1 star: Bad

If I could give them no stars I would

If I could give them no stars I would. And If I actually took the time a year ago to check Trustpilot and see their reviews I would of not used WIXs all together. I didn't know auto renew was on, however the same day I was charged from Wixs I got in touch to cancel my payment as I didnt want to continue with it, as I felt my website was not needed. First of all to try and get in contact with them is no where near as straight forward as it should be, like with most companies. When I cancelled my plan I had an auto email which said I would have to wait up to 20 days to get a response, and it will be decieded if I can or can not get a refund. (Bare in mind I cancelled my plan on the same day) Its now been over 20 days and still I have not heard from WIXs at all. Honestly customer service is a joke, I would not want to ever use WIXs again just for the lack of customer attention from an otherwise well established company.

1 star: Bad


Awful. Super difficult to use, lots of bugs and incredibly poor customer service to the point where its pretty much non existent. I have also heard of so many people losing lots of money as Wix didn't delete their payment info or provide them with the refunds they were owed. I highly recommend Webador or Wordpress, I use Webador and its such a brilliant service, miles better than Wix. I would suggest you avoid Wix at all costs, its an absolute mess.

1 star: Bad

I've lost all respect I had left for Wix

I paid for a full year Business Unlimited Premium Plan and was actively using the site from January up until August 2020. At that point there were too many limitations using Wix for my Ecommerce so I decided to switch over to Shopify. I figured I will let my Wix subscripton lapse in December 2020 when it is up for renewal but I had no idea it was set to be AUTO RENEWED and was shocked when I realized I was charged $300 US dollars! I thought WIX would do the right thing and issue a refund but I was denied! This is criminal that they won't return my money when they can clearly see my site has been disconnected from my domain and inactive well before it was auto-renewed. I have lost all respect for this company and will move my other website to Weebly as do not want to keep supporting them

1 star: Bad

No refund offered after a subscription of 25 months taken for a website that was not live

I tried to close a credit card recently, and discovered I had had a small payment of £13.20 being taken out by Wix, which was the reason I could not close the account. I realised that Wix had taken payment after a trial for 25 months, for a premium plan website that was not active. I contacted them to explain that the website had not been live, and request to locate the account, and finally close it. After a lenghty process we managed to close the account, however they denied a refund. Overall, I would expect better - very poor customer service.

Reply from wix.com
Hi Holly,

Thank you for your review.

I am sorry to see that you have not had a good experience with our billing support team.

When a customer signs up for a domain service, premium service or mailbox service, we charge for these services on a recurring monthly/yearly basis. The auto-renewal feature was introduced to prevent an unexpected lapse in the service that most people rely on every day to maintain their subscriptions and their online businesses.

When a yearly plan is due for renewal, we attempt to email our customers 30 days in advance of the charge with the sum of the charge and an option to cancel their plan if they no longer wish to continue. This email is not sent to our monthly subscriptions as there is a high chance that these emails would be marked as spam.

I hope this information helps to develop your understanding of how this happened and if you would like to discuss this matter with us further, please use the link below to get in contact with our customer care team:


Take Care
2 stars: Poor

I am very disappointed in a company…

*update* They were able to give me a full refund after speaking with a billing specialist, so I feel a lot better. I am very disappointed in a company that is meant to help their customers succeed. I was trying to apply promo code that I received and hit the wrong button by accident, now I’ve been denied a refund not once but twice because their system looks at it as if it was a renewal and not an upgrade. I’ve escalated the issue but find it odd that they just won’t refund my money. 340.00 Any other company wouldn’t hesitate to comply with my requests. You guys need better solutions to resolve issues as these. Do better WIX looks like you guys have a lot of unsatisfied costumers!!

Reply from wix.com
Hi Shanika,

Thank you for your review.

I am glad to see that this matter was resolved and that you were able to get in contact with our billing team. I do apologise that the matter had to escalate to this stage and I hope you know that this is not our intent or design to distress customers who are seeking refunds.

If there is anything else that we can do for you in the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact us again, and we will help you as best we can.

Take Care
1 star: Bad

I was charged full price for 3 year…

I was charged full price for 3 year subscription yesterday,instead of the monthly payment offer. Apparently you can cancel and get full refund in the 14 day trial period. Cancel no questions asked. Not the case, they won't let me cancel, even when I've written in my reason. Referring me to Customer service. But getting no response there. Again it should be no questions asked! I only subscribed yesterday I am in arrears and they won't let me out!!

Reply from wix.com
Hi Pauline,

Thank you for your review.

I am truly sorry to hear that you have had such a negative experience with our service.

I have contacted you privately to resolve this matter for you, and I look forward to working with you to learn more about this issue.

