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Alexey Ferapontov took part in the Northeast Asia Nuclear Safety Cooperation Conference in the Republic of Korea


On October 22-23, 2015, in Republic of Korea, Seoul, Deputy Chairman of Rostechnadzor Alexey Ferapontov took part in the Northeast Asia Nuclear Safety Cooperation Conference (The 3rd Top Regulators’ Meeting Plus).

20151022094527-A26U6485.jpgThe meeting’s agenda comprised four plenary sessions on the following matters:

- Constructive Review on the IAEA Fukushima Daiichi Accident from the Perspective of Regional Cooperation in Nuclear Safety in Northeast Asia;

- Nuclear Safety Culture;

- Summary and Review Session;

- Way Forward to improve Nuclear Safety Cooperation in Northeast Asia.

During the Conference four topical Symposiums was also held:

- Cooperation on Nuclear Safety Regulations;

- Cooperation on Emergency Preparedness Response of Nuclear Accidents;

- Cooperation on Nuclear Safety R&D;

- Cooperation on Nuclear Reactor Operators.

On October 23, the participants visited the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) in Daejeon and took a technical tour to KAERI safety research facilities.

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