
App resources for iOS and Android users


If you run into issues while using your WordPress app, we encourage you to visit the forums for troubleshooting help and to view other discussions that might be helpful. You can also provide feedback and requests for features, and weigh in on future development.

For iOS users, visit the WordPress for iOS Forums.

For Android users, visit the WordPress for Android Forums.


Here are some frequently asked questions. Jump straight to FAQs for iOS, Android, Desktop app, and Lightroom Plugin.

WordPress for iOS

  1. How do I connect my site?
  2. What if I don’t have a site, or don’t remember my password?
  3. What is the Reader?
  4. How can I manage my site?
  5. How do I make a new Post?
  6. How do I make a new Page?
  7. How can I add an image?
  8. How do I edit image metadata?
  9. Where are the rest of the post settings?
  10. Which version of WordPress does the App work with?
  11. Which devices will this work with?
  12. I get an “The site at this address is not a WordPress site” error message. What do I do ?
  13. I can’t upload photos/videos, I get a “Failed” error message. What do I need to do?
  14. My blog is located in a folder, and resolves to How do I add the blog?
  15. Can I adjust the size of photos uploaded from the app?
  16. I can save posts to local drafts but can’t figure out how to publish to the blog — what do I need to do?
  17. How do I delete a blog?
  18. I get an “XML-RPC Service are disabled on your blog”. How I can enable them on my blog?
  19. My Host Blocks XML-RPC Access! How do I fix that?
  20. Can I use SSL to encrypt the App communication?
  21. How to set up Stats via Jetpack?
  22. I can’t connect to my self-hosted site, what do I do?
  23. How do I send in debug logs from the app?
  24. With multiple sites how can I hide some of them in the list of my sites?

WordPress for Android

  1. How do I connect my site?
  2. What if I don’t have a site, or don’t remember my password?
  3. What is the Reader?
  4. How can I manage my site?
  5. How do I make a new Post?
  6. How do I make a new Page?
  7. Can I make my text fancy?
  8. How can I add an image?
  9. Where are the rest of the post settings?
  10. Which version of WordPress does the App work with?
  11. Which Android devices will this work with?
  12. How do I enable XML-RPC access to my site?
  13. My Host Blocks XML-RPC Access! How do I fix that?
  14. Can I reduce mobile data usage when uploading pictures from the app?
  15. Can I use stats with a self-hosted site?
  16. Adding a site is taking a long time or times out. How do I fix that?
  17. Why do I get a “connection refused” error when on the stats tab?
  18. Can I use SSL to encrypt the App communication?
  19. With multiple sites how can I hide some of them in the list of my sites? Desktop App

  1. What is the Desktop app?
  2. Can I use it to edit my self-hosted WordPress website, or is it only for
  3. How do I install this app?
  4. Mac OS X: Can I turn off the dock notification badge?
  5. I would like to report a bug. Where can I do that?
  6. Is the Desktop app open source?
  7. How do I uninstall the app?
  8. That answers all my questions! What’s next? Lightroom Plugin

  1. How do I install the Lightroom plugin?
  2. How do I export to my site?
  3. How do I connect my site?
  4. Can I use it on my self-hosted WordPress website? Add-on for Google Docs

  1. What is the Add-on for Google Docs?
  2. Can I use it to edit my self-hosted WordPress website, or is it only for
  3. How do I install the Google Docs Add-on?
  4. How do I publish my draft?
  5. How do I uninstall the add-on?
  6. How can I choose which Google account the add-on gets added to?
  7. When I try to add my site I get an error saying “Someone may be trying to trick you into giving them access to your site.”

