زمرو:جيئرا ماڻهو

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هن زمري جو اصل مضمون آهي: articles structured as biographical entries for living individuals

Purpose: Because living persons may suffer personal harm from inappropriate information, we should watch their articles carefully. This category exists to help Wikipedia editors improve the quality of وڪيپيڊيا:جيئري ماڻهن جي سوانح حيات by ensuring that the articles maintain a neutral point of view، maintain factual accuracy، and are properly sourced. Recent changes to these articles are listed on خاص:RecentChangesLinked/زمرو:بقيد حيات شخصيات.
Organization: This category should not be sub-categorized. Entries are generally sorted by family name.
Maintenance: Individuals of advanced age (over 90) for whom no documentation has existed for a decade or longer, may be removed from this category and transferred to زمرو:ممڪن طور تي جيئرا ماڻهو.
Errata: Any individual born before 1906 whose living status remains undetermined, should have this category replaced with Category:Year of death missing (the same application should be followed for individuals in زمرو:ممڪن طور تي جيئرا ماڻهو and those in زمرو:لاپتا فرد who had not been heretofore declared legally dead).

لاڳاپيل موضوعات

زمرو:ممڪن طور تي جيئرا ماڻهو، زمرو:لاپتا فرد، ۽ زمرو:وفاتون are not included here, including the recently deceased, for which see زمرو:2016ع جون وفاتون and preceding categories listing deaths in 2015ع، 2014ع، 2013ع، 2012ع، 2011ع، 2010ع، 2009ع، 2008ع، 2007ء (ٻيا ڏسو زمرو:وفات بلحاظ سال).

وڌيڪ ڏسو

  • Template:L، which generates this category or death years, and birth year and sort keys.
هن زمري ۾ بلاترتيب صفحو


زمرو:مرتبو لحاظ کان ماڻهو

"جيئرا ماڻهو" زمري جا صفحا

سمورن ٣٨٢ مان، هيٺيون(يان) ٢٠٠ صفحا هن زمري ۾ آھي(آھن).

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