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# git

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Undo your last git mistake with ugit

Undo your last git mistake with ugit

Reactions 15 Comments 2
2 min read
On the usefulness of `git rebase`

On the usefulness of `git rebase`

Reactions 7 Comments 5
1 min read
Making sure all commits pass the tests

Making sure all commits pass the tests

Reactions 4 Comments
2 min read
Using GitHub with Unity Projects

Using GitHub with Unity Projects

Reactions 7 Comments 2
3 min read
GitHub Universe and GitHub Actions Deployments

GitHub Universe and GitHub Actions Deployments

Reactions 2 Comments
1 min read
How to use git

How to use git

Reactions 7 Comments 1
2 min read
Dropping the "Master Git and GitHub - Beginner To Expert" course

Dropping the "Master Git and GitHub - Beginner To Expert" course

Reactions 3 Comments
1 min read
Aplicando Padrões de Código com Pré-Commit Hook usando Husky

Aplicando Padrões de Código com Pré-Commit Hook usando Husky

Reactions 6 Comments
4 min read
Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 4

Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 4

Reactions 5 Comments
5 min read
Using Git LFS to version Podcast Audio files and trigger releases to production with GitHub Actions

Using Git LFS to version Podcast Audio files and trigger releases to production with GitHub Actions

Reactions 5 Comments
9 min read
New Bash Alias: Git Out

New Bash Alias: Git Out

Reactions 5 Comments 2
1 min read
Installing Git on Windows

Installing Git on Windows

Reactions 5 Comments
2 min read
Getting started With Git – A Simple Beginner’s Guide

Getting started With Git – A Simple Beginner’s Guide

Reactions 1 Comments
11 min read
Git Aliases for an Efficient Workflow

Git Aliases for an Efficient Workflow

Reactions 2 Comments
5 min read
Visualize Git Log Tree

Visualize Git Log Tree

Reactions 2 Comments
1 min read
Delete merged branches using one command

Delete merged branches using one command

Reactions 25 Comments 2
1 min read
Why use Git, How it Works and what's going on behind the scenes?

Why use Git, How it Works and what's going on behind the scenes?

Reactions 7 Comments
21 min read
Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 3

Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 3

Reactions 6 Comments
7 min read
Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 1

Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 1

Reactions 7 Comments
8 min read
Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 2

Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 2

Reactions 4 Comments
14 min read
Git Rebase and Interactive Rebase

Git Rebase and Interactive Rebase

Reactions 8 Comments
5 min read
Search Git commit message

Search Git commit message

Reactions 2 Comments
1 min read
Lint your commits

Lint your commits

Reactions 6 Comments
2 min read
Web Sohbet

Web Sohbet

Reactions 4 Comments
1 min read
Too many commits? No worries, just squash them into one!

Too many commits? No worries, just squash them into one!

Reactions 4 Comments
4 min read
Push Git Commit Tanpa Memasukkan Password

Push Git Commit Tanpa Memasukkan Password

Reactions 4 Comments 1
2 min read
Git Bisect, When and How?

Git Bisect, When and How?

Reactions 6 Comments
2 min read
Mensajes de commit personalizados de Git

Mensajes de commit personalizados de Git

Reactions 2 Comments
2 min read
Git tip: get back to work after a revert on master

Git tip: get back to work after a revert on master

Reactions 6 Comments
2 min read
Awesome Git Shortcuts

Awesome Git Shortcuts

Reactions 19 Comments
2 min read
Better Git Log Styling

Better Git Log Styling

Reactions 7 Comments
1 min read
Setup GPG for git on macOS

Setup GPG for git on macOS

Reactions 5 Comments
1 min read
Git - How to fix a bad commit

Git - How to fix a bad commit

Reactions 352 Comments 20
2 min read
Simplifying the git forking workflow

Simplifying the git forking workflow

Reactions 4 Comments
5 min read
Instalando GIT en Windows

Instalando GIT en Windows

Reactions 1 Comments 1
2 min read
Git custom commit messages

Git custom commit messages

Reactions 6 Comments
2 min read
“[GitHub] Deprecation Notice�? for Password to Git Resolved

“[GitHub] Deprecation Notice�? for Password to Git Resolved

Reactions 2 Comments
2 min read
Feelings about Git... 🤦�?♀�?🤷🙆

Feelings about Git... 🤦�?♀�?🤷🙆

Reactions 4 Comments 3
4 min read
Speed up git commands with Autohotkey

Speed up git commands with Autohotkey

Reactions 7 Comments
2 min read
ZSH cheatsheet for git plugin

ZSH cheatsheet for git plugin

Reactions 7 Comments 2
3 min read
Como adicionar chave SSH no Github

Como adicionar chave SSH no Github

Reactions 5 Comments
1 min read
Clean & Speed Up Your Local Git Repo With Three Commands

Clean & Speed Up Your Local Git Repo With Three Commands

Reactions 4 Comments
1 min read
Remove .DS_Store File from Git Repo

Remove .DS_Store File from Git Repo

Reactions 6 Comments
1 min read
How To Automate Code Tasks With Git Hooks 🔥

How To Automate Code Tasks With Git Hooks 🔥

Reactions 11 Comments
6 min read
💻 5 Useful VS Code extensions to help you with Javascript, React and Git

💻 5 Useful VS Code extensions to help you with Javascript, React and Git

Reactions 74 Comments 4
2 min read
How to Manage Multiple SSH Key Pairs

How to Manage Multiple SSH Key Pairs

Reactions 352 Comments 18
4 min read
Working with Git

Working with Git

Reactions 5 Comments 1
2 min read
Git Quick Stats for your repository

Git Quick Stats for your repository

Reactions 5 Comments 1
3 min read
Open all conflicted files from Command Line

Open all conflicted files from Command Line

Reactions 4 Comments
2 min read
Cheatsheet for Git Rebase

Cheatsheet for Git Rebase

Reactions 4 Comments
1 min read
Efficiently resolving composer.lock merge conflicts

Efficiently resolving composer.lock merge conflicts

Reactions 2 Comments
4 min read
How to clear commit history using GIT

How to clear commit history using GIT

Reactions 5 Comments 2
1 min read
Undoing changes - Git Reset & Git Revert

Undoing changes - Git Reset & Git Revert

Reactions 6 Comments
3 min read
How to Quickly Remove A Committed File From Git Version Control

How to Quickly Remove A Committed File From Git Version Control

Reactions 4 Comments
2 min read
Git Commands Cheat Sheet

Git Commands Cheat Sheet

Reactions 7 Comments
1 min read
How to set up SSH keys and connect them to GitHub

How to set up SSH keys and connect them to GitHub

Reactions 7 Comments 2
4 min read
How to fix Git error: object file is empty?

How to fix Git error: object file is empty?

Reactions 6 Comments
1 min read
A better way to Git Commit

A better way to Git Commit

Reactions 5 Comments
2 min read
Laravel zero downtime deployment with shared hosting

Laravel zero downtime deployment with shared hosting

Reactions 34 Comments 2
4 min read
Working with Repositories and Commits in GitHub.

Working with Repositories and Commits in GitHub.

Reactions 3 Comments
3 min read