Rob Hope  


Maker. Surfer. Optimist. 🔥 Landing Page "Hot Tips" Ebook now on sale! Having fun building:

Cape Town, South Africa
Vrijeme pridruživanja: svibanj 2008.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    26. svi 2020.

    Leading up to my Landing Page course, here are 100 Landing Page hot tips over the next 100 days. Simply follow this thread 👇 or get em dripped to email: 🔥 Landing Page Hot Tip #01 - Utilize testimonials to further highlight features & answer doubts:

    Utilize testimonials to further highlight features & answer doubt
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  2. prije 6 sati
  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 10 sati

    If you're like me, you have too many side-project ideas and struggle to pick one. Use this method by to validate your ideas and build momentum to work on them.

  4. 26. svi

    🥳 This (100-thread) Tweet turns 1 today and I must say the "snackable" hot tips aged pretty well! I'm busy working on an extensive debrief how this Tweet turned into an unexpected Ebook. And for those that grabbed the Ebook, thank you! It really changed my life for the good <3

  5. 24. svi

    Darshan was also a legend to timestamp everything if you want to jump into a specific topic... like cricket 🏏😅

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  6. 24. svi

    ICYMI: I had an extensive chat with about how my Ebook has done while sharing the experimental promo ideas that actually worked. We also cover some Landing Page tips, side project monetization ideas and more fun indie hacking stories.

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  7. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    24. svi

    We are excited to announce the ⚡release of Lineicons 3.0 👇 ✨ V3 Highlights: ------------------------------- - All Icons Redesigned from Scratch - Improved Icon Gallery with Basic Editor [Beta] - Pro CDN Lineicons Pro Users

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  8. 24. svi

    Kicking the week off with a brilliant (AI powered) color inspiration tool: 🌈 That switcher btw color, gradient, image, stacked and text is so well done (and I must shout-out that integration, AI is not cheap and this is tasteful, respect).

    Khroma color inspiration
  9. 21. svi

    New blog: 🚫🎙I discontinued the Yo! Podcast supporters club and cancelled the recurring subscriptions. It was a healthy experiment for me as I got to interact with wonderfully supportive people but also learn a lot about myself. Here are 3 takeaways:

  10. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    9. ožu

    Oh Bird Lore font... I promise I will start working on you again... soon...

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  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    18. svi

    New video w/ is out now 🔥 We talk about Rob's long history with landing pages, side-projects, podcasts, curation & making a living online as an independent maker. Rob also shares some practical tips to create high-performing landing pages.

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  12. 17. svi
  13. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    11. svi

    Teamed up with & Notion Everything to offer an exclusive $29 deal of the Landing Page Hot Tips Ebook for Notion lovers 💝 Here is a short vid walkthrough of the native features:

    Prikaži ovu nit razgovora
  14. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. svi

    🚀 opens for enrollment again on June 21, 2021

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  15. 11. svi

    FAQ: do I need a premium Notion acc? - No, simply duplicate the Ebook to your free acc FAQ: does this purchase include the Rich-Media version + PDF + Kindle + Audiobook + Checklists? - Yes, Yebo, Ya, Yeah, Oui

    Notion Ebook overview
    Notion Ebook overview
    Prikaži ovu nit razgovora
  16. 6. svi

    Shout-out for this very useful online 16:9 Twitter image filler 🙏 (after a few tests I'd suggest adding ~20% dark overlay on the Blur feature)

  17. 6. svi

    ✈️ Germany, England, Belgium, South Africa, Latvia, Northern Ireland

  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    5. svi

    New Website Inspiration: Lovely browser tab load animation as you begin scrolling this launching soon page for - an upcoming browser built for speed. Typeface: Codec, Roboto →

  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    2. svi

    Conversation b/w & 💡One of the best learnings was, how to make yourself accountable for a particular goal by announcing it publicly: "I announced it on Twitter about 100 hot tips in 100 days" PS: the secret to this background

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    2. svi

    Working on a Landing Page or dabbling in Side Projects? Join & me online today (Sunday) where we discuss Landing Page tips and Side Project stories. 🎟Register free: →

    Landing Page Tips + Side Project Advice

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