Adrià Mercader


When not in front of a computer I'm usually picking up toys or cooking. ex-Geordie, Tarraco boi now. core dev. Working at .

Tarragona | The Internet
Joined April 2010


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    12 Nov 2015

    CSV or it didn't happen

  2. Jun 18

    I've been playing around with online maps and vector tiles after a long while, it felt really refreshing! I'll try to write up a post soon

  3. Retweeted
    Jun 18

    Saludos! Podéis consultar todos los tweets publicados (y los que quedan!) en el nuevo mapa interactivo: 🤖

    Captura de pantalla del mapa interactivo de Munibot Es
  4. Jun 16
  5. Jun 15

    Really interesting job opportunity for a Data Engineer to join the team 👇

  6. Jun 11

    Over 3000 users starred the main repo! 🤩 Onwards to 4k!

    The CKAN main repo has over 3000 stars on GitHub
  7. Jun 8

    I guess lots of people are going to learn what "fastly" and "CDN" mean today 🔥

  8. Jun 3

    All meeting platforms are terrible in their own way but Microsoft Teams gets the prize today. "No big deal", but maybe don't do it while I'm on call and sharing my screen to others...

    Microsoft Teams acting up
  9. May 27

    Lol I think someone at pressed "Send All" with the wrong recipients Obvs I wasn't planning on visiting Leeds anytime soon but also don't think ever signed up to receive emails from them. GDPR request incoming?

  10. May 27

    Who wouldn't want to join Andrés and the rest of the amazing team at ? Still time to apply for our open Senior Dev position:

  11. Retweeted

    Job: We are looking for a Senior Developer with at least 5 years experience to work on the development of an organisation-wide data exchange platform based on . Details: Apply by 6th June 2021. Please RT to help us spread the word.

  12. Retweeted
    May 19

    New patch releases available for all supported CKAN versions! Important bugs and security issues addressed so we encourage all site maintainers to upgrade:

  13. May 17
    A notebook with three different color pens on top
  14. Retweeted
    May 13

    Meet - the newest member of the GitHub Stars Program ⭐! Serah is a writer, computer scientist and developer advocate dedicated to building and empowering developer communities.

  15. May 13

    Looking slick! 💅 Thanks to all involved in building the new site, specially folks

  16. Retweeted
    May 6

    Work with good people at Open Knowledge!

  17. May 5

    I can't believe I have to state this in 2021 but here we go: Open Source project maintainers are not your company employees

  18. Retweeted
    Apr 26

    My team is looking for an experienced full stack developer to join an established project using and React. All details in the post, including $$, happy to answer questions via DM or email (check )

    Show this thread
  19. Retweeted
    Apr 26
  20. Apr 26

    Apart from the multiple projects mention, everything in this thread still applies: remote, flexible hours, different tech, great team

    Show this thread

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