Take Care
1 star: Bad


I contacted Wix before my premium plan was due to renew to tell them the date the payment was coming out my account was 14 days earlier than agreed. I said I couldn't pay it if that was the case I had other commitments. The live chat rep said we would make an urgent request to sort this out. I said will it be sorted before the payment is taken otherwise I would need to cancel the plan or the direct debit. They said no it won't be a problem you will definitely hear. Well guess what? Never heard from them. Payment was taken. Behind in my bills now. Contacted live chat to say it was disgraceful taking payment early and I would have cancelled the plan if I had known it would take so long. They said they'll put another urgent request in. I said will they actually reply this time? The rep said of course they will. Have I heard anything since? NO! Absolutely disgraceful. I want a full refund as it has not been used since it was bought and I tried to cancel before renewal but no one gets back to you in time. It seems like a con! I would've liked to keep the website I spent time making but having not published or used it and with the pandemic giving me finance issues. I just want to cancel for now like I have been trying to do! I will need to resort to a chargeback if I don't hear from them asap.

Reply from wix.com
Hi Alexandra,

Thank you for your review.

I am truly sorry to see that you have had this experience with us. I can see that you are still in contact with our customer care team about this matter.

We will work with them to ensure that the utmost due diligence is provided in the handling of your case.

Again, I do apologise that this situation has developed, and we will do what we can to rectify it.
Take Care
3 stars: Average

Price Hike Increase is Untenable

Like others, I was autorenewed at huge price increase and tried to cancel within the 14 day purported time perioid during which to cancel. I couldn't and hear nothing from them. Wix has now given me a full refund for the auto renewal charge that they had taken on my credit card. So, they treated me fairly in the end.

Reply from wix.com
Hey James,
I am sorry to hear that you had bad experience with our support.

To ensure that your site remains live at all times, Premium Plans are set to renew automatically at the end of the subscription period. If you don't want to continue with your plan, you can turn the auto-renewal off. https://support.wix.com/en/article/turning-off-the-auto-renewal-for-a-wix-premium-plan.
The refund request can be submitted via www.wix.com/refund Once you submit your request, our Billing Team will get back to you. If you got denied by any chance, you can always contact our Support Team to double check. As well, the support team can check for you the price increase.

We tried to reach out to you but unsuccessfully. Our support team is still here for you with the live chat on facebook, twitter and at wix.com/contact.
Link to Chat Bot: https://bit.ly/2FM5lcI

1 star: Bad


I didn’t know auto renew was turned on. I didn’t receive any email or notification to tell me it was going to renew, I just received my credit card statement with the subscription fee on! I also note that the money was taken 14 days earlier than it should have been anyway which is also absolutely a joke! I contacted them and I was denied a refund without any explanation! Clearly no one actually looks at these refund requests and it is all a waste of time. You would think the company would want to help businesses especially in the pandemic! Very sly and greedy trying to take money when the plan hadn’t even been used since it was bought! Not happy! I will be obtaining a chargeback from the bank! Beware!

Reply from wix.com
Hi Gareth,

Thank you for your review.

I’m genuinely sorry to hear that you had such an unpleasant experience with our billing team. We would like to learn more about your case and ensure that utmost due diligence was provided.

We have reached out to you privately to learn more about your case. We look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Take Care.
1 star: Bad

Be sure to turn off auto renew

I called support to try and cancel my premium auto renew subscription. I never used it in 2020 and after a significant health setback I can't run my business anymore. I was calling to cancel on the renewal date feeling lucky I caught it just in time. They told me I had to go to the site and request a special refund and suggested it was not a problem as it had just happened. I requested a refund and I saw I had already been charged 14 days ahead of time. I was calling on the actual renewal date. They denied my refund. This is a joke because it was the renewal day. I have requested the refund again. I can not believe that a day of renew request would be denied. Not like this is 6 weeks late. It was literally the same day Update: They have denied the second request. These special requests are obviously not actually being looked at by a human because I get a boiler plate response exactly 2 hours after the request. (The site claims it may take 20 days suggesting that a person may actually look at these requests) This is very disappointing. Most companies will at least meet you in the middle. Beware before setting up auto renewal. It just like every subscription out there these days and they hope you won't notice until "it's too late"

Reply from wix.com
Hi Jennifer,

I’m genuinely sorry to hear that you had such an unpleasant experience with our billing team. We'd like to make things right again. We really appreciate you being so patient and giving us another chance to get this sorted out for you.

We have reached out to you privately to follow up with you on this matter.

Take Care
1 star: Bad

Dissapoainted - no remorse for small businesses

Pretty disappointed that there is not remorse for struggling small business. We did not use the website most of 2020 or most of the email domain services due to COVID and they completely denied a refund. This auto charged our card and we can't afford these charges. They can clearly see there was no activty, we didn't really use the product at all in 2020 and therefore, it's not fair being charged. While trying to keep the business afloat we did not have time to think about auto charges and by the time we spotted the charge it was too late. We feel over charged for 4/5 domains, we only use 1 and the entire Premium Plan was unused. Also no number to call anywhere... Angel Cespedes CEO & Co-founder

Reply from wix.com
Hi Angel,

Thank you for your review.

