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A meeting of the Open Knowledge Foundation board was held at 6.30pm to 8.30pm at Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London SE1 0SU on Wednesday 11th March 2015.

Present: Karin Christiansen, Tom Cobbold

Observing: Rufus Pollock, Fiona Thompson

Apologies: Jane Silber, Helen Turvey, James Casbon, Paula Ledieu

Attending for selected agenda items:

    Edward Finch, Partner at Buzzacott, (Audit)

    Penny Handscomb, Omidyar Network, (Organisational Development)


  • Audit update
    • The audited accounts are now ready for submission having been reviewed both by the Head of Operations and the Finance Subgroup lead by Tom Cobbold. The accounts are approved by the board subject to the agreed minor amendment to cut unnecessary text from the introductory preamble. As a matter of courtesy, since a change was made, we would like to circulate the amended accounts to the rest of the board.
  • Review of Minutes of Last Meeting
    • Minutes of the last meeting were approved by the board
  • Review of Actions
    • Actions from the last board meeting were reviewed. All are in progress except for one minor item
  • Organisational Development update
    • Penny Handscomb and Fiona Thompson shared their insights based on working with Open Knowledge over the last few months.
    • The President (Rufus Pollock) reiterated his excitement to have a new ED on board and his commitment to supporting them in leading Open Knowledge going forward.
    • It was agreed that there was a likely need to hire at a reasonably senior level in both HR and possibly Operations (Finance side). This is obviously not a Board decision but the Board’s input to the executive team was welcomed.
  • ED recruitment status
    • The Board and the Executive Team are very happy with the selected short-list and looking forward to final interviews and making a selection.
  • Consideration of new board member
    •  Tim Hubbard was unanimously approved as a new Board Member
  • Management Accounts
    • Management Accounts up to January were reviewed. We show a small surplus year to date. February accounts are in progress and will be available soon.
  •     AOB
  •     Meeting close
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