About COVID-19

What should I do if I’m showing symptoms of COVID-19 or a family member is?

If you or a family member are experiencing severe symptoms, please self-quarantine immediately and call your doctor to arrange for a test and check up. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911.


What should I do if I've been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?

If you have been in close contact with someone who is positive or presumed positive, you must self-quarantine.

Even if you feel well now, it is possible that you are also infected. It can take as little as 2 and as many as14 days to show symptoms, which is why you need to stay home and separate yourself from others in your home as much as possible. The L.A. County Department of Public Health website has detailed information on home quarantine in a dozen languages here. You can also learn more about COVID-19 symptoms and what to do if you’re exposed here. (See "Home Quarantine")

L.A. County Public Health contact tracing teams are working to identify people who may have been exposed to COVID-19, so we can help contain the spread of the virus. If you get a call from a contact tracer, depending upon your provider, it should show up on your phone as "L.A. Public Health." Please answer the call. Your information is confidential and you will not be asked about your immigration status. If you haven't received a call, you can reach them at 1-833-540-0473 seven days a week from 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m, seven days a week.

The SafePass app puts contact tracing in the hands of every Angeleno, alerting people who may have been exposed to COVID-19. The free app keeps user information confidential and allows them to track symptoms, find testing sites, get alerts if they have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, and help slow the spread of the virus.

What are the primary symptoms of COVID-19?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fever or chills
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

What should I do if I am diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus?

If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or been told by a clinician that you are presumed to be positive, you are required to isolate yourself at home. You should also immediately tell anyone you have been in contact with that you are positive so that they can immediately quarantine and get a test to find out if they are positive.

The L.A. County Department of Public Health website has detailed information on home isolation here.

L.A. County Public Health contact tracing teams are working to identify cases of COVID-19 and help contain the spread of the virus. If you get a call from a contact tracer, depending upon your provider, it should show up on your phone as "L.A. Public Health." Please answer the call. If you haven't received a call, you can reach them at 1-833-540-0473 seven days a week from 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m, seven days a week.

What is the difference between isolation and quarantine?

If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or been told by a clinician that you are presumed to be positive, you are required to isolate yourself at home. This means staying away from all other people in your household and keeping yourself in isolation. It also means letting everyone you may have come in contact with know that you’ve tested positive. 

If you have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or you believe you are positive for any other reason, you need to self-quarantine for 14 days which is the period of time it could take to show symptoms. Even if you test negative for COVID-19, you must stay in quarantine for the full 14 day period.

Do I have to cover my face when I leave home and interact with others?

Yes. You are required to wear a mask when you are outside of your home.

Wearing a face covering will help to contain your respiratory droplets. But it is not a substitute for other critical measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 — most importantly, staying home, practicing safe physical distancing, washing your hands often, and cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces. 

Face coverings were previously required to enter essential businesses like grocery stores. Now they’re required anywhere outside of your home, including: 

  • If you visit any retail business (except those in indoor malls), including those that are open only for curbside or doorside pick-up;
  • If you exercise in your neighborhood, or a trail, golf course, or beach (where you must wear a face covering if you are out of the water and people are nearby);
  • If you ride on LADOT transit buses and Metro buses and trains, or travel through LAX.

The new guidelines on face coverings exempt children under 2 years old and people with certain disabilities.

You can make your own face covering with a bandana, scarf, or piece of cloth. You can follow instructions available online from trusted sources, like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). You can also find links to local manufacturers selling face coverings at the L.A. Protects website. Face coverings should be washed after each use.

At this time, you should not be purchasing medical grade masks, which are in short supply. It is extremely important that these masks are reserved for those who need them most and have the highest risk of infection, including medical professionals, healthcare workers, public safety workers, and other front line workers.

You can find more information on the City’s guidance here. The L.A. County Department of Public Health and the County of Los Angeles have also information on face coverings on their websites.

COVID-19 Contact Tracing

What is COVID-19 contact tracing?

L.A. County Department of Public Health teams, along with hundreds of L.A. City workers, are working as contact tracers to help identify people who are COVID-19 positive or who have come in contact with COVID-19 and limit the spread of this virus. 

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or been in contact with someone who has, you will receive a call from "L.A. Public Health." Please answer the call. Contact tracers can also help connect you to resources and your information is kept totally confidential. Learn more about how contact tracing works. If you haven't received a call, you can reach them at 1-833-540-0473 seven days a week from 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m, seven days a week.

If I am called by a contact tracer, will they ask for my financial information?

Contact tracers will never ask for your financial information or other personal details like your social security number, bank account number or credit card number. 

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you should expect a call from a specialist from L.A. County Public Health. If a member of the contract tracing team reaches out, it will appear on your phone as ‘L.A. Public Health.’ Contact tracers will identify themselves as County workers. If you haven't received a call, you can reach them at 1-833-540-0473 seven days a week from 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. 

How can I reach a contact tracer?

You can reach L.A. County contact tracing teams by calling 1-833-540-0473 seven days a week from 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m, seven days a week.

Will contact tracers keep my information confidential?

Yes, all of your information is kept confidential by law and will never be shared with any law enforcement agency.

How can I tell if I’m being contacted by a legitimate contact tracer?

If a member of the contract tracing team reaches out, it should appear on your phone as ‘L.A. Public Health’ though some carriers will show a 1-800 number. Contact tracers will identify themselves as County workers. A legitimate contact tracer will never ask for your social security number, bank details, immigration status or solicit money.

You can reach L.A. County contact tracing teams by calling 1-833-540-0473 seven days a week from 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.

If I am called by a contact tracer, will they ask for my immigration status or share information with immigration enforcement?

Contact tracers are not law enforcement agents and will not ask about your immigration status. They will only ask who you had contact with so we can prevent more people from getting sick and help you and your contacts better understand how to stay safe and get help. 

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you should expect a call from a specialist from L.A. County Public Health. If a member of the contract tracing team reaches out, it will appear on your phone as ‘L.A. Public Health.’ Contact tracers will identify themselves as County workers. If you haven't received a call, you can reach them at 1-833-540-0473 seven days a week from 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.

COVID-19 Vaccine

Why is the vaccine being offered in phases?

Because the supply of COVID-19 vaccine in the United States is limited, the CDC provided recommendations to federal, state, and local governments on prioritizing who gets vaccinated first. Government agencies, in partnership with providers, will be responsible for implementing the vaccine infrastructure and ensuring that the American public is vaccinated quickly and in a phased manner until additional supply is available. The CDC’s recommendations are based on recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), an independent panel of medical and public health experts. The guidance prioritizes people who perform jobs that involve a high risk of exposure or who are in high-risk groups for other reasons, like age or health condition. The recommendations were made in order to:

  • Decrease death and serious disease as much as possible.
  • Preserve the functioning of society.
  • Reduce the extra burden COVID-19 is having on people already facing disparities.

Read more about the vaccine from L.A. County Department of Public Health.

When will I know when it is my turn to get a vaccine?

If you live in Los Angeles County, you can sign up for the Department of Public Health email alerts and check with your healthcare provider to determine when you will be eligible for a vaccine based on your group. You can also go to the City’s Vaccination Portal to see who’s eligible and sign up for the notification list to receive text and email alerts when you or a family member become eligible.

Read more about the vaccine from the L.A. County Department of Public Health.

How do vaccines work? Are they effective?

Vaccines work by preparing the body’s immune system to recognize and fight off germs. They reduce your risk of getting a disease by working with your body’s natural defenses to build protection. When you get a vaccine, your immune system responds and:

  • Detects the invading germ, such as a virus or bacteria.
  • Makes antibodies. Antibodies are proteins produced naturally by the immune system to fight disease.
  • Remembers the disease and how to fight it. If you are exposed to the germ after getting the vaccine, your immune system can quickly destroy it before you become sick. 