I am sorry to see that you have not had a great experience with us. We have contacted you to follow up with you privately to investigate this matter.

We look forward to learning more about what has happened.
Take Care
4 stars: Great

66% of 2627 reviewers have given…

66% of 2627 reviewers have given 1-star. One more won't get their attention but still. I am writing my first ever review about services I have gotten. Do NOT use Wix.com. Reasons? Read the reviews below which I have experienced many of them: very bad customer services, tech support, always tell me to click here, click there, still unsolved? try this...... I am tired of that and requested a refund. They replied via email to deny it. I tried their robot customer services and requested a callback which they promised to call me back in about 3 minutes which never happened. Wix did call back and solved my problem. Thanks

Reply from wix.com
Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your review.

I am sorry that you have had such a bad time with us on our platform. I can see that we contacted you privately to learn more about your case.

If you need any further assistance on this matter, please don't hesitate to reply to our email and one of our customer care experts will follow up with you as soon as they can!

Take Care
1 star: Bad


Thieves. They'd steal £115 from me now instead of having years of my returning business. They refused a refund of a website that was brought a for a full year despite it being totally unfit for purpose. Really poor support even for a LONG time customer, take your money elsewhere.

Reply from wix.com
Hi Maria,

I am deeply sorry you had a bad experience with us. I tried to reach out to you privately to learn more but it seems as though you were not able to get back to us.

If there is anything at all that we can do for you, please don't hesitate to contact our customer care department using this link: https://bit.ly/2S0NEJY.

We will be happy to look into this issue again, or answer any of your questions.

Take Care
3 stars: Average

Can’t fault the customer service

Wix are DISGUSTING! I was denied a refund because “I cancelled too late” which is a LIE! They state you can get a refund if you cancel within 14 days. I cancelled within 2/3 days so how can I be denied a refund because it was too late? I just don’t understand how and why companies can get away with this kind of thing. A bunch of scammers! I’m so mad! AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE! ***UPDATE*** Wix did contact me to help resolve the issue I had- which I very much appreciate. I can’t fault the customer service I received.

Reply from wix.com
Hi Erykah,

I am deeply sorry you had a bad experience with us. I have contacted you privately to try and learn more about your experience.

We will be happy to look into this issue and answer any of your questions.

Take Care
1 star: Bad

Usually good service..(UPDATE) STAY AWAY

Have been using Wix for years usually a good service but recently made a new site for a client and it did not meet expectations and performance was poor, the mobile app wasn't responsive and then our Google ad's representative told us that Wix sites don't have good SEO, so no customers were finding our site. Emailed Customer service about a possible refund or partial refund for our site but our request has been denied 3 times despite having multiple sites with them and despite the fact that the website has 10 months left on the plan. Really let down by what is normally a good service(EDIT) THEY HAVE NOT BEEN IN CONTACT WITH ME. THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE. DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY. THEY WILL TAKE YOUR MONEY AND RUN. Charged me for a full year and won't let me put my website on pause or even refund me. I was a loyal customer for many years and have been treated terribly by this company.

Reply from wix.com
Hi Joe,

I am deeply sorry you had a bad experience with us. I tried to reach out to you privately to learn more but it seems as though you were not able to get back to us.

If there is anything at all that we can do for you, please don't hesitate to contact our customer care department using this link: https://bit.ly/2S0NEJY.

We will be happy to look into this issue again, or answer any of your questions.

Take Care
1 star: Bad

Really shi*ty site

Really shi*ty site, can't fully translate, so on the same page there are texts in two different languages... I paid for premium plan, and now I see I throwed money away, because I can't publish my site partly translated. They denied a refund. Don't use Wix, just don't...

Reply from wix.com
Hey Kaja,
I am sorry to hear that you had bad experience with our support.

I would need to investigate to see what exactly is happening with your site and what could be the reason why the site is not showing in the same language. In general, when using Multilingual App you need to translate the elements of the site manually. Please check the articles below for more information: https://support.wix.com/en/article/translating-your-site-with-wix-multilingual

We tried to reach out to you but unsuccessfully. Our support team is still here for you with the live chat on facebook, twitter and at wix.com/contact.
Link to Chat Bot: https://bit.ly/2FM5lcI