WordPress for iOS

Getting Started

  1. How do I connect my site?
    To access a site hosted with or connected to through the Jetpack plugin, log in with your credentials. After clicking on the Login button, enter the email address associated with your account. From there you can either choose to receive a login link to be sent to your email address, or click on the link for “enter your password instead” to use your password to login.  See the login procedure below:
    To access a blog that is self-hosted, select “Log in by entering your site address” then enter your site address.  Finally enter your username and password to access your site.You can add additional blogs to your app at any time by selecting the “My Sites” icon and tapping the “Switch Site” link in the top left.You will see a  “+” icon in the top right, tap on that and select which type of site you want add.”Create site” will create a new site on your account and “Add self-hosted site” will let you connect to another self-hosted site.Each of these blogs can be managed independently through the app.
  2. What if I don’t have a site, or don’t remember my password?
    If your site is hosted on, you can reset your password here:
    If you have a self-hosted site, you can click the “Lost your password?” at the bottom of the login form you use to log into your site in a web browser.You can find more information about resetting your self-hosted site’s password here: you have any questions, please tell us your WordPress site address (URL) so we can take a closer look.
  3. What is the Reader?
    In addition to accessing your blog, you will see the Reader through the app. Your Reader displays all the posts from all the blogs you follow in the order they were published, with the most recent posts appearing at the top. You’ll see an excerpt and featured images from each one, and can tap to read the full post. You can also add blogs to your Reader, search and sort by tags, and much more! Select the ios-reader-icon icon in the bottom navigation bar to manage your Reader.
  4. How can I manage my site?
    To manage your site, select the “My Site” icon and choose the site you are ready to manage. From here you can add or edit blog posts, pages, and comments. You also have Admin access for any sites where you are an Admin and can view stats (for Jetpack and sites), edit general site settings, or access the Admin panel in a browser window.
  5. How do I make a new post?
    You can create a new post by selecting the icon in the bottom right corner from your site’s iOS Dashboard > Blog post.You can also create a post by selecting “Blog Posts” from your site’s iOS Dashboard, then tap the “+” icon in the upper right corner. Edit any post by selecting it from the “Blog Posts” screen.
  6. How do I make a new page?
    You can create a new page by selecting the icon in the bottom right corner from your site’s iOS Dashboard > Site page.You can also create a page by selecting “Site Pages” from your site’s iOS Dashboard, then tap the “+” icon in the upper right corner. You can edit any page by selecting it from the “Site Pages” screen
  7. How can I add an image?
    If you are using the classic editor, you can add an image to a post or page by clicking on the + button > Selecting the image > Clicking on insert. This will upload an image from your device to your Media Library. You can also select an image already in the Media Library on your site, take a new photo on your device, or access other options, such as the Free Photo Library, using the options next to the + button.

    If you are working with the WordPress mobile apps block editor, to add an image to your site click on the + button and then choose an image block. Once the block is added to your site click on ADD IMAGE and select where your image is stored to add it to your post.
  8. How do I edit image metadata?
    If you would like to turn off location data from media data you can do so in your Account Settings> App Settings. This will prevent such data from being uploaded. At this time you can not edit the metadata for your images directly in the block editor for the WordPress app. You can edit the image block settings, such as Size and Alt Text, by clicking on the gear icon in the lower right corner of the block.
    Screenshot of image block settings
    You can edit the image metadata from the media library of your device. To do this go to My Site > Media and select the image you want to change the metadata for.  Swipe down to the bottom of the page to see the metadata.
    Screenshot of metadata settings
  9. Where are the rest of the post settings?
    To view the post settings, when you are editing a post click on the 3 dots in the top right and select Post Settings to view the settings for that post.
  10. Which version of WordPress does the app work with?
    We make sure the app works with the current and two previous versions of WordPress. Earlier versions are not supported, but most features may still work.
  11. Which devices will this work with?
    The app works with any device that is running iOS version 11 or greater.
  12. When I try to add a self-hosted site, I get an “The site at this address is not a WordPress site” error message. What do I do?
    1. Ensure that you’ve typed in the URL correctly.
    2. If it’s correct, make sure XML-RPC services are enabled on the site.
    3. Verify that xmlrpc.php is functioning properly:
      1. Locate your RSD meta tag by viewing-source on your site. It will look similar to this:
      2. Next, follow the link,, and make sure it resolved to an XML file. Locate the WordPress API item:
      3. Lastly, load that apiLink value into your browser. If everything is setup correctly, you should see this message: “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.”
    4. Go to the W3C Markup Validator and type in the URL of your WordPress site. If you get a response such as “… one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as UTF-8,” that is most likely what is causing the app to have trouble with your site.
    5. Switch your site to the default theme, deactivate any plugins, and try again, to help pin down where the problem is. If everything works, enable your theme and try again. If everything still works, reactivate each plugin one at a time reconnecting each time, until you find the one that is causing the breakage.
    6. Turn on the Debug Mode to enable the extended log format, and check the log file.
  13. I can’t upload photos/videos — I get a “Failed” error message. What do I need to do?
    If you’re running WordPress 2.9.2 or later please be sure to add the following lines to your root .htaccess file:php_value memory_limit 128M
    php_value upload_max_filesize 128M
    php_value post_max_size 128M
    php_value max_execution_time 120
    (Additional info here.)
  14. My blog is located in a folder, and resolves to How do I add the blog?
    Type in the full URL when adding the blog, in this case,
  15. Can I adjust the size of photos uploaded from the app?
    You can choose whether to have photos resized for faster uploading and to save space on your site. On your site’s iOS Dashboard, you can click on your account profile image on the top right corner of your screen to head to your “Me” screen, tap “App Settings” and adjust the “Max Image Upload Size” slider to set the maximum height and width for uploaded photos.
  16. I can save posts to local drafts but can’t figure out how to publish to the blog — what do I need to do?
    To save your draft posts, go the My Site > Blog Posts > Drafts and select the post you want to publish.  Once editing your draft, click on the three dots in the top right of the page and select “Publish Now”
    You can also directly publish the draft post by clicking on the three dots next to the post name and then select “Publish Now”
  17. How do I delete a blog/site?

