Support » Everything else WordPress » Changing height of footer

  • Resolved fredrickstraube


    I'm having trouble with a website I'm hosting - for some reason, the footer is going crazy in terms of it's height. After my footer widgets, there is a massive "blank" space with just the colour of the footer. I'm not sure when this occurred first, but I have tried to disable plugins and looking around the theme settings and so on without any success. It's the same problem on the entire website.
    It used to work just fine, but for some reason, the space appeared a few days ago. 
    I'm using Astra and Gutenberg if that makes any difference... 
    I'm not really sure what to do next, so any help is highly appreciated!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • it’s the sub-menu for Varumärken. it’s almost 2700px tall.


    Yes, that right the Nav-menu “Varumärken” have so many sub-menu which is causing this issues.

    I would suggest to instead create a special page for the products or Categories instead of using them in Menu.


    Thread Starter fredrickstraube



    You guys are right, I removed it and it solved the issues – thanks a lot!

    May I ask how you found the issue? Good to know for the future 🙂

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