Support » Fixing WordPress » Blogger importer doesn’t do anything

  • Resolved ciekals11


    (Page is hidden behind basic auth. I can provide login/password in pm)

    Blogger importer plugin doesn’t do anything. Like at all.
    I have found multiple tutorial that shows how to import data from blogger but every have same steps and none seems to work in my case.

    Export from blogger have 13MB
    upload size is set to 512MB

    I have tried enabling debug mode in wordpress and said plugin.
    Only one error shows up:
    “Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/blogger-importer/blogger-importer.php on line 231”
    because it tried to invoke foreach on $author variable which was in my case NULL.

    Before that foreach I have added “$authors = $authors ?? [];”
    But now it doesn’t throw any error and still doesn’t work

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Yui



    (Page is hidden behind basic auth. I can provide login/password in pm)

    there are no private messages.
    Also see forum guidelines

    Thread Starter ciekals11


    I figured it myself.
    Plugin for importing data from blogger import file was not prepared for files larger than 10MB. If the file was larger than 10MB it just stops without displaying any error even with debug constant set to TRUE.

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