    To delete a site

    1. Go to My Site > Switch Site and select the site you want to delete
    2. Once the correct site is selected go to Settings and swipe to the bottom of the page to find delete site
    3. Enter your site address to confirm deleting your site.Self-hosted sites can not be deleted directly in the WordPress app, but you can remove the site from your app by going to My Site > Settings > Remove site.
  18. I get an “XML-RPC Service are disabled on your blog”. How I can enable them on my blog?
    Note: As of WordPress 3.5, XML-RPC is enabled by default. The following settings only apply to 3.4 or lower.

    1. Go to your blog and log in (/wp-admin).
    2. In the sidebar, open Settings and then select Writing.
    3. Under Remote Publishing, check the XML-RPC protocol checkbox.
    4. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
  19. My Host Blocks XML-RPC Access! How do I fix that?
    1. Rename your xmlrpc.php file to something different, but only change it after the ‘xmlrpc’. Ex: xmlrpc_wp.php.
    2. Install this plugin.
    3. Read the installation instructions and activate the plugin.
    4. Remove your blog from the app and re-add.
  20. Can I use SSL to encrypt the app communication?
    Yes. On sites, all communication (done over XML-RPC) is by default going to use an encrypted connection via SSL. For self-hosted WordPress sites with SSL enabled, WordPress 2.6.1 or later supports pointing the RSD information at the “https” version of xmlrpc.php, which creates an encrypted communication link with the app.
  21. How do I set up Stats via Jetpack?
    Jetpack is a plugin that connects to and enables awesome features like stats, powered by the cloud infrastructure. To view your self-hosted site’s stats:

    1. Install the Jetpack plugin on your site. To install, go to the Plugins > Add New in your dashboard, search for Jetpack, and click “Install Now.”
    2. Connect the plugin to a account. In the Jetpack tab in your dashboard, click the “Connect to” button and follow the directions.
    3. In the app, enter the credentials to the account connected to the Jetpack plugin. You can do this when prompted on the site’s Stats screen, or by logging in to that account in the app.
  22. I can’t connect to my self-hosted site. What do I do?
    If this guide to help you make the XMLRPC endpoint accessible didn’t help, you may be running a plugin that is blocking access.We have a running list of WordPress plugins that can break your site here: If you’re running any of these plugins, please disable them to see if that fixes the problem. If your plugin is not on the list but does make your site unreachable, please let us know and we’ll add it. Feel free to nudge the developers of the respective plugins to fix the connectivity issues!
  23. How do I send in debug logs from the app?
    1. Open the app.
    2. Tap the “Me” icon in the bottom navigation bar.
    3. Tap “Help & Support.”
    4. Enable “Extra Debug.”
    5. Exit the app, re-open it, and try to perform the actions causing difficulty.
    6. Go back to the Help & Support screen.
    7. Tap “Activity Logs.”
    8. Tap “Current.”
    9. Tap the share button in the top right and select “Mail.”
    10. Email the logs to the recipient of your choice.
  24. With multiple sites how can I hide some of them in the list of my sites?
    When having multiple sites you can decide which one to Hide/Show in the list of your sites in the following way:

