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Kulturkontakt Nord

Seinustu ár hefur KKnord styrkt gestavinnustofu SÍM þannig að SÍM hefur haft tök á að bjóða myndlistarmönnum frá Norðurlöndunum og Eystrasaltsríkjunum til dvalar í Gestavinnustofum SÍM. Árið 2015 hefur SÍM unnið með Nýlistasafninu og Birtu Guðjónsdóttur sýningarstjóra við val á listamönnum.

Malene Dam sýningarstjóri frá Danmörku kemur í september. Malene mun fara í vinnustofuheimsóknir ásamt halda fyrirlestur um störf sín.

Emil Magnúsarson Borhammar frá Svíþjóð kemur í október. Emil mun vinna að einkasýningu í Nýlistasafninu á meðan dvöl stendur.

Virginija Januskeviciute og Valentinas Klimasauskas sýningarstjórar frá Litháen munu dvelja hjá okkur í desember. Þau munu vera með fyrirlestur og fara í vinnustofuheimsóknir.

SÍM var með opnar umsóknir fyrir listamenn sem höfðu áhuga að dvelja í gestavinnustofunni og er nú verið að vinna úr fjölmörgum áhugaverðum umsóknum sem bárust.

Þáttakendur / Participants
Valentinas to Iceland

Valentinas Klimašauskas 

Born after Voyager 1 left the Earth, Valentinas Klimašauskas is letters, but also a curator and writer interested in the robotics of belles-lettres and the uneven distribution of the future. His book B and/or an Exhibition Guide In Search of Its Exhibition published in 2014 by Torpedo Press, Oslo, contains written exhibitions that floated in time and space with or within a joke, one’s mind, Voyager 1, Chauvet Cave or inside the novel 2666 by Roberto Bolaño. More of his writings may be found at Selected Letters

Virginija Januskeviciute

Virginija Januškevičiūtė is curator at the Contemporary Art Centre in Vilnius and, most recently, curator of the XII Baltic Triennial. Guided by a motto-of-sorts, ‘What is an artwork today can be something else tomorrow‘, the Triennial is an eventful multi-exhibition project, the pilot programme of which included opening up the CAC staff kitchen for public events, a semester of interdisciplinary seminars at Vilnius Academy of Arts (both co-organised with Aurimė Aleksandravičiūtė and Jonas Žakaitis), and exhibitions ‘Prototypes’ and ‘Work-in-PrOgress’, the latter arranged by Dexter Sinister around their incantation/talk ‘The Last ShOt ClOck’. Apart of the Triennial’s main exhibition that closed in Vilnius in October 2015, the project’s further iterations are organised, in various scales and formats, for Krakow and Riga. The project will conclude with a gathering on an Estonian island in the Baltic in the summer of 2016.

Emil_An art film, stillbild


Emil Magnúsarson Borhammar holds a Master’s degree from Konstfack, the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, and a Bachelor’s degree from the Iceland Academy of the Arts. He has exhibited at among others: Studio 17, Husby Konsthall, ABF-Huset, Skövde kulturhus, Skövde Konstmuseum, Gothenburg Museum of Art, the City of Gothenburg’s Municipal Library, Liljevalchs’ Spring Salon and Skaraborgssalongen.


Malene Dam is a curator and artist currently based in Copenhagen and a recent graduate from the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College. She engages in an array of issues related to contemporary society, most recently with a strong focus on queer temporality, histories of feminism, education, and conflict. Her research-based practice addresses temporal and spatial notions of cultural collectivizations, inquiring how discourses situate themselves as knowledge. She holds a BFA from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, a MFA in Photography and Media from CalArts and a MA in Curatorial Studies from CCS Bard


Anna Ihle 2 mán/2 months Norway/sweden     

Eeva-Liisa Puhakka 1 mán/1 month Finland 

Idun Caroline Huse Baltzersen 1 mán/ 1 month Norway  

Ieva Saulīte 2 mán/2 months Latvia


Andris Marackoviskis 2 mán/2 months Latvia

Ellinor Aurora Aasgaard 2 mán/ 2 months Sweden

Johanna Adebäck 2 mán/2 months Sweden

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