherlands
Anton Johannes Glonner Germany
Hannah Taylor United Kingdom
William M. Nett United States In the USA as well!
Brice Chichereau France Open-source is the future of software
Louis-Marie Givel France Public money shouldn't fund proprietary software that locks government in
Mario Fernández Álvarez Spain
Vlad Ilaș Romania
Westphal Mathieu France I pays taxes un France, yet no code is being open sources by the gouvernement
_HeN_ United Kingdom Great idea. Hope this goes through
Jonathan Zopf Germany
Eveline Nicolaus Germany
James Rafferty United Kingdom
Andreas Gram Drachmann Denmark Good idea
David France
Aurélien Brisseau France
Michael Migliore France
Samuel Forrest United Kingdom
Łukasz Idzik Poland
Johan Sjölén Sweden This makes sense for democracy and security.
Albin Hasani Albania
Edoardo Nodari Italy
Emile Belgium
Navennec Thomas France It's nonsensical that this isn't the case already
Mathieu David Belgium
Tom Meyers Belgium
Alain d'Alché France
Michiel Schaap Netherlands
Lukas Gibone France Transparency no more lies
Matjaz Debelak Slovenia
Peter Normann Denmark
Marcus Müller Germany
Alexander Springer Austria
Rosen Bulgaria The campaign's slogan says it all. Public money, public code.
rickard petersen Sweden Open sourcing public sector projects will make them more secure and ensure that they uphold good quality.
Cameron Urquhart United Kingdom I think this is a great idea. If we pay for it, it should be ours.
Alex Spiers United Kingdom
Astrid Denmark
Alexandre Joris France
Nicolas Fränkel France
Noah United States
Marie France
Dimitri B Finland
Paul Mason United States
Patryk Wychowaniec Poland If my money gets wasted on some useless, badly coded software, at least let me have a look at it!
Alexander Kuntsch Germany
Vedran Karacic Croatia
Ben Dixon United Kingdom
SIMON Thomas France It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness
Otto Helen-Goldring United Kingdom
Joyce Slootweg Netherlands
Patryk Poland
Bartosz Janus Poland I fully support this issue - public software should be more transparent
Persy Italy I want a freer world and this is a necessary step.
Felix Germany
Paul Kenny Ireland
Laszlo Molnarfi Belgium
Ulrich Petri Germany
Nina Popovic Germany
Andrew Town United Kingdom
Augustin Borsu Belgium
Julio Eliseo Valls Spain
Dimitris Kyriakoudis United Kingdom
Luca Switzerland
Andrei Cioban Romania Since enterprises are lately relying successfully on open source software, seems like a sensible approach to bring similar quality to pub...
Staffan Hörnlund Norway
David Burrell United Kingdom
Alex Muscar United Kingdom
Maurits Lamers Netherlands
Felix Päßler Germany
Jose Luis Spain more precisely gnu gpl to prevent others from making it propietary
Nicolas Planel France
Kristiyan Dimitrov Germany
YK Lim Malaysia I am a developer and I support transparency via open source softwares
Anthony Daongam France I agree with this !
Sherwin Germany UwU
Gabriel Marinković Croatia
Daniel Dias Portugal Contribute to humanity, we are all together on this boat, stop thinking locally
Igor Portugal
Rindelaub Misha Switzerland
Kristian Nygaard Jensen Denmark I Work for the Danish governmen, and is fustrated over all the proprietary blobs we have no control over what does
Danny Dorstijn Netherlands As a software engineer this seems very reasonable to me.
Martin Candela United Kingdom
Andrei Băltuță Romania This is a great initiative. A lot of people can learn from code and more people can contribute towards a better codebase
Jasper Güldenstein Germany
Daniel Andersson Sweden
Olav Markussen Norway
Petar Popovic Germany
Pawel Rożnowski Poland
Robert Andersson Sweden
Dónal McManus Ireland This would be a great step in the right direction.
Jeunemaitre France
Jan Kaltenecker Austria
Gustav Larsson Sweden
Simo Tumelius Finland
Edvin United Kingdom As a professional software developer, I fully support this campaign.
François Guillemé France
Henrik Helenius Finland
Aditya Dandekar Germany Open-source government systems enables any competent engineers to fix bugs, errors and further improve the systems!
Oskar Berndal Sweden Open code invites security audit and is a bedrock for further excellence.
Gabriele Italy
Lucas Viegas Milani Luxembourg
Maxime Oli France
John Gray United Kingdom I think it's important to use PUBLIC money to help the public and open source software does just that
Constantin Theis Luxembourg
Andrea Lanza di Casalanza Italy
Gregor Kracan Slovenia Do it
Marcel Lutz Germany This could be the Great Chance to fix the System ;)
Sander Saares Estonia Just as laws must be freely available, so should the information systems implementing them!
Calum United Kingdom
Mirko Camporesi Italy
Robert Loporto Malta
Tom Vegelien Netherlands
Aurélio Soberano Portugal I totally agree with the movement.
Alex Martinez Ascensión Spain Public code is necessary for any development, and even more in public sources.
Frederic Kips Netherlands
Dimitri Belopopsky France
Diego Renedo Delgado Spain
Boudewijn van Groos Netherlands I believe free open source software to be the way to go to improve transparency and international and municipal collaboration
Pietro Italy
Daniel Heurlin Sweden
Philipp Klöppner Germany Konsequent quelloffene Programme fördern Transparenz, sparen Kosten und setzen ein Zeichen für die Digitalisierung.
Marco Cosentino Germany Also Data which cannot be related to a certain person but publicly collected and managed should be made readily available
Timo Viveen Netherlands Not only will this increase transparency, it might also increase security. Both of those are good things.
Tony Zorman Germany This would not only strengthen the people's trust in government programs, but also enable individuals to control the code they payed for.
Alexandre Hitchcox United Kingdom The UK Gov websites are some of the best in the world, so do the same!
Thomas Jakob Zajac Germany
Fabian Schmidt France
Sotir Danailov Bulgaria
Magyar Bálint Hungary These are the kind of ideas want Europe to be about
Dominik Janura Czech Republic
Bryan United States It’s only fair!
Hasan Ünlü Turkey Free internet and open source software are very important tools that will protect citizens of EU against the enemies of free Europe.
Max Isacson Sweden
Christian Beckers Belgium
Konráð Freyr Iceland
Peter van den Broek Netherlands
Giorgio Balduzzi Italy Free software for public services would improve trust and interest in the public administration
Rafael Gomes United Kingdom I think developer who are spending time on an open platform should be getting some sort of profit from their hard work.
Vladimir Bulgaria The moral aspect is good, but not important. What's important is the benefits for security, quality and exposing corruption.
Daniel Klingmann Germany
Philip Graae Denmark
Bruno Cauet France
Jake Mooney Ireland Open source code is more than just code, it's a commitment to an entire word view of openness and respect for all fellow men
Simon Sandell Sweden
Ana Quelhas Portugal
Jörg Freimuth Germany
Mykyta Iefymov Netherlands I would contribute myself. This would also be a good motivation to learn more about governmental processes
Guus Hoekman Spain
Pablo Rodríguez Caballero Spain I support this initiative because Open Source Software benefits everyone
Denis Lis Germany
Sophie Tauchert Germany
Knopf Austria
Tobias lorek Sweden snälla gör engagemang möjligt i en digital värld!
Willem Netherlands
Kim Nørregaard Nørskov Madsen Denmark
Robert Attard Italy
Amanieu d'Antras United Kingdom
Julien Rische France
Anastasios Basoukos Germany
Maxime Amodei Belgium
Duarte Pousa Portugal This is the obvious way forward.
Felix Bade Finland
Tomáš Ligenza Czech Republic
Kamil Chmielewski Poland
Temmerman Belgium
Luca Casonato Netherlands
salomon sumbundu Denmark
Alvaro Spain
Ivelin Dzhantov Bulgaria Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and
Nelson Portugal Do not underestimate the power and benefit of this initiative!
Marvin Vogt Germany
Jeremy Malta
Patrice Peterson Germany Code that ostensibly serves the public should be auditable by the public too.
Max Kamps Germany
Michel Strelow Germany
Magnus Sweden
Mazen Harake Sweden
Adrian Romania Totally agree, that SW should be open source
Ajdin Trejic Croatia
Alexis chappron France
Anders Lindskov Kloborg Denmark This would greatly increase transparency of software funded by public money.
Joonatan Saarhelo Finland This will make companies accountable for the code they write with taxpayer's money.
Christian Kletsch Germany Public Code will help us all develop quicker, for more secure solutions in the public sector.
Jens Foerster United Kingdom
Kevin Varga Slovakia
Antonio Zungri Italy Having our public payment under private sources makes absolutely no sense
Stefan Dietrich Austria Danke das Sie sich die Mühe machen einzelne Kommentare zu durchforsten, als Entwickler möchte ich Ihnen vorschlagen dies umzusetzen!
