取得 WordPress

使用全球超過 41% 網站採用的架站軟體。

There are several ways to get WordPress. The easiest is through a hosting provider, but sometimes tech-savvy folks prefer to download and install it themselves.

Either way, you can use your WordPress through a web browser and with our mobile apps.


請使用我們的行動版 App,便可隨時隨地撰寫或更新內容。

進一步瞭解行動版 App

WordPress 主機服務提供商


Bluehost has turned passion for WordPress into the fastest, simplest managed platform for your websites. Recommended by WordPress since 2005, each WordPress package offers a free domain, free SSL, and 24/7 support.

前往 Bluehost

Privacy-focused and dedicated to the Open Web, DreamHost provides some of the most powerful and secure managed WordPress environments in the world.

前往 DreamHost


下載 WordPress 並使用它建置網站。