Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights: Document Pool

Find in this doc pool all EDRi analyses and documents related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and fundamental rights

Artificial Intelligence, if governed incorrectly, is a growing concern for all who care about digital and human rights. AI systems have the ability to exacerbate mass surveillance and intrusion into our personal lives, reflect and reinforce some of the deepest societal inequalities, fundamentally alter the delivery of public and essential services, undermine data protection legislation, and disrupt the democratic process.

In Europe, we have already seen the negative impacts of automated systems at play at the border, in predictive policing systems which only increase over-policing of racialised communities, in invasive gender, race and disability “identification” which systems;‘fraud detection’ systems which target poor, working class and migrant areas, and countless more examples.

Therefore, EDRi calls for the European Union in its upcoming regulation on AI to:

  • set clear red-lines on impermissable uses of AI that are incompatible with fundamental rights, such as biometric mass surveillance, predictive policing and uses of AI at the border,
  • ensure democratic oversight of uses of AI in the public sector,
  • include the strongest possible human rights protection,
  • and include civil society and those most affected by AI in the process.

1. EDRi analysis
2. EDRi member resources
3. EDRi articles, blogs and press releases
4. Legislative documents

5. Key dates (indicative)
6. Other useful resources


1. EDRi analysis


2. EDRi member resources


3. EDRi articles, blogs and press releases


4. Legislative documents

European Commission

European Parliament



5. Key dates (indicative)

  • Publication of White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – 19th February 2020
  • Closing of the consultation on Artificial Intelligence – 14th June 2020
  • Launch of European Commission legislative proposal on artificial intelligence – 21st April 2021


6. Other useful resources