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Rostechnadzor Signs Cooperation Agreement with Petroleum Safety Authority Norway


Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) and the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) had a bilateral meeting.

200089600117_338857.jpg“Due to the restrictive measures we had to cancel our trip to Norway that we were supposed to have earlier this year. But fortunately, the modern technology allows us to meet in the format of video conferencing,” Chairman Alexey Aleshin noted in his opening remarks.

The objectives of the meeting were to sign a cooperation agreement and discuss areas of cooperation between the supervisory agencies. The document was signed by Alexei Aleshin, Rostechandzor Chairman, and Anne Myhrvold, PSA Director General.

“We have been working on the preparation of the agreement since 2019, and by now we have passed all the internal state approval procedures. With our common effort, we have laid the foundation for further cooperation and will be able to effectively develop the exchange between our agencies,” Chairman Aleshin stated.

In her turn, Director General Myhrvold emphasized that exchanging good practices for monitoring the compliance with mandatory requirements is very important for improving the efficiency of both agencies and the agreement would be a new significant stage of cooperation.

The signed document states that cooperation between the agencies will be carried out in the following areas:

- development of the regulatory framework in the field of industrial safety regulation at the oil and gas industrial facilities;

- licensing activities;

- supervisory activities in the field of industrial safety at the oil and gas industrial facilities.

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