Air an 22mh den Ghiblean 2013 ghabh Fèis Drama Dheugairean àite ann an Talla Cluiche One Touch ann an Eden Court. B’ e Baile Dhubhthaich, Inbhir Nis agus Inbhir Pheofharain na trì buidhnean dràma a bha an sàs ann. Chaidh seo a chuir air dòigh airson dràma Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh ann an sgoiltean. Thàinig cleasaiche Gàidhlig gu gach sgoil gach seachdainn airson na piosan dràma a chruthachadh. Air an latha thàinig na trì buidhnean còmhla airson a ruith thairis air na pìosan teigneòlach agus air an dràma gu lèir. Chuir Club Drama Òigridh Inbhir Pheofharain pìos dràma air dòigh leis an ainm Reulag/ Little Star. B’ e Sarah Kate NicIllinnein (S3), Rachel Kellow (S3), Rosie Shepherd (S3), Josie Chaimbeul (S2), Sam McCourt (S2), agus Michael Bentley (S1) na sgoilearan a bha an sàs anns an drama.
Le Rachel Kellow A.S 3
On the 22nd of April a Gaelic youth drama festival was held in the One Touch Theatre in Eden Court. Three schools were involved in the event, Tain Royal Academy, Inverness Royal Academy and Dingwall Academy. The event was held as part of an initiative to promote Gaelic drama in schools and it is hoped there will be many more Gaelic drama events to come. Representing Dingwall Gaelic Drama group in a play they wrote themselves (Reulag -Little Star) were Sarah Kate MacLennan, Rosie Shepherd and Rachel Kellow in S3, Josie Campbell and Sam McCourt in S2 and last but definitly not least, Michael Bentley in S1
Rosie Shepherd S3