Our immune systems are designed to remember. After we get one or more doses of a vaccine, we are protected against the disease for a period of time. This is what makes vaccines so effective. Instead of treating a disease after it happens, vaccines can prevent us from getting sick in the first place or reduce the severity and consequences of the disease if we do get sick. 

Read more about the vaccine from L.A. County Department of Public Health.


Can you get COVID-19 from a vaccine? 

No. None of the COVID-19 vaccines being developed in the United States have the virus that causes COVID-19 in them. Sometimes people get a fever or feel tired for a day or so after getting a vaccine. These symptoms are normal and are a sign that the body is building immunity. You can learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines work at the CDC website. It usually takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity after vaccination. If a person got infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 just before or just after they got a shot, they could still get COVID-19. This is because the vaccine has not had enough time to provide protection.

Read more about the vaccine from L.A. County Department of Public Health.

Why do we need a vaccine if we can do other things, like social distance and wear masks?

We need to do as much as we can to stop the virus. Vaccines boost your immune system so it will be ready to fight the virus if you are exposed. Other steps, like masks and social distancing, help lower your chance of being exposed to or spreading the virus. Together, these tools offer the best protection against COVID-19 until the United States is able to reach herd immunity, which means enough people have the vaccine to significantly reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

Read more about the vaccine from L.A. County Department of Public Health.

Can parents, family members, and/or caretakers of children with certain disabilities or conditions get vaccinated?

As of February 4, caretakers of people with disabilities or people with certain conditions (including Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Epilepsy, and specialized health care needs, including dependence upon ventilators, oxygen, and other technology) are eligible to be vaccinated as part of Phase 1A of vaccine distribution. Eligible individuals must schedule an appointment to receive a vaccine and bring one of the sets of documentation listed below. Please note: If you do not have documentation, your appointment will not be honored and you will be asked to return with documentation at a later date.

  1. Healthcare worker or student badge with photo
  2. Professional license AND a photo ID
  3. Payment stub from a healthcare provider with your name AND a photo ID
  4. Letter from a California Regional Center noting healthcare worker status AND a photo ID.  
    1. Letter must include your name and an attestation that the person you care for has a qualifying intellectual or developmental disability as per the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) 
    2. Note: Medical documentation of the person with the qualifying condition will not be accepted.

Vaccines are distributed by appointment only. 

To schedule an appointment for a vaccine, please visit VaccinateLACounty.com

Individuals who do not have internet access or who have a disability can call 1-833-540-0473 between 8 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. for assistance making an appointment.

Note: Appointment availability is based upon supply availability. If no appointments are available, please visit the website at a later time.

How do I make an appointment?

To learn more about how to make an appointment for a vaccine, visit our appointment information page. Note: Only currently eligible groups are able to make an appointment for a vaccine. To check your eligibility, visit this page. You can also visit the Department of Public Health’s eligibility and documentation page here.

Targeted Safer At Home Order

What is Safer at Home?

To combat the spread of COVID-19, Mayor Eric Garcetti issued a “Safer at Home” emergency order on March 19 — ordering all residents of the City of Los Angeles to stay inside their residences, and immediately limit all movement outside of their homes beyond what is absolutely necessary to take care of essential needs.

The City’s “Safer at Home” order was followed with a willing and generous spirit. And as a result, Los Angeles has reduced the spread of COVID-19, stabilized our rate of hospitalization and COVID-19 patients treated in intensive care units, increased our testing capacity, supplied protective equipment for healthcare workers, and met the State of California’s criteria to resume some of the activities that were temporarily prohibited.

On December 2, Mayor Garcetti issued a “Targeted Safer at Home” Order. The City continues to encourage residents to stay safer at home as much as possible, to avoid gathering with others outside their households in both indoor and outdoor settings, and to telework as often as they can.

What is allowed and what is prohibited?

Mayor Garcetti’s emergency order can be found here. You can also find a list of what’s open here.

It’s important to note that COVID-19 remains a threat and Angelenos are still safer at home. Even as we continue slow, gradual steps forward -- and sometimes backward if the data requires us to do so -- we recommend everyone stay home whenever possible and follow all health protocols. You are required to wear a face covering when you leave your home and will be near other people, and you should always maintain six feet of distance from others.

How long will the Order last?

The Targeted Safer at Home Order aligns with the latest health order from the LA County Department of Public Health. The City and County will continue to monitor public health data and guidance, and conform our policies accordingly with the safety of our residents foremost in our minds. 

If public health conditions change, it may become necessary to step backward periodically and for the City to amend this Order to be more restrictive.

What is the difference between “safer at home” and “physical distancing”?

Safer at home is a stricter form of physical distancing. There are some differences. Safer at home means:

  • Stay home (stay unexposed).
  • Only go out for essential services -- and when you do, stay six feet or more away from others.
  • Don’t gather in groups.

The best way to reduce the risk of getting sick, as with seasonal colds or the flu, applies to prevent COVID-19:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze.
  • Wear a face covering.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Reduce the time you are around others outside the home, even when at least six feet away.

When can we return to normal life but still be safe and prepared for future waves of COVID-19?

Until there is a vaccine or effective treatment, COVID-19 will continue to be a serious public health threat to our communities, our city, and our country. 

The City of Los Angeles will take a gradual and staged approach to our response to this crisis — working with leaders across the region and continuing to be guided by expertise from County, State, and Federal public health officials. This approach will enable us to slowly lift restrictions while carefully monitoring risks and needs, and adjusting our approach as needed.

The gradual relaxing of restrictions will require the patience, persistence and partnership of residents, businesses, workers, government representatives, and public health officials. 

It’s not possible to offer a date yet, but one thing is clear: We have a long road ahead, and we will get through this challenging time together. 

Mayor Garcetti has also identified six factors that must be in place for Los Angeles to move toward a reopening. Some of these steps are already underway, but not at the scale necessary to restore a version of our previous lives. We also need to take these steps in a way that keeps us prepared and guards against future waves of COVID-19.

1. Widespread, rapid testing. We need to bring widespread, rapid testing to everyone with COVID-19 symptoms — and testing for asymptomatic people in settings with significant risks of transmission. There should be strong national standards for the quality and reliability of tests, and federal financial support and coverage requirements to guarantee supplies are affordable and available.

2. Real-time monitoring to detect and prevent new outbreaks. We need to link test results to a monitoring network — so that COVID-19 can be tracked in real time, and we can quickly detect new hotspots, track the success of interventions, and keep Americans informed. Federal support through the CDC should enable this to happen, with funds for state and local monitoring paired with electronic data sharing. 

3. Rapid responses to new cases. We need a greater ability to quickly isolate cases, trace and communicate with contacts, and quarantine non-immune individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19. This requires rapid training and repurposing some workers into urgently needed new jobs. According to one estimate, we need 300,000 Americans to stand up a complete tracking and tracing infrastructure.

4. Hospital capacity. We need a national push to grow the capacity in ICUs, emergency rooms, and supplies for anywhere that the next wave of COVID-19 might strike.

5. Ongoing research and development. We need the CDC and other agencies to support standardized data collection and to collaborate more closely with states, universities, and labs to develop effective treatments and learn more about them in practice — and then help share this information with doctors and nurses on the front lines. 

6. Blood testing. Blood testing for immunity has the potential to identify Americans who could serve in workplaces, classrooms, and roles that may otherwise create significant risk of transmission. According to public health experts, the existing antibody tests are not yet reliable enough for policymaking purposes. We need a better ability to measure antibodies and understand how test results translate into actual immunity.

