MariaDB Enterprise Documentation
Topics on This Page:
Latest Software Releases
Software |
Version |
Release Date |
Platform X5 |
2020-07-16 |
10.5.9-6 |
5.3.14 |
5.5.2 |
2.5.9 |
2021-03-10 |
MariaDB Platform X5
Available on-premises and on the MariaDB SkySQL DBaaS (cloud database platform), MariaDB Platform X5 includes:
MariaDB Enterprise Server, a modern SQL RDBMS with high availability, pluggable storage engines, hot online backups, and audit logging.
MariaDB Xpand, distributed SQL with high availability, fault tolerance, and write scaling.
MariaDB ColumnStore, a columnar data store backed by object storage for analytical workloads.
MariaDB MaxScale, an advanced SQL firewall, proxy, router, and load balancer.
MariaDB Connectors, for reliable database connections from enterprise applications.
Documentation Topics
Section |
Covered Topics |
MariaDB Client, MariaDB Import, and Connectors for C, C++, Java, Node.js, ODBC, Python, and R2DBC. |
Configuration Management, Data Loading, Hardware Selection, Installation, Migration, Network Settings, Repositories, Supply Chain Security, and Testing. |
ColumnStore, Galera, High Availability, HTAP, Load Balancing, MaxScale, Replication, S3, Spider, and Xpand. |
Aria, ColumnStore, InnoDB, MyISAM, MyRocks, S3, Spider, and Xpand. |
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