Block-Enabled Plugins

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Visual Link Preview

Display a fully customizable visual link preview for any internal or external link.

Bootstrapped Ventures 8 000+ active installations Tested with 5.7.1 Updated 1 oy ago

Paypal Donation Block

Create PayPal Donation Buttons as per your need in very simple way.

bharatkambariya 700+ active installations Tested with 5.5.4 Updated 7 oy ago

WP Fusion Lite

WP Fusion Lite synchronizes your WordPress users with your CRM or marketing automation system.

Very Good Plugins 3 000+ active installations Tested with 5.7.1 Updated 2 oy ago

Calculated Fields Form

Calculated Fields Form allows you to create both simple and rich forms, quickly like a…

CodePeople 60 000+ active installations Tested with 5.7.1 Updated 3 kun ago

Featured Plugins

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Classic Editor

Enables the previous "classic" editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes,…

WordPress Contributors 5+ million active installations Tested with 5.7.1 Updated 1 oy ago

Akismet Spam Protection

The best anti-spam protection to block spam comments and spam in a contact form. The…

Automattic 5+ million active installations Tested with 5.7.1 Updated 2 oy ago


The Gutenberg plugin provides editing, customization, and site building features to WordPress. This beta plugin…

Gutenberg Team 300 000+ active installations Tested with 5.7.1 Updated 22 soat ago

Beta Plugins

See all Beta Plugins


The Gutenberg plugin provides editing, customization, and site building features to WordPress. This beta plugin…

Gutenberg Team 300 000+ active installations Tested with 5.7.1 Updated 22 soat ago

Preferred Languages

Choose languages for displaying WordPress in, in order of preference.

Pascal Birchler 2 000+ active installations Tested with 5.7.1 Updated 2 oy ago

WordPress Auto-updates

A feature plugin to integrate Plugins & Themes automatic updates in WordPress Core.

The WordPress Team 500+ active installations Tested with 5.4.5 Updated 6 oy ago

Popular Plugins

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Kontakt forma 7

Shunchaki boshqa bir aloqa kontakt forma plagini. Oddiy ammo moslashuvchan.

Takayuki Miyoshi 5+ million active installations Tested with 5.7.1 Updated 1 hafta ago

Yoast SEO

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using…

Team Yoast 5+ million active installations Tested with 5.7.1 Updated 1 hafta ago

Classic Editor

Enables the previous "classic" editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes,…

WordPress Contributors 5+ million active installations Tested with 5.7.1 Updated 1 oy ago