What are essential activities and what businesses are open?

Mayor Garcetti’s emergency order can be found here. You can also find a list of what’s open here.

Are government employees allowed to work?

This Order does not apply to employees of government agencies working within the course and scope of their public service employment. Employees of the City of Los Angeles shall follow any current or future directives issued by the Mayor.

What about infrastructure and construction?

Individuals may leave their residences to provide any services or goods or perform any work necessary to the operations, maintenance, and manufacturing of essential infrastructure, which includes but is not limited to:

  • Construction of commercial and institutional buildings, and residential buildings and housing
  • Airport operations, food supply, concessions, and construction
  • Port operations and construction.
  • Water, sewer, gas, electrical, oil extraction and refining.
  • Roads, highways, public transportation and rail.
  • Solid waste collection and removal, and recycling.
  • Flood control and watershed protection.
  • Internet and telecommunications systems and phone retail sales and servicing (including the provision of essential global, national, and local infrastructure for computing services, business infrastructure, communications, and web-based services).
  • And manufacturing and distribution companies deemed essential to the supply chains of the above industries.

Are non-profit organizations allowed to continue operating?

Yes, but only if they provide essential services as described in the order. This would include non-profit organizations operating food pantries, providing housing and services for homeless residents, and many other critical services.

Is this Order mandatory? What happens if individuals and businesses don’t comply?

Yes. The “Targeted Safer at Home” order is a legally enforceable order. Failure to heed the order is a misdemeanor that can result in fines or jail time. 

The Business Ambassadors program deploys City workers and volunteers with the Mayor’s Crisis Response Team to non-essential businesses that appear to be out of compliance with the order. If voluntary compliance is not achieved, the ambassadors will share information with the City Attorney and LAPD for follow-up.

Is there a way to report a business that is violating the Order?

Members of the public can report out-of-compliance businesses here.

COVID-19 Testing

Is the test free? Why am I being asked for my health insurance information?

The test is free to you, whether or not you have insurance. If you have insurance, our lab will bill your insurance carrier for the cost of the test. By law, the insurance company may not charge you any co-pay, deductible, or out of pocket expense.

Can I bring other people with me?

Sign ups are for individuals, so if you're seeing COVID-19 symptoms in multiple family members, please make individual appointments for each person.

When can I be tested?

Testing is by appointment only and is subject to availability. People with symptoms and front line workers are prioritized to receive same day or next day appointments.

Can I have other people in my car when I arrive for testing?

Yes, but please do not expose others if you suspect you are ill. Only those with confirmed appointments will be tested. Each individual must have their own appointment.

Who qualifies as a front line worker?

At this time, front line workers who may receive priority testing are:

  • First responders
  • Critical government personnel
  • Health care professionals
  • Grocery workers
  • Delivery, rideshare, taxi, and public transit drivers
  • Credentialed members of the media

If you are not sure whether you qualify, consult with your employer for further information.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for my appointment?

Please do not eat or drink anything one hour before your testing appointment. Watch this instructional video for other information to help you prepare.

Is there testing for residents who are subject to a mandatory quarantine order?

No. If you are subject to a quarantine order, you must follow the order. Getting tested does not relieve you from the quarantine order.

What should I do if I do not have access to a vehicle?

Walk-up testing without appointment is available at Kedren Community Health Center. Our mobile testing team is also conducting pop-up testing throughout the City for people without appointments. Please see our Mobile Testing Schedule page with upcoming dates and locations.

How does the testing work?

We have created a helpful instructional video to prepare you to take the test.

How long will the test take?

The test itself will only take a few minutes, but the wait in line at each test site will vary.

Am I required to show ID?

Yes. Bring a form of personal identification to your test. This helps ensure that your test results are matched to the right person. Your identity and your test results are protected by federal law and will not be shared with any other agencies for purposes of law enforcement or immigration.

Do I have to get out of my car?

Depending on the testing site, some are walk-up and some are drive-through. The test can be done while you remain in the vehicle.

Is the test invasive?

The test is a mouth swab that the patient can collect themselves.

How and when will I receive my results?

Test results will normally be provided within 48 hours. For more information, see our About Test Results page.

Is the mouth swab test accurate?

The laboratory we utilize has clinical trial data that is now published and publicly available (here) showing that our sensitivity is at least as good as nasal swabs. The test has been issued an Emergency Use Authorization pursuant to Section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The testing and validation has been reviewed and signed off by Dr Jeffrey Klausner, professor of infectious disease medicine at UCLA. The testing method was also endorsed by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

How can I contact the testing site?

At this time, each testing site is facilitating thousands of appointments every day and cannot respond to direct inquiries. All appointments must be made online. No changes can be made to appointments; to change location or time, a new appointment will be required.

Can I schedule an appointment if I am not a resident of Los Angeles County?

No. Testing is only available for residents of the County of Los Angeles who are experiencing symptoms.

How much does the test cost?

The test is free of charge.

How do I check availability to sign up for a test?

To confirm eligibility and search testing appointment availability, go to Coronavirus.LACity.org/Testing.

What should I do if I'm experiencing severe symptoms?

If you or a family member are experiencing severe symptoms, please call your doctor. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911.

If I make an appointment, when and where is testing being done?

There are drive-through and walk-up testing sites operating in Los Angeles County. When you book your appointment, you will receive a confirmation with the date, time, and location of your appointment, as well as other details. You will also be directed to a link to a video which will show you what to expect at the testing site.

What do I do if all of the appointments are full?

Checking for appointments at a different location. We are adding more appointments regularly. Please check back to see when additional testing sites and appointments have become available.

Can I get a test if I don't have insurance?

Yes. Your test is free even if you do not have insurance. You will be asked to provide a photo ID when you register for an appointment. This is required to cover the cost of the test. It will not be used for any other purpose.

How far in advance can I schedule a test appointment?

Appointments are available 1-3 days ahead of time. Test appointments are usually available for the same day or following day for symptomatic individuals or critical workers.

Is testing available without an appointment?

Walk-up testing without an appointment is available at Kedren Community Health Center in South Los Angeles and Edendale Library in Echo Park. Our mobile testing team is also conducting pop-up testing throughout the city for people without appointments. Please see our Mobile Testing Schedule page for upcoming dates and locations.

How do I cancel my appointment?

You do not need to do anything to cancel your testing appointment. If you do not show up, the test will be reallocated to someone else.

Am I eligible for testing?

All residents of L.A. County are eligible. At City test centers, testing is available to anyone, whether or not you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Other sites may have different eligibility rules.

When do I need to arrive for my appointment?

Please arrive at the scheduled time listed on your confirmation email.

City Services

Can I still call 3-1-1?

Yes. 3-1-1 is still available for immediate access to information; or 213-473-3231 if outside the city limits. 

3-1-1 calls are answered 7:00am - 7:00pm on weekdays and 8:00am - 4:45pm on weekends.  

Service is available in English, Spanish, and 150+ other languages through the use of translation services, as well as for the hearing or speech impaired. You can also use the 311 app to submit requests for City services or email [email protected].

Are animal shelters open?

For the duration of the Safer at Home order, the following L.A. Animal Services Centers are open by appointment only: Chesterfield Square/South Los Angeles, East Valley, Harbor, and West L.A. Staff will continue to be on hand to care for the animals already in shelters. 

If you have an emergency with a sick or injured animal, call 1-888-452-7381 to find the nearest shelter and describe the situation. If there are no available appointments, staff will meet you in the parking lot of the nearest shelter that is open. Do not abandon and leave your pet outside the Center. Pet abandonment is a violation of CA Penal Code 597.

