Maemo Leste

Welcome to the Maemo Leste website! Maemo Leste continues the legacy of Maemo. We aim to provide a free and open source Maemo experience on mobile phones and tablets like the Nokia N900, Motorola Droid 4, Motorola Bionic, Pinephone, Pinetab, Allwinner tablets and more!

Feel free to join us on #maemo-leste and also join our mailing list if you are interested.

We are also active on Twitter.

Maemo Leste is based on Devuan Beowulf (Debian Buster) and all the supported devices ship with recent mainline Linux kernels.

The project is almost usable as a daily driver for your device. We are currently in the development phase and we are actively searching for developers. For some devices, we have development images available - such as the Nokia N900, Motorola Droid 4, and the PinePhone. There is also a 64bit virtual machine you can use to try out Maemo Leste. For an impression, see some of our screenshots.

So far we have set up repositories for our packages, which support amd64, armhf, and arm64 architectures. We have FOSS replacements for all included and previously closed Maemo packages (and we have no closed packages in use), further building on the Maemo community efforts to replace all closed bits with open source software.

Installation guides are provided per device. For open tasks and issues, please see our Github bugtracker:

For a general usage introduction, it might be useful to check out

You can find wiki pages of our supported devices on

After our initial blog post, we have posted (almost) monthly updates of our efforts and progress. Reverse-chronological, they are:

On various open source software conferences, we also did talks about Maemo Leste, and they're listed on

Software status is documented here: . A proper overview of the current (Maemo) software state will be provided soon.

If you like our work and want to see it continue, join us!
