Future events

Plone events around the world
  • 2021-03-22T08:00:00-04:00
  • 2021-03-26T14:00:00-04:00
March 22 Monday

Mar 22, 2021 08:00 AM to Mar 26, 2021 02:00 PM

A 3-day virtual event on March 22-26, 2021, featuring international experts presenting on Plone, Django, machine learning, Big Data, AI, deployment best practices, serverless architecture, GraphQL, Docker, and much more!

  • 2021-03-26T05:00:00-04:00
  • 2021-03-26T06:00:00-04:00
March 26 Friday

Mar 26, 2021 from 05:00 AM to 06:00 AM

On the last Friday of every month, Plone users and developers join together to catch up on the latest news and changes on Volto, Plone's new React-based front-end

  • 2021-04-23T03:00:00-04:00
  • 2021-04-23T11:00:00-04:00
April 23 Friday

Apr 23, 2021 from 03:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Single-day online sprint to help Zope with Python 3.

  • 2021-04-23T05:00:00-04:00
  • 2021-04-23T06:00:00-04:00
April 23 Friday

Apr 23, 2021 from 05:00 AM to 06:00 AM

On the last Friday of every month, Plone users and developers join together to catch up on the latest news and changes on Volto, Plone's new React-based front-end

  • 2021-04-28T00:00:00-04:00
  • 2021-04-28T23:59:59-04:00
April 28 Wednesday

Apr 28, 2021

24 hours of Plone, online, all around the world!

  • 2021-05-28T05:00:00-04:00
  • 2021-05-28T06:00:00-04:00
May 28 Friday

May 28, 2021 from 05:00 AM to 06:00 AM

On the last Friday of every month, Plone users and developers join together to catch up on the latest news and changes on Volto, Plone's new React-based front-end

  • 2021-07-02T03:00:00-04:00
  • 2021-07-02T11:00:00-04:00
July 2 Friday

Jul 02, 2021 from 03:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Single-day online sprint to help Zope with Python 3.

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