If you find a lost pet, post a photo and description on LA City Lost and Found Pets, Nextdoor, Pawboost, or Shadowapp and hang flyers in your neighborhood to help reunite the pet with his or her family. You can also participate in the Shelter at Home program and temporarily keep and care for the pet or you can call 1-888-452-7381 to make an appointment to bring the pet to the nearest Animal Services Center.

If you want to adopt or foster a pet, call 1-888-452-7381 for information or to make an appointment. You can also visit LAAnimalServices.com.

Has parking enforcement resumed? Who can I contact if I need assistance?

The City resumed parking enforcement on October 15. To ease the economic burden on Angelenos cited for parking violations, Mayor Garcetti directed LADOT to put several temporary programs in place, including:

  • A parking citation amnesty program, which offers motorists a one-time opportunity to reduce late fees they owe on parking citations over three years old until December 31, 2020;
  • The Unemployment Penalty Waiver that removes accrued parking citation penalties for those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic until December 31, 2020; and,
  • Early Pay LA, which provides a $20 discount until June 30, 2021 on parking citations for eligible violations if paid within 48 hours of being issued.

For questions about parking enforcement, call 3-1-1. You can also find the most up-to-date information on citation relief programs here.

Will my trash still get picked up?

Trash collection services are operating at full capacity. 

LA Sanitation & Environment (LASAN) is also offering free extra collection of black and blue bins on regularly scheduled waste collection days through the duration of the Safer at Home order. This is for residential homes serviced by LASAN.

If you have extra bags of trash or recycling that don’t fit in your bins, you should meet the truck outside when it arrives. Customers are asked to wear face coverings and maintain six feet of distance. Once the bin is emptied, you can refill it while the Sanitation team is there, and they'll dump it out again.

If you have any questions, please call the Sanitation Department’s 24-hour customer care center at (800) 773-2489 or dial 3-1-1.

The City’s SAFE Centers have reopened with new safety guidelines in place.

Due to Covid-19, there are strict safety rules that must be adhered to, and long wait times are anticipated.

COVID-19 safety rules:

  1. Residents must remain in their vehicles at all times
  2. Face coverings are mandatory at all times
  3. Materials must be in an unlocked trunk (staff will not open the vehicle door or enter the vehicle's cabin)

You can schedule curbside collection of electronic waste and bulky items by calling (800) 773-2489 or by using the MyLA311 app.

Is the public library open?

L.A.’s 73 public libraries are closed. In a first step to reopening, Los Angeles Public Library launched “Library To Go”, allowing you to place a hold on books and other materials that can be picked up at select libraries. Holds may be picked up by appointment Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Digital services remain available 24/7 at lapl.org, including e-books and audiobooks; streaming TV, movies, and music services; classes and digital subscriptions to newspapers and magazines.

Every L.A. Unified student has been assigned a Student Success Card and can access distance learning support online, along with tutoring assistance in math, science, English, social studies, and writing between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. every day.

Librarians are also available to provide assistance via Ask A Librarian and Book A Librarian.

No late fines are being charged and due dates are being automatically extended.

Are senior centers open?

All Multipurpose Senior Centers and dining sites are closed to the public. All programs and activities are canceled for the duration of the Safer at Home order.

You can find a list of organizations that offer free nutritional resources and grocery delivery here

L.A. County has launched a delivery service for older adults and those with disabilities.  Deliveries will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at no extra cost. No application process is required, but items must be prepaid and ready for pickup. Call (888) 863-7411 between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday to schedule.

For other resources to support elements of daily life impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, seniors can call the Department of Aging at (213) 482-7252 or visit the Department of Aging website.

Resources for Renters and Homeowners

What assistance is available for renters impacted by COVID-19?

For the duration of this local emergency period, landlords cannot evict residential and commercial tenants who are unable to pay rent due to circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

On March 30th, Mayor Garcetti signed an ordinance that builds on his previous emergency order, giving eligible residential tenants 12 months following the expiration of the local emergency period to repay any missed rent.

Commercial tenants have three months to pay back their rent following the expiration of the local emergency period. These protections are still in effect. 

For more information on your particular circumstances, please seek legal counsel. Our L.A. Represents initiative helps connect renters needing legal assistance due to COVID-19 with free legal services. Find more information at Coronavirus.LACity.org/LARepresents. You can also find resources from the County of L.A. via their Stay Housed L.A. County website.

The City’s FamilySource Centers are available to assist households with financial planning and benefits enrollment. Find a FamilySource Center near you.

What can I do if my landlord isn’t obeying these orders?

If you are facing eviction, or if your landlord has questions on the emergency order, please seek the assistance of legal counsel. Our L.A. Represents initiative helps connect renters needing legal assistance due to COVID-19 with free legal services.  Find more information at Coronavirus.LACity.org/LARepresents. You can also find resources from the County of L.A. on their website.

You can find more information on tenants' rights during this emergency on the HCID website.

Recently, the Judicial Council of California announced it will likely end its statewide eviction moratorium on September 1, 2020. Do the City of Los Angeles COVID-19 tenant protections apply even if the Judicial Council's eviction moratorium ends?


On April 6, 2020, the Judicial Council which oversees California’s court system enacted emergency rules to suspend court action on all eviction cases, except to protect public health and safety. While the Judicial Council emergency rules do not prevent a landlord from filing in court an unlawful detainer complaint, the rules prevent the issuance of a summons or default judgment.

Even if the Judicial Council rescinds its emergency rules, the City’s COVID-19 tenant protection ordinances remain in place.

The City’s ordinances prevent your landlord from evicting you during the local emergency period, if that failure to pay rent is tied to COVID-19. The City ordinances also prohibit your landlord from evicting you for 12 months (3 months for commercial properties) after the emergency ends for failure to pay any back rent that you might have accrued during the emergency. 

The City’s ordinances also prevent your landlord from evicting you during the emergency when you’re not at fault, or for having unauthorized tenants and pets, or creating a nuisance because of COVID-19. Your landlord also cannot evict you under the Ellis Act until 60 days following the local emergency. Also, if you rent an apartment or home protected by the Rent Stabilization Ordinance, your landlord cannot give you a rent increase until 12 months after the emergency ends.

Are there resources for homeowners who can’t keep up with their mortgage payments?

Depending on your particular circumstances, there may be public resources available to help.

The L.A. County Disaster Help Center is providing expanded foreclosure protection assistance for homeowners or landlords with 15 or fewer units. If you are a property owner facing financial difficulty, contact the Help Center to learn about available resources for your situation. Call (833) 238-4450 or visit LACountyHelpCenter.org.

Under a new state law, there are protections in place for small landlords and homeowners who are unable to pay their mortgage due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To learn more, visit LandlordTenant.DRE.CA.gov. 

We urge you to please seek the assistance of legal counsel to help you work through your case. Our L.A. Represents initiative helps connect individuals and businesses needing legal assistance due to COVID-19 with free legal services. Find more information at Coronavirus.LACity.org/LARepresents.

What if I can’t afford an increase in my rent?

Mayor Garcetti signed an emergency order to halt any new rent increases on residential units that are subject to the City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO).

If you live in a rent stabilized unit, you will not be subject to any new rent increase for a full year after the emergency period ends.

To find out if you live in an RSO property, text "RSO" to 1-855-880-7368. You can learn more about L.A.’s RSO here.


Resources for Workers

What assistance is available for workers impacted by COVID-19?

If you have been laid off, furloughed, or had your work hours reduced as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, you may be eligible to apply for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits from the State of California immediately. Visit the state’s employment development department at edd.ca.gov.

The state also administers paid family leave if you are caring for a family member who is quarantined or has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and offers disability benefits if you are unable to work because you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have symptoms related to COVID-19. 

