Support » Fixing WordPress » JS-Error Live Composer

  • beatepw



    I have “inherited” a WordPress, as the corresponding employee who clicked this together is no longer there. For weeks I can not edit the texts, because it is created with Live Composer and in the frontend bottom left only a JS error message occurs:

    „Live Composer returned JS error
    uncaught exception: Sortable: el must be an HTMLElement, not [object Undefined]
    File „″, line 8, char 15659“

    How can I fix that? I urgently need to edit texts, have already tried to disable all possible plugins – without success. Theme is the “Scholarship Pro”.

    Thanks, Beate

    * WordPress 5.7.1
    * Live Composer 1.5.10
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    * Map Me (last 4 all recent versions)

    • This topic was modified 1 day ago by beatepw.
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