Mateusz Poland
Charles Vandevoorde Belgium
Karol Poland
Timmy Bromell Sweden
Marko Putnik Croatia I support this issue
Logan Thompson Germany
Cláudio Gomes Portugal
Andrei Stanimir Romania
Jeroen Jonk Netherlands
Puscasu laurentiu Romania
Douwe Zwiers Netherlands Doing this could only improve be our digital infrastructure
Andreas Vinter-Hviid Denmark
Kasper Roland Pagh Denmark
Kyle Macfarquharson United Kingdom
Stewart McGown United Kingdom Transparency is government code is incredibly important, especially for security.
Niklas Zeegers Germany
Ioan Bucur France
Constantin Serban Romania
Etienne ALLEGRE France Public funds should be used to create public goods and services. The same goes for research.
Christopher Koschack Germany
Foad Sojoodi Farimani Netherlands Also all scintific and educational funded by my tax must use and create Open source
Guilherme Tavares Portugal
Paul Höchelein Austria
Bhupas Denmark If we are paying than it should be free for all of us
Justas Janušauskas LT
Toby Scrace United Kingdom Public money means public code
Gregor Slovenia
Dorian Geißler Germany Open source (or rather free software) is basically the definition of transparency and collaboration.
B. Brandt Germany
Pim Remkes Netherlands
Atanas Hristozov Bulgaria
Kasper Laudrup Denmark
Guillaume Potier France
Tamás Barta Hungary
Tizian Leonhardt Germany
Madhan United Kingdom
Teodor Sandu Romania I think this is a great idea we could all benefit from. Public projects would benefit from issue reporting and pull requests!
David Flatz Austria
Joseba Uranga Spain
Sebastian Muxel Austria
Carlos G. Spain
Benjamin Bädorf Germany Freie Software ist die Grundlage einer Demokratie im 21. Jahrhundert. Bürgerpartizipation ist nur so wirklich möglich.
Carlos Parra Marcelo Spain
Théo Davreux Belgium Not only will this allow for better growth of whomever needs the software, it will uncover many security vulnerabilities.
Ricardo Portugal United Kingdom
André Rodrigues Portugal
Euan Lacy United Kingdom
Christian Murphy United Kingdom
Martin Schwarz Austria
Arvinte Alexandru Romania
Mateo Vivas Colombia
Vasileios Gkiziakis United Kingdom
Jakub Poland This idea can save a lot of money thanks to the open-source policy and it's community.
David Flemström Sweden
Niklas Schnelle Germany As a Computer Science researcher for a German University I wholeheartedly support this because it improves the research quality and fairness
Mark Anderson Ireland Code paid for by the public, should be open to the public. Open Source Code for all.
Robin van der Kruit Netherlands
Henning Lindemann Germany
Denis Schwachhofer Germany
Kasper Nadrajkowski Poland
Matthieu Riegler France
Fabian Meyer Germany
Jan-Oliver Kaiser Germany Geheimhaltung von Programmcode hat noch nie funktioniert. Sicherheit ist also kein Argument. Wir verschwenden so nur Ressourcen.
Erik Gustafsson Sweden
Stefan Diels Belgium
Jean Plancher France
Emmanuel Kissi Netherlands
Vivekanandan Estonia It`s important to make public software open source for better security and accessibility .
Benjamin Grange France That would be a great initiative!
Reece Rowlinson United Kingdom
Stefano Italy
Guillermo del Río Párraga Spain
Tom Pywell Ireland
Martin Switzerland
Christopher Fiallo United States
cyrille posthumus Netherlands public money public code
Tobias Maier Germany
Marcin Kierc Poland
Michail Rontionov United Kingdom There is no reason any government should be controlled by a corporation just because they built their product. FOSS is the optimal way to go
Thomas Frössman Sweden
Bernd Schoolmann Germany
Egej Vencelj Slovenia
Nikola Tsartsarov Bulgaria
Franklin Mathieu Ireland
Jacek Rozalski Poland More transprency = bettter goverment = better sociaty
Florian Schwarte Germany
Frank Gabriel Germany
Jaime Herazo Spain
Mesar Hameed United Kingdom
Pavel Prochazka Czech Republic
Luke Hart United Kingdom
Tobias Möhring Germany
Marcus Christensen Denmark
Peter Jackson United Kingdom
Tomasz Sawicki Denmark
Danny Germany Public Money = Public Code
Tyler Australia
Gabriele Italy
Lorenzo Italy
Sjoerd de Vries France
Jonas Johansson Sweden
Sefa Eyeoglu Germany
Martin Štefaňák Slovakia
Hannes Stoiser Austria
Jimmy Nilsson Sweden
Fabian Viöl Germany
Roux France
Daniel Reisinger Germany
Mickaël van der Beek Belgium Public funds should be used to create public goods and services. The same goes for research.
Robert Tiemann Germany
Julius Gajewski
Simon Beginn Germany Jep - das ist genau das, was aus öffentlichen Geldern resultieren sollte!
Lasse Flygenring-Harrsen Denmark
Eduardo Subtil Portugal Free and Open Source is the future and it's the only way to prove a piece of software respects its user's privacy
Markus Härer Germany
Benedek Ádám Hungary
David paulos Portugal
Bert Goens Belgium
Florian Kraft Germany
Giacomo Bella Italy
Norton Miller United Kingdom
Nicolas Cedilnik France
Guillaume Alvarez France
Raban emunds Germany
Gergely Sárosi Hungary
Witold Sosnowski Poland Please, please do pass such legislation.
Sebastiaan Huber Netherlands
Cay Bremer Germany
Daniel Hajduk Austria
David Neugebauer Germany
Björn Sveinbjörnsson Sweden
Biswarup Dey India
Lionel D France C'est la base
Ludwig Beckert Germany
João Borges Portugal
Gustav Bylund Sweden
Andrei Popa Romania
Robert Pluim France Publicly funded software (and research) belongs to the people who have paid for it, ie the public.
Nick Jorens Belgium
Tim Murphy Ireland OSS leads the way!
Gilbert Jabbour Lebanon I encourage releasing the software as open source to give transparency to the people
Norman Graafsma Netherlands Public money : Public code!
Gentz Canada
Joaquín Guanter Spain
Eric Bode Netherlands I think the Open Source community has long since proved that it significantly improves the overall QA of software.
Peder Smith Norway With transparent processes, others don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Adrian Marian Popoviciu Romania I support free software for all.
Sebastian Borchers Germany
john cooper United Kingdom
Mads Østermark Denmark
Robert B Netherlands I agree with the notion that use of public money in order to create code, the code should be made available under a FOSS license.
Hartwin Hoyer Germany
Giulia Italy
Rik Netherlands
Joan Bosch Spain
Giacomo Sguotti Italy
Timur Celik Germany
Sopterean Calin Vasile Romania
Andrea Riboni Italy for our own benefit
Lorenzo Ruffati Italy
Verschuere Jef France
Andrei Busuioc Romania
Robert Killick United Kingdom
Patrick Sicking Germany "If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
Piet Swinkels Netherlands
Karol Bieńkowski Poland
Hugo Ferreira Portugal
Stathis Greece This should be a public right not only because we pay for it but because it is necessary to advance as civilization and not re-write code...
Sébastien Kovacs Germany Makes a lot of sense.
Spahn Germany z.B. dass die Schnittstelle für Steuerklärungen ERiC nicht mit freier Software kompatibel ist, kann nicht sein und ist ein Zeichen hierfür!
Giacomo Lombardo Italy
Leandro Cacciagioni Germany GPL please
Johan Johansson Sweden We deserve to be able to fix broken apps ourselves! Also, security by obscurity is not a good excuse.
Stefan Karabaliev Bulgaria
Przemyslaw Kuciel Poland
Eric Elfving Sweden
Leonardo Amodio Italy It shouldn't even be possible to discuss about this thing in the first place... it'd be free and OS by default.................
Yannick Germany
Volen Indshew
Tom Fryers United Kingdom
Oskar Carl Germany
Denislav Syarov United Kingdom
Gianluca Bertani Italy
Matteo Altorio Italy
Ovidiu Dumitru Nițan Romania Companies writing the code financed by public funds are gate-keeping anyone else which would want to maintain the code by keeping it private
Niklas Hellstrom Sweden
Viktor Penkov Germany
Jeetaditya Chatterjee United Kingdom
Sam Johnson United States This really needs to happen for people to have trust in government.
Campistron France Open sourcez vos mères
Simon Jones Spain
Wojciech Kowalik Poland
Thomas Cashman Ireland I support this proposal
Robert Führicht Austria
charles France
Marc Braun Germany
Magnus Larsen Denmark
Rolf van Kleef Netherlands
Gwendhal CLAUDEL France
Miguel Portugal public money for open sourced software only.
