

Beyond the support and contributions of our member organisations and their communities, APC’s programmes and projects receive valuable financial support from our funding partners and donor agencies, organisations we do commissioned work with and for, and in-kind contributions from other institutions that believe in APC’s work.

Support from 2003 to 2018

Early support from 1993 to 2002

We would like to acknowledge the donors who were the first supporters of our work: the International Development Research Center (IDRC), the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Institute, the Canadian International Development Agency CIDA) and the MacArthur Foundation. We appreciate their commitment and the risks they have taken to support the growth and diversification of our innovative network and continue to support us in the new century.

Non-financial contributions

Both Carnegie Mellon University and Global X Change provided APC with strategic planning consultants to work with us in the development of our Mission-Driven Business Planning Toolkit, funded by IDRC.  Lundeen & Associates provided us with multiple free copies of their WebCrossing software in the early stages of our APC ActionApps software development.

Internet Society facilitated the participation of many APC member staff in ISOC Developing Country technical training workshops during the 1990s.

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