    1. In My Site go to Switch Site
    2. Tap on Edit
    3. Select/Unselect which sites you like to Show/Hide

WordPress for Android

  1. How do I connect my site?
    To access a site hosted with, log in with your credentials by clicking on the Login button and entering the email address associated with your account.  You can receive an email link or enter your password to access your account.To access a site that is self-hosted, tap the “Log in by entering your site address” link, then enter the site address to connect to your site.  Finally enter your username, password,  If your site is connected to Jetpack, you will also need to provide your login information to receive your Stats information.Add additional sites to your app at any point by selecting the Android-MySites-Icon  icon, selecting “Switch Site,” and tapping the “+” icon in the top right. Each of these sites can be managed independently through the app.
  2. What if I don’t have a site, or don’t remember my password?
    If your site is hosted on, you can reset your password here: you have a self-hosted site, you can click the “Lost your password?” at the bottom of the login form you use to log into your site in a web browser. You can find more information about resetting your self-hosted site’s password here: If you want to register a new account use the “Sign up for” link at the bottom of the opening screen.
  3. What is the Reader?
    In addition to access to your blog, you will see the Reader through the app. Your Reader displays all the posts from all the blogs you follow in the order they were published, with the most recent posts appearing at the top. You’ll see an excerpt and featured images from each one, and can tap to read the full post. You can access the Reader by selecting the icon.

    You can also add blogs to your Reader, search and sort by tags, and much more! Select the Android-Reader-SettingsIcon icon in the upper-right corner to manage your Reader.
  4. How can I manage my site?
    To manage your site, tap the Android-MySites-Icon  icon to display the Android Dashboard, where you can choose the site you are ready to manage at the top of the menu. To switch sites, click the site title displayed at the top of the list. You can add or edit posts, pages, media and comments. You can also update themes, add an image or video, view stats, or go view your site in a browser. You may need to scroll down to see all of the options.
  5. How do I make a new post?
    Once you tap the Android-MySites-Icon icon and select your site, select “Blog Posts” in the Android Dashboard, then tap the icon in the bottom-right corner. You can edit any post by selecting it from the “Blog Posts” screen.  If you are looking for your drafts or your scheduled posts, check the menu across the top of the page to change the list find posts with different a status.
  6. How do I make a new page?
    Once you tap the Android-MySites-Icon icon and select your site, select “Pages” in the Android Dashboard, then tap the icon in the bottom-right corner. You can edit any page by selecting it from the “Pages” screen.If you are looking for your drafts or your scheduled pages, check the menu across the top of the page to change the list find pages with different a status.
  7. Can I make my text fancy?
    While working in a post or page, you can do basic text editing. Tap the icons located directly above the keyboard to add styling like bold, italics, strikethrough, and hyperlink using the buttons highlighted in this image
  8. How can I add an image?
    You can add images directly from your device, or from your site’s media library. If you want to insert an image into a page or post you are editing, click on the new block button.  Then select an image block, and click on the ADD IMAGE button on the block that is added into your post.  Choose where your image can be found and then select the image you want to insert into your post.

