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Since 1981 our work has been vital to the infrastructure of our modern world. Network Time Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public benefit organization, develops, produces and maintains the most widely-used open-source precision time software. Secure and reliable timekeeping is essential to record keeping in all industries, from financial to medical and beyond. Without us and our projects, the flow of information to your devices would slow or even stop.

"Thanks for keeping everything in sync!"
Brian Naylor

Our Purpose

Our Vision:

Leading the delivery of accurate and precise time to connected devices around the world.

Our Mission:

To sustainably cultivate and promote research, educational, and development programs which keep the state of delivered accurate time in step with both the latest advances in technology  and the needs of our consumers.


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Q4 2020 – Initiatives & Accomplishments
Q4 2020 was a productive final quarter for the year.  ...

From the Blog

P15 Has Spread Its Wings And Embarked In Flight!
The NTP Project at Network Time Foundation publicly released ntp-4.2.8p15 ...