Standard Pathway 10-Year Cycle | Accreditation
icon highlighting the institution

Years 1–3

Prepare Assurance Filing

May contribute documents to Evidence File and begin writing Assurance Argument for Year 4 comprehensive evaluation.

person working with the Assurance System on his laptop
icon highlighting institution, peer reviewers and HLC

Year 4

Comprehensive Evaluation

Submit comprehensive evaluation materials.

Peer Review
Conduct comprehensive evaluation (with visit).

HLC Decision Making
Take action on comprehensive evaluation.

people in a meeting
man speaking to two college students
icon highlighting the institution

Years 5–9

Prepare Assurance Filing

May contribute documents to Evidence File and begin writing Assurance Argument for Year 10 comprehensive evaluation.

a man working on his laptop
icon highlighting institution, peer reviewers and HLC

Year 10

Comprehensive Evaluation for Reaffirmation

Submit comprehensive evaluation materials.

Peer Review
Conduct comprehensive evaluation (with visit).

HLC Decision Making
Take action on comprehensive evaluation and Reaffirmation of Accreditation.

woman working with the assurance system on her laptop
woman speaking with four college students
