Life in Colour

To find out more about this year’s photo challenge here on Travel Words, please read this post.

This month we will be looking for Pink. A delicate colour that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, babies, little girls, cotton candy, and sweetness.

Not all pinks are pastel – these deep pink waterlilies pop out from amongst the blue-green leaves.

“I gave to pink
the nerve of the red,
a neon pink,
an unreal pink.”
~ Ella Schiaparelli

What unusual shades of pink can you find?

Flashback Friday #16

A nostalgic look at Geneva whilst on a visit there in late September 2009.

Postcard from Genève
Place du Bourg-de-Four
Place du Bourg-de-Four

I am sitting here outside Chez Ma Cousine ‘on y mange du poulet’, (literal translation – at the house of my cousin one only eats chicken) which is just one of the little cafés in the square, having a rest after walking around the Old Town (lots of ups and downs and cobbled streets), sipping a large café crème. The sun is shining and it has been another very warm day for late September, so the shade of the umbrella above me is welcome. The Place du Bourg is lovely!

Geneva, fountains and flowersThis is the centre of the Old Town and has an 18th century flowered fountain, which I am sitting next to. I have got into fountains in a big way since coming to Genève – they are everywhere, and all so different, flowers, sculptures, swans – fascinating!

As I look around me I notice that this spot attracts lots of little sparrows alternating between sips of water and splashing in the fountain to cheekily trying to pinch crumbs off the tables. They land on the tables and chairs all around me, but are too quick for my camera, though I manage to capture one poised on the edge of the fountain, with his back towards me, of course! There is the sound of someone playing a recorder, badly, from within one of the apartments in the square. Shutters and windows wide open to the sun and the constant murmur of people in conversation buzzes in the background. Continue reading Flashback Friday #16

Life in Colour

To find out more about this year’s photo challenge here on Travel Words, please read this post.

This month we will be looking for Pink. A delicate colour that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, babies, little girls, cotton candy, and sweetness.

AND salt!

Pink is my favourite colour.
I used to say my favourite colour was black
to be cool,
but it is pink.”
~ Roxane Gay

Can you find any edible pinkS?