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A meeting of the Open Knowledge Board was held in London and virtually via Hangout on 13th January, 2016.
Present: Karin Christiansen (KC) - Chair, Jane Silber (JS), Tim Hubbard (TH) and Helen Turvey (HT) (via Hangout)
Observing: Pavel Richter (PR); Michelle Heydon (MH) (for part), and Naomi Lillie (NL) (via Hangout)
Apologies: Paula le Dieu, Martin Tisné
The Minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and approved. Actions were reviewed and updated.
Reconciliation adjustments have been undertaken for 2014-15. Budget and project management process will take into account review-points to consider whether expenditure is reflected by effort invested.
Viderum accounts will be tracked separately and be presented regularly at Board meetings. Viderum has separate accounts from 1st Oct with all business currently going through OKI, including all contracts for staff and work; migrating customers across is being managed on a project/agreement case-by-case basis. The loan from OKI (to set up Viderum, of up to £135K) is being monitored by Mark Gibbs. The granularity of accounting required for Viderum needs more than project codes within the OKI book-keeping tool, and this will be addressed through Viderum and OKI financial processes. Sebastian Moleski to be invited to regular meetings, to provide a report to PR in front of Board. PR will update the timeline for transferring over projects, staff, etc from OKI to Viderum, for the next Board meeting.
PR presented a proposal which was adjusted to reflect the following agreed points:
ACTION: PR to update policy in line with the above and to include the £200K allocation for reserves in next year's budget
PR presented his plan for ongoing revision of budget process and the Theory of Change. These will reflect overall strategic planning, with the key objective to refocus and manage resources on our own objectives and move away from undertaking projects based on funder's available funds and topic preference. OKI would seek large-scale funding for specific ideas and priority areas. Furthermore, the team would know what is expected of each individual and how the different projects fit into the organisation as a whole. There will be 3-yearly budgets prepared which are then firmed-up on an annual basis. PR will seek Board approval of the finalised Theory of Change.
PR outlined his thoughts around International Employment. He noted that current contractors - which currently include himself and Sander van der Waal - would be excellent fits for line-management and other management tasks, but cannot do that under the current international employment rules. PR proposed to the Board that OKI employs people in the UK, NL and DE, using Professional Employment Organizations (PEOs) to minimize the organisational and financial risks for OKI. PR also proposed that employment in countries other than UK, NL and DE should be evaluated on a case by case basis by the CEO.
The objective of the assessment criteria is to promote growth as a manager, provide feedback, and to determine any bonuses. The approach will include 360 feedback as tool to assess management performance, which won’t be quantitative in the same way that fundraising targets are. The Board will determine targets and iterate the assessment measures.
PR issued an update, including on the President’s transition to a non-executive role, an ongoing legal issue, the current status of hiring, two new Chapters to be announced, and a project to update and streamline our financial systems.
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