A meeting of the board of the Open Knowledge Foundation Limited took place at 15 Lloyd Square, London, WC1X 9AJ at 6:30pm on the 11th December 2012.

Introductions and apologies

Attending in person:   Rufus Pollock, Martin Keegan, James Casbon, Jane Silber. Paula le Dieu

Attending remotely:  Becky Hogge

Observers attending in person: Laura James, Marcus Dapp, Jonathan Gray, Martin Tisne (Omidyar)

Apologies:  Gavin Starks, Stephen King (Omidyar observer), Ben Laurie

Approval of minutes from previous meeting

The minutes were approved and the actions from the previous meeting reviewed.

Review and approval of management accounts

The accounts were discussed and approved.

The idea of a board finance committee to review accounts etc, was raised.

Review of draft accounts for 2011-12

The draft accounts were reviewed and it was agreed that Laura James should discuss the handling of grant income as regards corporation tax with another accountant.

Discussion of Board strategy/aims as regards composition of board

The structure of the board and skills needs were discussed. This will be explored further in 2013.  

Strategy Discussion

Marcus Dapp presented a strategy deck which was discussed. Decision-making practices were also discussed.

Operating plan update
Laura James presented the operating plan and update.  

Discussion of Directors and Officers Insurance

It was agreed that the insurance should be taken up.


The question of a Finance committee was discussed.    James Casbon will step up as finance champion in the interim and work with the executive team.

The Board is invited to OKF Summit, Cambridge, Jan 31st - February 3rd.

The new organisational chart was shared.

Rufus Pollock presented an update on the roles within the executive team.