Defend free speech. Fight surveillance. Support innovation.

Student privacy 2020 2

End University App Mandates

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, universities across the country have rushed to adopt new apps and devices to monitor public health on campus. While a university's desire to keep its students safe is laudable, many of these programs come with numerous privacy and security concerns, especially when they force students, faculty, and staff to submit to surveillance.

This is why we need you to join our call on university leadership across the country to commit to our University App Mandate Pledge (UAMP). In a public health emergency, respect for privacy and security is essential for good public health outcomes. People must have trust in public health officials, which requires the opportunity to consent to (or withhold consent from) any surveillance measures put in place. This pledge is a chance for college officials to publicly commit to respecting the privacy, security, and consent of everyone they ask to return to campus.