Meet the 2021 class of TED Fellows

TED Fellows

Meet the 2021 class of TED Fellows


The TED Fellows program is thrilled to announce the 2021 cohort of TED Fellows, whose work spans five continents and represents 14 countries — including, for the first time, Peru. Each TED Fellow was selected for their remarkable achievements, the potential impact of their work and their commitment to community building. This year’s TED Fellows []

TED@Work reimagines TED Talks for workplace learning


TED@Work reimagines TED Talks for workplace learning


Inspire new ways of working with TED@Work. Request a demo here. 2020 required businesses to embrace change like never before, and reminded them what’s needed to stay afloat: more innovation, more authenticity and more brave conversations. They looked to TED for help. For years, learning and development teams at companies have reached out to TED []

Become a TED member and help build a better future


Become a TED member and help build a better future


An invitation to join a special new membership at TED. Learn more at Dear TED Friend, First of all, thank you for watching TED Talks. We’d be nothing without our global community of lifelong learners. We have something new and truly special to offer you. A membership that can take your engagement with TED []

TED launches TED Audio Collective for podcasts


TED launches TED Audio Collective for podcasts


On February 22, 2021, TED launches the TED Audio Collective to house its growing collection of podcasts. While broadly known for its global conferences and signature TED Talk videos, TED is also one of the top podcast publishers in the world. TED podcasts are downloaded 1.65 million times per day in virtually every country on []

An update on the #MysteryExperiment


An update on the #MysteryExperiment


As you may recall, we’ve been promoting a #MysteryExperiment at TED. Today we can share with you a few more details. It’s unusual and, potentially, really significant. With funding from an anonymous donor couple in the TED community and under advisement from leading university researchers, we are giving away $2 million in the form of []

Fairness and Our Future: A day of talks in partnership with the UNDP


Fairness and Our Future: A day of talks in partnership with the UNDP

How do we ensure that tomorrow is better than today, not just for ourselves but also for future generations and the entire planet? Fairness is ultimately the central challenge of sustainable development — development that benefits all, without harming or leaving any behind. At TED Salon: Fairness and Our Future — a virtual program presented []