For any shape, on its geometry object, there is a boundingBox
property. This property holds a THREE.Box3
object. This Box3
object consists of two THREE.Vector3
objects, min
and max
var geometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(...);
var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial(...);
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
var boundingBox = mesh.geometry.boundingBox.clone();
alert('bounding box coordinates: ' +
'(' + boundingBox.min.x + ', ' + boundingBox.min.y + ', ' + boundingBox.min.z + '), ' +
'(' + boundingBox.max.x + ', ' + boundingBox.max.y + ', ' + boundingBox.max.z + ')' );
For more complex shapes, like those loaded from JSON Object files, the bounding box property is undefined by default. It must be computed explicitly.
var loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader();
loader.load(imagePath, function(object){
geometry = object.children[0].children[0].geometry; // substitute the path to your geometry
geometry.computeBoundingBox(); // otherwise geometry.boundingBox will be undefined
var boundingBox = geometry.boundingBox.clone();
alert('bounding box coordinates: ' +
'(' + boundingBox.min.x + ', ' + boundingBox.min.y + ', ' + boundingBox.min.z + '), ' +
'(' + boundingBox.max.x + ', ' + boundingBox.max.y + ', ' + boundingBox.max.z + ')' );