In our mission to recruit, develop and train those who serve our nation, it is critically important that our Navy employs the most effective and sophisticated means available to train our Navy’s newest Sailors into skilled combat-ready warfighters who are both disciplined and tough. Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL) provides the mechanism to modernize our institutional training system.

RRL is a long-term investment in improving individual Sailor performance and enhancing fleet readiness with three major components that address the WHEN, HOW and WHERE we train.

First, the WHEN. RRL delivers the right training at the right time in the right way so that Sailors are ready to operate their equipment at the extreme technical end of its capability to win the high-end fight. RRL delivers training at the most appropriate time in a Sailor’s career. That learning continuum does not stop at today’s “A” school – it includes training that targets each operational tour throughout a Sailors’ career, as opposed to the recent past’s “one and done” approach.

Second, the HOW. RRL leverages training technology that ranges from simple visual demonstration tools such as YouTube-like videos to more complex, immersive simulators and virtual trainers. These modern tools increase the number of training "reps and sets" a Sailor can perform and build upon muscle memory before actually interacting with physical equipment or systems. RRL shifts our focus from rote memorization to “hands on” performance-based fundamentals and in many instances will build “experience” within a modern training environment.

Lastly, the WHERE. At its conclusion, RRL will deliver modernized training material to the actual point of need. That means training that will be resident on the waterfront, flight line and eventually available on our afloat units.

RRL is a tremendous modernization effort, requiring collaboration across multiple stakeholders throughout the Navy, all in the interest of meeting future fleet requirements. At its core, RRL is about creating more proficient and technically capable Sailors as they head to operational fleet units.

Career-Long Learning Continuum

Learning roadmaps that link requirements with real-world fleet needs so that Sailors get the right training at the right time throughout their careers.

Block Learning (2017 - 2022)
Current accession-level training is redistributed over first sea/shore tour.

Enhanced, Accessible Learning (2018 - 2025)
The learning continuum is expanded to include intermediate and expert, plus multiple paths.

Modernized, On-Demand, Fleet-Responsive Learning (2020 and Beyond)
Non-technical training is added to the continuum, and the Sailor's control is increased.

Improved individual performance and enhanced mission readiness.

Ready, Relevant Learning Block Learning

Block Learning is the first step towards completing a larger training initiative known as Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL). Block Learning revises current accession level initial training paths into blocks, which are redistributed over a Sailor's career.

The new process requires the return of fleet Sailors to receive additional training approximately 24 months after reporting to operational units, in order to complete required training modules and/or earn progressive Navy Enlisted Classifications (NECs).

Training is delivered at specific timeframes in a Sailor's career, and is referred to as 'blocks.' The definition of blocks is described below.

Block 0
Refers to all training occuring prior to report to a first command.  Examples:

  • Recruit Training Command (RTC)
  • Life Skills (LS)
  • Accession path, such as "A" or "C" schools

Block 1
Refers to formalized rate training that occurs during the first tour assignment with delivery targeted at 12 to 24 months after reporting aboard a Sailor's first command.

Block 1.X
If required, additional block training would occur at other times during the first sea tour and be referred to as Block 1.2, 1.3, and so forth.

Block 2
Refers to formalized rate training that occurs immediately prior to, or during, a second tour assignment.

Modern Delivery at Point of Need

Modernized content and multiple delivery options to accelerate learning, minimize atrophy, and provide on-the-job performance support.

Block Learning (2017 - 2022)
Current accession-level training is modernized to build proficiency when needed.

Enhanced, Accessible Learning (2018 - 2025)
The learning continuum has enhanced content with multiple delivery options available on the waterfront.

Modernized, On-Demand, Fleet-Responsive Learning (2020 and Beyond)
Robust training options and performance support is available at convenient locations.

Ready, Relevant Learning Modern Delivery at Point of Need

Integrated Content Development

Significant reductions in the cost and time for getting the most relevant training to the Fleet, thereby increasing agility in a rapidly changing world.

Block Learning (2017 - 2022)
Identifies fleet role in developing requirements and validating analysis.

Enhanced, Accessible Learning (2018 - 2025)
The processes, standards and resources are aligned to accelerate development

Modernized, On-Demand, Fleet-Responsive Learning (2020 and Beyond)
Rapid, responsive content control authority drives ongoing improvement.

Ready, Relevant Learning Integrated Content Development

Block Learning
Learning roadmaps that link requirements with real-world Fleet needs, so that Sailors get the right training at the right time throughout their careers.

Enhanced, Accessible Learning
Modernized content and multiple delivery options to accelerate learning, minimize atrophy, and provide on-the-job performance support.


Modernized, On-Demand, Fleet-Responsive Learning
Significant reductions in the cost and time for getting the most relevant training to the Fleet, thereby increasing agility in a rapidly changing world.


Improved individual performance and enhanced mission readiness.


RRL Roadmap

For Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL) to meet the real-world performance needs of our Navy, we rely on feedback from fleet leaders and Sailors. If YOU have a recommendation on how the MyNavy HR RRL team can improve its practices or if you have a good RRL story to share, please submit feedback using the form below or to the email address at [email protected]. The name and email address fields are optional in the form below so feedback can be submitted anonymously if desired.



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