To learn more and apply for these benefits, please visit EDD’s website.

Videos: Applying for state unemployment insurance (UI) assistance 

English | Spanish | Cantonese | Vietnamese | Mandarin


What is the City doing to protect workers?

Mayor Garcetti issued an order requiring employees of non-medical essential businesses to wear cloth face coverings over their noses and mouths while at work.

The order applies to workers in grocery stores, drug stores, restaurants, taxis and rideshare vehicles, and construction sites, among many other essential businesses. 

Employers are required to provide face coverings to employees, or reimburse employees for their cost. These businesses must also ensure their employees have access to a clean and sanitary restroom along with proper cleansing products, like soap and sanitizer, and allow them to wash their hands every 30 minutes. Businesses are also required to implement physical distancing measures for customers, visitors, and workers. The order also recommends that, whenever possible, businesses install plexiglass barriers between cashiers and customers.

Angelenos are required to wear face coverings when they frequent any business and when they do a curbside or doorside pick-up of an order. You can find links to local manufacturers selling face coverings at the L.A. Protects website.

Mayor Garcetti has also implemented via public order a City ordinance which provides supplemental paid sick leave to workers impacted by COVID-19. For further information, the Mayor's order is available here.

Mayor Garcetti and City Attorney Mike Feuer established L.A. Represents, which is a coalition of law firms, bar associations and attorneys enhancing their existing pro bono commitments to legal aid organizations in order to provide COVID-19-related legal services to Angelenos in need. For more information on obtaining these legal services, essential workers and others may visit Coronavirus.LACity.org/LARepresents.

Where can I get help with completing forms to receive state unemployment insurance?

The City of L.A.’s WorkSource and YouthSource Centers are available to assist job seekers and young people in Los Angeles over the phone, through email, and in person via appointment. To contact the City’s centers, please visit ewddlacity.com. The City’s Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD) also provides virtual orientations that will guide job seekers through all available resources, including how to apply for unemployment benefits and health insurance. To sign up for an online orientation, please visit EWDD’s Job Loss Assistance and Resources page.

Where can I look for a job if I have been impacted by COVID-19?

The City of L.A. has launched LAJobsPortal.org for individuals whose jobs have been impacted by COVID-19. This website helps unemployed or underemployed Angelenos find and apply to job opportunities across industries, and connects them to a repository of additional resources such as emergency assistance and healthcare. Employers can also post job opportunities on the site for free.

To help bilingual Angelenos speaking English and Spanish, the City partnered with El Clasificado and Empleos Latinos to feature additional employment opportunities on the L.A. Jobs Portal. 

To help young Angelenos, the City partnered with ZipRecruiter to launch ZipRecruiter.com/HireLAYouth — a specialized job-matching website geared toward young people ages 16 to 24, offering access to tailored tools and resources to find employment.

What are trusted sources for employment-related updates during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Resources for Businesses

What state assistance is available for businesses impacted by COVID-19?

Full Fact Sheet listing out State resources: Link


  •  Allowing Small Businesses to Exclude PPP Loans from State Taxes. Governor Newsom signed AB 1577 (Burke), which conforms state law to federal law by excluding from gross income Paycheck Protection Program loans that were forgiven through the federal CARES Act and subsequent amendments in the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act of 2020.
  • Created Main Street Hiring Tax Credit. Governor Newsom signed SB 1447 (Bradford, Caballero and Cervantes), authorizing a $100 million hiring tax credit program for qualified small businesses. The credit will be equal to $1,000 per qualified employee, up to $100,000 for each small business employer.
  • Provided Tax Relief for Small Businesses: Provided a 90-day extension to small businesses in state and local taxes and an extension of all licensing deadlines and requirements for several industries.
  • Waived the Minimum Franchise Tax for New Businesses: Estimated $100 million allocated in the 2020-21 Budget to waive the $800 minimum franchise tax for the first year of business creation and remove a barrier to entrepreneurship and job creation.
  • Authorized Sales Tax Relief: Provided a 12-month interest-free payment plan for up to $50,000 of sales and use tax liability through the CA Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA). A total of 6,217 Small Business Relief Payment Plans have been established for a total of $105.9 million in tax through August 30. CDTFA has received $8.2 million in payments towards the small business relief payment plans.


  •  Provided $125 Million in Small Business Loans. The California Infrastructure Economic Development Bank (IBank)provided $100 million in loan guarantees for small businesses that may not be eligible for federal relief.

What local assistance is available for businesses impacted by COVID-19?

LA Optimized

LA Optimized help’s small businesses adapt to rapidly changing shift in consumer behavior and technological advances by assisting Small Businesses optimize their businesses for online sales and marketing by:

  • Creating or optimizing online business listings
  • Performing e-commerce audits
  • Creating or optimizing business websites
  • Connecting small businesses to creative and design services

LA Optimized is open to active small businesses in the City of Los Angeles, with priority given to brick-and-mortar establishments located in or serving residents of low income communities. Businesses can enroll at Coronavirus.LACity.org/LAOptimized.

Open for Business

Open for Business is a partnership with Ritual One that is helping restaurants and other retailers that provide or are looking to provide delivery, pick-up, takeout, and/or contactless dining. Restaurants are set up with an online menu page, QR code, and point of sale system that can exist on its own and be linked to its current online listings or be embedded to an existing business website. The platform is free to setut, free of service charges, and no processing until the end of 2020. From those enrolled, Ritual will provide 250 businesses free service fees until the end of 2021. Additionally, Paypal is providing $1M in discounts to consumers that order via PayPal or Venmo through the Los Angeles Open for Business Ritual One program. Businesses can sign up at ritual.co/partners/losangeles

Business Reopening Playbooks

With the collaboration of industry representatives, the Mayor’s office has developed a set of evolving playbooks that provide supplemental information to businesses as they develop plans for reopening. The playbooks provide guides for physical distancing, cleaning and sanitizing, maintaining employee health and hygiene, advancing facility safety, managing customer expectations, and offering employee support. Learn more at Coronavirus.LACity.org/Business.

Eviction Moratorium

Also, note that the City’s eviction protection applies to commercial tenants who are unable to pay rent as a result of circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Commercial tenants in the City of Los Angeles cannot be evicted and will have three months following the expiration of the local emergency period to pay past due rent. If you need legal help, please contact LA Represents.

Small Business Resilience Toolkit

There’s also a Small Business Resilience Toolkit to provide business owners with a directory of resources to navigate existing financial support for both small business entities and their employees. 

Small Business Policy Guide

Guide to help small businesses understand and navigate regulations that provide relief or require compliance. Please find it at ewddlacity.org or directly here.


BusinessSource Centers

The Los Angeles BusinessSource Centers provide startup ventures and current small business owners various cost-effective tools to make their business a success. Through these tools, small businesses can grow and remain competitive within the City of Los Angeles. They include one-on-one consulting (i.e. business plan, marketing, lease negotiation, legal considerations, etc.), entrepreneurship training, business courses, small business financing, tax incentives and credits, and workforce development. Please visit Business.LACity.org to find a BusinessSource Center near you.

EWDD Business Response Unit

Specializes in providing aid to entrepreneurs who are navigating through the bureaucracy of L.A. City’s business-related departments. This service helps people who need assistance in becoming legally compliant or who require City resources to conduct business. The Business Response Unit can be reached by phone at 213-744-7150, or by email at [email protected]. Please visit ewddlacity.com for more information.

Business Transition Services

The EWDD Rapid Response Team is trained to support employees and businesses going through any transition process. They provide experts to support outgoing employees through the Unemployment Insurance Benefits process, and various other resources to support them in transitioning to a job as quickly as possible. The Rapid Response Team can be reached by phone at 213-744-7205, or by email at [email protected]. Please visit ewddlacity.com for more information.

