De-coding the Technical Interview with Emma Bostian

Special guest Emma Bostian is on to talk about her new book, De-coding the Technical Interview, that will help you never bomb a technical job interview again. How to answer technical questions you don't know, looking for red flags when applying, infinite scrolling question, and how to not be a schlub when applying for a new job.

CSS Colors Fun, HSL, Updates from Browser Land, Pseudo Selectors, and Responsive Design Questions

We're talking all about fun with colors in CSS, browser updates, the death of AMP (question mark), pseudo selectors, a question about responsive design in vertical space, and linking with _blank.

WordPress Block Editor, ElementInternals, Writing Code or Leading a Team, and Container Queries

On this episode: Updates from Dave's shed, camera options for streaming and Zooming, Discord chats, Headless WordPress block editor musings, custom form controls with ElementInternals, going from a coder to a team leader, and container query updates.

A Day in Our Lives at Work, Envisioning Conferences Again, and the Benefits of Netlify

We're talking about threading in Slack or Discord, the continue reading button on a website, Axe software - also a sponsor!, cost benefit of time spent on work, what a day in the life at work is like for Chris and Dave, and musing about whether conferences are going to be a thing again.

All About Vite with Evan You

Evan You chats with us about Vite. How is Vite so fast? What about tree shaking? How do you convert various formats into ESM and what does Evan recommend? What is the future of Babel? And what the first 2 minutes of a Vite project are like?

Streaming Hardware, Babel Thoughts, Power Washing Websites, and a Desk Update

Dave's got YouTube dreams, a conversation about Babel, trying to generate a goldilocks level of source code a la Backbone and Underscore, power washing WordPress websites as a career, and an update on Dave's desk.

JavaScript and Bundlers, Dave and Vite, Stale Tab Reloading, and Consultants Who Can’t Deliver

JavaScript and next gen bundlers, Dave's experience using Vite, what are your expectations with stale browser tabs, and what can you do when consultants don't seem to be able to deliver on a project?

Series Hello, World!

Not sure where to begin? Here are some of our most beloved episodes to get you up and running.


CSS Grid

Grid is getting a ton of support in modern browsers and so we've got a couple of grid experts in Jen Simmons and Rachel Andrew on to help us navigate the grid - what is it? When can we use it? How do flexbox and grid play together? What about Bootstrap?

Learning Web Design with Jennifer Robbins

Jennifer Robbins stops by ShopTalk Show to talk about her recently updated book, Learning Web Design - what's been updated, who the book is for, and what's changed since she first published the book.

Practical SVG

Chris has a book that's out - Practical SVG - and so we're talking about how the opportunity came along to write the book, what's in the book, who it's for, and how many dollars it costs even. We also answer a few of your questions about susy, personal branding, and Dave gets AMP'd about AMP.

With Eric Meyer

Eric Meyer has been working on the web since 1993, and has been a huge influence on countless web designers. He joins us for a special episode to share what he's learned about design after going through a difficult and tragic time in his life. We talked Flexbox, layouts, his new talk, improving user experience for stressful medical situations, and more.

React with Netflix

We're React-ing to a discussion with 3 developers at Netflix about React. Why did Netflix choose React? We also cover the reason behind Netflix's obsession with A/B testing?

This Idea Must Die

This idea must die - ideas that exist that are so absurd so seemingly unlikely that you can't believe it even exists at all?

Full Jamstack React Developer

Chris and Dave talk about what Jamstack means to them, thoughts on being called a Full Stack Developer, state management, writing responsible code, and why web tech can be hard.

Developing Tito with Paul Campbell

Paul Campbell talks with us about the technology behind selling tickets on his app Tito.io and the journey they've taken in trying to rewrite the app.

Code is Expensive

Dave and Chris answer your questions about how to get code consistency at work, advice on writing testable code, a new intrinsic size attribute, WooCommerce custom site building, and some thoughts on a low code world.

Full Stack Crossover with Adam Wathan

Adam Wathan stops by to talk about Tailwind CSS, how it got started, dealing with large CSS and config files, why you might want to use Tailwind CSS, Purge CSS, and more!

Hello I’m A Designosaur

We help you avoid becoming a designosaur by answering your questions about learning React, creating a universal header, jQuery vulnerability, implementing pattern libraries, and taking WordPress development seriously.

Debugging CSS with Aimee Knight

Just when you think you know everything there is to know about CSS, Aimee Knight is on the show and she'll help you understand CSS in a new way as a Javascript developer learning about CSS.