Support » Fixing WordPress » Cannot redeclare function

  • burbidgewebconsulting


    It has been a long while since I’ve used PHP so hopefully there is just a syntax error I am missing. When I try to insatiate a new CSVFile in class_add_product, I get the error: Cannot redeclare QuadLayers_init() (previously declared in …php:22) in … on line 22. Like it’s trying to go back to add_product and run the QuadLayers_init() again. How do I create a new object of another class type within a class. Or if I can’t, what’s the proper way to do this?

    In add_product.php:

    function QuadLayers_init()
    		require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).'class_add_product.php';
    		require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).'class_csvfile.php';
    		$run = new QuadLayers_class;
    In class_add_product.php:
    class QuadLayers_class{
          public $csv_filename = 'sample_data.csv';
          public function __construct(){
    		    $csv_file = new CSVFile('sample_data.csv');
    		public function import_csv(){
    		    $csv = new CSVFile($this->csv_filename);
    		    return $csv;
    In class_csvfile.php:
    class CSVFile extends SplFileObject
        private $keys;
        public function __construct($file)
        public function rewind()
            $this->keys = parent::current();
        public function current()
            return array_combine($this->keys, parent::current());
        public function getKeys()
            return $this->keys;
    • This topic was modified 5 days, 14 hours ago by burbidgewebconsulting.
    • This topic was modified 5 days, 14 hours ago by burbidgewebconsulting.
    • This topic was modified 5 days, 3 hours ago by Yui. Reason: please use CODE button for code formatting
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