Joseph Davis Ireland
Luke Manson United Kingdom
Camille Akmut ALL publicly financed software should be Free Software - not just “developed for the public sector”. (We don’t use words like “open source”)
Martin Florian Germany
Nicola Sorace Switzerland The free-software model can be difficult to justify financially. This is not one of those times.
Esteban BLANC France
Jasper Hartog Netherlands
Mois Moshev Bulgaria
Alexandr Setgeyev Sweden
Lorenzo Castellino Italy Let's work for a more open sourced software world!
Bart Bakker Netherlands
Maxim Belgium Open Source Software is the future. Stimulate growth and security by using it on the public sector.
Jukka Salminen Finland OK
Simon Quinton United Kingdom
Artur Komoter United Kingdom
Raoul fasel Netherlands
Thomas Koscheck Germany
Piotr Jankowski Poland
Kwon-Young Choi France
Teofan Italy
Thomas Danielsson Sweden
Daniel Napora Poland Public money - public code!
JKostov Serbia
Ronan Carrigan Ireland This would be a huge step for increasing trust and security in government software
Nho Quy Dinh Germany Code should be public if it's funded from public money!
Romain Grossemy France
Daniel Prokop Czech Republic I think this is a great idea, and I fully support it.
Paul Samsel
Kristof Belgium It's unethical to use proprietary software especially when funded publically.
Maria Yngman Sweden
Christopher Andrews United Kingdom
Miłosz Poland
Nouri France It should be a civil right
Dorian Trubelle France
James Thistlewood United Kingdom Free software is the way forward in the modern world. Taking action on this issue is a major step in the right direction.
Jonas Lorander Sweden
Kobe Housen Ireland
Jürgen Landgraf Germany
Evert Prants Estonia
Michael Kotzjan Germany
Jeppe ernst Denmark
Andreas Gaarde Boel Denmark
Gabriele Italy Appoggio pienamente la campagna sia in qualità di informatico che di cittadino
Sigurd Bøe Norway
Jonathan Gayvallet France
Julian Mehne Germany
Stephen Duffy Sweden
Bogdan Kowalczyk United Kingdom Public money - public code. Available for anyone to use and reuse.
Peter Kragelj Slovenia I agree with this open letter and demand action.
Matija Potočnik Pribošič Slovenia
Michał Herda Poland
Rudi Holmberg Denmark
Luka Guć Croatia There is no logical reason why public money should be used to fund private software development. Public money-public benefit!
BogDan Vatra Romania
Artur Poland
Matthias Rügge Germany
Lee Stone United Kingdom
Lukas Wiedemann Germany
Waldemar Seibel Germany
Janis Alksers Latvia EU ifrastructure should be in hands EU people
Krzysztof Troska Poland
Agnieszka Ćwiek Poland
Filippos Kolyvas Greece
André Nyman Finland Free and open source software is important for our own security and freedom
Simon Kunze Germany
Andreas Zeller Germany
Roland Goers Germany
Duarte Fonseca Germany
Christoph Traut Germany Public money should be invested in open solutions that everbody can benefit from and don't cause vendor lock-in.
woelkchen Germany Public money should not feed corporate cats that use telemetry to spy on their users. Opensource now!
Kristian Syrjänen Finland If the public pays for it, they should be able to look at the source.
Andrew Turner United Kingdom It is amazing that this is not already the case.
Chris Jansson Sweden This is common sense
Jason Brower Finland
Dimitar Dimitrov Bulgaria
Rudolph Bolte Germany Public Money - Public Code - Public PCs with OpenSource OS. This is a better future.
Satish Babu India All software funded by public funds should be released under a Free Software licence.
Paul Ryan Ireland
Dan Jackson United Kingdom
Benjamin Gauß Germany Make the EU an open and thus safer place!
Ricky Lindén Finland
Stefan Pfeiffer Germany
Eliot Oreskovic United States
Piotr Orzechowski Poland
Léo Pourcelot France
Akseli Viitanen Finland
Thomas Kuntz France
Juan United Kingdom
Lorenzo Cecchini France
Liam Kerr United Kingdom
João Matos Portugal
Julian Canada
Reed H Wong United States
Gregoire Lodi France
Romain Raballand France
Michael Carpenter United States We paid for it why shouldn't we have access to it? It's common sense really...
Dmitrii Ostasevich Germany
Jhon Alexander Morales Spain El software libre le da a todos el derecho de usar, estudiar, compartir y mejorar el software... :)
Poirier JeanLoup France
Daniel Lundgren Oderstad Sweden
Chris Norway Anything else is unacceptable
Philipp Schwarz Germany
Lukas Vigl Austria
Roman Amblank Germany
Marco Perone Italy
emsenn United States
Alberto Italy
Vilem Liepelt United Kingdom I am a programming language researcher and I also work in industry.
Oskar Wickström Sweden
Md Rasel Bhuyan Bangladesh I want save my money
Roger New Zealand Free software is collaborative. Public code should be collaborative for the common good.
Rizwaan United States
LUCAS VICENTE Argentina Estoy de acuerdo, voy a trabajar para que esto se logre!
Mackeyyon Malaysia Haluuuu haii
Maxkook srinak Thailand Good
Joel Beckmeyer United States
Patrick Germany
Détolle France
adhan93 Indonesia Saya sedang belajar menggunakan website
Alexander Meinhardt Scheurer Sweden If public money pay for the code there is no reason why the public shouldn't benefit from the code!
Alexander Mittermeier Germany
Kryštof Černý Czech Republic Have been waiting for this for a long time.
victòria ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯᎢ Spain you evil ones, we're those who make possible yr welfare status. you're not even strong enough not in your imagination for such task. it's
Patrick Jonas welcome teams groups support
Leger France
Christopher Woodcook United States
Patrice Clark United States Everything from Earth should be free not just software internet money lumber utilities houses it brings blessings to us all
Dmytro Levit Germany
Gregory Chamberlain United Kingdom Public spending? Public domain!
Jaume Guardis
Yann Cochard France We need more transparency
Priceca Amir Hamzah Indonesia decentralized it please!
Niklas Stephan Germany
ASHLEY BLANTON United States Thank you so much
Alícia Folgarona Ribot Spain
Marko Krajinovic Slovenia I wholeheartedly support this initiative
Marcos Cuenca Spain
Matteo Mazzoni Italy
Francesc Juan Navarro Spain
Conrad Wang Christiansen Denmark Omg the goverment is nasty
Inger Lise Gobakken Norway
Miguel Spain Our money, our choice
juli estorach calandre Spain
Tim Schuster Germany Was mit den Geldern der Öffentlichkeit geschaffen wird gehört allen
Xavier Spain Wasting public money on privative software is stole
Bleikorn Germany
Dennis Kniel Germany
Paul Mohr Germany
Gereon Elvers Germany
Christoph Hillje Germany
Orfeas Papadimitriou Germany
Malte Schneider Germany
Max Heichling Germany
Oriol Flors Mas Spain
Daniel Treffenstädt Germany
Felix Roth Germany
Michael Hartmann Germany
Philipp Wintermeyer Germany
Rebecca Ritter Germany
Clemens Wolf Germany
Julian Hoffmann Germany
Israel Saeta Pérez Spain Common sense!
Nick Paul Germany
Martin Weidlich Germany
Rishiraj Acharya India I want publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available.
Philipp Wimmers Germany
Sebastian Brocks Germany
Moritz Sattler Spain
Jordi Spain
Dani Garriga Bacardí Spain
Mathis Schuster Germany Freier Code für freie Bürger
Julian Becker Germany
Gianni M. Quetting Germany
Phil Roggenbuck Germany This is a great idea, as an FOSS dev. I love it!
Sergi Morales Spain
Niklas Dehler Germany Awesome Idea... keep the work up!
Enric Alberola Spain
María José Spain
Dolors Molins Daura Spain
Manel Vidal Spain
Jordi Borràs i Vivó Spain
Pedro García Spain
Алексей Russia The post office. The only one of my favourite phone number of the Paperwork Reduction Act together with my own personal information to help.
Julien Delalande France
Jon Davey United Kingdom This software model is revolutionary and encompasses a beautiful system.
Romain Tartière France
Doutreleau France Open data for good!
Journet France
Marc Hépiègne France le logiciel libre est un bien public
Yannick Laignel France We don't have time to compete, we can't work in silos anymore
Achim Harhoff Germany Let us start a European way!
Cristian Romania open source code produced via public money
leo France
Le Hung Maxime France
James Kilty United Kingdom It seems extraordinary that software developed for public administration has to be paid for 100s of 1000s of times!