Is guidance available for businesses on safely reopening?

The Toolkits for Businesses page outlines guidelines and protocols for businesses that are allowed to reopen, including County requirements. Each Toolkit is developed to reflect the unique needs of each industry. Sample signage and directional posters are available as well, to remind both employees and patrons to abide by health protocols.  

In addition, retail shops can get a Temporary Pick-Up Zone permit from the Department of Transportation –– the permit allows for a parking spot right out front, where customers can park while they pick up items.

For businesses and restaurants that apply and obtain approval, new signs designating these spots will be supplied and installed within three days, free of charge. You can find more information and an application here.

What federal assistance is available for businesses impacted by COVID-19?

In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, small business owners, including agricultural businesses, and nonprofit organizations can apply for the following financial assistance:

  • Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL): eligible to all small businesses, private non-profits and U.S. agricultural businesses. To learn more about eligibility and apply, click here. EIDL proceeds can be used to meet financial obligations and operating expenses that could have been met had the pandemic not occured, such as continuation to health care benefits, rent, utilities, and fixed debt payments. It has a maturity of 30 years and a fixed term of 3.75% for businesses.
  • For additional federal loan options, please refer to sba.gov/funding-programs/loans.

Please note: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) closed on August 8, 2020. Should the loan reopen, please refer to the resource below:

In order to help businesses determine which loans are most appropriate for them, Mayor Garcetti launched the L.A. CARES Corps, a partnership between the City and County to provide small businesses with the help they need to apply for federal loans.

The L.A. CARES Corps website offers a clear explanation of the two emergency loan programs and a way to directly access loan applications. Business owners can also reach out to a call-in center at (833)-238-4450 for help from loan counselors trained in completing Small Business Administration (SBA) applications.

There’s also a Small Business Resilience Toolkit to provide business owners with a directory of resources to navigate existing financial support for both small business entities and their employees. 

For additional assistance applying for a City, SBA or Federal financial program, please contact a BusinessSource Center near you.

Is there guidance for restaurants that want to reopen with outdoor dining? 

To help restaurants that want to reopen while allowing customers and employees to maintain proper physical distance, the City has temporarily relaxed the rules that regulate outdoor dining. 

Through L.A. Al Fresco, the City is offering temporary no-cost allowances for restaurants to provide outdoor dining on sidewalks and private property, including parking lots, as well as curbside and in-street dining. Eligible restaurants will immediately receive approval for outdoor dining on sidewalks and private property, including parking lots. LADOT will review applications for curbside dining areas, lane closures, and street closures and respond to the applicant as soon as possible.

Outdoor dining is temporarily not allowed as of November 25, 2020. However, restaurants are still encouraged to submit applications for curbside and in-street dining for LADOT to review in preparation for when the program resumes. 

Restaurants in the City of Los Angeles can receive additional information and apply for L.A. Al Fresco here.

Does the City offer loans or grants to business owners?

The City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County partnered with institutional and corporate philanthropy to create the LA Regional COVID-19 Fund. The fund offers loan and grant resources to micro-entrepreneurs, small businesses, and nonprofits.

The grants are issued in six total rounds, with two additional rounds exclusive to certain business types - large nonprofits and street vendors. There are no application rounds open at this time. If an applicant applied during rounds 4, 5, or 6, they should continue to monitor email to learn if they have been selected as a finalist. 

The Regional Fund targeted over 7,000 businesses offering over $100 million in grant assistance for the region’s most vulnerable small businesses, micro-entrepreneurs and nonprofits.Please visit LACOVIDFund.org/Grants to learn more about the Regional Fund and eligibility requirements.

For help applying for City programs, Small Business Administration and/or Federal financial assistance, please contact a BusinessSource Center near you.

Additionally, the Small Business Resilience Toolkit provides business owners with a directory of resources to navigate existing financial support for both small business entities and their employees. 

Please note that the City’s eviction protection applies to commercial tenants who are unable to pay rent as a result of circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Commercial tenants in the City of Los Angeles cannot be evicted and will have three months following the expiration of the local emergency period to repay any back due rent.

Outdoor Activities

How can I stay safe while exercising?

You should maintain 6 feet of distance from other people when you are exercising outside your home. You are required to wear a face covering when you leave your home and will be near other people.

Is there a way to slow down traffic in my neighborhood to make it safer for people to exercise?

Yes. To temporarily calm traffic on some neighborhood streets and create space for Angelenos to walk, run, and bike, Mayor Garcetti launched Slow Streets L.A. This program allows for “active use” only and prohibits people from gathering, barbecuing, or playing games that involve physical contact of any kind. As always, you are expected to maintain at least six feet of distance at all times and required to wear a face covering while engaging in active recreation.

Neighborhood Councils and community organizations can find more information and apply for Slow Streets L.A here. A lead organization in each participating community will monitor day-to-day operations of the program, working closely with LADOT and Streets L.A. to ensure compliance with all health and safety guidelines. Local traffic and parking for residents is still allowed on the streets of each neighborhood participating in the program.

Are the City’s parks and recreation centers open?

Parks (except for playgrounds) remain open during regular park hours for walking, hiking, and running. Dog parks are open and golf courses are open for reservations. All public hiking trails and trailheads in the City of Los Angeles are open (subject to capacity limitations and parking restrictions) with the exception of the Wisdom Tree Trail, which remains closed until further notice.

Please be sure to keep at least six feet between yourself and others. You are also required to wear a face covering whenever you are near other people.

Gatherings must continue to be limited to members of a single household. 

You can find a complete list of what is open here.

Is the L.A. River open for recreation?

Two recreation zones along the L.A. River are open for walking, biking, fishing, and bird watching. If you visit the L.A. River, you are required to follow physical distancing protocols and wear a face covering if you’re near other people.

Water activities like kayaking are not permitted and swimming remains prohibited as always. 

You can find more information about public access points and the latest news about the L.A. River here

Are public trails and trailheads open?

All public hiking trails and trailheads in the City of Los Angeles are open (subject to capacity limitations and parking restrictions) with the exception of the Wisdom Tree Trail, which remains closed until further notice.  Visitors will be required to maintain physical distancing and wear a face covering when they are outside their homes and near other people. Monitoring will be in place.

Are the beaches open?

Yes. If you go to the beach, you must wear a face covering at all times, except when you are in the water. You must also maintain six feet of distance from others. Organized sports and gatherings are not allowed. The piers at Venice and Cabrillo remain closed.

Food and Supplies

Can grocery stores and other food retailers remain open?

Yes. Grocery stores, water retailers, produce stands, supermarkets, food banks, convenience stores, and similar food retail establishments are encouraged to remain open to provide food to the public. 

When visiting these establishments, please help retailers maintain at least six feet minimum distance between patrons, including by providing ample space while shopping and waiting in line. You are required to wear a cloth face covering when you are outside your home.

Are sidewalk vendors allowed to continue operations?

Food vendors with a valid health permit issued by the County Department of Public Health are under the same restrictions as restaurants and, therefore, are allowed to continue operations, as long as they comply with physical distancing requirements for customers waiting to order or pick up food. Merchandise (non-food) vendors are under the same restrictions as non-essential retail. 

StreetsLA is paying extra attention to sidewalk vending activities to reduce incidents of people congregating, as well as to enforce distancing requirements and ensure that food vendors have valid health permits.

Can I still get deliveries from local businesses and online stores?

Yes. The mail and other delivery services can continue to function, as can food delivery services. Just be sure to wear a face covering and keep six feet between you and the person making your delivery.

