Support » Fixing WordPress » Can’t change meta description

  • Resolved StaffanS


    I help one person with the site The site use BeTheme.
    Meta description is “Just another WordPress site” on every page. I have tried to change it in the meta description which is included in BeThemes editor. I have tried to use Yoast SEO and Easy Meta description. Nothing works. Someone who got an idea of what to do?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I can see two meta description tags on your homepage, both of which have the same content: “Vi kommer hem till dig.”

    Perhaps you’ve resolved this already? Or are you seeing a stale cache?

    Thread Starter StaffanS


    It seems like if the code have been stored in the cache for a long time. Now when I used a browser I never used on that site before I get the right result.
    Thank you.

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