Jumeau France
Rémi France C'est une question de bon sens !
Michel Fieux France La défense des logiciels libres est essentielle
tran huy tuan Vietnam tran huy tuan ( tuan ID ) sn 18/9/1993 vi tri đuc long , phan thiet , binh thuan , VN
HEBERT Dominique France
Dr. Nils Erik Flick Germany Proprietäre Software ist in öffentlichen Einrichtungen völlig fehl am Platz, denn sie steht Teilhabe, Sicherheit und Transparenz im Weg.
C.V.R.K.Prasad India I request permission to use the image of orbital facts of earth in my book on 'Many Things of Our Earth'. you will be given credit in the c
Autumn United States This is really awesome
Bugada Germany
joelma leite Brazil Boa muito importante..p todos, licenciado p mais conforto de segurança..e demais causas..grata
Annette Linder Germany Free Software Free Minds Free People
Jonathan Lyng France Face aux entreprises travaillant avec des Etats étrangersIl faut sauvegarder une souveraineté européenne logicielle.
Jesse Pedro Vigil United States
Paul Bischof Germany Umgekehrt sollten öffentliche Einrichtungen aus Sicherheitsgründen auch keine Software benutzen, die nicht quelloffen ist!
João Portugal
Bernd Eschweiler Germany
Martin Döring Germany
Hiburan Dayak Indonesia Hiburan dayak
liyangke China it is good
Klaas Freitag Germany
proctatuct Russia
Lars Germany
Wolf Duttlinger Germany
Manuel Tancoigne France
sittigorn34 Thailand
Holger Kaffka Germany
Hannes Kühnemund Germany
peter löwenstein Germany
Victor Venema Germany Vor allem für Europa wichtig, damit wir den Wettbewerb mit Amerika angehen können.
Willi Gasser Germany
Reinhard Sohn Germany
Stefano Probst Austria
Clemens Riese Germany
Dino Conte Germany
Joël Krähemann Switzerland
Sebastian Hoß Germany
Dominik Meeth Germany
Alberto Sanchez Spain Exactly what we need for our government services to run properly!
Oscar Spain Pido Implementar legislación que permita el software desarrollado para el sector público y con dinero público esté disponible públicamente.
Slamet untung Indonesia
Martin Boldt Germany
Daniel Zerweck Germany
Martin Bieber Germany
Arndt Weißhuhn Germany
Fernando Gabriel Spain
Daniel Töníes Germany
bkwurjuugp Liechtenstein ksfcyyvuuj
Luis Aguiar Portugal
น.ส.สิริวรรณ อัศวพิทักษ์พงศ์ Thailand
Adriaan Knirim Germany
Pareÿt David France
Ursula Walther Germany
Daniel Ripoll Spain Considero que sólo cuando el código es realmente libre es cuando la sociedad puede confiar en lo que tiene.
aseem gupta India required digital signage plugin and cms to run unlimited android screens
andres Camilo Pedraza Garzon Colombia the way of public money
Matze Germany
Marek Küthe Germany I love free software! And I think it's right, if you pay indirectly, that the source code should be open!
Marc Gibson United Kingdom
Armin Schobloch Germany
Emmanuel Pacaud France
Tim Bansemer Germany The risk of closed-source solutions for digital sovereignty is too high to be acceptable. Let's make it open and collaborate!
Pietari Virtanen Finland
Mikko Hirvonen Finland
Doukhan France Bravo pour l'initiative, logiciel libre, communs pour un changement de paradigme qui nous permette de répondre aux défis d'aujourd'hui
Jochen Plikat Germany Europa braucht freie und offene Software – jetzt!
Nico Domino Germany Please implement this now!
Anders Andersson Sweden I want my publically funded work to be available for the public.
Martin Lüchem Germany Die sogenannte "Öffentliche Hand" sollte im Bereich Transparenz beispielhaft voran gehen. Dafür gibt es Transparenzgesetzen!
André Dal Molin Brazil Public money, public code
Sebastian Bove Wagner Denmark
___511_____ Saudi Arabia فيصل الرووقي!
Bishoy Awad Egypt
Mikolas Bingemer Germany
Benjamin Schroeter Germany
Lisa flare United States
ivan cabral United States Under Grant Agreement n°317862
Jessica Philippines I want to have a job in online networking
Peter Lennartz Germany Gerade in Hinblick auf die Sicherheit und Robustheit muss offener Code her!
Jean-Baptiste Hétier France
Han Burma Happy to support for an amazing idea
Nicolas Höning Netherlands Public sector infrastructure financed by public money means we need to see the code.
Bunny Blomerus Sweden
J.Chr. Ziegler Germany
Dominik Rehm Germany Opensource is a big chance for all of us! As less as possible of public money should be used for running proprietary software.
Dennis Baurichter Germany
Hanqiu Jiang Germany Give the software to the people and they will innovate
Marco Santos Portugal
Uwe Stange Germany
Andrey Gulyaykin Russia
MartaSadvnik Spain Considero que es una iniciativa necesaria y excelente. Adelante!!
Nur Athira Eileen Malaysia
Tomasz Necio Poland
sukhwinder Singh Canada hi
Oliver Schraml Austria
Pedro Gaivao Portugal congratulations for the initiative
Mario Stöckli Switzerland
Katie Beth Passwaters United States
Gilbert Tounkara Guinea Très bonne idée
Simon Giesecke Germany
Natalia Wackowska United Kingdom
Dominik Stańczak Poland It simply makes sense from an economical standpoint. More transparency, more cooperation..
giorgi Georgia netvork
Lorenzo Milesi Italy
Mark Engelhardt Germany
Enrique Castillo Sánchez-Beato Spain Por una tecnología libre, sin monopolios y para el pueblo
Robert Poland XXX
Bocar Republic of the Congo Bonjour
Erazem Kokot Slovenia With open source comes transparency which usually leads to better privacy and security for the software's users. Support open source.
Ben Oliver United Kingdom We pay for software, we should be able to see what it is! A simple request.
Julian Germany Ich fordere eine Testphase (ggf. erst in einem bestimmten Bereich), um zu sehen, dass freier Code vorteilhaft ist!
Romain Failliot Canada
Ralf Hartmann Germany Richtig, ich bin dabei!
Vasilii Gorokhov-Apelsinov Russia
Nobie Redmon United States
William Dimitrios Paraschas United States
Ismo Kärkkäinen Finland
Keno Goert Germany
Hubertus Becker Germany
Johannes Schiemer Austria
Lezement France
Juha Hytönen Finland
Xavier Benmoussa France
Arne Millahn Germany
Punjab ka sach India
Lorenz Sieben Germany
Bonnet France
Jeunieaux Brice France
Kathrin Lambeck Germany
Abdoulaye BELEM Burkina Faso
Gonon Gilles France
jagadeesh r India we have a big dream to start new business
Maerten France
LEGER France
nadine coutarel France
Goulet Esteban France Parce que l'open source est une garantie de fiabilité et de sécurité, je soutiens cet appel
Laura Amparan United States Public Money Public Code "open and free"
C. Klein Netherlands tax money = public domain
Cyril SIMON France
COUSIN France Les logiciels financés avec de l'argent public doivent être publiés sous licence libre
Vincent LAURENT France
Saskia Kaever Germany @HardcoreMietze
Werner Domröse Netherlands Open Soucre software can be audited thus checked for tampering, improves cyber security, transparency, greater independence from lobbyists.
Γιώργος Greece
Frankie McKenna Ireland Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and
Dirk Ventzke Germany
Φωτης Greece Στηριζουμε
Κωνσταντίνος Σπηλιάκος Greece
Tibissaï Guevara-Braun France
ΘΩΜΑΣ ΜΠΑΚΑΛΑΚΟΣ Ότι δημιουργείται με δημόσιο χρήμα, πρέπει να μένει στον λαό και να αξιοποιείται από τον λαό. Πρέπει να διασφαλίζεται ο δημόσιος χαρακτήρας.
Robin Neumann Germany
Takis Bouyouris Greece
Thomas Tanghus Denmark Nu har i chancen!
Rubén Spain
Michael Dallinger Austria
Steffen Klein Germany
MARIO DELACRUZ United States i have read and accepted the privacy statement , i want my signature to appear in the list of signatures,i want to stay inform ofthecampaign
RevLibre France L'argent publique et des contribuables doit financer des projets et des logiciels libres et publics, ce sont des biens numériques communs.
Jesmion Nigeria I appreciated
Radhakrishnan India
Philipp Schmitz Germany
Tristan Bendixen Denmark I see no downside to this so let's do it!
Antony Agnel India FOSS is a lifestyle!
Dominik Knipprath Germany
Izadi Egizabal Alkorta Spain
Jolanta Gänssinger Sweden
Yves Gänssinger
Hillary Kenya Let the software be free
Edsel United States 99 000278 483527 2
Emanuel Helmke Switzerland Was die Allgemeinheit bezahlt, soll Allgemeingut bleiben.
