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On This Day in History, 26. Huhtikuu

What Happened On This Day – 26. Huhtikuu

  • 2005 Syria ends its military occupation of Lebanon after 29 years

    Syria buckled to domestic and international pressure following the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on February 14 of the same year.

  • 1994 Germany makes Holocaust denial illegal

    The far-right party NPD had sought legitimation by Germany's Federal Constitutional Court for expressing the view that the Nazis' genocide of six million Jews never occurred. The court ruled against them.

  • 1989 The deadliest tornado in history kills about 1300 people

    The Daulatpur–Saturia Tornado devastated everything in its 50-mile long path across central Bangladesh.

  • 1986 The worst nuclear disaster in history occurs in Chernobyl

    Large parts of Europe were contaminated when reactor 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded. Although the number of deaths attributable to the disaster is difficult to determine, experts anticipate tens of thousands of deaths across Europe in the coming decades due to cancer caused by the radioactive fallout.

  • 1925 Franz Kafka publishes his landmark novel The Trial

    The text, which was initially published as Der Process, is a nightmarish account of a man being arrested and prosecuted by a faceless authority for an unknown crime.

Births On This Day – 26. Huhtikuu

  • 1932 Israr Ahmed

    Indian/Pakistani theologian, philosopher, scholar

  • 1917 I. M. Pei

    Chinese/American architect, designed the National Gallery of Art, Bank of China Tower

  • 1889 Ludwig Wittgenstein

    Austrian/English philosopher

  • 1822 Frederick Law Olmsted

    American journalist, landscape designer, co-designed Central Park

  • 121 Marcus Aurelius

    Roman Emperor

Deaths On This Day – 26. Huhtikuu

  • 1999 Adrian Borland

    English singer-songwriter, guitarist, producer

  • 1989 Lucille Ball

    American actress

  • 1984 Count Basie

    American pianist, bandleader, composer

  • 1951 Arnold Sommerfeld

    German physicist

  • 1920 Srinivasa Ramanujan

    Indian mathematician

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