Can I go shopping for things other than food/groceries?

You should shop only for essential items. You can find a list of businesses allowed to operate on the Business Toolkits web page.

You are required to wear a face covering whenever you leave your home and are near other people, including when you visit a retail business or pick up an order curbside or doorside.

Can I go to a bar/nightclub/theater?

No. Entertainment venues like these are not permitted to be open during this Order.

Is it safe to order takeout and delivery?

According to the CDC, it is not likely that COVID-19 can be transmitted through food. It may be possible to be infected with COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes, but this is not recognized as the primary mechanism of spreading the virus.

According to the FDA, no evidence currently exists to suggest food packaging is associated with transmission of the novel coronavirus. You can wipe down a product’s packaging, but the FDA notes this is an extra precaution.

You are much more likely to be exposed to coronavirus through close contact with someone who has the virus. And ordering from your favorite local restaurant is a great way to support small businesses during this crisis.

Can I go to the bank?

Yes, but avoid unnecessary trips.

Can I go out to do laundry or have my laundry done?

Yes. You are required to wear a face covering.

Can I get my hair cut or styled at a beauty salon or barbershop?

Yes, provided that your salon or barbershop is in compliance with the City’s “Targeted Safer at Home” Order and the L.A. County Department of Public Health’s safety protocols.


Can I go to the gym or health club?

Yes, provided that your gym or health club is conducting activity outdoors and in compliance with the City’s “Targeted Safer at Home” Order and the L.A. County Department of Public Health’s safety protocols.

Can I go to a vet or pet hospital if my pet is sick?

Yes. Please call first to determine if there are any restrictions in place.

Am I able to take my pet to be groomed?

Yes. Pet grooming and training retail businesses and mobile services are allowed to operate. You cannot enter the business, however, and will need to drop off and pick up your pet outside the store, or home if a mobile service.

Are funeral homes and mortuaries open?

Yes. The work performed by funeral home workers and morticians is considered essential under the order.

What if my plumbing gets stopped up? How will I access essential services for my home?

Call your plumber or building manager. This Order allows service providers like plumbers, electricians, carpenters, exterminators and building managers to keep working and providing their services to the public. To obtain supplies for a DIY solution, you can also visit hardware stores, which are allowed to stay open under the Order.

Is my favorite restaurant, cafe, coffee shop, etc. still open?

Restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops are allowed to open for delivery and pick up. Restaurants are closed for all in-person indoor and outdoor dining. Customers and employees are required to wear a face covering.

Bars, breweries, and pubs that sell alcoholic drinks without serving food at the same time are closed.

How can I access free or reduced price meals for myself or my family?

CalFresh, California's food stamps (SNAP) program, provides food assistance to eligible low-income households. To learn more about eligibility and apply for this program, visit the L.A. County Department of Public Social Services' website. You can also find additional food resources on our resource page, as well as through the County’s 211 FoodFinder Map here.

Are farmers markets open?

Yes, farmers markets are open and required to limit occupancy to 50% of outdoor capacity per LA County DPH. For a complete list of farmers markets that have been approved to resume operations, including their locations and days of operation, see StreetsLA.LACity.org/COVID. You are required to wear a face covering when you shop at a farmers market. To find farmers markets that accept CalFresh, WIC, and Market Match, visit ecologycenter.org/fmfinder

On March 30th, Mayor Garcetti required all certified farmers markets in Los Angeles to submit revised operational plans to the Bureau of Street Services for approval. The requirements for farmers markets to resume operations are available at StreetsLA.LACity.org/COVID.

Can I go to the store (grocery store, market, corner store, food bank, etc.)?

Yes, you can go to the store to buy food, drinks, and goods for yourself, for those in your home, and for anyone else that needs help. This also includes medical supplies at a pharmacy and supplies at a hardware store. When out of your house always maintain six feet of distance from other people. You are required to wear a cloth face covering any time you visit an essential business.

Health Care and Caregiving

Is support available for people who are feeling anxious or depressed due to COVID-19?

Yes. If you are looking for support, you can call the L.A. County Mental Health Services 24/7 help line at (800) 854-7771 or, if you prefer texting, you can start a conversation with a trained counselor by texting “L.A.” to 741741.

More information and resources are available in multiple languages can be found on the L.A. County Department of Mental Health.

The LA Warmline is another source for confidential telephone support between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. at (855) 952-9276.

And, through a County partnership with Headspace, L.A. County residents have free access to their mindfulness and wellbeing platform for the rest of the year. The free Headspace subscription includes access to hundreds of guided meditations in English and Spanish, as well as movement and sleep exercises to help manage stress, fear and anxiety related to COVID-19. You can learn more and sign up here.

Can partners be present in the delivery room for childbirth during the COVID-19 crisis?

At this time, it varies by hospital. The L.A. County Department of Public Health recommends that healthcare facilities follow CDC guidance around pregnancy and delivery, which state that a limited number of visitors should be in the room.

Can I still seek non-essential medical care like eye exams, teeth cleaning, elective procedures?

Some non-essential health care visits are allowed with County protocols in place. Call your provider to learn more. You can also visit the County’s website here where you will find more details about what non-essential medical services are allowable.

Can I leave home to care for elderly parents, friends, or family members who need assistance?

Yes. You are permitted to provide care or get supplies for loved ones. Be sure that you follow physical distancing guidelines and maintain at least 6 feet of distance when possible, wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, and cough or sneeze into a tissue. You are also required to wear a cloth face covering to keep your respiratory droplets to yourself whenever you are outside your home and will be near other people.

Can I visit loved ones in a hospital, nursing home, skilled nursing or other facility?

Generally no. There are limited exceptions, such as if you are going to the hospital with a minor who is under 18 or someone who is developmentally disabled and needs assistance. For most other situations, the Order prohibits non-necessary visitation to these kinds of facilities. If you need more information, please contact the facility directly by phone. This is difficult, but necessary in order to protect hospital staff and other patients.

Education and Child Care

How can students get meals when schools are closed?

Los Angeles Unified School District, in partnership with the Red Cross, will continue to provide nutritious meals to all students who need them during the temporary school closures. There are currently 63 Grab & Go Food Centers open weekdays from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Each child can take home two nutritious meals. Find the center nearest to you here.

What resources are available to help me care for my kids?

Many options and resources are available to families in need of childcare during the COVID-19 crisis.

For elementary and middle school aged kids, the L.A. Department of Recreation and Parks is providing supervised spaces at their Alternative Learning Centers for students to log on to classes. The program is offered for free at 50 sites, and there is a fee at ten locations. Families who would like to enroll in the program at a fee-based site that cannot afford to pay the fee can request a fee waiver. To learn more or enroll, families can visit LAParks.org.

The County has issued $15 million and the City has added an additional $10 million for low wage essential workers to assist with child care costs.


If my child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or is an English Learner, can they return to school?

In accordance with L.A. County Department of Public Health policy, beginning September 14, 2020, K-12 schools may offer in-school services for a small stable cohort of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or English Learners (ELs) needing assessments and/or specialized in school services with priority given to students with disabilities.

The number of students on campus that could be served in person is limited. In order to offer this kind of support, individual school districts (such as LAUSD), charter schools, and private schools must submit plans to and receive approval from the L.A. County Department of Public Health. At this time, LAUSD is not offering this support district-wide. For more information, check in with your child's school or school district. 

Are childcare facilities allowed to operate?

Childcare facilities may only operate if they comply with the conditions of the Order as they related to child care as well as guidance from the CDC and the State. Among these conditions, children must be cared for in groups of 12 or fewer, groups of children may not mix with each other, and staff may not circulate between groups.