Bernd Hartwich Germany
Davide Lombardo Italy I sing this petition because all the software should be "libero", especially public founded software development!!
Dean Germany
Nicolas Chenu France
GORLA PRAVEEN India Publice code for public money using free Software
Julia Kloiber Germany
Sang vu
Ray Maxwell United States
Manuel Cerdà Spain
Steven Kimble United States
Matthew Peters United States
Χρήστος Ματσούκας Greece
Βάιος-Ραφαήλ Μιχαλάκης Greece
James E Nealon United States
Christian Kramer Germany
Edwin Muchiri Kenya Kindly Is much appreciate request pleasure for application registration the OPEN LETTER. Thanks
Wanheda Pakistan Hello, Im Klaus Wanheda
Karoly Balogh Germany
Colton United States I love this app!
Marc Flogaus Germany Eine Änderung des öffentlichen Vergaberechts für Software aus Steuermitteln ist mehr als geboten. Wie viele Dutch cases bedarf es noch?
Avinash Dongari India My signature
Jonte Laatz Germany
Stefan May Germany
Bourdais France
Tobias Muth Germany
Renata Spain
JArdin France
rosse christian France Linuxien depuis 10 ans (ceci explique cela)
Mário Costa Portugal É essencial. Sem software de código livre e aberto não há segurança.
Walter Barrios Vázquez Argentina Estoy de acuerdo, que sea software libre.
Marvin Strangfeld Germany
Timon Kottsieper Germany
[email protected]
Joshua Collings Germany
SITI NUR ZAWANA Malaysia MONEY-15-2222-7777-8888-3333-2222
Ziemowit Zabawa Poland
Alimx Gulo Indonesia Saya ingin bergabung
Sherida Huts Netherlands
Mario Italy
Guillermo Janner Germany
Thorben Wölk Germany
Matthijs van Wolferen Netherlands News and Scientific Research need FOSS to stay Free and Open.
Filipe Vilaca Portugal
Humberto Rocha Ribeiro France
Sérgio Araújo Brazil
Tiago Carreira Portugal public money => public code. For a more secure life
Mihails Simvulidi Latvia
Nishant Nigam India I completely agree, code should be like water free for all and should flow freely
Kristine Latvia
Gyenge Krisztián Hungary
Roberts Kukurs Ireland It makes a lot of sense to make publicly funded code open source; if everyone pays for it, it should be publicly available.
Horváth Zoltán Hungary
Yuvraj Chowdary India I need everything to be open and Free software.
Wickermann Germany
erdinc United Kingdom
Patrick Schreibing Netherlands Betere besteding van publiek geld en betere samenwerking van software!
SANTOS wilder DIAZ silva Peru Whassatp:+51982009565
Deniz Germany
Archaiasis Georgia
Denis Marcelo de Oliveira Brazil Parabéns!!
argha India I strongly believe 2019 is the year of FOSS. People should invest in FOSS developement so that their data remain to themselves.
Rafiqul islam Bangladesh I want to work here
Horst Graf Germany
Susanne Carrol Baumann United States Divine Oneness
Thomas Rahimi Germany Code is not only import to running public operations, but also represents knowledge, which in this case is publicly funded.
Svenja Roosch Germany Just do it, it makes so much sense!
Kilian Germany
Ann Smith
Leo Stewen Germany 👍
Elias Hackradt Germany It's just the right thing to do.
Stefan Gast Germany
David Schippers
Katju Aro Finland
Christian Villum Denmark
Jens Heinrich Germany
Santiago Perez Fontanillas Spain Democracia real es promocionar el software libre
Jane Coles United Kingdom
Damien Remars France
Antoine CARME France
Kajetan Poland
Andrea Spinelli Italy
Alexandre Gravel-Raymond France
cesar das neves Portugal It's an amazing idea. I agree with everything.
Jorge Fernández López Spain Tenemos que conseguir implantar en software libre en las instituciones educativas.
vamshi krishna India
Lasse Poulsen Denmark
rj parilla Philippines Software that are legally finance by the taxpayers should be open source and free because the taxpayers symbolically owns that software.
Rainer Bauer Germany
Andreas Baaden Germany
Holger Böken Germany
Johannes Landvogt Germany
Yuwasak MakChan Thailand My rights are Officially
Raphael Eismann Germany
Werner Schwierzock Germany
Peter Sandrini Austria I am in favour of open source. When it is financed by public money it must be free.
Guy LE JEAN France Transparence, partage, enrichissement collectif, gain d'efficacité global... on ne devrait pas avoir à lutter pour ça !
Ndongalasenior Democratic Republic of the Congo Je suis d acords
Frank Obergrießer Germany Only free code guarantees security and control. And public funded code belongs to the public!
Holger Friese Germany
Claus-Peter Makowski Germany Think!
Andreas Mewes Germany Bewegt Euch, Bewegt etwas!
Claudio Venturelli Italy
Thomas Nörtersheuser Germany
Nico Purschwitz Germany
Marko Harnisch Germany
Judith Roth Germany
Klaas Freitag Germany We can expect that for our taxes.
Claudius Frankewitz Germany Pls. support open and free software
Kåre Løvgren Denmark This should be obvious for the lawmakers, but isn't...
Amiruddin Indonesia Saya adalah seorang yang ingin keberhasilan
Flavio Casgnola Italy Solo il libero accesso ai dati ed il libero scambio sono garanzia di libera concorrenza e trasparenza.
Volker Berkhout Germany It's definitely time to use the money spent on software collaboratively at least in the public sector. Thanks @FSFE for spreading awareness!
Jürgen Nantke Germany
Grzegorzwilku Poland
Biju k Nair India Completely agree with issue that tax payers money should not be used for purchasing proprietary software. Zero tolerance
Rainer Schulze Germany München hat's mit 'LiMux' weise vorgemacht, dann durch Microsofts Lobbyarbeit eingebremst. Das darf nicht länger sein! Freiheit statt M$ !!!
Oliver Spain
Noah Johnson United States Yeaaaa
Sebastian Hübner Germany
Andreas Balz Germany
Markus Graf Germany
Aurélie Schiltz Switzerland
Silvia selle Germany Steuerverschwendung ade
Simone Seidel Germany
Dennis G Wicks United States This is long overdue and should have been the law from day one.
Matteo Serafini Italy
Franz Iberl Germany
H de Ruiter Netherlands
Paulo Fernando Espíndola da Silva Brazil
ahmad rudi Indonesia nice
Francesco Amato Italy
Attilio Fracasso Italy
Thomas Ganskow Germany Eine Grundforderung meiner Partei
Alfredo Diaz Spain
Tom von Clef United States
Miguel Spain Free software
Elvis Pivic Bosnia and Herzegovina Some of those actions already made in Bosnia, incative comes from private companies.
baruch cohen Israel i am voting for it
Roberto Battiston Italy I support this initiative
Alisha Steffens Germany Fast unbegreiflich, dass dieses Prinzip nicht schon längst Standard ist, wo Open Source schon so lange existiert!
Lars Röttig Germany
Tran quang vinh Vietnam
Mathias renner Germany
Kyriacos Sakkas Cyprus
Mason Louchart France
Birgit und Ralf Becker, EGroupware GmbH Germany Wir möchten den Brief gerne als Organisation unterstützen, ich habe nur den Weg hier gefunden zu unterzeichnen.
Theophil Bachmann Germany
Jonas Betzendahl Germany
Shannen c. United States rights
Bawi Lian Malaysia Now only I started and I may lacked in some area but i request you to be well done
João Matos Portugal
Benjamin Gericke Germany Code, der durch Steuergelder entsteht, muss auch der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden.
Diana Marashi United States
R. Pohle Germany Um in Zeiten des erstarkenden antidemokratischen Populismus gegenzuhalten, ist das Ziel dieser Initiative unabdingbar.
Thomas Kriegisch Austria
Mike Chilcoat United States implementing this legislation is important. Making public funds available is critical to having as many students as possible have access.
Mike Chilcoat United States implementing this legislation is important. Making public funds available is critical to having as many students as possible have access.
