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A meeting of the Open Knowledge board was held on 14th January 2015 at Mozilla, 101 St Martin's Lane, Covent Garden, London.

Present: Karin Christiansen, Tom Cobbold (remote), Helen Turvey (remote), Jane Silber, Paula Ledieu

Observing: Rufus Pollock, Fiona Thompson, Martin Tisne

Apologies: James Casbon

Review of Minutes:

  • Minutes from November 2014 meeting were approved

Review of Actions:

  • Conflict of interest forms for audit:
    • these have all now been submitted
  • ED Recruitment Status:
    • Long list received, interesting and diverse group. Large number of applicants, good international representation.
  • International engagement: Board unanimously chose to:
    • Limit employment to the UK (continuing to engage outside of the UK through contractor relationships where that is appropriate)
    • Introduce a new clause to both contractor and employee contracts, requiring notice if they intend to relocate to a new country, so that we can plan and respond appropriately.
  • Business strategy:
    • organizational development and culture Summit next week will be an important and key opportunity to align the organization.
    • We are looking, as planned, to do a strategy refinement in the near term
  • Audit Update
  • OKFestival
    • We have decided not to run an OKFestival in 2015 in order to provide a proper runway for OKFestival in 2016 and to allow us to support events in the Open Knowledge Network such as the OKFestival Asia-Pacific
    • Board strongly supportive and encouraging of a more general move to a 2-year iteration
  • AOB
    • EC Audit question. Board advice was to take this forward to appeal.
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