1 star: Bad

DO NOT purchase a Domain, it's a bait and switch

It would be ZERO, but had to give something. These people are a joke! I was doing up a new blog page. Wanted to get a domain. Purchased one for $27.04. Went to attach and come to find I needed a premium plan. Well...that would have been nice to know. So I looked at their plans and saw a domain was free. Seeing I wasn't going to pay for something that would be free when I "upgraded", I asked for a refund. Now, to a logical business/financial person, if someone spent $27 and they are planning on spending $218 dollars, but you need to even up regarding a feature, just do it. Nope, they denied it. When round and round with them about the decision, because it's stupid and pretty much a bait and switch. Told them no skin off my nose, I'll just delete it and go elsewhere, they can keep my $27 and I'll keep my $191. But with them ripping me off (and as I've read from others who've dealt with the same issue) come bad reviews. Reap what thou sows. *UPDATE* I don't think I need to waste anymore of my time for an issue you have documentation of. I went around with your customer service people, 3 of them in fact. Besides, I tried to login and it's conveniently denying my entry. I don't have time for your games and I've washed my hands of it. Your rating still stands as a 1 (zero) and it will remain as so.

Reply from wix.com
Hey there,
I am sorry to hear that you had bad experience with our support.

Please note that only once you upgrade to any of our Premium Plans, you can connect a domain purchased from Wix or another domain registrar to your Wix site. Article: https://support.wix.com/en/article/connecting-a-domain-to-your-site

You are eligible to receive a voucher for a free domain for one year only when purchasing yearly Combo, Unlimited, Pro, VIP, Business Basic, Business Unlimited or Business VIP Premium Plan.

I understand that you didn't know about this option and you was not aware of possibility to get a one year free domain.

We are always working to improve our product and your feedback is highly appreciated.

We tried to reach out to you but unsuccessfully. Our support team is still here for you with the live chat on facebook, twitter and at wix.com/contact.
Link to Chat Bot: https://bit.ly/2FM5lcI

1 star: Bad

Auto renewal notification

Had someone else develop my site and I paid for 2 years. I have moved on from this site and I did not know that I had been signed up for auto renewal. No email or any notification was sent to me and I just found out they charged my visa. I contacted them and I was denied a refund! This company is making Billions while the small companies are struggling to stay afloat! They are greedy, beware!!!

Reply from wix.com
Hi there,
I am sorry to hear that you had bad experience with Wix.

When signing up for any of the subscriptions at Wix the auto-renewal is automatically turned on in order to prevent any possible downtime of the site. Premium Plan auto-renewal can be turned off by following the steps in this article: https://support.wix.com/en/article/turning-off-the-auto-renewal-for-a-wix-premium-plan
In case that you wish to request for the refund this can be done via refund widget at www.wix.com/refund .
This time your request has been reviewed manually and we have process the refund.

If you have any other questions our support team is still here for you with the live chat on facebook, twitter and at wix.com/contact.
Link to Chat Bot: https://bit.ly/2FM5lcI

1 star: Bad

I would give this site 0 stars if I…

I would give this site 0 stars if I could. I've been DENIED a refund on an upgrade that I accidentally went a head with. I've been paying for a domain account for YEARS but stupidly went a head on an ad they sent to me and ended up upgrading. I requested a refund seconds after this and asked to continue with my original subscription. This was then denied later that night and I was told I would not be receiving a refund. What a joke of a company. I'll be contacting you every day if I need to, 75 pounds for nothing. I no longer want to continue with this company after this.

Reply from wix.com
Hey Courtney,
I am sorry to hear that you had bad experience with our support.

We tried to reach out to you but unsuccessfully. Our support team is still here for you with the live chat on facebook, twitter and at wix.com/contact.
Link to Chat Bot: https://bit.ly/2FM5lcI

1 star: Bad


Like many, our 2020 was rough and 2021 hasn't shown much improvement. Regretfully, I forgot that I had a subscription for a Wix website I never used. And when it came time for me to pay the $213 for renewal, Wix sent no email reminder. In fact, I have no email communication from the company since August of 2020. They didn't even bother to send an email confirming my subscription renewal and payment. Instead, I saw the charge on my credit card statement. I emailed the company just a few days outside the window for cancelation (for the year subscription) explaining that these are rough times and my frontline worker husband had been hospitalized and without an email reminder, I had simply forgotten all about the account. Mistakenly, I appealed to their humanity and asked for a refund so that we can put that money toward our heaping medical bills. The online giant took only an hour to send an empty content email entitled: Refund Denied. No explanation but a note at the bottom saying not to respond to the email. One industry that has not suffered during this pandemic is big online companies. So when one of the owners or employees ends up in my husbands ER, I hope they truly appreciate the kindness and care they receive even though they are incapable of reciprocation. Update: after two denied email appeals directly to the company WIX did reach out to me after I posted this review and refunded my money.

Reply from wix.com
Hi Amy,

Thank you for your review.

I am truly sorry to learn that you have had such a poor experience with Wix during these trouble times. The last thing we would ever want to do is cause you more stress and hurt.

Our team has reached out to you privately to learn more about your case and ensure that it was handled with the utmost due diligence.

We look forward to working with you towards a solution!

Take Care