Virtual LibrePlanet is full of space to explore!
LibrePlanet 2021 is about to deliver a program bursting with something for everyone in the free software movement, from inquisitive newcomers to hardcore developers. There are tons of activities happening at and around LibrePlanet in the Free Software Foundation (FSF)'s online spaces this year, and we want to tell you all about them. Register now, and don't miss out!
In the past weeks, we announced that digital fabrication expert and scholar Nadya Peek and Guardian Project's Nathan Freitas will be joining copyright reform activist Julia Reda as this year's conference keynotes. The last keynote will feature FSF president Geoffrey Knauth and executive director John Sullivan, leading into the annual presentation of the Free Software Awards.
If you missed it, the schedule is now online, and if you're anything like us, you'll have a hard time making decisions about which talks to attend and which to view later when the videos are posted online!
The event will be livestreamed for everyone at, but your registration helps us greatly in the planning of the event. If you register, you get access to the virtual conference space and hallway track, where you will be able to meet our exhibitors, have a chat with other visitors, play Minetest, join in the Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions organized by community members, and more.
We are currently hard at work building online spaces that will be easy to navigate, will create a social experience, and will integrate as many fun things as possible. All platforms, streaming, and recording will also be completely free (as in freedom).
If you're able to, please consider registering for a fee. It will give you some great perks, like access to our special trivia quiz, where you can win great prizes, and it will support our organization and resources needed for the event. It will also give you a better shot at getting into the limited access workshops that are now open for registration.
If you would like to participate even more, consider one of the following:
Lightning talks
We have one session reserved for our popular five-minute lightning talks by conference attendees about their free software passions.
You do not have to register to now submit your five-minute pre-recorded video. We encourage you to submit your talk well in advance to secure its place: you can upload your video today by using the instructions on the LibrePlanet wiki.
Birds of a Feather meeting (BoF)
Have a BoF you'd like to organize? Register for the event, and add your idea for a social meetup on the LibrePlanet wiki. When you do, please email, so we can coordinate with you on how to best use our platform. Together, we can make sure everyone knows how to find your session.
Associate member meeting
FSF associate members get gratis registration to the LibrePlanet conference at a higher perk level, and are invited to the annual associate member meeting, where you can join your fellow associate members for a session providing feedback and input to the FSF.
If you want to participate, we encourage you to join today to share your thoughts on the FSF, the free software movement, and what you want to see more of in the future. This event is organized by associate members with the support of the FSF, and notes from the meeting will be shared with FSF staff.
Registering at the Supporter level gives you access to attend the LibrePlanet 2021 workshops, which are now open for signup. Because of the limited capacity and highly interactive nature of the workshops, you will need to register for them separately, and we will have to check registration on entry of the event. Did you miss out on your spot? Let us know, and we will keep you in mind if a space opens up.
Start brushing up on your free software knowledge as well, because another fun Supporter level perk is access to the trivia quiz, where you can win some fantastic prizes, while learning more about the history of the movement.
LibrePlanet needs volunteers -- maybe you!
Over the years, LibrePlanet has grown in size and scope, and its continued success is thanks to the dozens of volunteers who help prepare for and run the conference. Volunteering is a great way to get access to the event, and to meet fellow community members and contribute to LibrePlanet. If you are interested in volunteering for LibrePlanet 2021, email
Seeking sponsors
LibrePlanet cannot exist without the support of the community. If you or your company would like to sponsor or exhibit at LibrePlanet, please email
To facilitate a great opportunity for our sponsors and exhibitors, we are simulating a hallway experience. We forked the latest free version of WorkAdventure to design a game-like experience where people can navigate freely and bump into each other to chat, and participants can have an impromptu conversation.
Your support will help sustain, energize, and inspire the free software community. Sponsoring provides you with the unique opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to free software, and engage with hundreds of legal and policy experts, developers, students, activists, free software and technology enthusiasts, and potential employees.
You're also welcome on the libreplanet-discuss mailing list. It's great for planning other events on the weekend of the conference, and also for participating in the conversation around free software events and issues.
See you at LibrePlanet!
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