Riku Viitanen Finland
Michael Kriegisch Austria
Augusto Brazil Ansioso para ver isso no Brasil!! (Looking forward to see this in Brazil)
Torsten Landsiedel Germany
Tino Albrecht Germany
Julius Nickisch Germany
José Lopes Tabatinga Filho Brazil Transparência e Publicidade
trai vo ngoc Vietnam Xin chao
Travis Hornsby United States
Mike Chilcoat United States I agree with the privacy statement and with the elements listed as they are . It is by this approach that we may improve our support of bus
Heitor de Bittencourt Brazil
Lwin Min Khant Burma
Wartoyo Indonesia Saya setuju untuk kemajuan bagi kita semua,,,,
Nicolas Bonadio Germany
Jan Steffen Jendrny Germany
Marie Schäffer Germany
Kevin McLean United States
Pâmella Araújo Balcaçar Brazil
Myo Thu Htet Burma I fully support public code
Tobias Braun Germany
Sebastijan Bukovcan Norway
Thomas Hartkens Germany
dedi Indonesia tolong ajari saya
[email protected] Thailand
Claudio Del Linz Italy
Marco Heins Germany
Êndril Castilho Brazil
André Brazil Ao povo o que é do povo
Benedikt Lang Germany
Misael Bandeira Silveira Brazil
Silke Helfrich Germany Das gilt nicht nur für Software: Was öffentlich finanziert ist, muss öffentlich bleiben.
André Claaßen Germany Ohne offene Software, keine Digitalisierung. Hochkomplexe Verwaltungswirtschaft brauch offene Basiskomponenten.
Bernhard Fuchs Germany Schluss mit der Geldverschwendung. Linux im öffentlichen Dienst.
David CALLAMARD France
Martin Germany Keep old devices running
Rodolfo Date valore alla vostra libertà, o la perderete, ci insegna la storia. "Non annoiarci con la politica", risponde chi non vuole apprendere.
Lukas Ballon Germany
Maurizio Rosati Italy Bellissima iniziativa. Da condividere, diffondere e far conoscere nel mondo della pubblica amministrazione italiana e europea
Sebastian Scheibe Netherlands
Niels Seelhöfer
Samir Schwenker Germany
Paul France
Jakob Jordan Switzerland
Markus Möller Germany Transparenzgesetze nach Hamburger Vorbild in jedem Bundesland, für die EU und für eine demokratische UNO mit einem demokratischen Parlament!
Liv Märtens Germany
Jesko Ebert Germany
Zachary smith United States
Bouke van der Spoel Netherlands
Nathaniel Suchy United States Open Source Software means the Public can audit the technology and ensure proper protections are applied to our data.
Leo United States
Lhorens b. Sartori France La transparence est le meilleur allié de la sécurité.
Danglard julien France public money for public funds just makes sense and allow long-term thinking. Please, read and seriously consider why you don'y support it.
Le Marchand France
Oliver G. Germany Lasst uns aktiv werden gegen das Abschöpfen unserer Steuergelder durch wenige. Hin zur Selbstermächtigung!
Elijah Gay United States
Bori Gergő Hungary Támogatom a kezdeményezést.
Wilfred de Kok Netherlands
Steenaerts Axel Germany
ANDREANI Patrice France Argent public ? Code public !
Leprette Nathanaël France Liberté, égalité, fraternité <=> logiciel libre
nordine vallas France
Julian Rüth Germany
Jan Beilicke Germany
Brégeard France
Johannes Renkl Germany
Bayoud France
Acostey France Logiciel Libre et Open Source dans les administrations publiques pour une souveraineté numérique.
Gilles Vanhove France
Samer Egypt thx
Yannick VOYEAUD France
Dupont Antonin France Without Free Software, we are doomed to evil entities.
Jonathan Bourreau France Il en va de l'autonomie de nos institutions face aux compagnies privées.
Jean-Philippe DUFRAIGNE United Kingdom
Marco Italy
Genet jean-luc France
Jonathan ROULÉ France
Thomas Germany
Matthieu Herrb France
Mario Ester
Sven Moritz Hallberg Germany
Carolina Koehn Germany
Manuel Serra Spain
Alejandro Garcia Seco Spain
Felix Knop Germany
Blanca Murillo Germany
Joseph Ferguson United States 1234567890 Joseph Cazz Andrew Ferguson
Dorina Fernando Aquiles Philippines i just want to be part of the community who want to be public thos softwate that mention above .
Christian Engelmann Germany Was aus Mitteln der Allgemeinheit finanziert wurde, muss auch der Allgemeinheit uneingeschränkt zur Verfügung stehen
H. Hameister Germany
Jakob Fahrner Austria Code should be open and free
Oliver Voigt Germany
Sven Fischer "Public money, public code" sollte selbstverständlich sein.
Tobias Emig Germany Freie Software in der öffnetlichen Verwaltung könnte außerdem eine europäische IT stärken und einen Gegenpol zu den US-Konzernen bilden.
Lino Siegeö Germany
Michael Didszun Germany Transparenz und Software-Sicherheit
Mich Wyser Switzerland öffentliches Finanziertes gehört öffentlich (OSS) !
Jens Best Germany Es ist Zeit, digital durchzustarten. Bundesweit.
Marcin Grabowski Poland I'm programmer. It is much easier to integrate solution I'm working on when rest of the system is open source.
Bart Hofman Netherlands If we pay, we deserve to see the code and how it works and be able to publicly scrutinise
Maxence Billaud France
Fabian Biberger Germany
Matthias Karl Grosch Germany Was wir zahlen, sollten wir auch nutzen können!
Johannes Rohr Germany Als langjähriger Nutzer freier Software wünsche ich, dass mit meinen Steuergeldern ausschließliche Freie Software finanziert wird.
Federico Bentsik Italy
Marc Geyskens Belgium let common sense prevail
Stefanie Lombert Germany
Stefan Krüger Germany Steuergelder werden viel zu oft für sinnlose Dinge ausgegeben
Lukas Umlandt Germany Ein Anliegen dass jedem Bundes/EU-Bürger etwas angeht!
Jesko Anschütz Germany Dass man sowas erst forcieren muss!? Sollte doch selbstverständlich sein...
Ole Ickenroth Germany
Jakub Škoda Slovakia FLOSS prevents vendor lock in, foster national independence. Should be recognized as a public good and a reinvestment back into the society.
Ahmad Wael Egypt
Andreas Balg Germany
Maris Ozols Netherlands Those who are paying for it should also benefit from it. This is common sense.
nogie benida Philippines
Morgan Estes United States
Edgar Nova Colombia Tax-payed software has to be public. Period.
Juan Ventosa Spain
Daniel king United States
Uwe Schüler Germany
. Matthias Baenz
Georg Klein Germany Das ist schon lange fällig.
Ralf Becker Germany
André Schmalz Germany
Ern Weiden Germany
Andreas Richert Germany
Zhang Fei China
Zhang Fei China
er4ick Costa Rica En apoyo al codigo abierto por un futuro mejor
Philipp Gortan Austria
Mathias Lenz Germany
André baumgarten Germany Eigentlich sollte das eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein.
André Baumgarten Germany Eigentlich sollte das eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein.
Jens Germany Öffentlicher Code sorgt für Transparenz und Ideentransfer
Gerd Bruckner Germany Wer zahlt schafft an und wer Steuergelder verwendet hat für Transparenz zu sorgen
Jörg Fichl Germany Das ist endlich mal ein vernünftiger Ansatz lokale Unternehmen zu fördern und Transparenz zu schaffen.
Niko Germany
Jonas Dralle Germany
Morris Italy
Ivan Vergani Italy
Massimo Bologna Italy Voglio che la legge richieda che il software finanziato pubblicamente e sviluppato per il settore pubblico sia reso pubblicamente disponib
Stefan Pfeiffer Germany Software in und für die Verwaltung muss Open Source sein. Wir müssen aufhören, Konzernen wie Microsoft Millionen in den Rachen zu werfen!
Tobias Anton Germany
genbiarrabani Indonesia situs web
Wessel Germany
Bernd Ritter Germany Was mit Steuergeldern der Bürger finanziert wurde, gehört auch diesen.
Petr Kirpeit Germany
Axel Braun Germany Steuergeld für proprietäre Lösungen ist Verschwendung von Steuergeld. Wieviel Korruption ist im Spiel
Lukas Landhäußer Germany
Benno Fünfstück Germany
Filip Kapsdorfer Slovakia
Florian Klug Germany
Stefan Armbruster Germany
Heiko Hilscher Germany
Sheikhgolamrabbani Bangladesh Im interested to do this job
Francesc Guasch Ortiz Spain
Lars Sipos Germany
Julian Sander Germany
Fiee I want
Eilert, Ingo Germany
Ole Ickenroth Germany
Joe United States Cool
Sven Sprengel Germany
Moritz Fromm Germany
Kurt Manucredo Austria
Matthias Bock Germany
Neville Evans Australia
Petre Pircalabu Romania
Paula Kreuzer Austria
Jochen Breuer Germany Sie können jetzt entscheiden in welcher Welt Ihre Kinder leben sollen - einer Welt in der Menschen oder Unternehmen zuerst kommen.
Mark Heimer Germany
Jakob Nixdorf Germany
Максим Russia Полностью поддерживаю мнения людей.
