Welcome to  — supporting free and open source communities since 1998

We have changed the organisational structure of freenode a bit. The new structure will be slightly more compact, based on 3 main teams and team internal roles. Decisions affecting all of freenode will be taken by staff as a whole, while specific tasks are mostly taken care of by the corresponding teams and their members. You can find out more about the teams and their area of expertise under the people.

There are interesting times ahead, collaborating with our colleagues from OFTC we will switch to a new, tailored ircd called solanum.

Detailed information on this and how you can test it and help out will follow in a separate blog post soon.

Despite the new organisation, our daily operations and goals stay the same. Together we are freenode; a network, a service, a community for free and open source software, peer directed projects and all the people working together for broadly licensed, easy to access code, information and knowledge.