
You blocked @jami_social

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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jan 25

    Everyone should be free to communicate privately. Everyone is free to use !

  2. Retweeted
    May 31

    Intéressé par une solution Libre qui garantit la confidentialité des communications ? Ne ratez pas la présentation de par et de mardi soir le 1 juin au sur

  3. Retweeted
    May 25

    Whether you're looking for a WhatsApp (or Skype) alternative for texting (or calling), is the and that will fit your needs. 😉

  4. Retweeted
    May 25
  5. Retweeted
    May 17

    Making run on opens up opportunities to bring fully distributed & secure capacities to products & . 👉 elaborate ideas on the kind of usage you might think of!

  6. Retweeted
    May 12

    Comment apporter des capacités de communication distribuées et sécurisées aux produits embarqués & aux (1/2). 👉 Lisez notre billet de blogue sur Pourquoi ajouter dans le

  7. Retweeted
    May 11

    How to bring fully & communication capabilities to products and (1/2). 👉 Read our blogpost on Why adding in the

  8. May 11

    📣➡️"From a perspective and lack of mass surveillance, there are better technical concepts than those implemented by vendors compared below. We note in particular here ! " 👇

  9. Retweeted
    May 10

    Maybe its time to switch to or for better solution

  10. Retweeted
    May 3
    Replying to

    Chat - because it does not require phone number, so does not compromise your identity and can be run on devices without SIM cards like tablets and computers Password Manager - KeepassXC, the better Keepass

  11. Retweeted
    Apr 14

    A free, P2P communications platform dedicated to protecting user privacy and safety, uses a decentralized network to transmit information, and data is fully encrypted from transmission to delivery, ensuring end-to-end protection. Read more:

  12. Retweeted
    Mar 28

    COSS on julkaissut osana Avoin etäkokous -projektia vertailun saatavilla olevista potentiaalisista avoimen lähdekoodin etäkokousratkaisuista. Tutustu tarkemmin julkaistuun projektiraporttiin:

  13. Retweeted
    Mar 27

    Guillaume Heller de nous présente : plateforme de communication universelle et libre ! Rejoignez l’événement ''État du Libre en 2021’’ de sur

  14. Retweeted
    Mar 25
    Replying to

    Time to look for alternatives. like for example.

  15. Retweeted
    Mar 27

    Et n'oubliez pas à 16h30 notre présentation de , l'innovante alternative québécoise, respectueuse de la vie privée, des messageries instantanées et autres. Regardez et essayez.

  16. Retweeted
    Mar 24
  17. Mar 24
  18. Retweeted
    Mar 20

    Next at 2021, at 15:40 in the Jupiter room, Amin Bandali will introduce you to Jami, the universal free communication platform, and explain how it empowers users:

  19. Mar 20
  20. Retweeted
    Mar 20

    The 2021 conference is about to begin! Come to and join us in the Jupiter room for the FSF welcome address.

  21. Retweeted
    Mar 19

    👉 WhatsApp❌ 👉 Facebook-Messenger❌ 👉 Jami ✅ It's the kind of problems that reminds u that your communication tools are based on infrastructure you don't control. This is why communication apps like have all their interest!


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