    The “Take a Photo” feature activates your device’s camera.
    “Choose from Device” will load the images saved in your Android Media library
    “WordPress Media Library” will show you the images already saved to your site’s media library.
  9. Where are the rest of the post options?
    When you are editing a post, click on the options button in the top right that looks like
    That will open the menu shown below.  Click on Post Settings to see the settings for your post.  There you can set tags and categories, add a featured image, set a publish date and more.
  10. Which version of WordPress does the App work with?
    The app works with and WordPress 4.0 or higher.
  11. Which Android devices will this work with?
    The app will work on all phones running Android version 5.0 (Lollypop) or higher.
  12. How do I enable XML-RPC access to my site?
    Note: As of WordPress 3.5, you no longer need to enable XML-RPC access. While logged into your WordPress dashboard, select “Writing” under the “Settings” tab on the left. Scroll down to “Remote Publishing,” then check the box next to XML-RPC’ and save your changes.
    The WordPress app requires a service called XML-RPC on your server. Problems connecting to the XMLRPC service are commonly caused when a web hosting provider blocks XML-RPC. Please check with your hosting provider to find out if they allow XML-RPC on your site. It can also happen if there is a plugin/theme that conflicts with it. To check whether a plugin is causing the conflict with the app, try deactivating all the plugins on your self-hosted site to see whether that fixes the issue.
  13. My Host Blocks XML-RPC Access! How do I fix that?
    1. Rename your xmlrpc.php file to something different, but only change the part after the ‘xmlrpc’. E.g.: xmlrpc_wp.php.
    2. Install this plugin.
    3. Read the installation instructions and activate the plugin .
    4. Remove your site from the app and re-add it.
  14. Can I reduce mobile data usage when uploading pictures from the app?
    From your site’s dashboard in the app, select “Settings,” then enable the “Optimize Images” setting. When this setting is ON, and you’re on a mobile data connection, pictures will be resized to 3000px wide before uploading.
  15. Can I view stats from a self-hosted site?
    Yes! If you install Jetpack, you can enable stats for your self-hosted site. After installing the plugin, tap the “Stats” button in the app and enter your new login when prompted.
  16. Adding a site is taking a long time or times out. How do I fix that?
    Adding a site is dependent on the speed of your Internet connection, so if you have a very weak signal or a slow EDGE connection, try again when you are in 3G/4G or Wi-Fi mode.
  17. Why do I get a “connection refused” error when on the stats tab?
    If you’ve installed an ad blocker app such as AdFree Android, it will block your connection to You will need to edit the /system/etc/hosts file on your device and remove all entries that have to get it working again.
  18. Can I use SSL to encrypt the App communication?
    Yes. On sites, all communication (done over XML-RPC) is by default going to use an encrypted connection via SSL. For self-hosted WordPress sites with SSL enabled, WordPress 2.6.1 or later supports pointing the RSD information at the “https” version of xmlrpc.php, which creates an encrypted communication link with the app.
  19. With multiple sites how can I hide some of them in the list of my sites?
    When having multiple sites you can decide which one to Hide/Show in the list of your sites in the following way:

    1. In My Site go to Switch Site
    2. Tap on the overflow menu and select the Show/hide sites item
    3. Select sites you want to Show/Hide and tap on the Show/Hide buttons Desktop app

  1. What is the Desktop app?

    The desktop app puts in your dock or taskbar. Use it to focus on your content and design with no other browser tabs to distract you, or to keep your sites readily accessible. The app is powered by the same technology that runs

  2. Can I use it to edit my self-hosted WordPress website, or is it only for

    To edit your self-hosted WordPress (.org) website, you need to install and connect the Jetpack plugin, which you can do with these instructions.

    Once Jetpack is installed and connected to a account, you can sign in to the app using the account Jetpack is connected to. You can then find your self-hosted site under the “My Sites” section.

  3. How do I install this app?

    On a Mac:
    • Download the app from the homepage.
    • Open the downloaded DMG file. You will see a icon, and an Applications folder shortcut on the right.
    • Drag the icon into the Applications folder.
    • Open the Applications folder, and open the WordPress app.
    • If you’d like to keep the app in your dock, right-click the app icon in the dock as the app is running, and select Options → Keep in Dock.
    On Windows:
    • Download the app installer from the homepage.
    • Open the installer, and follow the instructions.
    • Once the app is installed, you can double-click the app icon on your desktop.
    • If you’d like your app to be in your taskbar, you can drag the icon from the desktop to your taskbar.
    On Linux:
    • Download the app for your flavor of Linux on the homepage.
    • Open the downloaded file, and follow the instructions.
  4. Mac OS X: Can I turn off the dock notification badge?

    Yes. Open the app, and then open the → Preferences in the application menu on your desktop. Now you can uncheck Show notification badge.

  5. I would like to report a bug. Where can I do that?

    The best place to report a bug is the GitHub issues tracker for the WordPress Desktop project, but before you report a bug there, we kindly ask that you make sure the bug is specific to the app and not the website itself. If it’s a bug on the website, please report it in the GitHub issues tracker for that.

  6. Is the app open source?

    Yes. The WordPress desktop app is licensed under GNU General Public License v2 (or later).

  7. How do I uninstall the app?

    On Windows, you can uninstall using the system “Add or Remove Software.”

    On Mac OS X, you can uninstall by moving app from Applications to the Trash. To remove all settings you can use this Uninstall script for Mac.

    After uninstalling the app, you can check your app data folder to completely remove any application data that isn’t removed by the Windows uninstaller or Mac uninstall script.

  8. That answers all my questions! What’s next? Lightroom Plugin

The Lightroom plugin allows you to export media directly from the Desktop app to your site’s media library.