Is LAX open during the pandemic? Can I travel during the holidays?

Yes, LAX is open. However, airlines have reduced domestic and international flights as they deal with reduced demand and travel restrictions. 

Los Angeles County is asking that all residents avoid all non-essential travel and stay within 120 miles from their place of residence unless they are traveling for essential purposes. "Non-essential travel" includes travel that is considered tourism or recreational in nature.

Anyone arriving in or returning to L.A. County from other states or countries must self-quarantine for 10 days after arrival -- unless you routinely cross state or country borders solely for essential travel.

Anyone traveling through LAX, including for essential travel, is required to wear a face covering. You can find more information on the steps LAX is taking to keep travelers and employees safe here.

All individuals over the age of 16 traveling into the City of Los Angeles from another state or country must complete and submit an online traveler form upon arrival, acknowledging that they have read and understood both L.A. County’s travel advisory and the State of California’s travel advisory. Failure to submit the form is punishable by a fine of up to $500. The travel form and travel advisory are available at Travel.LACity.org.

Is LADOT Transit still running?

Yes. While LADOT Transit service is modified, it is still operating and serving Angelenos.

All passengers on LADOT buses, including DASH, Commuter Express, and CityRide, are required to wear a face covering.

To support physical distancing, LADOT Transit is limiting the number of passengers allowed on DASH buses at any one time. 30-foot buses are limited to 10 passengers and 35-foot buses are limited to 12 passengers. Customers must board and exit DASH buses, which are free, through the rear door only - unless access to the mobility device ramp is required.

You can find the most up-to-date information on LADOT Transit here.

What is the City doing to clean and disinfect public spaces?

Metro has increased its cleaning efforts at major transit hubs such as Union Station, with a special focus on high touch-point areas like handrails, elevator call buttons, and ticket vending machines. Additionally, some station entrances have been closed to reduce the number of touch points passengers come in contact with.

Buses and trains are cleaned at least once per day with Environmental Protection Agency-approved disinfectants. Metro is reviewing cleaning protocols and will update them as recommended.

Metro is also installing sanitation stations and hand sanitizer dispensers at major transit stops and stations in order to allow riders to wash their hands. Metro is also installing signs that describe what individuals can do to reduce risk of exposure to the virus.

Additionally, StreetsLA has doubled cleanings for transit shelters, increasing from twice per week to four times per week.

At LAX, crews clean the public areas and restrooms at least once per hour using virus and bacteria-killing disinfectants. High touch areas such as elevators, escalators, trash and recycling cans, kiosk touch screens, water fountains, seating areas, hand and grab rails, doorknobs, counters, restroom fixtures, and others are sanitized with an EPA approved, hospital grade cleaning product. LAX also coordinates with its contracting partners to ensure that all cleaning crews are following the same cleaning protocols.

Can I use ride share, on demand service, or a taxi?

These services should only be used for essential travel. You should avoid being in a vehicle with many other people, especially those who live outside of your household. When such transportation is absolutely necessary, you are required to wear a face covering, and should abide by other safety protocols, such as covering your mouth and nose if you cough or sneeze, and using hand sanitizer or washing your hands before and after rides. 

Airlines, taxis, and other private transportation providers are necessary for essential activities and are expressly authorized in the “Targeted Safer at Home” Order.

Can I take public transportation (bus, subway, train)?

Yes, for essential travel. Public transit will continue to operate on a modified schedule. When using public transit, you are required to wear a face covering.

Also, please note that all individuals over the age of 16 traveling into the City of Los Angeles from another state or country must complete and submit online a traveler form upon arrival, acknowledging that they have read and understood the State of California’s travel advisory. Failure to submit the form is punishable by a fine of up to $500. The travel form and travel advisory are available at Travel.LACity.org.

Are Metro buses and trains still running?

Yes, but with service adjustments based on lower demand. Metro bus and rail is operating under a modified schedule.

All riders of the Metro bus and rail system are required to wear a face covering. Customers must board and exit Metro buses through the rear door only. The front door will remain available to riders with wheelchairs and those who need the wheelchair ramp.

You can find the most up-to-date information, including adjusted timetables, here.


Are residents of the City of Los Angeles who are experiencing homelessness exempt from the Order’s requirement for all residents to remain in their homes?

Yes, residents of the City of Los Angeles who are experiencing homelessness are exempt from this requirement. 

The City is working, along with partner government agencies and non-governmental organizations, to make more emergency shelters available for the unhoused residents of our City. City of Los Angeles officials and contracted partners responsible for homelessness outreach are making every reasonable effort to persuade such residents to accept, if offered, temporary housing or shelter, as the Health Officer of the County of Los Angeles recommends that sheltering individuals will assist in reducing the spread of the virus and will protect the individual from potential exposure by allowing individual access to sanitation tools.

What can I do to help an unhoused Angeleno in need of services?

If you see someone on the street who could benefit from a visit from an outreach worker, please use the LA-HOP outreach portal to request a visit, and LAHSA will dispatch a specialized team to their location.

And if you encounter any individual, housed or unhoused, who is experiencing life threatening complications like shortness of breath, please call 911.

Is it safe to conduct volunteer and service opportunities to support homeless Angelenos?

Yes, we know this is the time when we want to go and show love and compassion for our unhoused neighbors. Please be mindful that our efforts do more good than harm. As we are still in an extremely sensitive place in the fight against COVID-19 we want to offer the a few tips:

  1. Connect with a local service provider to plan for your outreach or service event.
  2. Ask any members of your groups who may be ill, recently ill or had recent travel to sit this opportunity out.
  3. Have face coverings, gloves and hand sanitizer for every member of your group.
  4. Keep your volunteer group to a minimum of 5-8 volunteers.
  5. Identify a volunteer responsible for maintaining social distancing in your receiving lines.
  6. Distribute pre-packaged goods and resources

We have been fortunate to keep the contraction rate among our unhoused neighbors low. Help us to continue on this path.

What is being done to protect unhoused Angelenos?

Project Room Key (PRK) is a collaborative effort by the State, the County, and the City of Los Angeles, as well as LAHSA and non-profit service providers, that supplies temporary emergency shelter in hotel and motel rooms for vulnerable people experiencing homelessness. The program focuses on serving individuals who are 65 years of age or older or who have underlying health conditions, as they are at increased risk of serious illness or death due to COVID-19. The program provides people experiencing homeless with a way to heed the County Health Order to stay inside and be protected from the spread of this virus.

The City has provided free COVID-19 testing kits to shelters, clinics, and healthcare providers serving unhoused Angelenos to ensure that our unhoused neighbors have access to this critical resource. The City also conducts wellness and COVID-19 testing at homeless encampments, as does the L.A. County Department of Health Services. 

Additionally, the City has deployed hundreds of portable toilets and handwashing stations near homeless encampments to expand homeless Angelenos' access to hygiene resources.

How to Help

How can nonprofits join the City’s online directory?

Nonprofits working to provide services during this pandemic that need volunteers can join the City’s new Nonprofit Directory by visiting VolunteerLA. Click on the “Nonprofit Directory” tab in the header. From there, go to “About” then “Getting Started.” You will then be prompted with instructions on how to register your agency. Please note this is for nonprofits that need volunteers and you will be prompted to input your EIN.

How can I volunteer to help Angelenos impacted by this crisis?

To find ways to help during this crisis, visit our How to Help page.

How can I offer financial support to Angelenos impacted by this crisis?

The L.A. Emergency COVID-19 Crisis Fund was created by The Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles to provide relief to families and small businesses impacted by the crisis, support and protect healthcare workers and first responders, shelter uhhoused neighbors, and strengthen the City's capacity to respond to emergency needs and plan for long-term recovery.