Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today—or
become a member and
join our community of long-term thinkers from around the world.
Membership starts at $8/month and only takes a few minutes to
set up.
The Long Now Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization
and our tax identification number is 68-0384748.
All donations, minus the
fair market
value of any goods and services, are tax-deductible.
Please don't forget to ask your employer about any charitable
gift matching opportunities.
We gladly accept one-time donations via
credit card.
Checks can be mailed to:
The Long Now Foundation
P.O. Box 475668
San Francisco, CA 94147
We also accept ACH, cryptocurrency, stock, and wire transfers.
Please email
[email protected]
for account transfer details.
If you would like to include The Long Now Foundation in your
will, please contact
[email protected] to
learn more about our gift acceptance policy and our suggested
bequest language.
If you have any questions, please contact us directly at
[email protected].