Note: There are three versions of Lightroom – Lightroom CC, Lightroom Web, and Lightroom Classic. Plugins are only available on Lightroom Classic.

  1. How do I install the Lightroom plugin?

    • Download the plugin.
    • Unzip the plugin file.
    • From Lightroom, open the plugin manager (File menu, then Plugin manager).
    • Click add in the bottom left corner of the plugin manager .plugin_manager
    • Navigate to where the plugin was unzipped and select the plugin folder.
    • The plugin is now installed, you will see it in the list of plugins.
  2. How do I export images to my site’s media library?

    • Select your photos in Lightroom.
    • Click the export button:
    • Ensure that is selected from the export dialog.stage3
    • Ensure your site has been connected (see below).
    • Ensure your site is selected from the dropdown list.stage4
    • Click export.
    • You can check your media library at to ensure your files were uploaded to the media library.
  1. How do I connect my site?

    The first time you use the plugin (see ‘how do I export to my site,’ above) you will need to authorize the connection to your account.

    • Click the login button.
    • login
    • Approve the connection in the program:
    • Approve the connection in your browser. If you’re logged into already you’ll just need to click “Approve”

    You will be taken back to Lightroom once approved.

  2. Can I use it on my self-hosted WordPress website?

    To upload to your self-hosted WordPress (.org) website, you need to install the Jetpack plugin, which you can do by following the instructions here. Add-on for Google Docs

  1. What is the Add-on for Google Docs?

    Compose a document in Google Docs and send it directly to any or Jetpack powered site as a draft post.

    Instead of copying and pasting from Google Docs to WordPress and losing your images and formatting in the process, this add-on makes it easy to compose in Google Docs and publish to WordPress with formatting intact and images uploaded properly.

    After installing the add-on, you’ll be able to open for Google Docs in any Google Doc and connect your sites.

  2. Can I use the add-on to edit my self-hosted WordPress website, or is it only for

    To edit your self-hosted WordPress (.org) website, you need to install the Jetpack plugin, which you can do by following the instructions here.

    Once Jetpack is installed and connected to a account, you can sign in to the app using the account Jetpack is connected to. You can then find your self-hosted site under the “My Sites” section.

  3. How do I install the Google Docs Add-on?

    1. Go to the add-on page in Google’s webstore.
    2. Click the blue + button to add it to your account.
    3. You will be taken to a new Google document. Click the “Add-ons” menu, then “ for Google Docs”, then “Open.”
    4. The sidebar will open, and you can click the “Authorize” button to begin adding sites.
  4. How do I publish my draft?

    To publish a draft, make sure that you have clicked the “Save Draft” button. A preview link will show up under the button. Click that link to preview the post on your site.

    Once you have verified that the post is displayed correctly in your theme, click the “Edit” link on your site to go to the WordPress editor. There, you will be able to add categories, tags, and publish.

  5. How do I uninstall the add-on?

    • Inside Google Docs, choose the Add-ons menu, then “Manage Add-ons…”
    • The add-on window will open. Click the “Manage” button next to for Google Docs, then “Remove.”
  6. How can I choose which Google account the add-on gets added to?

    If you have multiple Google accounts, you can make sure that the add-on is added to the correct account by following these steps:

    • Go to Google Docs.
    • In the upper-right corner, make sure that you have the correct account selected.
    • Open an existing document or create a new one.
    • Go to the “Add-ons” menu, choose “Get add-ons…” and search for “Automattic.”
    • Click the blue + button to add it to your account.
  7. When I try to add my site I get an error saying “Someone may be trying to trick you into giving them access to your site.”

    This could be caused by one of several issues. Try this to figure out what the issue is and resolve it:

    • Make sure you are running the latest version of the Jetpack plugin.
    • Temporarily disable all plugins except for Jetpack and try again. If that works you can re-enable the plugins once you are connected.
    • If you are using Cloudflare, try temporarily disabling it while you connect your site. Once your site is connected to the add-on, you can re-enable it.
    • If your site uses HTTPS, your hosting company may be “double-encoding” some of the values being passed. To test this, go to http://your-site/?%40 (change your-site to the URL of your site). If your browser changes the URL to https://your-site/?%2540 (note that ?%40 changed to ?%2540) you need to contact your hosting company.
    • If you are still having issues, please visit Jetpack Support.