Julian Hörnschemeyer Germany
Sebastian Schmid Germany
Gangesh Matta India I agree!
Peter Knapp Germany
Frederik Konietzny Germany
Thomas Eisenmann Germany
Kaminski Germany
William Martin United States
Lyndon Philippines HI HEllO,,its me Lyndon pls follow
Dr. Tilmann Bohne Germany Demokratie ohne Abhängigkeit von Megakonzernen mit zweifelhafter Datenschutzstrategie
Andreas Hillenbrand Germany
Holger Rudolph Germany
Gerd Armbruster Germany Freie Software bedeutet auch die Unabhängigkeit von Google, Microsoft und Co
Phrompassanan Adirekrath Thailand Good app
Alan Williams United States Please support this call for action. It's the right thing to do!
Hans-Christoph Steiner Austria We all pay for this code, we should also have control over it
Thomas Bettler Switzerland
Mark womack United Kingdom I like the way it sounds
Max Riegler Austria
tugrul Yildirim United Kingdom
Erwan Daubert France
Fabio De Simone Italy
Peder Bacher Denmark
Daniel Beyer Germany
Tavernier France
Schwarz Germany Als Software-Entwickler kann ich dem nur zustimmen! Habe selbst schon im Auftrag der Regierung Preise für Software gewonnen
M. Kupfer Germany
Patrik Walter Germany
Dirk Hildebrandt Germany
Ram Canada Public Code!
Günter Horscht Germany Public Money - Public Code
Florian Ferber Germany
Svenja Grau Germany
Stefan Mayer Germany
Sebastian Dillinger Germany Was alle bezahlen muss auch allen gehören.
Matthias Aschenbrenner Germany
Hans Sowa Austria
Jörg Haas Germany
Jonny Wohlfeld Germany
Jeremy LEMOINE Germany
Daniel Gohlke Germany Open Source can increase security of software.
Björn Jacob Germany Open Source hat unser Unternehmen erfolgreich gemacht. Open Source sorgt für Sicherheit, Krativität und Innovation.
劉軒佑 Taiwan 台灣太多標案都用不正當的手段了,利用開源也可以適度檢視標案的內容
Wolfram Meinig Germany
Klaus Laucke Germany
Robert Peitsch Germany Extrem wichtiger und sinnvoller Schritt!
Max Riegler Austria
David Latz Germany Let‘s shape a strong and common vision supportee by public code!
Mario Hamel Germany
Dr. Christoph Steup Germany
Florian Ruhnke Germany Grossartige Innovation konnen Aus Open Source Programme. Ganz Starke Kampagne
Bent Benedict Germany
Mark Piffer Austria
René Klitzing Germany
Tobias Lensing Germany
Henry Alves Germany
Christoph Müller Austria
Ronny Volger Germany
Martin Kopf Germany
Joscha Nassenstein Germany
Andreas Goebel Germany A lot of money is spent for educational software at the moment. This should be open source, too!
Reichel-Langer Karl-Heinz Germany
Heiko Tietze Germany
Franz Binder Austria Für einen transparenten Staat ist freie Software eine Grundvoraussetzung.
Ruben Dieckhoff Germany
David A. Keller Germany
Simon Chromow Germany
Andreas Ehrenforth Germany
Katrin Schwahlen Germany Unser Geld – unser Code
Susanna Schiller Germany
Carsten-Emil Klein Germany Selten war die Argumentation für eine Petition so einleuchtend. Bringen wir Deutschland ins nächste Level.
Johannes Escherich Germany
Stefan Varchmin Germany Unabhängig vom amerikanischen Monopol, könnten auch Doppelentwicklungen reduziert werden.
Steven Coltman Germany
Nicolas NOUET France
Micaela Argentina En vivo
Sebastiaan Veld Netherlands
Florian Schiller Germany
Eva Hartmann Germany
Shahzalal Amin Bangladesh Thanks for this service in the world
Paolo Dongilli Italy
Gernot Krost Germany
Stefan Grotz Germany
Danny Germany
Greza Germany
Gabi Banfield Germany public money - public code ... dem gibt es nichts hinzuzufügen!
Max Bruchmann Germany
Andreas Illmer Germany
Andreas Loh Germany Ja das macht alles Sinn, Public Money Public Code
Tobias Germany
Florian Beier Germany
Michael Heimberg Germany Das ist einfach nur streng logische Fortschreibung der Idee Beteiligung aller BuergerInnen!
Marvin Bernd Germany Die Regierung will das Unternehmen die Digitalisierung vorantreiben, dann sollte es auch Schnittstellen zu öffentlicher Software geben.
Till Hafermann Germany
Thomas Butterbach Germany Digitale Infrastruktur wird bzw. ist bereits so wichtig wie die Verkehrs- und Versorgungsinfrastruktur
Svenia Knüttel Germany
Jhonas Wernery Germany OpenSource - Freies Wissen für alle. Auch in Behörden wäre dies ein echter Zugewinn an Unabhängigkeit und keine Einschränkung.
Willi Junga Germany
Martin Oliver Germany
Sebastian Bergmann Germany
Ingo Dettling Germany Nur bei mit Open-Source-Lizenz veröffentlichter Software läßt sich im Nachhinein prüfen, ob die Qualität den Preis auch rechtfertigt.
蘇子敬 Taiwan
Marc Mader Ich bin (Hobby) Fotograf und arbeite nur mit Open-Source-Software. Ich bin voll davon überzeugt das, dass die Zukunft ist.
H.Schnittger Germany Der beste Kommentar den ich in den letzten 40 Jahren gehört habe.... und sogar schlüssig.
Alexander Girke Germany
Moritz Schlarb Germany
Jacob Jens Germany
Johannes Hubertz Germany Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung der Almende! Die kommt seit langem in Europa zu kurz.
Marco Pivetta Germany please make code public: let the open-source community help you!
Karl-Philipp Wulfert Germany
Malte Blättermann Germany Thank you!
Uwe Flache Germany
thekla mothes Germany
Sebastian Wiesendahl Germany
Marvin Matuszak Germany
Michael Schäfer Germany
Tanja Adam Germany
Helke Höpfner Germany
Martina Schlager Germany
Lars Böhnke Germany
Pascal Knüppel Germany
Florian Wagner Germany Was für öff. finanzierte Forschung gelten soll, Publikation der Ergebnisse, Peer Review, Kollaboration, sollte ebenso für Software gelten.
Matthias Lechner Germany
René Christmann Germany Jeder sollte das Recht haben Software zu verbessern die mit Teilen seines Geldes finanziert worden sind.
Lange Germany
Lorenz von Haselberg
Marc Siebeneicher Germany
Timo Schuler Germany
Simon Weis Germany
Sparkasse Germany Gleicher Code für alle Länder - nur einmal bezahlt und entwickelt fördert die Zusammenarbeit der Länder in Deutschland UND Europa!
Sebastian Fischer Germany Open Source ermöglicht Qualitätskontrollen durch unabhängige Stellen.
Philipp Horn Germany
Jonathan Bölz Germany
Oliver Benad Germany
Luca Guidetti Italy
Maciej Swoboda Poland
Daniel Absmeier Germany
Moritz Durst Germany
Dr. Jürgen Haas Germany
Julien Jerphanion France
Florian Markert Germany
Sebastian Fastner Germany
Eberhard Schefold Germany Open source makes better and safer software with more control over privacy.
Pascal Engélibert France
Ralf Engelhardt Germany
Claudio Nessi Germany Selbst große Monopolisten wie Microsoft haben die Stärke von Open Source erkannt und schwenken um!
Thomas Donath Germany
Alexander Göhrig Germany
Stephan Otto Germany
Michael Steffens Germany
Christian Huschens Germany
Kliesch Germany was öffentlich bezahlt wird soll auch für die Öffentlichkeit sein.
Rolf Bollig Germany
Michael Verron Germany Eine tolle Iniative...
Oellerich Germany Unsere Steuergelder-unsere Software
Christian Wittrock Germany
Baruth Germany Code sollte Open sein
Thorsten Strathaus Switzerland
Paul-Friedmar Laux Germany Dies schafft die Möglichkeit, Fortschritt zu fördern und gleichzeitig mehr Vertrauen zu schaffen.
Jérémy Maille France
Ulf Volmer Germany
Stéphane BONNET France
Loís Rousse France
Alexander Linck Germany
Sandro Dadaczynski Germany
Quentin Duchemin France Le logiciel propriétaire est une source de "competitive waste", et donc de gâchis de l'argent public. Libérons le code.
Mathis Haane Germany Unterstütze ich!
