Support » Fixing WordPress » Broken Top Menu page links not working

  • Resolved HostingHelper


    Greetings and salutation

    I have a website that is not broken after migrating hosting platforms. I moved the site to Plesk and used the latest version of WP (which I think is the issue), then migrated the site using prime mover and restored it; however, when I click on the pages on the top menu, I get a 404 error. The site is live, and the pages are visible as I use the default theme, twenty17. When first installing the new version of WP, the twenty17 theme is not present. I have to locate it and put it back, then activate it.

    I can view the pages to edit, etc., and it indicates that it’s published, so basically everything else workers, as intended; however, when viewing the website and using the top menu pages, the 404 error appears, so it looks like then links to the top menu in appearances, and the pages are disconnected.

    how do I restore the links, so the top menu pages are usable?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    Try re-saving your permalink structure at Settings > Permalinks in your Dashboard. If WordPress cannot automatically edit the .htaccess file, it will provide manual instructions after saving.

    Thread Starter HostingHelper


    thanks, it worked

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