Airbnb is for everybody

Here’s how we’re building a more accessible Airbnb

Here’s how we’re building a more accessible Airbnb

What we’re working towards

We want to make travel more inclusive and accessible for everyone. This work is never done, but here’s how we’re taking it on so far.

We want to make travel more inclusive and accessible for everyone. This work is never done, but here’s how we’re taking it on so far.

Improved accuracy

Guests with mobility needs rely on photos to make sure a listing will work for them. That’s why we require hosts to provide photos of every accessibility feature they have, and it’s why listings have a special section dedicated to showcasing these photos.

Digital accessibility standards

We’re working towards the digital accessibility standards laid out by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. We’re also investing in automated testing tools to help us catch more issues.

More listings with accessibility features

We’re working hard to get more listings with accessibility features on Airbnb, and we’re making them easier to find by improving our search features, including easier-to-use filters and better photos on the search results page.

Accessible experiences

More accessible Airbnb experiences—unique activities hosted by local experts—are on the way.

Tips for guests

We know finding a place to stay or an experience to book that meets your needs can be tough. Here are a few tips for making sure your trips go as smoothly as possible.

We know finding a place to stay or an experience to book that meets your needs can be tough. Here are a few tips for making sure your trips go as smoothly as possible.

Find the right place

Use the search filters to only show places or experiences that meet your accessibility needs. Once you’ve found a few listings, take a look at the 'Accessibility features' section of each listing for photos and descriptions of the features that matter to you.

Find the right place

Use the search filters to only show places or experiences that meet your accessibility needs. Once you’ve found a few listings, take a look at the 'Accessibility features' section of each listing for photos and descriptions of the features that matter to you.

Talk to potential hosts

If you have any special concerns, be sure to message the host before you book to make sure they can accommodate you. You can message potential hosts from the 'Contact host' link on their listing or experience page.

Talk to potential hosts

If you have any special concerns, be sure to message the host before you book to make sure they can accommodate you. You can message potential hosts from the 'Contact host' link on their listing or experience page.

Help other guests

What would you have wanted to know before you booked? Let guests with mobility needs know what to expect by writing a detailed review.

Help other guests

What would you have wanted to know before you booked? Let guests with mobility needs know what to expect by writing a detailed review.

Tips for hosts

Here are a few ways you can support guests with disabilities

Here are a few ways you can support guests with disabilities

Make your listing more accessible

You may not realize your listing already has accessibility features—like wide doorways—or that you can add some of these features without much effort or expense. Learn how you can support guests with mobility needs.

Make your listing more accessible

You may not realize your listing already has accessibility features—like wide doorways—or that you can add some of these features without much effort or expense. Learn how you can support guests with mobility needs.

Add accessibility photos

Adding photos of your accessibility features helps showcase your space to the 70,000+ guests with mobility needs who search on Airbnb every month. To get started, head to the Manage Your Space area for the listing you’d like to add accessibility features for. Be sure to write captions for each photo and check out our photo tips.

Add accessibility photos

Adding photos of your accessibility features helps showcase your space to the 70,000+ guests with mobility needs who search on Airbnb every month. To get started, head to the Manage Your Space area for the listing you’d like to add accessibility features for. Be sure to write captions for each photo and check out our photo tips.

Learn about assistance animals

Assistance animals help people with different types of disabilities, and Airbnb has policies that allow them in most circumstances. Learn how to support guests with assistance animals.

Learn about assistance animals

Assistance animals help people with different types of disabilities, and Airbnb has policies that allow them in most circumstances. Learn how to support guests with assistance animals.

Accessibility at Airbnb

Dedicated teams

Airbnb has teams focused on helping build products that everyone can use. Engineers and designers on these teams work to improve Airbnb’s design systems and to educate their peers as we learn from our community.

Ongoing research

We’re conducting research with people who have disabilities and regularly work with experts in the accessibility community to help us build Airbnb with accessibility in mind. Learn more about participating in a research study.

Frequently asked questions

How do I use search filters?

Use search filters to narrow down your choices when looking for a place to stay. You can use these filters to only show listings that have certain accessibility features. Learn more

How do I add accessibility features to my listing?

Adding accessibility features to your listing helps guests decide if they can safely and comfortably navigate your home. Learn more

How can I support guests with disabilities?

Your home may be more accessible than you think. Start by reviewing our list of accessibility features that you can add to your listing. Learn more

How can I become a host?

If you have a home or space with accessibility features, we’d love for you to become an Airbnb host. Learn about hosting