Stéphane Crozat France
Silvio Ankermann Germany
Michael Ruppert Germany Freie Software fördert Gerechtigkeit und Innovation.
schilling Germany
Enrico Kliesch
Carsten Müller Germany
Franz Hollerauer Germany
Bernd Hartwig Germany
Nick Marx Germany Als Entwickler arbeite ich nicht nur an meinen eigenen Sachen, sondern helfe auch anderen Open Source Projekten.
Steve Braune Germany
David Keller Germany
Jonas Sulzer Switzerland
Bernd Großmann Germany Ja, Software die durch Steuermittel finanziert ist sollte auch öffentlich genuzt werden können.
Johannes Pulm Germany
Manfred Schmid Germany
Marcel Kuhla Germany Öffentliche Quellen von Software die durch öffentliche Gelder bezahlt wird ist sowohl wichtig als auch richtig, daher gebe ich meine Stimme.
Finn Künkele Germany
Tobias Schmidt Germany
Mario Surlemont Germany
Christian Petrat Germany
Jan-Peter Voigt Germany
Benedikt Breuer Germany
Eike Starkmann Germany
Arnold Redhammer Austria Eine äußerst sinnvolle Initiative, die Politik sollte sich damit intensiv befassen
Cullmann, Tobias Germany
Uwe Sievers Germany
Matthias Laux Germany
Sebastian Bräuer Germany Es ist für mich unverständlich warum dieses Prinzip nicht längst Gesetz ist.
Dr. Yannick Kalff Germany
Martina Müller Germany
A. Hildebrandt Germany
Martin Kramer Germany
Christian Grönke Germany
Torsten Gedenk Germany
Hans-Michael Gläß Germany
Tobias Beyer Germany
Anika Sparenberg Germany
Abou-Chleih Germany
Stephan Kochs Germany
Tobias Jürgen Henzler Germany Von dem Volk für das Volk
Ulrich Zorn Germany
Michael Morawietz Germany das wäre ja mal ein Fortschritt in die richtige Richtung
Alexander Hemesath Germany
Sven Haberzettl Germany
Nils Gundlach Germany
Karsten Ludwig Germany
Detlef Schneider Germany Ich kann diese Forderungen nur unterstreichen. Die Öffentliche Hand nutzt u.a auch Open Source, steuert aber bislang kaum etwas bei.
Jakob Klein Germany
Matthias Knopf Germany
Uwe Schulz Germany
Michelle Cockrum Germany
Waldemar Dubowski Germany Unterstütze diese Petion weil freie Software- und Open-Source-Linzenzen alle gehört.
Amin Abromand Germany
Sven Lampe Germany
König, Jonas Germany
Bernhard Germany
Frederic Schwieren Germany
Rick Erbau Germany
Nico Pleyer Germany
Robin Metz Germany
Nick Bremer Germany
Marcus Nahrgang Germany Als IT´ler kann ich den Gedanken nur unterstützen. Letztendlich trägt die OpenSource Community auch zur Sicherheit von Systemen bei.
v.r.-wolter Germany ein längst fälliger Schritt
Danny Fischer Germany
Antje Pausder Germany
Altmann Germany
Ruch Germany Wenn wir in der sich schnell entwickelnden digtalen Landschaft abgehangen werden ist der Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland mehr als gefährdet
Andreas Kottre Germany
Jakob Huber Germany
Martin Rehm Germany
Matthias Scholz Germany
Markus Schwemmle Germany Gehört auch in die Ausschreibungen für 5G und andere Projekte - Spionage vermeiden!
Christoph Engler Germany
Kai Borgmann Germany
Roswitha Steffens
Clemens Padtberg Germany Vorteil: Entwickler können auf Grundkonzepten aufbauen; Nachteil: die von dt. Steuer bezahlte Entwicklung nutzen andere Länder kommerziell
Holger Göbel Germany Überfällig!
Jens Austermann Germany
Jörg Schürer Germany
Viktor Küspert Germany Der Bürger hat es bezahlt❗
Moritz Albrecht Germany
Thomas Weidinger Germany
Damian Spinola Germany
Peter Doliwa Germany
Clemens Berndt Germany
Robert Wincior Germany Wir von glauben, dass Demokratie nur offen möglich ist. Daher ist Open Source der richtige Weg.
Herbert Keßler Germany Wenn ich sehe, wie viele öffentliche Rechner noch mit veralteten Betriebssystemen am Netz sind und ein Upgrade benötigen.
Felix Schlüter Germany Wenn es von allen Bürgern bezahlt wird sollte es auch allen zur Verfügung und Überprüfung stehen.
Marten Hein Germany Ich benutze ein quelloffenes Betriebssystem, welches mich nicht ausspioniert. Frei einsehbarer Code schafft vertrauen tranzparenz.
Henning Kurth Germany Transparenz für mehr Vertrauen!
Martin Wolf Germany Was Bürger bezahlen muss Bürgern gehören.
Jakob Brunert Germany
Michael Husemann Germany
Nico Faure France piblic money = public code
Adrián Chaves Spain
Thomas Khaipi Germany
Christian Clas Germany
Adolf Ziemer Germany
Robert Jaensch Germany
Jürg Blaser Germany Lasst uns Geld sparen.
Christoph Muth Germany
René Giesinger Austria Da ist wohl alles gesagt. Frechheit das man für sowas überhaupt stimmen sammeln muss. 😉
Felix Rau Germany
PD Dr. Fabian Huettig Germany
Rita Germany
Tobias Thamm Germany
Fabian Neukum Germany
Patrick Junger Germany Öffentliche Gelder sollten der Allgemeinheit maximal nutzen.
Burkhard Bierhoff Germany
Klaus Beuse Germany
Hansen Peter Germany in den usa ist es schon immer üblich, das alles frei ist, was vom staat bezahlt wird. auch fotos z.b. der NASA
Robin Grell Germany
hannelore behrens Germany
Andreas Ketelaer Germany
Mario Scheeren Germany
Alec Kempendorf Germany MAKE IT PUBLIC!
Frank Hellwig Germany
Stefan Lehmann Germany Was alle finanzieren, soll auch allen gehören. Staatlich finanzierte Software muss Open Source werden!
Hans Bauer Germany Software Open Source zu stellen, ermöglicht BürgerInnen gesellschaftlich kreativ zu werden und zum Gemeinwesen beizutragen.
Leonard Nürnberg Germany
Martin Gerken Germany Nach Informationsfreiheit & open data ist das der nächste richtige Schritt
Paul Standcke Germany
Detlef Lorenz-Ellermann Germany
Eugen Germany
Lorenz Hoffmann Germany
Andre Knuth Germany
Östermann Gerhard Germany Public Code ist ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zur Demokratie 2.0
Susanne Germany
Holger Münzhardt Germany
Ingeborg Karsties Germany
Ernő Kajcsa Germany
Alisdair MacLeod United Kingdom
Heiner Otterstedt Germany Public Money Public Code!
Sandra Schink Germany #PublicMoney #PuvlicCode
Diana Alemir Germany
Achim Gebhar Germany die Argumente liegen auf der Hand, kein login, schnelle Entwicklung, die Möglichkeit der einflusnahme auf die weitere Entwicklung...
Jens Vogel Germany
Simon Arnold Germany Freie und offene Software ist der beste Schritt hin zu einer von großen Konzernen unabhängigen, sicheren Infrastruktur.
Jannik Nöldner Germany
Markus Peifer Germany
Dennis Röhr Germany
Helmut Weber Germany
Klaus Tilg Germany
Thomas Jerosch Germany
Arwen Schnack Germany
Markus Wiedenmann Germany Nur durch Open Source, kann permanente Verbesserung und dadurch Sicherheit gewährleistet werden,
Kevin Steppan Germany
Daniel Mäckelmann Germany Für eine bessere Softwarequalität!
Sebastian Wochnik Germany
Heike Vollmers Germany
Arvid Requate Germany
Thomas Reisinger Austria
Bernd Appenzeller Germany
Christian Schlauch Germany
Alexander Eisele Germany
Harald Fischer Germany Staatlich geförderte Entwicklung muss Gemeinwohl werden, sein und bleiben!
Gabriel Dobersch Germany
Ralf Westram Germany
Inga Stellmacher Germany
楊明勳 Taiwan 教育行政軟體 尤其是應該這樣
Gero Fendler Germany
Markus Stahmann Germany
Max Waldemar Pommert Germany
Jorah Diethold Germany
Marcel Derleh Germany Was alle bezahlen, sollte auch allen gehören! Endlich einheitliche Software in Behörden und nutzbar für den Mittelstand!
Mario Hermann Germany Wollen wir eine funktionierende, bürgerfreundliche digitale Verwaltung ist dies ein optimaler Weg.
Cederik Höfs Germany
Christian Gerdell Germany
Gerald Gatzert Germany
Volker Tanger Germany Senior IT-Security Specialist, Bezirksverordneter a.D.
Maria Theresia Wirtz Germany