The National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting maintains a library of federal databases, employs journalism students, and trains journalists in the practical skills of getting and analyzing electronic information.

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The NICAR Talk Blog:

EPA: Open data portal to remain online

Reporters rushed to download data from the Environmental Protection Agency’s open data portal after a contractor reported the portal would shut down this Friday. But the EPA called reports untrue Monday morning and stated that the site will not close and that data will remain available. Users visiting the EPA’s open data portal were greeted…

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Battling burnout in a tweet-breaking world

By Uliana Pavlova “If you think you are indispensable, just die and see what happens.” – Ron Nixon It seems almost impossible to find a work/life balance when you’re a journalist in a constantly shrinking industry. In the world of breaking news and Twitter, it’s hard to unplug. Nixon, a Washington correspondent with The New…

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Best practices for measuring impact

By Natalie Lung Two factors measure the impact of journalism: the output (how much work has been done), and its significance. But Tom Rosenstiel, executive director of the American Press Institute (API), thinks newsrooms don’t actually measure much of either. At a 2017 CAR Conference panel, Rosenstiel spoke alongside Lindsay Green-Barber, former director of strategic…

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Friendly robots: How journalists can use bots in the newsroom

By Dariya Tsyrenzhapova The definition of bots is murky, but expectations for the use of artificial intelligence tools in news organizations is on the rise. Bots, like automated personal assistants, can collect information, execute actions, generate content and even emulate humans, said Tiff Fehr, an interactives editor at The New York Times. Fehr moderated a 2017…

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